Android :: Passing Value From ListView To A New Activity?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a ListView that shows a list of names. When you select a name, I want to pass the selected person' ID to the next view (Profile) and retreieve their data based on their ID. I am able to load the Profile View, but do not know how to pass the ID from the ListView to the Profile. Here is how I am loading the Profile: Code...

Android :: Passing Value from ListView to a new Activity?

Android :: Passing Arguments From Loading Activity To Main Activity

May 16, 2010

I'm writing an application that starts with a loading activity. In the loading activity the app requests html from web and parses the html, then it sends the parsing result to the main activity. The main activity has several tabs, and contents of these tabs are based on the result of parsing.For example, the result of parsing is a list of strings ["apple", "banana", "orange"], and I need to pass this list to main activity, so that the main activity can create three tabs named after three fruits.I would like to know if there is any way to pass a list of strings among activities, BTW, is it the common way of do this?

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Android :: Passing Values From One Activity To Another

Feb 11, 2010

I have an app which makes use of several layout-views. Every layout - view also got a class for it, which extend the Activity class. One class for example retrieves some database values whilst offering a search form to the user. Afterwards the user can select one of those values and he gets presented with another screen which gives similar options as the one selected. Anyways, I'd like for the first Activity to be able to send an array with data (Strings for example) to the second one. Right now I show an activity by using:

Intent i = new Intent(this, activitysName.class); startActivity(i);

I have no idea whilst using this construction how I can "initialize" the new object with the String array I want to pass to it. So how should this be achieved ? Should I be using something else instead of an Intent-Activity combination ?

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Android :: Passing Bitmap To Another Activity

Jun 7, 2010

I have a Bitmap image and i want to forward the bitmap to another activity. I have two activities Activity A and Activity B. This is how I started the Activity B
startActivityForResult(new Intent(Activity A.this, Activity B.class), 120);
in activity B
private void forwardImage(Bitmap bit) {
Intent i = new Intent(MMS.this, Compose.class);
i.putExtra("MMS", bit);
setResult(RESULT_OK, i);
finish(); }

This is not forwarding to Activity A but if I put a String to the intent it'll forward. This is how I listen to result in Activity A

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
switch (resultCode)
case RESULT_OK: Intent intent = getIntent();
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("MMS");
default: break;
} }

How can I pass a bitmap.

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Android :: Passing Parameters To New Activity

Mar 2, 2009

I'm programming an Activity that launches a second one through startActivity just like in the Forwarding example. The main difference is that I'd like to pass some data to the second Activity when starting it, for example an item selected in a list owned by the first Activity. I can't find how to do that. Am I missing something? I guess I do.

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Android :: Passing Values From Activity To Another File

Nov 20, 2010

I have a need where I must pass some values from an Activity to another file which extends View class (instead of Activity). Its not the normal passing of values from one activity to another. In my Activity, I will pass some co-ordinate values to the class that extends View. In this class, I will draw an image and place points over the image on the required co-ordinates. But, the problem is, I cant send values using Intent.

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Android :: Passing Linear Layout From One Activity To Another

Feb 28, 2010

For a rather crazy reason I am trying to pass a linear Layout from one activity to another. Should I use an intent extra for this? What would be the right way to create a Linear Layout in one activity and then spawn a new activity using that linear Layout.

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Android :: Passing A 2 Dimensional Array To An Activity

Apr 1, 2009

I need to pass a 2 dimensional array to an ACTIVITY from a SERVICE. How can I achieve this in minimum number of statements (as in avoiding putExtras for each and every string stored in the array)?

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Android :: Passing Data Between Service And Activity

Sep 19, 2010

So I'm getting really confused on how to do this whole thing and I was hoping someone could break it down for me a little bit.I have a service that should always be running, and at certain times it needs to alert the user that a task is to be completed(probably through a notification bar icon). When the user accepts the task, the service needs to look into the local database, construct some non primitive objects, and give them to the activity that it just started.I have looked all over and gotten very confused as to a proper approach so I have a few questions to help me wrap my head around it.If an activity creates a local SQLite database can the service and activities of that application access that same database later?Does the service and activity need to be in the same or separate packages? I would think no but for some reason I remember seeing something about this elsewhere.

How would I do the data transmission from the service to the activity? I was thinking a content provider but it seems like there should be an easier way for the service to just hand off the data. Similar to an Intent but for non primitives.

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Android :: Passing Keyevents To The Next Activity In The Stack

Apr 4, 2009

I'm trying to create an activity which would be on top of other activities (a small dialog themed activity) and I want to get ALL key events to be ignored by my activity and handled normally by the activity beneath it. When I say all I mean the send, end and back keys too. Is this possible?I've tried setFocusable(false), setting the flag FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE, and adding a dummy onKeyListener but nothing doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Android :: Passing Array Buffer Between Activity In Same Application

Apr 7, 2009

I am developing an image applications.

One activity decoding image file (jpg, bmp, and so on) to byte buffer RGB 565 or 888 type.

Then want to pass image buffer to another activity for change image data.

I have 3 activity the main decoding activity[A] and selecting effect activity[B] and apply effect activity[C] for change image data.

If i use intent then activity[A] should make intent[1] and putExtra to that intent. and then [B] call getIntent and getByteArrayExtra for get byte buffer.

If user select effect then [B] make new intent[2] and putExtra to intent[2]. and startActivityForResult with intent[2] and activity[C].

Then activity[C] call getIntent to get intent[2] and getByteArrayExtra for get byte buffer again.

There takes much times to make new byte buffer and copy from parent's activity's byte buffer 2 times. [A]->[B] and [B]->[C]

That process drops application performance.


1. Can i pass intent[1] to activity[C] without make new intent[2] and putExtra byte buffer? by modify intent[1]. (if it works just 1 buffer copy will perform)

2. Can i use application global memory for share byte buffer? if i use hash map how can each activity access same hash map? (if it works don't need to copy buffer)

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Android :: Passing Array By Calling Activity From A Thread

Jul 23, 2010

I have two activities:

"a" that spawns thread for generating a dynamic array of values inside public void run() function.
"b", graphics activity that will help me draw rectangular pulses based on array values calculated in activity "a" (calculated in a's thread to be precise).

When I am in thread inside "a", how do I pass values of array to activity "b" and
call activity as well.

activity A


activity B


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Android :: Passing Information Back From EventListener To Activity

Nov 6, 2010

I'm new to Android, and event driven code in general. Rather than embed loads of anonymous event listener classes in my Activity to handle onClick events etc, I defined separate classes to keep the code clean. Then I use them e.g. like this

myButton.setOnClickListener(new MyEventListener());

So, when 'myButton' gets clicked, MyEventListener's onClick method does some stuff.

I wanted to know the best practice for

a) accessing things in my Activity from the event listener. For example to change the text of a label. The onClick event takes a View in, but this is the view for the button that's been clicked, so if the label is NOT a child of my button, I can't use findViewById to get a handle to it. I've modified the constructor to pass in a reference to the label, so that the event has a handle to it but not sure if this is the most elegant way of doing it.

b) Passing information back e.g. when my event fires, I might want to disable some EditText fields. I'm thinking the proper way to do this is probably to dispatch another event from my event listener, that the Activity listens for, and when it sees the event, disables the fields in question. Is that the way to do it in Android?

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Android :: Passing Intents From Service To New Launch From Main Activity

Mar 30, 2009

How do you pass an intent from a service to a new activity launched from a main activity? There's a passextra( intent src ); but I don't think thats what I am looking for?

activity main > start service( intent wuteverserviceintent );
activity main > start activity( intent newactivityintent );

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Android :: Force Browser Activity To Close After Passing Control

Sep 21, 2009

So I read through the SDK docs and I thought that calling a new activity(browser) as part of a task (myTask) will mean that activity* (browser) will close when a user closes the task (myTask) But I am left with a browser window.

Here is my scenario (in sudo code);


Question 1: What is the cleanest way to ensure that when a user closes my app, any outside activities called will be closed to.

Question 2: Does a callback URl start a new Task, or use one in the stack if available?

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Android :: Passing Aray List To Next Activity In Widget Application

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create app widget.In this widget I have added one image button.If i click on this button i should pass list of object to next activity.Before passing this list to activity I am converting it to parceable list and adding it to bunddle and puting that bundle to intent.This logic is working fine in android 1.6, but this is not working in Android 2.1.In android 2.1.I am getting Null pointer excepion when I try to access this list in next activity.To solve this problem I tried to pass only String data through bundle,in next activity String is displaying properly,but when I try to pass list,then only i am not getting list in next activity.

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Android :: Display A Dialog In Non-Activity - Simple Java - Class By Passing Parameters

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to display a dialog box in a simple Java class that is called from my main Activity but not successful. Please help me to figure it out.

I am passing the required values as parametrs.

I have two class: class MainActivity extends Activity :: Main *starting point *of Application class ShowMyDialog :: a simple java program In which I *generate an URl* and *display a dialog with WebView*.

I am passing the Acitivity from my MainActivity to this class as a parameter in function.

But I am *unable to call* the onCreateDialog method that I have *defined in the simple java class.

However, If I define the *onCreateDialog method in MainActivity, I am able to display it successfully.

What Should I pass as Parameter to the non Activity class from MainActivity class so that I am able to display the dialog as defined by showdialog method in JAVA class ???*

My steps of source code is as follow:


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Android :: Want To Add ListView As Part Of A Activity

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to add a List view as below. Code...
But the list never appears. What am I doing wrong?

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Android :: Listview With Button On Same Activity

Apr 17, 2010

I tried a lot but i did not success, my problem is i want to add first one button and below that one listview. for that i divided my xml in two Linearlayout as below in code but it is not working when i am hiding button code then list view is coming other wise only button is coming on the screen. please find out my error in xml or any thing i have to do in .java file Code...

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Android :: ListView Not Touchable In My Activity

Apr 8, 2009

I developed an activity that extends the ListActivity. It has a ListView that binds to a DB. Thing is that I can click on the items of the view only with the trackball. When I try touching the items or the view I can't, is not responsive. Below the view I have a button that works just fine in touch screen mode. I already tried removing the button (I thought that was it) but no. Code...

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Android :: ListView Activity / Dialog

Aug 27, 2010

I've a listView Activity where user could open a dialog to display more information about a line of the list. On the Dialog user could modify a line. So my purpose is to refresh listView when User modify it by the Dialog. The problem is that I couldn't use myArrayAdapter.notifyDataSetChanges() so How I could do that ?

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Android :: Way To Start An Activity From A Listview?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a listview and I am trying to start an activity from the listview by {startActivity(;}I have tried allsorts of methods and I cannot get anything to work. All I want to do is for each team in the list have a separate java file(Class) With activities in them, Help I'm at my wits end. Code...

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Android :: How To Start An Activity From A Listview?

Sep 24, 2010

I have 24 teams in a list, I have 24 separate .java classes for each team with information about those teams. When the user click on an item(Team) in the list I want to goto that teams java file(Class) and display there information. below is the code, As you can see I have setup the Bradford class and I have registered this in android manifest but when I click on bradford nothing happens, also when I try to set up another intent for another team the mylist value cannot be used again. Code...

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Android :: Spinner In ListView Activity

Apr 5, 2010

I am newbie in Android Application Development. I am trying to invoke a list in spinner can anyone tell me where I am having trouble. Here is the code of my application Code...

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Android :: Add A View / Activity On Top Of A ListView

Jun 2, 2010

I want to have a view with several choices when I click an element of my ListView. I was thinking of implementing an AlertDialog but as I need more than 3 options it is not possible. I also thought of putting my ListView in a FrameLayout and have an view with a gone visibility that I would turn visible at the click and update the content but I don't know If it's a good idea. Code...

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Android :: Use ListView To Start An Activity?

Nov 1, 2010

I am writing my first Android application, and I have been struggling with this for over a week. It seems like the basis of all android applications yet I cannot understand how to do it. For example, if you are in the Android Settings Menu, you have a list and you click on "About", it takes you to the "About" Actvitiy etc.

I need my app to do that as well, I have 5 menu items that I want to be able to select and go to the Activity for the selected item.

Currently I have my items in a string_array, but I have nothing that corresponds the string name with the activity name I want to goto.

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Android :: Want To Create A ListView Activity With An Image In Every Row

May 5, 2010

I have been trying to create a ListView Activity with an ImageView in every row. I've used this tutorial: The issue is that there are always some dividers missing whenever I run the example. The dividers are disappearing/appearing and flickering as i scroll the list (tested in emulator and HTC Tattoo). Strange is that the same example downloaded from the market (API Demos app) behaves correctly. Here is a screenshot of how it looks:

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Android :: How Do I Switch To New Activity From A Custom Listview ?

Sep 1, 2010

I am in a situation like, i have custom list view. One button, with listitems. When i click the button, i need to switch the activity. But the calls, startActivityForResult(myIntent, 0); --> is a non static call. I couldnt initiate this function in onClickLIstener() for the button. Dont know how to proceed with this situation ? Can anyone help me out with this.? Code...

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Android :: How To Do A WebView / ListView In Same Activity OnCreate?

Feb 10, 2010

As you can see, I first create a webview. Then, I want it to immediately disappear. Then, I want the Listview to come up. But the problem is, I can't do Listview if I don't do ListActivity but then I can't do Activity. Code...

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Android :: Dynamic ListView Extends Activity

Sep 26, 2010

Is there anyway I can create a dynamically filled ListView when the class does not extend ListActivity?

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