Android :: Want To Access XML File
Oct 10, 2010I've an XML file in the assets directory of my test application. I want to access this file from my suite method of the test class.Code...

I've an XML file in the assets directory of my test application. I want to access this file from my suite method of the test class.Code...
Is there any way to access the value (any constants) from file to my java file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet's say you don't have internet access at the moment. Let's say all you have is fresh install of CyanogenMod 9, which for some reason, does not come with a File Manager :
Let's say you have an apk file on your SD card. How would you install the apk file? Terminal emulator, using which commands or another way?
By the way, ASTRO File Manager vs. ES File Explorer, which one and why?
I am not able to understand one simple issue.. if there is no root access to file system even to the user who owns the phone then why on earth would the dev guide include commands like
adb push <local> sdcard .... when the sdcard of emulator is read only.. Is this some kind of mockery or sarcasm with the users?
Is it possible to get path of database file in android at path : "/data/system/accounts.db"
In my app i want to use this database, but not getting its path. if i do hardcoding and remove the file i'm able to do it. But i want to access it as database so that i can drop the table.
code i tried:
I've done 30 minutes of searching on the site, read a bunch of threads about file management, SMS/handcent and I still don't have an answer to this: Where in god's name is handcent storing files that were sent via SMS?
I clicked "download" in handcent and received confirmation that the image downloaded. Already have a file manager installed, have browsed pretty much every directory on the phone and the sd card looking for the file, to no avail.
I would like to retrieve the properties that describe an mp3 file's properties (ie: author, album, title).I was not able to use javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying out an example of OpenCV from and am stuck at the point where it is mentioned "Before attempting to run the VideoEmulator application, you must first copy this XML file into the emulator in the following location: /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml " Where in my eclipse workspace do I need to place this haar xml file to be copied to the location /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/ of the emulator?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy objective is to create a text file in an android file system.
Using java language, I am creating an app. It has a screen with a table of 3columns. Each time a user enters the table row and click on Submit button, the row entry should be created as a separate comma-separated file on an android device. So each time when the table gets updated with new entry and clicks a submit button, a new file is getting created on the device file system. So I am looking for the file connectivity to the internal device memory where I could open the files and access it.
I have done the same in Nokia mobiles using J2ME. But for Android, I am not able to find the device file path.
I have my Nexus One connected with the USB.When I visit the File Explorer of the DDMS, if I click on the "data" folder the little plus near the name "data" disappear for 2-6 seconds and then reappear but the contenct of the folder "data" is not showed!
View 1 Replies View RelatedSomeone post the code for accessing .txt file available in my res folder. The code for which can be written in .java file.
View 4 Replies View Relateddo we want set permission to access the server with username password authendication in Androidmanifest file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to play a alarm on my app so I need to know how to include it and to access the file with the media player?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a database that I have already populated locally. I want to bundle it with my applications and access it at runtime (never want to re-write it anywhere, nor write to the database, simply read). What is the path of a file that I have added to the bundle? And, can i use that path with a SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have developed one android application
this is my code:
public class RetailerActivity extends Activity {
private static final String SOAP_ACTION = "";
private static final String METHOD_NAME = "customerData";
means it is successfully worked for my emulator and android device.please see this screenshot:[URL]
The same TestPrompts project only i have exported and created war file and uploaded in my tomcat server.
This is my tomcat server wsdl file: [URL]
But here i have faced one problem:
I have to put these URL means doesn't getting any result on both emulator and android device.Simply am getting black blank screen only. refer my screenshot:[URL]
My console window shows following error:
11-19 15:12:55.232: D/SntpClient(73): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol
I'd like an app that lets you access a windows file share, and lets you stream music from that location. Is there a way to do this on Android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got 2 java files and
Is there a right associated with write/read access to the sd card that needs to be set in the manifest.xml file? I'm currently trying to write to the sd card using a standard FileOutputStream here:
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("/ sdcard/images/"+imageName);
bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out);
But it doesn't seem to be working. It just says the location isn't found, which can happen if there are no permissions to read/write to the location.
I can access android.R.string.ok value from java code, but can't see how to do the same in layout xml file - I only have @string/xxx in autocompletion list which does not have system string values.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using HTC Dream and trying to read the images stored in the "default" album folder of this phone. But I've yet to found out what's the folder path to those images file. do you know what's the path to that image folder? What would be the path patterns (if any) in other Android phones? I don't need to set any additional permission to access those files, do I? Do you know how I can build a "file browsing" widget in my activity? I've searched and seems like there is no such widget and I've to install app that does file browsing. In any case, how to incorporate that as a file-browsing view in my current activity?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to directly access a Jpeg's file metadata, without having to go through the ImageManager services?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI opened my email and saved the attachment (which was my resume). I saved it to the phone and to the sd card but now I have no idea where it saved it. I would love to be able to access the file due to its importance but i just don't know where it is. Does anyone know how to access it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk just got my EVO yesterday. This is not only my first android phone, but my first smart phone as well. I'm fairly savvy when it comes to computers and techy stuff, but I do have what sounds like a ridiculous question. I bluetoothed some files (songs and pictures) from my old phone to my EVO. It acknowledged getting them and indeed I was able to play them from the notification area after receiving them. However, now I cannot find anyplace to 'browse' the phone folders or the SD card folders so I can find and utilize these files. How do you access the SD card or the file system?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to login in a website via HTTP post and then via HTTP get download a json file (.do file with json content). This json file url contains a group of parameters that I already sent on the url. Although, I can successfully login I cannot access the content from the json file - I'm downloading the html code of the site - i have already tried for an image or a css and it works.The code goes like this:
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost req_post = new HttpPost(url_post);
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2);
What are the risks when using USB power on there anyway to block USB file access (on an att sgs2 if it matters)
I was able to use Gmail (and only Gmail - no web, no twitter, etc.) before purchasing a Gogo license. How was this possible? Is Gmail so encrypted the airline couldn't figure out what it was?
I downloaded a PDF file to my Droid.I can see that it is in the "Downloads" folder when I mount the Droid to my laptop via the USB.My question is, how do I access this file from the phone?I can't get to the directory to try to open it.I can access the PDF through my Gmail account using the Preview option. However, I wanted to save the file to the SD card. So, I searched this and another forum on how to do that and the only way I could find was to access my gmail account through the browser and download. I did this and the file was put in the Downloads folder on the SD.How do you access the Downloads directory and for that matter, any directory that you may want to create on the SD?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe situation is this: at work the computers are heavily locked down. By that I mean that you can not download and install anything, no cd rom access and no usb access. they run win xp (some of you may be too young to have heard of this)
I have recently discovered, however, that when i plug my galaxy s3 in, the pc sees it as a digital camera, and i can access every folder on the internal sd card through windows explorer. i can then transfer any file i like to the computer This never happened on my g note, nexus s, or any other device.
Now, I can only confirm that the above works on xpower 2.5 ics custom rom. when I changed to hypergalaxy jb rom, there was no access to my phone via the pc.
how and why this works, and how i might use a hack to enable any usb device on such a locked down pc?
I have been using file expert long time. I am very like it.But somehow after updating to 5.0.0, the Dropbox can not access anymore. It bring browser app and open an authorize page. Click allow button, it stuck on this page forever.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I access the folder where I stored my book on tape? Do I need a special application?
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