Android :: Application's Layout Of Screenshot
Jul 16, 2009this is a layout issue, now my app's layout is this screenshot...........

this is a layout issue, now my app's layout is this screenshot...........
I'm trying to get my screenshot on, but since I'm not rooted the normal apps won't work. I followed the How to Install ADB or USB Drivers on Android Devices | TechPetals instructions but for some reason my PC won't find the drivers. I'm running WinXP SP2. Are there any definitive EVO files that can be used?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of the reasons I rooted was so I could do screenshots (nerdy I know). Has anyone found an app that works on the DX once rooted. I tried this one;
screenshot - Android app on AppBrain
and all it did was create some "blank" 1kb PNG files in the screenshot folder.
What is the layout inflater used for in an Android application?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am very new to Android Development. I am trying a sample application and it is generating a button dynamically using Java and it is working fine.
This works fine in my emulator. However when i try do with an XML based layout, my app crashes in the emulator.
Main.XML contents
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Button xmlns:android="com.testing"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Does anyone know why this simple application is crashing because of the XML layout?
I would like to know if it's possible to display an activity inside a layout of my activity. For example I would like to display the Phone application inside a layout of my activity.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a android beginner, now i am going to design a Quiz application for android I am very confuse about which layout i should use for Quiz. My requirement is when user touch the answer , the next question will appear on same screen and at the end of quiz the web view will be generated as a result page. Right now i don't have in depth knowledge of Layouts and switching the view when user clicks on Answers. Please help me at least suggest me Which layout i use.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do something very similar (in terms of appearance) to the app details activity of the Market app. It looks like a cross between linear layout (not all rows the same), list (scrolling nature), preferences (headings). My guess is its a linear layout in a scroll view (ignoring activity header/footer) and the headings are just hard coded.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have a requirement to place 2 overlapping image view inside a web view.the upper image view can be moved using trackball and the lower image view is i want to capture the whole screen programmatically and save it as an image.i have referred this link but unable to get the solution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I take a screenshot programmatically? So far I've learned that:
1) DDMS does it by sending "framebuffer:" to the adb service over a socket, which takes a screenshot in framebuffer_service.c that it sends back.
2) There are some proprietary screenshot apps out there that stipulate the user must have root access, I'm not sure why.
Would it be possible for an Android app to send "framebuffer:" to its own adb service and get the screenshot that way?
All I keep seeing is people asking for an app that allow screenshots without root. The only solution all have given is installing sdk which is a pain in the bum to do. I have another mini-solution until such an app is developed.
Both Open Home and Home++ have this feature built in. Only negative to it is, you won't be able to take a screenshot of your HTC Sense UI home screen or Android stock home screen only the open home or home++ screen. But for many who are like me and could not run the SDK correctly, this works just fine.
My goal is to be able to type a one word command and get a screenshot from a rooted Nexus One attached by USB. So far, I can get the framebuffer which I believe is a 32bit xRGB888 raw image by pulling it like this: adb pull /dev/graphics/fb0 fb0 rom there though, I'm having a hard time getting it converted to a png. I'm trying with ffmpeg like this: ffmpeg -vframes 1 -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb8888 -s 480x800 -i fb0 -f image2 -vcodec png image.png That creates a lovely purple image that has parts that vaguely resemble the screen, but it's by no means a clean screenshot.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have just purchased the X10 handset and on a whole I'm really pleased with it. My previous handset was an N97 - rubbish! Anyway, since playing with the phone, could you answer these for me as I'm new to Android and don't really know what I'm doing.
1) On the mentu's, text screen, etc. It has a blue background and white writing. Is there anyway to change this? I have an eye condition and blue isn't the best colour for me to read from. I was looking for something like theme settings but there isn't one.
2) Is there a keyboard application that is like the normal alphanumeric layout on phone keypads ie to get the letter b you press the number 2 twice. I believe the HTC Desire has this option and old Nokia N97 that the feature.
3) I've read on another thread about the ringing volume and earpiece volume being low and turning up the volume to max makes the earpiece sounds quality pop/crackle. I've experienced this too but does anyone know if there is a firmware update out to rectify this?
4) I've also read that Android 2.1 is due out for this handset. Does anyone know when it's out, or if it is already out, where do I download it from?
If you miss CaptureIT from the BB days, or just wanting an easy way to take a screenshot and don't mind using Home++ well this afternoon the new release includes snapshot. It captures great and the colors are excellent.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs screenshoting coming on the 2.2 Froyo update? Sorry if this has been talked about before just haven't seen anything about it.
View 12 Replies View RelatedRead through Couple of articles , Most of them point to the DDMS through that we could take the Screenshot. However i am trying to capture the Emulator screen from the Command Line. Not Sure how to tweak the framebuffer /Surface flinger to do the job. or is there any app that we could run in the background and get the job done.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app that will take a screenshot of what's currently on my screen. Or maybe somebody knows a better way for me to capture a screenshot from the phone. Any thoughts?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI know you need root access if you want to capture a screenshot by using a background application. However is it possible to just grab the screen content of your current visible activity owned by your process? This does not seem like a security constraint since the user has already installed your app is currently using your app. If so how does this work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedRooting phone and probably installing some APKs just to take screenshot of any screen on Android phone. How to take screenshot on an Android Phone?
Ans -> Press power button (mostly present on top of phone) and keeping it pressed, quickly press "Home" touch key on front screen. That's it. That's all you needed to take screenshot. Image is saved in Gallery folder of your phone. This pretty much works in Gingerbread and ICS, if not other versions of Android.
While developing for Android, I am unable to open more than one main.xml file in an Eclipse editor at a time.Each time I open one, it simply replaces the editor (tab) of the first main.xml with the new one, instead of opening a new tab - even if the contents of the existing tab were unsaved.Even stranger, I can open multiple main.xml files from different projects with no problems.This only happens when they're within the same project.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new in android, i am having few problem in layout alignment. I have divide the screen into three layout,as header, body and footer. I am giving the height dynamically for the three layout in java file, so i need to give 12% of height to header and footer layout, and the remaining 75% i need to assign height to body layout. For that i have made the calculation as follow
first i am getting the height and width for the screen. With the help of the screen height i am getting the 12.5% height for header and footer layout
WindowManager w = getWindowManager(); Display d = w.getDefaultDisplay(); int totalwidth_screen = d.getWidth(); int totalheight_screen = d.getHeight();..................
Is it possible to build a GridView object in XML with 3 columns and 4 rows of Image buttons? It doesn't seem to have similar containment relationship like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout viewgroups.
I want to do this entirely in an xml layout file. When I put ImageButton xml tags inside a GridView xml body, The layout panel in eclipse is throwing an exception: UnsupportedOperationException:addView(View, LayoutParams) is not supported in AdapterView.
I have an Activity which uses a layout with a LinearLayout in it. Now I want to create in runtime a subactivity which loads some other layout and add this layout as item of my LinearLatout.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have following in xml
I wanna put the second linear layout at the bottom of the screen.
I have set the property of second Relative layout to bottom but still not showing at bottom..
I have LinearLayout. Inside to that i have added one more Linearyout ( checkbox & text ).
(LinearLayout) one textView, (LinearLayout) Checkbox,textview , one textview
Now whenever clicks the checkbox, i need to dynamically display EditBox after the checkbox.
On the click of checkbox listener i added a code like below.
I want to the layout which was added earlier.
Is there a way to implement screenshot functionality in phone?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a screenshot of an Archos 5 IT using DDMS (SDK 1.5 and 2.0) without success. The screenshot is awful with a lot of yellow. Do you have the same issue ? I would like to know if possible if this issue is due ti an SDK problem or an Archos problem.
View 2 Replies View Related(Root Users only of course, unless your using Home++)I think I have tested them all out and I like "drocap2 for root users" the best; "Screenshot It" is nice but I can't stand the icon. Here are both the "Screenshot It' and "drocap2 for root users" icons in the status bar: 1. "Screenshot It" uses a green Android botwhile 2. "drocap2 for root users" uses a camera image Which Screenshot App do you use?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhy do Android screenshot utilities only work on rooted devices? Linux distributions and desktop environments provide user-space screen capture tools. Why can't Android? I wonder what are the technical issues, if any, that prevent this. The only user-space procedure I am aware of, i.e. installing about 1 GB worth of development tools on a PC, hooking it to an Android device via USB, and disabling some of its funzionality (e.g. SD card access), is not user-friendly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm fighting from some time with taking a screenshot of Android OpenGL.The code I found is as follows:In each case the result is a png file which is completely black. I found there is some problem with glReadPixels method but I don't know how to bypass it.
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