Android :: Picking Image From SD Card For Application In Android?

Mar 24, 2010

I am working on photos options in my app. I have a button and imageview on my activity. When I click the button it will redirect to gallery and I would like to select an image. The selected image will appear in my image view. How to do that?

Android :: Picking Image from SD Card for Application in Android?

Android :: Picking An Image For Wallpaper

Sep 4, 2010

I'm writing a live wallpaper and need some help. My wallpaper will create an effect over top of another image or existing wallpaper (not another live wallpaper) that the user chooses in the "Settings".My problem is this: I can't find a way to list the static wallpapers or images on the phone. I've seen some examples of getting the camera images, but not the wallpapers.

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Android :: Preview Image - Using File Path From SD Card From Application

Sep 29, 2010

File is present in sdcard/image.jpg I would like to create my own application (activity). On a button press, the image stored in the sdcard needs to be displayed using the built-in image viewer. On pressing the back button from the Image viewer, it should go back to my running application.

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Android :: Developer To Write An Image Application / Google Image Search API

Mar 29, 2009

Eldev LLC is looking for android developer familiar with google image search API to write a new application.

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Android : Picking Up A PhoneBook Entry Under 2.0

Nov 1, 2009

The party is over and Google suddenly released the much anticipated Android 2.0 SDK.

Much improvement for sure !

That said, the party is over and I came to have to deal with the following Ghost;

I've released an app in the market (Ambu) - so far qualified under SDK 1.5 &1.6. Using the emulator for Android 2.0, things don't work anymore.

This is what I'd like to share;

- my app invokes an ACTION.PICK intent as way to extract phone contact from the phone book and populate a database.

When compiling my app using the SDK version 1.6 and a target emulator configured at 1.6 level, the following code WORKS:


When running the same code (compiled with SDK 1.6) and a target emulator at 2.0 level, the above code never return the entries I have populated in my the phone book. It's as if the phonebook was always empty.

A couple of additional observations;

- When running the emulator in 2.0 mode, the default local input type is Japaneese. Any way to change this ?

- Under the 2.0 emulator, and setting a "clean" AVD image, if you launch the dial button, press menu and select account, you'll probably immediatly get a "android.process.acore" error ...

- In the most recent SDK document, I can read that "People.CONTENT_URI" was deprecated after SDK 1.6. Therefore, I've changed the above code to:


Unfortunatly, with the above, I get a crash right away when invoking ACTION_PICK.

Question to the Google Folks (dear dianne and others, please !);

How to we properly pick a phonebook contact under the 2.0 OS using 1.6 or 2.0 compiled apps ?

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Android :: Open Image From The SD Card

Oct 29, 2009

In my application, the user selects an image from the sdcard. I launch Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT action for "image/*" type. This displays the activity. When the user makes a selection, I create a Bitmap Object using Media.createBitmap (..). However, when the user was trying to open an image from the SD card the app ran into strange errors............

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Android :: Image Not Appearing In Sd Card

May 26, 2009

I made a small app which downloads an image(jpg) and saves it on the sd card. It works fine. I could pull the image down in to my computer and could see it. But i couldnt see it in the emulator. (not appearing in the gallery)........................

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Android :: Downloading Image To SD Card

Oct 7, 2010

I created a separate project and activity that downloads an image from a URL, converts it to a Bitmap, and then uses a FileOutputStream to save that file to the SD card. When in the separate project and free-standing activity, this worked fine, and I could see that the image is stored on the SD card. public class PictureDownload extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
downloadFromUrl("", "newpic.jpg");

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Android :: Save Image On SD Card

Jun 23, 2010

I'm developing an image editor on android. I have a problem when I have to save the image. If I save the image with a outputstream, I can save the image but my program and android's gallery can't see the new image. If I save the image with MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage, I can see the saved image but the problem it's that this function save a little image called thumbnails which I don't know what to do.

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Android :: Contact Picking On Motorola Cliq - 1.5?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm able to successfully use the contact picker on the Motorola Cliq using the intent:

new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI)

It works as expected, and I'm able to get the contact data in onActivityResult()

However, every single time, I get an error dialog: "The application Contacts (process com.motorola.blur.contacts) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. (Force Close)"

The error in LogCat: Activity {com.motorola.blur.contacts/ com.motorola.blur.contacts.picker.PickPeopleActivity} did not call through to super.onDestroy()

So does this mean the contacts picker on the Cliq is just plain broken? Has anyone else seen this error, and/or been able to successfully use the contacts picker on the Cliq without getting error messages?

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Android :: How To Provide Image File As An Sd Card?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using camera to capture snapshots. But i am unable to view taken pictures location. I am also unable to browse sdcard directory using DDMS in eclipse.

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Android :: How To Display An Image From SD Card In WebView

Jul 13, 2010

When I started to display an image from the SDCARD in WebView, I got errors like:
" Not allowed to load local resource: file://".
I�ve found a solution for this, and you don�t even have to care about ContentProviders�
Here�s an example:
/* Using WebView to display the full-screen image */
WebView full = (WebView)findViewById(;
/* Set up the Zoom controls */
FrameLayout mContentView = (FrameLayout) get Window().
final View zoom = this.full.getZoomControls();
mContentView.addView(zoom, ZOOM_PARAMS);
/* Create a new Html that contains the full-screen image */
String html = new String();
html = ("<html><center><img src=""+fileName+""></html>" );
/* Finally, display the content using WebView */
full.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///sdcard/data/data/com.youproject.example "utf-8",
""); Hope you found it useful, let me know how it works for you!

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Android :: Setting Wallpaper From An Image On SD Card

Jul 8, 2010

How would one go about setting the homescreen wallpaper from an image on the SDcard?

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Android :: Running Image From Memory Card

Feb 2, 2009

Is it possible to boot the phone (ADP1) from a compiled android image stored on the memory card without affecting the contents of the image flashed on the phone?

I would like to do this so I can work with development images, but I didn't want to mess with the factory image.

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Android :: Renaming Image File On Sd Card

Jun 17, 2010

i have to change the name of a jpg file , for that i have written the following code sdcard = Environment.get External StorageDirectory(); from = new File(sdcard,image Path. sub string ( 8). toString()); to = new File(sdcard, "/DCIM/RoseVille_"+Info.getText() +"_"+Amount.getText () +"_"+timeStampFormat.format(n ew Date())+".jpg");

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Android :: How To Retrieving Image From Sd Card In Droid

Mar 11, 2010

How can I retrieve the last image in the SDcard.

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Android : Need To Save View As An Image To SD Card

Nov 2, 2010

My app creates a puzzle grid using table layout, tablerows and textviews. I want a user to be able to save this grid to the SD card so that it can be printed or copied or loaded onto another device.

How do you save a view so that when it's printed it will look like it does on the android screen?

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Android : Get Image Locations On SD Card / At Least Taken By Camera?

Nov 27, 2009

Am looking for a way to find images on the SD card, or at least images taken by the camera.

The ideal solution would be getting a collection of file paths or URIs for the images. I guessing you can do this through the MediaStore I just can't figure out how.

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Android :: WiFi Searching But Not Picking Up Network Anymore

Sep 22, 2010

the first day I had the phone, it was picking up wi-fi networks. I got it to connect to my home network, then it disconnected. Everyone I go into settings it is "Searching" and never picks up on my network anymore.I have googled to death. Can anyone suggest what is wrong or how to set this up.

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Android :: Picking A Contact And Returning To The Parent Activity

Jan 28, 2010

I wish to re-use the Contacts application in a way to enable the user to pick a contact and return it to the parent activity (my application's activity).

For achieving this, I want to inquire about the kind of Intent that will be needed to launch the contacts application.

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, ?); startActivityForResult(.....);

What should be the second argument here ?

In the deprecated Contacts API, I could use the following snippet, but not sure about ContactsContract:

Intent i= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT,People.CONTENT_URI); startActivityForResult(i, reqCode);

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Android :: How To Launch Intent To Pick Image From SD Card?

Jun 13, 2009

Can you please tell me how can I launch the intent to pick image from SD card?

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Android :: How To See Image / Media Files In SD Card From Emulator

Mar 6, 2009

When we insert images or media files to sdcard, how we can see this in emulator, means in which folder, i inserted some images and checked in "pictures", but i cant see anything there, just blank only --"No Pictures found" displaying. For media i checked in "Media scanner" under 'Dev tools", there also cant see anything.Can anybody guide me in this issue.

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Android :: Store Image In Sd Card And Retrieve Path

Nov 15, 2010

I am using ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE for capturing image using intent as follwo..

Intent cameraIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
cameraIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, (new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".jpg")));
startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, 0);

i need to store image in sdcard and retrieve path of that image in onActivityResult() method i don't know how to get image path of currently captured image.

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Android :: Cleaning An Image Cache Directory On SD Card?

Apr 1, 2010

I've got an app that is heavily based on remote images. They are usually displayed alongside some data in a ListView. A lot of these images are new, and a lot of the old ones will never be seen again.

I'm currently storing all of these images on the SD card in a custom cache directory (ala evancharlton's magnatune app).

I noticed that after about 10 days, the directory totals ~30MB. This is quite a bit more than I expected, and it leads me to believe that I need to come up with a good solution for cleaning out old files... and I just can't think of a great one. Maybe you can help. These are the ideas that I've had:

Delete old files. When the app starts, start a background thread, and delete all files older than X days. This seems to pose a problem, though, in that, if the user actively uses the app, this could make the device sluggish if there are hundreds of files to delete. After creating the files on the SD card, call new
File("/path/to/file").deleteOnExit(); This will cause all files to be deleted when the VM exits (I don't even know if this method works on Android). This is acceptable, because, even though the files need to be cached for the session, they don't need to be cached for the next session. It seems like this will also slow the device down if there are a lot of files to be deleted when the VM exits. Delete old files, up to a max number of files. Same as #1, but only delete N number of files at a time. I don't really like this idea, and if the user was very active, it may never be able to catch up and keep the cache directory clean.

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Android :: Store Sd Card Image In Remote Server?

Apr 23, 2010

How to store sd card image in remote server.any one please help me i posted this question many times

but i am not getting any reply .it is very urgent to me .

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Android :: OpenGL ES - Color Picking - Front/Back Buffer

Sep 2, 2010

I have a 3D game and I am using color-picking to know which object was selected.

When the user touches the screen, I draw each object with a different color. Then I read the color where the user touched the screen to know which object was selected. After that I draw each object with their respective textures/colors. (everything done during one onDrawFrame pass)

The problem is that sometimes the colored objects appear on the screen (~5% of the times the user touches the screen) and it is even worse on slower hardwares.

This is my pseudo code:


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Android :: Get Image Path From Images Stored On Sd Card Of Phone?

Oct 6, 2010

Is it possible to get the path of all the images that are stored on the sd card of my android phone? also is it possible to check for other images stored on sd card or in the internal memory? I am currently doing this...

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Android :: Cupcake Emulator Do Not Mount SD Card Image / Restore It?

Mar 25, 2009

I just download a cupcake branch of source code and build it. I configured Eclipse for a new SDK, and appear the things is works great, EXCEPT emulator. 1. I configured a new AVD as parameter i pointed my old sdcard.img then loaded and do not see my sdcard 2. then I back and configure another AVD with a parameter to create a new sdcard.img, when the emulator loaded I still not seen sdcard in emulator. 3. then I try to something like: emulator -avd myavd -sdcard mysdcard.img and there is still no sd card.

How can I restore my sd card in emulator.

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Android :: DDMS Allocations Tracker Not Picking Up Activity When Using Real Phone

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to use DDMS to track my allocations, but it only finds my activity if I run it on the emulator. If I run my app on my phone it can't find it, even though it finds the phone. Is there anything specific that I need to do that I might have missed?

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Android :: Write Contents Of Custom View To Large Image File On SD Card

Mar 12, 2010

I have a class that extends View. I override the onDraw method and allow the user to draw on the screen. I am at the point where I want to save this view as an image. I Can use buildDrawingCache and getDrawingCache to create a bitmap that I can write to the SD card. However, the image is not good quality at a large size, it has jagged edges. Since I have a View and I use Paths I can transform all by drawing to a bigger size. I just don't know how to make the Canvas bigger so when I call getDrawingCache it doesn't crop all the paths I am just transformed. What is happening is I transform all my paths but when I write the Bitmap to file I am only getting the "viewport" of the actual screen size. I want something much bigger.

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