Android :: Emulator Does Not Show Signal Bars

Aug 6, 2010

I have a problem with my android emulator. it does not shows network bars when i run it, instead it shows a cross over there. The problem existed from the day i installed emulator.

Android :: emulator does not show signal bars

Samsung Captivate :: WiFi Signal Appears To Show Less Bars Than Other Phones

Jul 19, 2010

I had 1.25hrs of talk time use 60% of my battery. Not a good sign. Also, the reception has been very unstable, wavering between 1 and 3 bars all over town. My cheap Nokia go phone I was using had 4-5 bars everywhere. The wi-fi signal appears to show less bars than my other phones.

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HTC Hero :: Signal Bars

Aug 26, 2010

on the gsm hero, you can have a maximum of 4 bars of signal, where as on the sprint hero, you can have alot more, 8 i think, is there anyway to get more bars on the gsm hero, like 8 bars?

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HTC Incredible :: Signal Vs Bars

Aug 7, 2010

While at my house and playing with both the Incredible and X, I noticed that the Incredible had only one bar, while my X had full signal. My first reaction was, "I can't keep a phone that has poor service at my house!"

But after looking into it further, I found that the dbm was almost spot on for both phones. It turns out, it's probably a software issue regarding displaying the bars rather than an actual signal problem. My call quality has been great so far with no issues.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Signal Dead Despite All Bars Of 4G

Aug 14, 2010

I tested my Evo side by side with a display model at Best Buy that I knew would be in good working order.
My 3G speeds were less than half the speeds of the display, and since this was my second Evo with the exact same problem, the chances of me getting two bad phones with the exact same problem were slim to none. This would mean that I was doing something to screw up the phones. I didn't think of the fact that their display was on WiFi. So just this weekend I tested an Evo at the Sprint store that one of the associates had. Same issue with his phone : 4G is great, then drops down to slow 4G, and suddenly dives into 3G at such a slow speed that it kicks you offline.

Earlier today here in Austin TX, I managed to get my best reading ever for my phone - over 7 Mbps. This was a short lived burst, and two minutes later all signal was completely dead. In order to get signal again i had to restart the phone. This happened twice to me today, even with two restarts. The strange thing is that despite having absolutely no signal what-so-ever, the phone shows a full five bars of 4G.

(^ I have now come to realize that I was looking at the 3G signal bars here. The phone still showed 4G, no rings, but all bars of 3G. Despite this, the online connection dropped. When I posted this thread, I didn't know that my issues were a result of the transition from 4G down to a super slow 3G )

I tried placing a call, and was able to do so, but the quality was poor.

At the time that this happens, I am stationary and no more than a few thousand feet from the tower ( I can actually see it easily - about four blocks away )

I would just guess that the bars being shown were just a freezing error, but i
frequently see a full five or even six bars with rings of 4G, despite speeds of less than 2 Mbps. Apparently, something is screwwy with the way the bars are displayed.

Today is Saturday, so I can understand heavy traffic killing some signal, but why does the phone show full strength, and why does it just completely kill all signal that drastically ?

Sprint has admitted to me that there is a problem with the towers in the Austin area, and even offered to send me a signal booster ( which they now tell me that i will have to buy. )

So - just wondering, is this sort of thing is normal, and if so what causes it ?

Using latest 2.2 update on Evo.
This is my second Evo - the first phone also showed fluctuating signal problems, and Sprint had me return it.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Triangle Above My Signal Strength Bars

Jul 19, 2010

I just noticed a triangle above my signal strength bars. what does that mean?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Signal Bars - Any Indication Of 3G Strength

Sep 28, 2010

I've noticed that even with 3G turned off, I get the standard signal bars. I assume these bars represent the signal strength for voice/text usage, of course, but do they have anything to do with 3G signal strength as well?

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Motorola Droid X :: Signal Bars Vs Dbm

Oct 10, 2010

I've noticed on my phone sometimes my dbm would be -83 and I would only have 1 bar and other times it would have 3-4 bars at -83dbm. Sometimes I would only be getting -96 yet the bars would be full (all instances I was in 3G mode) do the bars take into account anything else besides dbm?

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HTC Droid Eris :: No Signal Where I Usually Have 2 - 3 Bars / Fix To This?

May 10, 2010

I notice no signal where i would usually have 2 or 3 bars. is there a fix to this? cause its draining my battery if i look at battery usage. i heard doing airplane mode or something fixes it but idk.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Signal Issue - Never Get More Than 2 Bars

May 26, 2010

No matter where I am I NEVER get more than 2 bars and more often than not, there's only 1 bar! Really? I'm not convinced it is only cosmetic. I seem to get most of my calls, but occasionally they go through to voicemail even though I've got the phone right next to me. It is so frustrating to be in the house with no signal! I always had at least 3 signals in my house.

Has anyone contacted Verizon about this? It is the only thing bothering me from 2.1 upgrade. Other than that I find the phone is truly awesome, but it IS a phone! However, I'm afraid to call Verizon tech people who always seem to go through the basics without any real regard to your issue, and have the screw up the phone with some random setting they want to try.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Signal Strength/Bars

Mar 21, 2010

Couldnt find my answer on the previous topics. But my phone on verizon hardly has full signal. Im running 2.1 on a brand new phone that i bought off a guy from craigslist. It seems my signal is only 1 to 2 bars most of the time, giving me around -86dbm. Sometimes it will be 3 bars, then it drops to one or none. Wondering if this is killing my battery too. Is there some update that fixes this? Or some test to perform if whats happeneing is normal or what?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Signal Bars After Update

Dec 14, 2009

Really interested to find out if in fact the fluctuating signal bars (and numeric value in settings) are fixed or not. I'm reading various things. Dealbreaker for me if it's not. I realize it's a UI issue only but how would I know the real signal strength if I'm say traveling and outside my usual comfort zone as to known coverage?

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Motorola Droid :: Signal Bars Innacurate

Dec 20, 2009

It says 4 bars, but when i dial someone it goes down to 1 or 2 bars. Then when i hang up it goes back to 4. Then i go into about phone and it says -102 dBm, which does not equal 4 bars. SO why is it accurate only when i'm on a call?

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Motorola Droid :: Change The Look Of The Signal Bars

Jan 24, 2010

Is there a way i can change it so it shows 5 bars instead of 4 for the signal strength?

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: No Bars At All - How To Boost My Signal

Sep 21, 2010

I used to have an HTC Touch Pro 2, which had excellent reception inside my office. I purchased (or dare I say... upgraded to) the Epic 4G about 2 weeks ago and this phone has NO signal inside my office. Occassionally I'll get the roaming symbol, but for the most part I have no bars at all.

How could 2 phones have such different reception? The cell towers have not moved!

I've read the 4G network was launched in Orlando yesterday. I'm in Orlando and haven't been able to get a 4G signal yet. I would be happy with a consistent 3G signal. Or even 2G if that exists. Just give me a connection!

ALSO my BatteryMinder tells me when the battery is fully charged so I can unplug the charger. Last night I got the fully-charged alert in the middle of the night, so I unplugged the phone. Woke up this morning to 66% battery remaining. I know there are tons of posts about ending tasks, lowering screen brightness, etc. - all which I have done - but is there a stronger battery I can purchase? I'm not making it even 1/2 a day without charging. What an inconvenience!

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HTC EVO 4G :: Signal - Low Bars Inside Of My House/office

Jul 31, 2010

On my EVO, my time without a signal is usually over 90%. I live in a good coverage area, but low bars inside of my house/office (both the same, where I am all day) I put on airplane mode for kicks, and in 12hrs, the battery dropped only 10%. So that being said, it seems to me as if there is a definite conclusion between signal strength and battery life. Any suggestions? and yes, I did the GSM-DCMA trick .

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General :: Signal Bars Don't Turn Blue

Mar 6, 2013

my 4g and signal bars don't turn blue. they didnt on my old phone, and wont on my new phone.

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General :: Change Color Of Signal Bars?

Sep 19, 2011

Change color of signal bars?


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HTC Droid Eris :: When Cover The Side Signal Bars Seem To Go Down

Mar 10, 2010

So my virgin mobile phone that I had a while ago had this same problem, but less severe. I had fluctuations in the signal strength. Cover the side of the phone and the signal will go down, uncover, signal goes up.

Basically what I found, or in this case hypothesize, is that the internal antenna may be somewhere on one of the sides of the phone. When you cover the side the signal bars seem to go down. Hold the phone on the top corner and they may go back up. I've done this in a few places around my usual usage areas and all seem to follow this trend. Im not saying that correlation leads to causation, but im just saying maybe we're overlooking something here. This usually happens on the right side. However, I am puzzled that this would mean flesh interferes with radio waves...Also, I'm not complaining or questioning why as I've read several other threads on this issue and side with those who think the bars mean nothing. I've been able to make perfectly good phone calls with 0 bars, no dropped calls, and perfect sound quality.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Signal Strenth - Number Of Bars

Jul 16, 2010

For those who own the phone who also prior to purchasing this phone, had a different t-mobile device, have you noticed any signal strength differences between your old device and new vibrant. Is your signal strength good, full bars?

Just curious because I was playing around with this phone today. Noticed it kept going from max 1 bar to zero bars inside the t-mobile store, while my t-mobile device had full bars.

guess what I picked up first myself, is popping up all over the net and being confirmed.. seems like this phone has iphone issues. here is a galaxy with similar problem this problem is popping up everywhere online.

Look at this youtube video.

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Motorola Droid :: GPS - Signal Bars -Battery Life

Oct 23, 2010

As of the last 2 weeks or so I would say, a few problems have come up with my D1.

The first is the GPS never can locate my phone anymore when im in maps. It just continues to say trying to locate, and does nothing else. It used to locate just fine, and basically has just stopped.

Second is I loose all of my signal bars and then have no service according to my phone.

Third is my battery life has just turned to complete crap. I had it fully charged this morning before I left at 10:30, and it was dead by 4. Did a few occasional texts, nothing else and it was done.

All of these things literally came out of no where, didn't change kernels or anything else that I can think of. I am running CM6 with one of P3's kernels.

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HTC Magic :: Connectivity / Signal Strength Showing Couple Of Bars

Jul 21, 2009

I have a rogers branded and locked magic that I am using in toronto. My device is not rooted, yet. I have had an issue recently where my phone will not be able to use any data, even though i have a connection to the rogers network. I looked at my phone and noticed an error in the notification bar that showed an exclamation point next to the sync symbol (for syncing to my exchange server). At first I thought it was a server issue and proceeded to try to manually get it to sync several times, but it would not.

I noticed that my signal strength showed a couple of bars, but there was no indication that data was being transmitted (usually I see the G or H over some arrows). I opened the browser to see if it would connect to the internet and sure enough it would not. It happened on sat and now it happened again this morning. I tried pulling powering it off and on, pulling the battery, etc, with no luck. Each time I had to go into the network settings and select the rogers network before it would work again. The rogers network showed as my provider and the APN showed rogers as well.

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Motorola Droid :: 2. 1 3g Suddenly Drops And Signal Bars Blinking?

Apr 2, 2010

My 3g all of a sudden disappeared and my signal bars were flashing . Its back now after a reboot but never had issues before and I was staying in one spot. Hope it doesn't become an issue

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Motorola Droid X :: Weird Phone Indicator Next To The Signal Bars

Jul 18, 2010

I'm just trying to figure out what the heck that indicator is. Sorry, I'm a little new to all this. It looks like the phone but to the left is a weird squiggly line.

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Android : Apple Store Bars Loses Signal When Cover Bottom Left Corner Of Phone

Aug 8, 2010

It was earlier this evening in fact. I went with my friends to check out the iphone 4 for the first time. So i decided to try and see the reception problem for myself. I took out my nexus one and did a side by side comparison. However to my surprise the iphone 4 was already at 2 bars the moment i picked it up, no idea why as my nexus one (Which was on the SAME carrier btw) had more bars on it at the same time. I carried on with the test anyway. You guys can guess the result.

The bars didn't drop completely as the coverage in Singapore is much better. But that doesn't mean it had better reception than my nexus one.

But the interesting thing was the lady beside me noticed us and asked "what are you trying to prove?". So while her daughter plays with the ipad, I kindly explained to her the whole issue with the iphone 4's revolutionary antenna having a ******ed flaw by which it loses signal when you cover the bottom left corner of the phone, unlike my phone which did not suffer as much as a drop. She then proceeded to saying "But they fixed the problem if you use the bumpers right?". Thats when i explained that you should not rely on a silly bumper case to improve reception when the actual problem lies with the antenna's design itself. But again she said "but the problem is fixed with the case right?". With one of the store sales person watching us the entire time, i still carried on and said "no it doesn't solve the problem, it only prevents it from happening". So we continued playing with the phone and she asked "you all are not fans of apple are you?". Trying not to be so direct, i just said "I actually used to have an iphone, but i didn't like it so i got this instead *shows nexus one*".

Ive never done this kind of thing before, so it was kinda thrilling. Especially when you know the staff is looking at you pseudo-promoting a rival phone. After looking at the iphone 4, i really think it does look beautiful, but it will still be crippled by the limitations of the OS regardless of how you jailbreak it. When i left the store i kinda hoped i shed some light into that lady's decision on whether or not to buy an iphone 4 or any other phone (Android or non-android).

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HTC Droid Eris :: Signal Bars Grayed Out - Applications Force Closes

Jan 27, 2010

This has happened to me three times since getting my phone a little over a month ago. The four signal bars at the top go gray and an 'X' appears over the top of them. After this happens, all of my applications force close. The first time this happened, I took my phone to Verizon and they said they have never seen or heard of this happening so they just swapped out my phone for a brand new one. This worked for a day, until the same thing happened. Instead of waiting in line at Verizon for 3 hours again, I called customer service. The lady said it could be from an app. So I just decided to do a hard reset on my phone. It has worked for about 2 weeks and now its at it again.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Weak Wifi Signal / Router D-LINK To Have Full Bars

Sep 4, 2010

I own the i9000 about a week nowI noticed that the wifi reception is very bad compared with my iPhone 3GS(even in my house i have one bar;and i have to stick the phone to the router D-LINK to have full bars)I want to know is it "normal" is it an individual problem or all the devices had the same issue ?Is it related to hardware or software bug ?Can this problem be solved with Froyo ?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Doesnt Saying 3G - Shows Bars Doesnt Even Show 1X

Sep 7, 2010

It seems as if my phone doesnt saying 3G it just shows bars doesnt even show 1X. Im wondering if there is a setting im missing or do i need to reset/update something.

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Android :: Testing Telephony Signal Strength Changes In Emulator?

Mar 29, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to manipulate the emulator to simulate telephony signal strength changes.

I would like to test code that uses TelephonyManager.listen() with LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS.

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Android :: No Phone Signal In Emulator 2.1 - Disable Network Connections

Apr 30, 2010

I only get a phone signal about a third of the times i start the emulator. I've read on these groups that you have to have an internet connection before starting the emulator. Since i'm connected to the internet 24/7 :) this is not the problem I've also read somewhere that you should try do disable all other network connections (which i've done) and the problem persists. I'm using Windows 7 and Android 2.1 + API's emulator. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to android

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