Android :: Send A Json Object From Java To .net Client?
Oct 29, 2010From my android client i am sending a json to string object.but the .net client is getting it as empty string. here is my code...
is this header format correct?

From my android client i am sending a json to string object.but the .net client is getting it as empty string. here is my code...
is this header format correct?
In my Android client I want to receive JSON objects from a server. By googling I found a lot of different possibilities how to best parse the InputStream from the Server, but most of them wrote their own parser. Isn't there a library which does this parsing for me? Or how should I best implement it by myself?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi am trying to send a json string from my android client to my .net Rest service...
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost("http://myURL");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("name", "i am sample");
StringEntity str = new StringEntity(json.toString());
str.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");
str.setContentEncoding(new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE,"application/json; charset=utf-8"));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
Response is bad request. am i sending the json object as string? is this code correct?
I know that this is not really an android question but i am new to both android and JSON. "Email":"","Password":"123456"} to a url. The above structure is sent to Server in a variable named "json". The server reads the data and sends back the user information in a json object if the login is successful or {"error","-1"} if the authentication fails.................
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to parse a json object using gson in Android application ,the test passed quite gracefully in emulator ,while i used the actual device ,the problems started.
I am getting the exception as follows.
I am using gson 1.4 version.The code i use is:
I want to convert from json object
Is there any way to parse JSON object, that comes from facebook server in a response, into ArrayList or Map so that i can set values in my ListView. I am finding difficulty in parsing because JSON object itself contains JSONArray and this Array can contain JSONObject may be in recurcive order.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to parse JSON in android but am having trouble with accessing sub children of an object. I am trying to extract augment from the following. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the following JSON text that i need to parse to get page Name, pagePic, post_id, etc. What is the required code? page Info: { page Name: abc pagePic: }
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am building an android app that needs to download and synchronise with an online database, I am sending my query from the app to a php page which returns the relevant rows from a database in JSON format.
Tell me the best way to iterate through a JSON array?
I receive an array of objects:
[{json object},{json object},{json object}]
What is the simplest piece of code I could use to access the JSONObjects in the array?
Now that I think of it the method I used to iterate the loop was:
So I guess I had was somehow able to turn the returned Json into and iterable array. Any Ideas how I could achieve this?
I apologise for my vaguness but I had this working from an example I found on the web and have since been unable to find it.
I am writing a simple Android app and have a database that will send back information into the app. I am new to Android and am looking for a simple example that demonstrates how the Android App can process a JSON response received from a HTTP request. I need to see what classes are used for Android apps to process a HTTP response. A reference to a good tutorial, or if you're keen, write a very basic method to do the job.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried to create a android application that sends a serialzed object from the phone to a servlet the contents of the object is the input from the user which i will store in a database using hibernate.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get a FileInputStream object on an image that the user selects from the picture gallery.
This is the android URI returned by android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI content://media/external/images/media/3
When I try to construct a java URI object from this object, I get an IllegalArgumentException with the exception description Expected file scheme in URI: content://media/external/images/media/3 whereas the android URI shows the scheme as content
Never found a solution for the original question. But if you want the byte stream of an image in the pictures gallery, this piece of code will do that.
I've been looking the source code available from the Restlet official tutorial.
I am trying to hit the Restlet server using the Android app from he tutorial adn I only get the JSON response, not the Java Object. I tried using all libraries and extensions, nothing works. When I hit the tutorial url though ( I get the desired response. Any ideas? BTW, I am just using the server (GAE) in the example, not the GWT frontend.
Do you know a library or method to serialize / deserialize Java bean to json in android?
how i can introspect a javabean and fill its fields?
I am trying to send requests to a server in JSON format but my app die on the emulator when i try to send request. However the same code works fine as a normal java application.
Here is my code:
private HttpResponse doRequest(String url,JSONObject jso){
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
HttpResponse response = null;
What wrong with this code if it run perfectly in a java application?
I am creating an application which retrieves images from the web. In case the image cannot be retrieved another local image should be used.
While trying to execute the following lines:
The line if(drawable.equals(null)) throws an exception if drawable is null.
Does anyone know how should the value of drawable be checked in order not to throw an exception in case it is null and retrieve the local image (execute drawable = getRandomDrawable())?
I'm writing some stuff in java and i ran into some problems lately. cut short, i need to compare an object i created to another instance of this very class i instantiazed before with different data.
looks like this:
with a class a:
The problem is, that i end up finding out that the values from newA are always equal to those from oldA. so i guess sth went wrong with passing the references of the objects in the last line of the loop...i thought java always passes references of objects unless an explicit copy() is called? if this does matter: this code is running on android - don't know if the dalvik vm messes aroung with this...
I have constructed a Bitmap object in Java. Can you please tell me how can I scale it (x, y with a different ratio) on android?
View 2 Replies View Related(Code is for Android Actually, I need code to be portable between Android and Java SE.)
I want to have a "settings" class with various game settings, like
public int map_size;
public String server_name;
The data needs to be accessed fairly frequently (so members, not a key-value map), and from time to time de/serialized in some standard way (mainly to send it through network).
I want to be able to
Serialize and deserialize the object into XML or JSON, without having to explicitly write the code for every member (but still having some degree of control over the format).
Define some (constant) meta-data about every member (default value, GUI name, XML identifier, ...), in a way that allows for easy modification in the source code (I want to be able to add a new meta-property, define a default value for it, and not have to specify it everywhere else).
1 is achievable by using reflection. I thought Java annotations for class members would be perfect for 2:
But it looks like (user-defined) annotations don't work in Android yet - code using them crashes the compiler...
What would be the easiest way to store the meta-data about the settings (or another way to approach all this)?
Store information about settings in some external XML file? Store it in a Java data structure, with content defined in the code? Defining the data in this way somehow seems very unwieldy, especially compared to keyword arguments of annotations?
I have created a class with 3 sub classes in Java. The 3 sub classes contain variables to store information from my XML document. I am able to store in the first two for there are only single instances of the data in the XML. The third class contains variables that repeat multiple times. I want to store an object of "third class" objects. I also have a SAX parser class. I am doing this within an Android environment (1.6).
Does this make enough sense without displaying any code?
I have 2 String Operations I would need relevant in Object C // Get the newstring from mystring start at counter Java: newstring = mystring.substring(counter) OBJ-C: ? // Get the position from searchstring in mystring Java: startpos = mystring.indexOf(searchstring) ObJ-C: ?
I had two other questions and found now the solution (here als for others)
I was wondering what the simplest program for sending an object from my Android phone to my computer wirelessly (via LAN) would be. I have created Java RMI programs with a server and multiple clients, so I have a grasp of the concept. However with android I'm just not sure where to start.
What I am aiming to do is send some sort of information (could simply be text) to my computer and my computer will do an action. I have the GUI interface's and the actions to be carried out all worked out, just the sending of some sort of information is getting me.
I have a simple Java client application (Android app). I have to write a PHP server application which receives a request from the Java client application to write some data to a MySQL database or read some data from the MySQL database. It should respond with a status message (Write failed/success) or the data requested respectively. How would I get the Java client send a request and receive the reply from the PHP program and how would the PHP program receive the request and send the reply? I have googled about SOAP and REST architectures, but looking for a simple tutorial which will allow me to implement this simple program.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought when you passed objects to methods in Java, they were supposed to be by value.
public class MyClass{
int mRows;
int mCols;
Tile mTiles[][]; //Custom class
public MyClass(Tile[][] tiles, int rows, int cols) {..........
At this point, any changes to the mTiles object are reflected back to the tiles object.
I'm building an android application, which has a list view, and in the list view, a click listener, containing an onItemClick method. So I have something like this:
public class myList extends ListActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
/* Do something*/
Normally, this works fine. However, many times I find myself needing too preform an application using the outer class as a context. thusfar, I've used: parent.getContext(); to do this, but I would like to know, is that a bad idea? I can't really call: because it's not really a subclass, just an embedded one. So is there any better way, or is that considered cosure? Also, if it is the right way, what should I do if the embedded method doesn't have a parameter to get the outside class?
I'm writing an Android application. One problem is your app cannot contain a file whose uncompressed size is bigger than about 1Mb. I have a serialized object that I want to load that totals about 2Mb. My plan was to split this file into two smaller files, then load the object by combining both files at runtime.
However, I cannot work out how to use e.g. InputStream and ObjectInputStream to specify that I want to read the data from two input streams. How can I do this?
For example, say my object was split between file O1 and O2. How can I say "Load the object by reading the data from O1 then from O2"?
So I ran into a problem today while working on my Android program. I have a class that turns that an XML string into a Java object (third party) and it works fine in as a regular java project but on Android I get this weird error:
I hide my application name and my package for obvious reasons but I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered problems like this. Class is in the correct package, which is a library I have added. Other classes that I reference before are there and those can be made. Are there any other reasons a ClassNotFound Exception is thrown?
I'm trying to open tcp connection between android (emulator) and PC. I'm trying to create a new socket and then it crash. the line where it crash: Socket s = new Socket("", 27015);
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm looking for the concept of creating Java Server to handle Client requests and respond to it , i want to use Google App engine which does not allow Socket connections , so is the client & server in this case will communicate using Http requests? i'll be glad if someone could clarify the logic to me and provide a few lines of code.
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