Android : Way To Manage Orientation Dependent Activities?

Mar 11, 2010

I have two activities, one per orientation - PortraitActivity and LandscapeActivity. They are pretty much different, I can't use one Activity with different layouts. If user changed orientation I have to shutdown one of them and start another. What is the best way to manage them? Does it make sense to create GroupActivity? Or each Activity should check if the current orientation is what it needs? If so, is it save to start new Activity in onCreate method of previous one (which is not actually created yet)?

Android : Way to manage orientation dependent activities?

Android :: How To Manage Activities?

Jul 24, 2010

i identified problem in changing one activity using tab, in on tab activity i am adding data to sqlite in other tab activity i am displaying them using listview(array adapter)but when i come back to add data and after adding new item to sqlite the newly added records are not updated in listview.

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Android :: Manage Multiples Activities Under A Single Tab Of TabActivity?

Jul 8, 2010

In my app, I have 5 tabs which contains activities. In each of them, I have to show differents screens. For example, the main activity of a tab is a listview, and when I click on one of its item, I want to display a second screen with an other listview, that will display an other screen when the user will select an item etc.

So I knew that activities in tabs are not easy to manage, but I really think that I needed this solution. Indeed, each screen must contain a back button, which will return to the previous screen, with the previous state (the same position in the list).

To start new activities inside the tabs, I used the technique described here

It works mostly well, but I encounter a problem to go back to the previous activities. My solution at the moment consists in starting the previous activity like it's described on this website, but without any flag.

So here are my two real problems:

When I try to go back to the first and main activity of the tab, it seems that a new instance is created, even if I use the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP. So when I do several roundtrips between this activity and the next one, i obtain a StackErrorOverFlow.

Because the activities are accessible from differents activities, I have to memorize the parents activities all the time, by giving them in the intents. It's really heavy when I have a succession of 5 or 6 screens, I have to memorize the grand grand parent if the activity... I really appreciate if I just could call the last Activity started by the localActivityManager.

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General :: How To Manage Screen Orientation For Each App

Apr 11, 2012

I am looking for a app to manage screen orientation in any app? For example i want to have landscape for all app and only for Messaging and... portrait mode.

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Android :: Manage Simultaneous Activities In Android

Aug 30, 2010

How can i improve the performance of simultaneous processes agains the time and space in androied?

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Android :: Android - Screen Orientation Change To Switch Between Activities

Nov 12, 2010

I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to use the orientation change to switch between two activities. My idea is to use three Activities one TabActivity and a normal Activity. Here is some pseudo code:

public class Main extends Activity{
// this is the entry point into my app
public void onCreate(...){
if(this.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE){
// Start Activity1
} else { //Start Activity2}..............

I'm taking a different approach. As i need a TabActivity, because i want to be able to start different activities in my tabs (I think i have to use a TabActivity in this case). I've edited the Manifest.xml and added android.configChanges="orientation" for the TabActivity and the second Activity. Then I've overridden the onConfigurationChanged() functions. With this approach I'm able to switch from landscape (this is the "normal" activity") to portrait (the TabActivity). The other way round does not work and i don't know why yet. I've exactly the same onConfigurationChanged functions (Copy & Pasted) and only changed the essential parts. Overriding the onConfigurationChanged of the Activities started in the tabs has no effect, too.

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Android :: Can't Use Dependent Projects In 1.5 / Fix This?

May 5, 2009

I have 2 projects in the following layout

MainActivityProject -> BaseProject

(i.e. MainActivityProject depends on the other project). Both are android projects created with the eclipse "New Android project functionality) however, the BaseProject does not have an activity defined. However, in BaseProject I define an activity base class where MainActivityProject's Activity derives from. This used to work fine up until 1.1 but now with the 1.5 SDK I get ClassNotFoundExceptions when launching the app.

Any suggestion on how to fix this? I obviously dont want to copy all the sources to a single project as I intend to reuse my Activity base class for other things (it contains some boiler plate stuff that I dont want to have in each and every activity.

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Android :: Check For Dependent Application During Installation?

Mar 25, 2010

I want to publish my application (ABC). Its an audiobook file(just for example.) wrapped as apk. When the user install this application it needs to check whether another application (XYZ) already installed or not. If not let the user know they have to install the application XYZ first before installing ABC.

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Android :: Deploy SWIG Dependent Dll's With Droid App?

Nov 17, 2010

I would like to use a .jar file generated by SWIG in an Android application. What is the best way to deploy all of the underlying dll's with the Android application?

In a desktop environment, my PATH variable includes the folder containing these dll's.

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Android :: How To Consume Session Dependent WCF Services Using Ksoap2

Jun 23, 2010

I am using Ksoap2-Android for consuming the WCF Services.

For the dotnet client we keep the allowCookies="true" in our binding configuration and it sends the same sessionid and keeps my sessions intact in my WCF services (My services are
interdependent and use the sessions).

Any one know any such setting for ksoap2-android, that will allow me to consume the
WCF service keeping my session intact on the server.

Currently when i make a new call to the service, the sessionid gets changed and all my
session variables clear out and loose their values.

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Android : Is Parcel's Data Size Platform Dependent?

Sep 27, 2010

According to the API doc, Android seems to support for changing the data size of Parcel container. And there is no notice limiting the size of Parcel. The document is here

On the other hand, when our developers are doing some tests on this, the size is dependent on the platform and devices.

So i just wonder whether there is any limit on the data size of Parcel. At least this information should be mentioned in the API document.

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Android :: Orientation Change - Dialog Above Activity With Fixed Orientation

May 14, 2009

I have created an activity for my game which handles all orientation changes by itself and has a fixed "portrait" layout. Actually it uses the accelerometer and is rendered using 2D canvas methods. If the level has been completed I show up a highscore dialog in which the user can enter his name. The dialog is floating above the underlying level screen which gets blurred out nicely. This generally works.

Problem is that the dialog does not get rotated if the orientation of the phone changes. So even if the keyboard is exposed the dialog is shown in portrait mode instead of landscape. I have tried to use an activity with dialog theme instead but the behavior didn't change. After several tries it seems that I have found the reason for this: Once there's an activity with fixed orientation in the activity stack then all subsequent activities keep this orientation, too. They will not react on orientation changes anymore (e.g. if the keyboard gets exposed).

After upgrading to 1.5 SDK the described behavior changed a little bit. Now at subactivities indead react on orientation changes like expected. However, the need to have an opaque background! That means that neither dialogs nor activities with dialog theme will work. Those will stick with the orientation of the underlaying activity. So my workaround is to first start a sub-activity with an opaque black background. This activity then shows my highscore dialog on top. It looks quite okay but I wonder if there's a better solution? Is it possible to show a dialog above a fixed portrait or landscape activity which automatically adapts to orientation changes?

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Android :: Switching Activities / Passing Data Between Activities

Jun 30, 2010

how to call BarCodeScanner, and return the value to a now, i have a toast that says "successful scan" and then i want to pass the result to a new activity. when i comment out my intent, everything works (minus the passing of data/switching of screen, obviously) but when i run my project as is, it FC's no errors reported by eclipse in code or xml. any insights?

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General :: 3G Frequency Of Phone Is Hardware Or Firmware Dependent?

Dec 2, 2012

I am asking this because recently bought a BLU VIVO D910a phone from U.S., it has Android 4.0 firmware and its 3G Network is HSDPA 850 / 1900.

I made a big mistake, because the country where I currently live and work (Montenegro) uses 2100 3G network. I shoud have ordered the international version of BLU Vivo, the D910i which has HSDPA 850 / 2100. So, currently I cannot make use of the 3G data capability of my new phone

My question is: if I get the firmware (or just the modem.bin) of D910i and flash it to my phone will I change by this way the 3G frequency or it is hardware-dependent?

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Android :: Can Force A Specific Layout Orientation - But Have An Opposite Keyboard Orientation Android

Aug 19, 2010

I understand how to force a specific orientation per activity in the android manifest. I would like to know if it is possible to allow the keyboard to change orientation even though the activity(the layout really) must remain unchanged.

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Android :: Multiple Dependent Android Projects In Eclipse

Jun 14, 2010

I just started to play with android dev and java+eclipse is pretty new to me. I managed to create simple project and run it on my device. Now I want to create simple game (more of them actually) and I would love to use shared code base for all of them (game loop, initialization, etc..). Problem is that I have no idea how to correctly do this. I created android project called engine with all basic stuff that I need and made it work on device. Now I tried to create another project in same workspace called mygame. Main class (activity) of mygame is MyGameApp which inherits from EngineApp (main activity of my engine project) which inherits from Activity. I added engine project into required projects in mygame build path tab in properties. Problem is that when I try to run this project it crashes on ClassNotFoundException trying to find my MyGameApp class.

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Android :: Using Orientation Sensor To Get 360° Orientation

Jul 17, 2009

I have a problem with working with the ORIENTATION values of the SensorManager. I would like to have some kind of 360°-value which directly shows me if the phone is in normal portrait (0°), landscape, portrait turned around (180°) or anything in between. So I could have, for example, an arrow that points to the floor (like gravity would do with a plummet) all the time, no matter how I tilt (sidewards) the phone. I thought this would be easy, but I'm pretty confused at the moment.

First of all, the X value of the orientation-array seems to correspondent with how I turn the phone, BUT: if it's completely uprightly standing, this value is about 60° ... why not 0° (or 90°, 180°, 270°), as I would expect?

Second: The value resets if I turn the phone and Android automatically changes screen orientation. So both in Portrait and in Landscape mode it will be sth. like 60° when the phone is in a 0° angel in real world. I set "android:screenOrientation" to "landscape" but this doesn't help anything :/

I want the app NOT to change orientation when I turn the phone, but I want it to get a continuous orientation value when I tilt the phone.

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Android :: How Can I Debug Hardware Dependent App Without Access To Hardware?

Aug 18, 2010

I have an open-source application on the Android market. It seems to work fine for me (with over 1,000 active installs, I have to presume that it works for most people).I recently got a bug report that indicated a problem for at least three users on Samsung phones (Intercept and Captivate). I have been unable to reproduce the problem on my ADP2 and on the emulator.In order to get enough data to diagnose the problem, I first tried to add logging and then I asked users to submit logs via Log Collector. Each time a user tried to send the log (there were four attempts), it was truncated and I did not get any useful data.I then added ACRA to the project in an attempt to get information, but I don't seem to be able to automatically detect the bug in order to send a report.Since I don't have a Samsung phone and I can't reproduce it on anything where I could connect with the debugger, I am mostly out of ideas. The only idea I have left is to add a button to the UI to generate a report.Are there any other approaches to suggest?

Update: since people are asking for more specifics: essentially, the app reads in text files from the assets and puts them (with some preprocessing) into a TextView in a ScrollView. (The data is prgressively added to a SpannableStringBuffer and then that is passed to TextView's setText() function.) Depending on the options chosen, the text displayed is between 15k-115k. On phones with this issue, only part of the text is displayed. The cutoff point depends on the options, but seems to be somewhere between 17k-18k.

ACRA sends a report for all uncaught exceptions and puts them into a Google Form/Spreadsheet. I've gotten reports from my emulator and from my phone, so I know that end works. (Actually, I've often found it faster to debug from the stack trace in that report than to attach the debugger to the process.)Phone specs: I have exercised the app on emulators running 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, and 2.2. My phone is ADP2 (the developer version of the MyTouch), but I've installed a third-party ROM to jump up to Froyo (2.2). I am unaware of an emulator specifically for the Samsung OS build, although that would be quite helpful here.Since the expected text length is constant, I should be able to detect if it is read correctly or not. I added checks at the end of my text processing, but those never triggered, indicating that the problem was not with reading the file. I then tried adding checks to onPostCreate and onPostResume, but those did not fail either. It seems that the UI thread had not yet actually run at that point, though.I've now done 6 private APK versions attached to the bug in the bug tracker. I frankly am surprised that any users are still trying them. This latest version has a button to force a bug report - that will only be called after the UI thread has laid out the screen. Hopefully that will give me enough variable information to point me in the right direction.

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Android :: How To Manage Objects ?

Sep 8, 2010

I am new to Android development. I want to know how you all manage objects. For eg we make object as A a = new A(); and then manage that object. But, here, we call A.class; My concern is that i don't want to call on Create(),nor do i want to push UI screen I just want to make 1 static object for 1 screen;and want to manage it throughout my application. that is, instead of calling A.class; can i call A a = new A(),and manage that object without pushing,and whenever i need i push that screen. Is there someway?

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Android :: Cannot Manage To Get ADB Working

May 25, 2010

I want to start developing for android and for some reason whatever I do I can not make ADB show up my Nexus One. Both on and off in development mode. Both SD Mount and without SD Mount Both With USB tethering on and off for all "ADB devices"(windows XP64bit) show no device (service started successfully, device recognized in Device Manager correctly).

Tried reinstalling drivers, tried uninstalling drivers completely(using 3rd party software) and reinstalling, tried different versions of USB driver (up to the one before the last - that came with the 2.1 SDK). It seems online that this issue reoccurs on different devices, but all of them seemed to solve with one of the above solutions, Which none worked for me. It does not look like a hardware problem, because everything else that is USB'ed works correctly.

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Android :: Best Way To Manage Contacts

Feb 13, 2010

What is the best way to manage contacts, can u download your contacts?

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Android :: Manage 2 Versions Of The Same Application?

Sep 3, 2009

I want to use the same eclipse project to maintain only one source code (or two projects that refer to a generic project). My problem is that the names of the package have to be different on the market (eg: and If the package names are differents, the generated java ressource files are differents (eg: and So, the source files must point to differents R files according to the version (pro or lite) and I have to change all the import...

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Android :: How To Manage Connection To A Socket?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to know what is the recommendation for socket connection management in Android?In our App we would like to be connected to a TCP/IP server when our app is in the foreground or paused. So, create a connection to a TCP/ IP server when the App starts basically, On Create of the launcher activity. However, we do not want to create a new connection and close connection every time an activity is created, paused, destroyed or orientation changed. So, we save the connection object in the App class and the activities will reuse the same connection.Question is when do I close it? I would like to close the socket when the App is "paused", "stopped" or "destroyed". The problem is these messages are not sent in the App context. How can I figure out if the App is in foreground or not? Even the "Terminated" event for an App is not guaranteed to be delivered. So, in that case how do I know when to disconnect?

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Android :: How To Manage Event By 2 Widgets?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to change how a gallery looks like. I want to add 2 jogs at each side, so looks like this:

First approach was to add the "jogs" to the ImageAdapter (at the beginning and at the end) for the Gallery. The Gallery will show the items as usual, but It will apply the custom background and also if you specify spacing, you will get an ugly gallery. Also, I want the jog not to be centered as the others images. Then, I decided to download the whole api and modify the Gallery source in a way so to handle specially the first item and the last item of the adapter. But, I don't know how to compile the api alone. The Makefile in the root project will build 6gb of the whole android platform. If someone can explain me how to build just the API, I will be grateful.

The other approach was to compose Views. I thought to add ImageView's to the left and right corner and to be scrolled when needed, but when the Gallery capture the events I can't forward it to the holder of the ImageViews. So, I extend Gallery, and I override onScroll() like this:
super.onScroll(e1,e2,distanceX,distanceY); return false;
and also onTouchEvent() like this:
super.onTouchEvent(event); return false;
But unfortunately when I return false wihtin onTouchEvent() the Gallery does not scroll.

So, main questions are:
1) How can I compile the modified API to generete a MyGallery.class to be added to android.jar? If I modify the source code of I can manage the fill of the Gallery for the specific items I want (I already read the source code).
2) In other approach, Is it possible to handle one event by 2 widgets? If so, I could overlap the Gallery above a jog. The Gallery will scroll as he knows, and I will scroll as I want.
3) If those approachs are bad, what will you recommend ?

I don't get why the Gallery does not have this nice feature I want to implement, kind of: setBorders(left, right) and etc. The problem on extending Gallery, is that when you add a View (for instance, the "jog"), you specify a position. Gallery fills the gallery getting the Views of it container with: getChildAt(0) and getChildAt(numChildren -1) when filling to right and left, respectively. Then, it gathers the 'unseen' Views from the Adapter. So the added view (the 'jog') will be scrolled by Gallery, but when the view is no longer visible, the Gallery itself has no way to get back that view, as it's not in the Adapter.

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HTC Desire :: How Well Does Android Manage Its Memory?

Jul 7, 2010

I always hear that I don't need to use Task Killers as Android manages its own memory. However, I find that sometimes when I play emulators, killing tasks provides far better framerates.

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Android :: Manage The Callback Of The Applications?

Apr 2, 2010

in android application development, i frequently go through the word "CALLBACK" in many places. i want to know want it means to tell us technically. and how i can manage the callback of the applications.

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Android :: Ways To Manage Project?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm releasing my first app soon, and this is the first time I'm doing any of this on my own. Looking into the future of it, there are features I plan to implement within the coming months. But looking at me adding features, I realize I would be altering the original source, so if someone finds a bug, I need to either wait, or completely undo everything to fix it. What are some options for managing my source code and stuff?

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Android :: How To Manage Background Task

Nov 9, 2010

I have a task which I need to run in the background in my Android app. It reads data over the network and populates a database. It can take several minutes to run.

Once it's started, it needs to complete successfully without interruption. (Otherwise I'll end up with a broken half-populated database.) I realise I can never guarantee it will always complete, but I want to make it as hard as possible for the system to kill off this task. For safety I guess I will have it populate a temporary database, and then only swap out the old database for the new one on successful completion of the import.

It's a modal operation; it does not make sense for the user to be interacting with the app while the import is in progress.

My first attempt is using an ASyncTask with a Progress dialog to achieve the modality, but this obviously breaks the "don't interrupt" requirement. I could work around the screen-rotation issue with ASyncTasks, but I don't think that goes far enough.

At the moment I'm not sure if this should be an ASyncTask, a Service, an IntentService, some combination of these, or something else entirely.

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Android : How Can I Manage Cache Of MapView?

Feb 1, 2010

I've made an application based on the Google Maps API. The problem is that my application is made to be used in the wild, in places where there is no network. So I would like to manage the cache in order to ensure that specific tiles are saved and available during the trip (I'd like to redirect them in database but any method may do). For now, I didn't found any other method (not tested) than try to recode the MapView class. I'm focusing on Google API in order to have satellite photography (for places where there are no roads). What could I do ?

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General :: App To Manage Music On Android?

Sep 6, 2013

Coming from iphone/itunes and want to know what is a good music managing app that I can use?

I really like the feature in itunes where it keeps your media organized in folders. I also like how you can delete the song in itunes, sync your phone and the song will be gone.

I really need these features in the music app I select.

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