Android :: Create Customized Views For AppWidgets?

Jan 22, 2010

There is a given set of predefinied Views that can be used in layouts for AppWidgets. How can a customized View added to this list?

The minimum requirement is that the class is annotated with RemoteView. What else is necessary to be acceptable as view in the layout.xml?

Android :: create customized Views for AppWidgets?

Android :: Programmatically Create / Destroy AppWidgets?

Mar 5, 2010

Is it possible to programmatically create and/or destroy AppWidgets?

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Android :: How To Make Use Of Views Defined In Layout XML File As Template To Create Views Programmatic Way

Feb 28, 2010

I want to populate a table, defined in layout xml file through the programmatic way. I have define Table with a single row defining its header, with all the attributes set. Now i want to know a way so that i can just replicate that header row in the table with new content.

I tried using inflator inflate(int,view) method, but at runtime it showed up with error.

Here is the XML code for the layout file defining the table


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Android :: Way To Create Proportional Views?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to create a full-screen page that looks like this:

| -------- --------------------------- |
|| || TextView ||
|| | --------------------------- |
|| Image | ----------------- -------- |
|| View || || ||
|| || TextView || ||
|| || || Image ||
|| || || View ||
| -------- ----------------- | ||
| --------------------------- | ||
|| TextView || ||
| --------------------------- -------- |

where each ImageView takes up at most 20% of the parent layout's width.

Primary question: Really...what is the best way to do this? After hours of searching, the best idea I can come up with is to get the screen's width and simply set the views' widths to be a max of 20% of that. However, this intuitively does not seem like a best-practice solution. (Eg. if the application wasn't running in full screen, this solution wouldn't work.) A LinearLayout won't work with the way the page is laid out (appears I have to use a RelativeLayout). And I think it would be preferable to set the views' widths based on the parent view's width (as opposed to the screen's width), but I'm not clear on how to do that either, because at the time that I'm trying to set up the widths of my children views, parentView.getWidth() returns 0. Does anyone have any good, clean solutions for how to create a page as shown above?

Secondary question: Does anyone know how to wrap text around images as shown above? After still more hours of searching, I couldn't find a solution for this; seems like you need to stitch together a couple of TextViews. Is there a better way that I'm missing?

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Android : How Can Create Dynamic Views?

May 19, 2009

I am creating one quiz application, for question page i have created one view by using Linear layout in that i have added four TextAreas, first TextArea for question and reaming three are for answer cell. so now, when user select the answer cell i want to show next question screen for that i am thinking of creating new view. means some questions may have two answers so i want to create that at run time. how to create new view at run time ? and how to switch for new view.

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Android :: Create Views At Run Time And Efficiently?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a case where I have add to listview textview based on no of messages.

1) I am doing like this for.


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Android :: Create Multiply Views Screen?

May 23, 2010

I want to create an activity, which shows a question with 4 answers, and at the bottom of the screen i want to place a timer. i have already found timer example, and i created a question with the answers. the problem that they are 2 different projects and activities, and i am looking for the best way to implement it. i think i can't show 2 activities on one screen, but i can show 2 views or shell i use the ViewGroup, or maybe to copy-paste one of the activities code to another ( its the easiest way but probably the most ugliest way to implement it).

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Android :: Create Custom Text Views?

Oct 2, 2010

I am parsing the url to display the contents in it, my requirement i have to display the each content in separate textviews.

For Instance: Let us assume the contents in that url are FootBall, Carom , chess, VolleyBall and so on . I want to display FootBall as a individual textview similarly others. so i cannot declare the textviews in xml what i usually do.


So i planned to create textview via java code

This is my parsing code which parse the url contents and store the result in a string array namely san_tagname; depending upon the length of this variable i want to create number of textviews.


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Android :: Generate / Create Ids For Views That Are Created Dynamically?

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to dynamically create a interface using a relative layout. I would like to align different views with each other and am finding the need to know the id of a previously created view so that I can use them in subsequent layout params.

Is there a preferred or best way to generate or create ids for views that are created dynamically?

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Android :: Views And Their Child Views - How To Avoid The Ugly - Boxes - When Child Views In A View Has Another Color Than Background

Jan 6, 2010

I have a simple ListView and on that ListView I have placed a number of custom defined Views. The CustomView has ImageView and two TextViews.

The CustomView also has a "stateful drawable" as background, so that the background image (a 9-patch) changes if you press the Row in the ListView. When pressing the Row, the background image changes to a Red-ish thing.

The problem is that when the background changes from the default greyish, all the Views in the CustomView (ImageView and TextViews) still have their greyish background and thus creates very ugly greay boxes on top of the now redish background.

What is the best way to solve that problem? I hoped that such things were handled automatically (as it is done in for example .NET), but I was wrong it seems.

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Android :: Potential - Bug In The Implementation Of AppWidgets

Nov 10, 2009

We have discovered a potential bug in the implementation of AppWidgets. Here is a simple reproducer.

Attached is the code for an application containing a TestActivity and a TestWidget. TestActivity extends MapActivity and TestWidget is a simple widget provider which updates a TextView every 2 seconds. Now if the TestActivity is launched with no instance of TestWidget running, it works just fine. But if the TestActivity is launched after placing the TestWidget on the home, it results in ClassNotFoundException. Here is what we get:


So it seems we have an inconsistency in the way the class loader works for the same apk.

WORKS - Launch the application by itself, without invoking the Widget. DOES NOT WORK - Create a Widget on the Home screen and then launch the application from the launcher.

The source code for this application ( download/TzY3ZGVhZy96NE4zZUE9PQ) has been attached. Hope someone from the Android team can shed light on this behavior.

This error is seen on the 1.5r3 SDK. Not sure if this has been addressed in 1.6 and 2.0 SDKs..

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Android :: Debugger Not Working For AppWidgets?

May 8, 2009

I'm trying to make an AppWidget, and for some reason the Eclipse debugger doesn't suspend on any of the breakpoints I set (but I know the code is executed because I see it working on the emulator). I don't have this problem with other 'regular' apps (non AppWidgets). Is this a known limitation, or is it just a problem on my installation?

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Android :: Handling Orientation Changes In AppWidgets

Apr 18, 2010

We have created an AppWidget that takes user inputted text into an EditText and displays a calculated amount of text inside a TextView on the Home Screen. We calculate the amount of text based on the AppWidgetInfo.minWidth, minHeight attributes. We do this to simulate scrolling; we cut up the user-inputted text into chunks that will fit into the widget and swap them based on button clicks.

When we save the widget with the device in Landscape mode, it calculates the appropriate amount of text for Landscape mode and displays it in the widget. The problem is when the user changes orientation of the device to Portrait mode (without opening the widget and resaving the text), the calculated amount of text for Landscape mode is still displayed. This also happens in the vice versa case (the user is in Portrait and saves, etc.)

How can we tell our AppWidget to recalculate the amount of text displayed on screen orientation change? Is this possible? How would you solve this problem?

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Android :: AppWidgets Restricted To Particular Sizes?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm making an Android AppWidget to sit on the home screen.

The user's home screen space is precious, so I want the widget to be small. The ideal size would be 2x1 cells.

Some documentation suggests you can have any size you like?
But the AppWidget graphical design guidelines imply that only standard sizes are supported: 4x1, 3x3, 2x2.

Does that refer to the available PhotoShop templates or is it a limitation of Android itself?

I'm finding that a 2x1 widget works on my actual device (HTC Wildfire) but expands to 2x2 on the emulator.

HTC have their own special implementation of the home screen, so maybe my widget will only work at 2x1 on HTC devices?

Is there any way to create a 2x1 widget, or should I use a standard size?

My widget was adapted from the Simple Wiktionary sample.

The manifest has android:minWidth="146dip" and android:minHeight="72dip".
There's a RelativeLayout with android:layout_width="fill_parent" and android:layout_height="wrap_content"

I'm just starting with Android, so apologies in advance if this is a silly question. :)

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Android :: How Can Update The All The Views Inside A TabHost When Pressing On A ContextMenu Item From Within One Of The Views

Nov 16, 2010

I am implementing a music player application in Android. My play list selection screen is implemented as a tab selector widget which contains a ListActivity inside each of the tabs: Artist, Albums, Songs.
I want to update the ListView in each of the ListActivity when I delete an item from any of the lists.

i.e. When I long press an item in the Artists list a context menu is drawn with "Delete Artist"
And it should delete all the songs from this artist in the Songs ListView, delete all the albums by this artist in the Albums ListView, and finally delete the entry for the artist in the Artist ListView.

Each of the ListActivity has its own fillData() method, which updates the ListView when the button in the context menu is pressed.

How can I call the fillData() method of the Albums ListActivity after I update the ListView inside of the Artists ListActivity?

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Android :: AppWidgets - Reusing RemoteViews Instance Leaks Memory?

May 21, 2009

I'm writing a widget. Currently, I'm have a simple ImageView, and calling RemoteViews.setImageViewBitmap(). I'm using a service to do the updates.

I thought it might be a good idea to reuse an existing RemoteViews instance, so I'm only querying it the first time around, and subsequently simply call setImageViewBitmap() with the new image.

This works well initially, but after some time I first start getting "!!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!" errors, and later, an OutOfMemory exception.

Simply creating a new RemoveViews instance every time works flawlessy on the other hand. I'm just curios why that would be, any ideas?

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Android :: Make A Flexible AppWidgets In Droid According To Screen Size?

Oct 6, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to make a flexible AppWidgets in android according to the screen size.
I want to make a full screen widget, but when it change screen size, i want to make it flexible.

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Android :: Switching Views With RadioButton And Saving Views In Bundle

Mar 6, 2010

I have the following XML code:.................

The idea is to change the views, whenever I press one of the radio buttons. When I press a button the first time everything works out fine, but the second time I press a button, I get an IllegalStateException, and I can't quite see why I'm getting this.

Also, the Activity seems to set all my global variables to null, which is why I have to create them every time I switch from portrait to landscape or vice versa. So I would like to know if there is a way I can save my views in the Bundle, or any other way in which I can permanently save my views, so I don't have to add or create them every time, I flip the phone. And whenever I flip the phone, it seems that it rereads the main XML file, causing the RadioGroup to be set to 2D even if the 3D button is checked. This is because I've said the 2D button to be checked from when the app is first created, but I would like to also save the state of that RadioGroup.

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Android :: How To Align Views In The Middle Of Another Views Baseline

Jun 16, 2010

How do you align views relative to the "middle" part of another view? I think it is best explained with a pic of the UI I'm trying to create in android.

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Android :: Do Root Views Of An Activity In Android Have Any Prior Knowledge Of The Child Views That Will Be Loaded Into Them

Jan 25, 2010

Is there any way to query a root view of an activity for all of its child views even before the root view or its children have been inflated? I guess what I'm looking for is whether a view knows ahead of time what children it will have before it gets inflated, and can I get that list in some way. Bizarre I realize, but I think it will help me with some unconventional automation testing I'm working on. I haven't found anything in the API like this.

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Android :: Programmatically Add Views To Views

Mar 7, 2010

Let's say I have a LinearLayout, and I want to add a View to it, in my program from the Java code. What method is used for this? I'm not asking how it's done in XML, which I do know, but rather, how can I do something along the lines of (One View).add(Another View) Like one can do in Swing.

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Android :: Using Customized UI Components In XML

Oct 9, 2009

When I use customized components in XML, could I use a short name of component instead of a fully qualified class name? I wonder if some configuration file exists to do that work.

For example, my customized components is ex.object.RoundRect,

I should use it in xml file like this: <ex.object.RoundRect android:id="@+id/mainRoundRect01" ... />


I want to use it like this: <RoundRect android:id="@+id/mainRoundRect01" ... />

Is it possible? Is there a configuration file that can map the fully qualified class name to a short name?

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Android :: Build With Customized SDK

Mar 23, 2010

I want to use my own SDK ( Android SDK + few new app + modified apps ) along with Eclipse on Windows / Linux machine. Am I able to do this ?

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Android :: Customized Rating Bar

Jul 25, 2010

The inbuilt rating bar is too big for my application . How can i reduce its height & width?

Also the color of the stars should be orange & not green . How can i achieve it ?

Also can i have the rating bar in vertical next to a image on my screen ? if yes how ?

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Android :: Use Customized Listview

Nov 24, 2010

How i can use custom listview with textview and imageview.i tried following code


But it is not working.

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Android :: Spinner Dialog Can Be Customized?

Sep 16, 2010

When we select spinner it shows a display of items which almost the device screen size. Can we minimize its width or height, I think this question was already posted by some one. But I am unable to find solution.

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Android :: Google Voicemail - No Customized Greetings

Feb 7, 2010

I've set up customized voice mails for some of my contacts. The problem is my GV is defaulting to the option that answers "Please enter the number you are trying to reach." Even when my wife enters my real number she doesn't get her customized greeting. Initially when I started GV it would default automatically to her customized voice mail. I'm not sure how to make this go back to the way it was. I hate to have everyone who calls me to re-enter my number in order to reach me.

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Android :: Customized SMS - Email Alerts

Jul 23, 2010

Are there any good apps out there for Customized SMS/Email alerts? I am coming from BB Storm 2 where i could have every email, sms, mms, whatever from any contact display a different LED light/pattern and make a different noise depending on who it is coming from. Here on my Droid X i have one alert noise, for EVERYTHING. And no LED tweaking.

I DL'd Blink...which was useless, didn't display 3/4 of the colors it was supposed to do. Uninstalled. I had heard HandcentSMS lets you customize stuff...kinda. I could finally make my SMS make a differnt noise then any other alert. But still can't customize it per person/sender. I could tweak the LED thankfully. But this only affects SMS. Not email. And it too didn't display all the colors it had listed

Ringdroid lets me make every caller have a differnt ringtone (cool), and i can save alerts, but not custom per person. Are there any apps out there that let me customize alerts for email/mms/sms and so forth. So i can have it blink the LED a differnt color from certain people and make a noise when said email, mms, sms is from certain people? Or am i just SOL and need to deal with the fact that i can't do that on a Droid?

In so many ways this phone is lightyears ahead of my Storm 2...but in so many other ways it is far more basic and simplistic in many things and doesn't allow the customization.

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Android :: AlertDialog With Customized ListView

Sep 9, 2010

I am playing with the AlterDialog with a customized ListView in it.

After the ListView is added into the AlterDialog, there is a centered gradient separator line below the title of the alter dialog, it is just above the ListView.

Is there any way to get rid of it or change its color ? I do not want to show it.

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Android :: Make Customized UI Component

Mar 9, 2010

IN our current project, I need to make a UI describled as follows.

Basically it is a text input, it will display a string returned from server , such as "I like banana". The word "banana" will be in red color. When user clicks "banana", it will have a dropdown list shows "apple, orange, pear". User would be able to select one of them, like apple. So the text in that UI would be "I like apple".

How could I build such a UI component in Android.

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