Android :: Tab Layout Not Working
Sep 29, 2010I am using the Tab Layout almost copied from the example provided. But it's not working: public class TabHolder extends TabActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override

I am using the Tab Layout almost copied from the example provided. But it's not working: public class TabHolder extends TabActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override
LinearLayout obeys weight and as per documentation weight gives priority to an object. Here is the layout I have: Here you can see that the first textview has a weight of 2, second has a weight of 0, but still the second text view takes up all the space. If I give the first edit view a weight of 0 and second a weight of 2, surprisingly, first edit view gets more space. Isn't this weird, or am I doing something very wrong. I am poor in layouts. <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a simple horizontal linear_layout with bunch of image views in it. the trick is that the views have different widths, relative to the size of their parent (the linear layout). I set the layout's weightSum to a 100 and the layout_weight to let's say 10 of one view and 15 of the other, on so on. And it did not work. I also tired using float values setting the weightSum to 1.0 and the layout_weight of the image views to 0.2 and 0.3 and so on. But it didn't work either. I did search this group for any references to the weightSum but found nothing. Any ideas how to handle it?
View 5 Replies View Relatedafter figuring out the earlier question 'Layout Question', now my OnItemClickListener, and ItemLongClick Listener(ContextMenu) have stopped working. With just the TextView it works fine Anyone have any ideas as to why this would stop working?
i have downloaded custom rom but there are some bugs such as
1)Dialpad layout on dialing screen is not working
2)the symbol for internet H+ or E is showing but the problem is that it doesn't show that data is enable and able to transfer data.
While developing for Android, I am unable to open more than one main.xml file in an Eclipse editor at a time.Each time I open one, it simply replaces the editor (tab) of the first main.xml with the new one, instead of opening a new tab - even if the contents of the existing tab were unsaved.Even stranger, I can open multiple main.xml files from different projects with no problems.This only happens when they're within the same project.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new in android, i am having few problem in layout alignment. I have divide the screen into three layout,as header, body and footer. I am giving the height dynamically for the three layout in java file, so i need to give 12% of height to header and footer layout, and the remaining 75% i need to assign height to body layout. For that i have made the calculation as follow
first i am getting the height and width for the screen. With the help of the screen height i am getting the 12.5% height for header and footer layout
WindowManager w = getWindowManager(); Display d = w.getDefaultDisplay(); int totalwidth_screen = d.getWidth(); int totalheight_screen = d.getHeight();..................
Is it possible to build a GridView object in XML with 3 columns and 4 rows of Image buttons? It doesn't seem to have similar containment relationship like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout viewgroups.
I want to do this entirely in an xml layout file. When I put ImageButton xml tags inside a GridView xml body, The layout panel in eclipse is throwing an exception: UnsupportedOperationException:addView(View, LayoutParams) is not supported in AdapterView.
I have an Activity which uses a layout with a LinearLayout in it. Now I want to create in runtime a subactivity which loads some other layout and add this layout as item of my LinearLatout.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have following in xml
I wanna put the second linear layout at the bottom of the screen.
I have set the property of second Relative layout to bottom but still not showing at bottom..
I have LinearLayout. Inside to that i have added one more Linearyout ( checkbox & text ).
(LinearLayout) one textView, (LinearLayout) Checkbox,textview , one textview
Now whenever clicks the checkbox, i need to dynamically display EditBox after the checkbox.
On the click of checkbox listener i added a code like below.
I want to the layout which was added earlier.
I am using eclipse 3.5 with the ADT plugin.when I view layout xml files, i get two tabs in the view the source code view and a graphical view.the graphical view almost never works for any of my usually shows "NullPointerException: null" at the top and nothing else. when it does work, it often does not match what i get in the simulator or seems like this thing simply is not ready for prime time; although the idea is very cool.has anyone else had much success with it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have defined the layout which you can see at the end of this message. I do not understand, why the button is not displayed. If I move the button to the top that the rendering works.
In android, there are different sub-directory under 'res'
* layout
* layout-finger
* layout-land-finger
Can you please explain what are the difference between these directories?
I've successfully created a countdown kitchen timer activity, however my goal is to have an activity that has 3 timers on it that all work independently. I created a separate layout just for the timer itself and moved the timer code into a class and I've used layoutinflater to create the views and then added them into the linear layout for the activity. I get the layouts fine, however there's no functionality. There doesn't seem to be anything that ties the class code to the activity. How should I approach this? Can anyone point me to some working example code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHere's a screen shot of the layout I'm looking for: Can this all be done with one Relative Layout?
View 1 Replies View RelatedImagine I have a toolbar implemented as a horizontal LinearLayout as follows:
[___Button1____] [___Button2___] [___Button3___] [___Button4___]
When someone clicks on Button2, I want the toolbar to change to:
[___Button1____] [___________Button2___________] [___Button3___]
The toolbar should transition from the first state to the second state through a smooth animation. I would like to use a scale animation on Button2, and while that is happening, Button3 and Button 4 should move to the right (while the animation is going on). At the end of the animation (or maybe during), I will fade Button4 out.
Question: How do I achieve an animation of the layout of the toolbar such that only one component (i.e. Button2) is being scaled while the others are not being scaled - the layout is simply updated during the animation of Button2.
I looked at LayoutAnimationController, but it does not appear to allow me to either:
1. specify different animations for the different components, OR
2. indicate that only animate one component and don't animate the others.
I can't scale the entire toolbar because that distorts Button1/3/4 which I don't want.
I have the following code in my layout.xml.
In the eclipse Plugin layout creator, the EditText and button are shown properly. (see the below screenshot)
But on the device and emulator, the button is not hidden. (see the below screenshot)
why the button is getting hidden in the device?
Can I embed Tab Layout into other layout?
The designed layout is like below...
I just want to have tabs in my layout but not the root. Is it possible?
My layout files are growing and growing. So I came up with an idea of putting them in subdirectories. Is it possible? Simple code:
<include android:id="@+id/mLayout" layout="@layout/subdirectory/blahblah">
seem not to work.
Is it possible to have another layout in my main layout?
Such that i can set my imageview in another layout.
I have 5 layout folders. layout, layout-small, layout-normal, layout-medium and layout-large.
My app is heavily image based. As a result I have created the proper images. mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi. I don't think I need to worry about ldpi since screens are only getting bigger.
With this in mind and the need for me to now create a good landscape layout for all my pages, how do I go about this? Is it simple layout-land? No need for large/small/normal again right?
Considering that I've got all my hdpi and xdpi images do I even need layout-medium, layout-large and layout-normal? Because the images will be adjusting themselves based on screensize surely I can use one layout and have that work for all screens..?
It's all getting very confusing now that I'm trying to add a landscape view to my app. It doesn't do it very well at the moment so I will probably have to design a landscape friendly layout so I can understand that I would need to rebuild all my layouts for this particular use (We're talking about 100 layous here but oh well, I can manage it. )
How do I go about creating the following layout in Android?
I want a "header", that is, a header that stays the same at all times. The only thing that should change is the area below the header.
Think of it as a webpage, where the content-area is where its all happening =)
| H E A D E R |
| |
| |
| |
| C O N T E N T |
| |
| |
| |
Sure, its easy enough to create a LinearLayot, add a View on the top and then another view below that - tada! But what Im after is how you "set up" or design the project so its easy to just change whats in the Content.
What I really would like is to be able to "swipe" (see here) the area and then just "roll in" a new View/thing in the Content-area, but keep the same header.
To create the following xml layout for the row of my listview
Here the Text is written in a textview and remaining 5 boxes are 5 different ImageView, and the Images should be clickable. How thetext comes over the images.
I want a layout with alpha=0.5 to cover another layout with a button. I got this. However I am still able to click the button of the covered layout, although the other layout is in the front.
This is the xml layout:
I cant sync my google accounts ('sync is currently experiencing problems, it will be back shorly)
Google maps says 'no network connection'
Play store says 'server error'
Gmail says 'waiting for sync, your emails will appear shorly'
Sounds like my internet is broken? ITS NOT. whatsapp and opera mini, web browser is still working 100% and able to connect
I have tried:
turning sync of and on
clear the cache of various google apps
turning the phone off and on
The last action I did before it worked was to uninstall the 'microsoft outlook app'.
Had WiFi working earlier now it has stopped but laptop still working ok?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Android SQLite/ContentProvider problem that I have been beating my head against the wall for over the past 3 hours.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know there have been other threads about the Youtube app no longer working (majority of the time), but it looks like it hasn't been commented on in awhile.SO, I really want to get this phone but won't until I know the bug is fixed.Can you Eris users let me know if your Youtube app is working or not working? (basically by not working I mean, almost every video you try to open you get a message saying: "Sorry, this video cannot be played")Also, does anyone have any logical ideas as to why not EVERY Eris user is affected by this bug?
View 22 Replies View RelatedAfter finally getting ADC0.3BetaDark up and running, I can no longer access SetCPU.I uninstalled it, then reinstalled, let it search my phone automatically, and it freezes at the SU request.Also, when puttin SU into Terminal Emulator, I get stuck.
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