Android :: Spinner In ListView Activity
Apr 5, 2010I am newbie in Android Application Development. I am trying to invoke a list in spinner can anyone tell me where I am having trouble. Here is the code of my application Code...

I am newbie in Android Application Development. I am trying to invoke a list in spinner can anyone tell me where I am having trouble. Here is the code of my application Code...
I have a spinner selection box on my activity, but now I want to remove the spinner from the main view and make the selection available by an option from the menu button. How do I get the dialog the spinner shows if I click it without having the spinner? Currently I fill the spinner using a SimpleCursorAdapter like this:
Cursor c = db.fetchAllSets();
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, c, new String[] { DatabaseAdapter.SET_KEY_NAME }, new int[] { });
So now I'm planning to remove the spinner from my activity, add a new button to the menu and in the onOptionsItemSelected(...) show a dialog with the list of available selection - just the way it is right now after clicking the spinner object.
So I am new to developing android apps and had a question. I have a spinner and based on the selection I was wondering the best way to call another class / layout.Here is my main class
public class BestBuyMobileActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
I use this code to generate a spinner in my app:
On my device (Motorola Milestone) and in the emulator this looks like the standard gray spinner widget.
On of my colleagues uses a Motorola Backflip and on his device the Spinner is black. Now its very hard to read the font in the spinner.
What do I have to do to use my own view for the spinner? I don't mind to have the gray spinner on all devices, but it should always look the same on all devices.
I have an xml layout file which contains a few widgets including a Spinner
I want to display a list of strings in the spinner, the list is generated at runtime as a result of a function so it can not be in arrays.xml.
I tried doing:
But this crashes my application.
I have a spinner 'aperture' set up with a list of numbers, and a spinner 'mode' with two options. When a button is pushed I need a calculation to run using various inputs, including the current selection from 'aperture' and a value derived from 'mode'. How do I call the value of a spinner so I can use it in a calculation?
Also, how do I use the spinner 'mode's selection to set this other value before implimenting it in the calculation? To be more specific, if the spinner is set to Small then the value I use in the calculation is 0.015, whereas if Large is selected I need to use 0.028
My other inputs are EditText views, so right now I am set up like this:
That is not the actual equation, it is just a test to make sure everything connects properly. How would I call the value of spinner 'aperture' and the Small/Large spinner 'mode'
I have a spinner widget in my activity which lets users pick a list name.
Normally, the function of the spinner is to switch between lists but for a couple of instances, I swap out the selection change listener to perform a different function with the same list of options. Once the selection has been made, the old listener is restored and life goes on.
This is a bad and buggy arrangement. Instead, I would like to have a function that just takes a selection listener and some other parameters and shows a popup list that's populated by the same cursor (or and identical cursor) as the spinner, without using the spinner itself.
Is there any way I can do this?
I am trying to populate a spinner depending on another spinner's selected item, my code is the following:
what is intriguing me is that the first spinner onitemselection works perfectly ( I can see the values in LogCat) then when I change selection of the 2nd spinner I am gettging an error on this line: String selected= (String) s2.getSelectedItem(); So the compiler gets insisde then onItemSelected function of the 2nd spinner but throws an Handler exceltion on s2.getSelectedItem()
why? it works perfectly for the 1st spinner.
I am trying to add a List view as below. Code...
But the list never appears. What am I doing wrong?
I tried a lot but i did not success, my problem is i want to add first one button and below that one listview. for that i divided my xml in two Linearlayout as below in code but it is not working when i am hiding button code then list view is coming other wise only button is coming on the screen. please find out my error in xml or any thing i have to do in .java file Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI developed an activity that extends the ListActivity. It has a ListView that binds to a DB. Thing is that I can click on the items of the view only with the trackball. When I try touching the items or the view I can't, is not responsive. Below the view I have a button that works just fine in touch screen mode. I already tried removing the button (I thought that was it) but no. Code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've a listView Activity where user could open a dialog to display more information about a line of the list. On the Dialog user could modify a line. So my purpose is to refresh listView when User modify it by the Dialog. The problem is that I couldn't use myArrayAdapter.notifyDataSetChanges() so How I could do that ?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView that shows a list of names. When you select a name, I want to pass the selected person' ID to the next view (Profile) and retreieve their data based on their ID. I am able to load the Profile View, but do not know how to pass the ID from the ListView to the Profile. Here is how I am loading the Profile: Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am writing my first Android application, and I have been struggling with this for over a week. It seems like the basis of all android applications yet I cannot understand how to do it. For example, if you are in the Android Settings Menu, you have a list and you click on "About", it takes you to the "About" Actvitiy etc.
I need my app to do that as well, I have 5 menu items that I want to be able to select and go to the Activity for the selected item.
Currently I have my items in a string_array, but I have nothing that corresponds the string name with the activity name I want to goto.
I am trying (as many are doing) to populate a 2nd spinner out of the first spinner selected item like this:..............
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to create a ListView Activity with an ImageView in every row. I've used this tutorial: The issue is that there are always some dividers missing whenever I run the example. The dividers are disappearing/appearing and flickering as i scroll the list (tested in emulator and HTC Tattoo). Strange is that the same example downloaded from the market (API Demos app) behaves correctly. Here is a screenshot of how it looks:
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am in a situation like, i have custom list view. One button, with listitems. When i click the button, i need to switch the activity. But the calls, startActivityForResult(myIntent, 0); --> is a non static call. I couldnt initiate this function in onClickLIstener() for the button. Dont know how to proceed with this situation ? Can anyone help me out with this.? Code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedAs you can see, I first create a webview. Then, I want it to immediately disappear. Then, I want the Listview to come up. But the problem is, I can't do Listview if I don't do ListActivity but then I can't do Activity. Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway I can create a dynamically filled ListView when the class does not extend ListActivity?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm just starting with Android and can't find how to display a list in my activity. The activity and the layout main.xml are shown below. How can I display the country array in the ListView 'list' of my layout?
I have a ListView and an ExpandableListView inside of a TabActivity. I have overridden the setOnItemClickListener for the ListView. I have 2 tabs and one uses the ListView and the other uses the ExpandableListView. For some reason I cannot click on any of the items in the first ListView. If I change tabs to the ExpandableListView and then go back to the first tab it will then allow me to click on the items as usual. Any ideas on why this is happening. Is there some kind of weird focus thing going on? Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Activity with ListView inside it and in the onCreate method of the Activity I have code for populating the Data of the ListView this Data is a server based and so populating includes calling Network URLs. I have the ArrayAdapter of the ListView in the Same Activity Class.
Now the Issue I'am facing is that, in Rest all scenarios my Activity is behaving in a proper way but when the Orientation [ Portrait to Landscaped or other way round] is taking place the Data is Getting lost and Newer Data calls are Required to Populate the Same Old Data now this is something that is not intended out the code how should I deal with it.
I have a list (of messages) and I want to give the user the ability to remove these items from the list. I have extended an ArrayAdapter and give it an ArrayList of my messages and would like to simply remove an item from that list and then refresh the listview instead of reloading the entire list of sent messages. The problem is, if there's only one message and I remove it using listAdapter.remove(messageObject), the adapter is still calling getView and then throwing NullPointerExceptions all over the place. I'm not sure what the best way is to go about this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a listView using a custom adapter. Each row contains a button and some other Views. I want to be able to click either on the button, or on the row itself (to edit the item of the list that is clicked).
Setting an onItemClickListener in the activity won't work because of this problem
I think I have to set an onClickListener in the getView() method of my adapter for it to work properly.
I would like to use my activity's onClickListener, in order to use a startActivityForResult() when the row is clicked, in order to have something returned to my activity when the item edition activity is over.
How can I do that?
I have a ListView that uses Linkify to create a link to another activity in my app. the url looks something like content://com.myapp/activitiy/view?param=blah
This works fine every time.
However, in another view, I'm trying to call some code like this:
But for some reason this doesn't seem to work. It doesn't trigger my activity (and in fact it blows up if i dont include the setAction() call. How am I supposed to create the Intent such that it acts the same way that Linkify does...?
Now i realize i can setup the extras and then handle it in the activity, but that just seems like duplicated effort.
In Android, what functionality do ListActivity and ListView provide beyond a regular Activity and View?
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