Android :: Pausing And Resuming Tutorial

Apr 7, 2010

I'm having some difficulty figuring out the best ways to pause and resume my application. Is there any comprehensive tutorial or something similar that would help me make sure that I'm not missing any important steps?Mostly I'm just worried about not dealing with the memory being used by my application. There's a few apps I own that when you minimize them slow down the rest of the phone to a stand still and I want to make sure to avoid that.

Android :: Pausing and Resuming Tutorial

Android :: Pausing / Stopping And Starting / Resuming Java TimerTask Continuously?

Jan 20, 2010

I have one simple question regarding Java TimerTask. How do I pause/resume two TimerTask tasks based on a certain condition? For example I have two timers that run between each other. When a certain condition has been met inside the task of first timer, the first timer stops and starts the second timer, and the same thing happens when a certain condition has been met inside the task of second do I pause timer1 while running timer2 and vice versa while timer2 is running? Performance and timing is my main concern as this needs to be implemented inside another running thread. By the way I am trying to implement these concurrent timers on Android.

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Android : Pausing Game On Pop-ups

Oct 7, 2010

I am working on an application and I want to be able to detect when a pop-up (e.g Charger notification, task switcher or the dialog that pops up when you hold the power button) is obscuring the game so that I can bring up the pause menu. These notifications do not produce an "onPause" event. Does anyone know the correct way to do this? I know it can be done by detecting the focus loss from the surfaceview, however views can be added and removed I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this than adding a focus handler to each one and trying to keep track.

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Android : Pausing & Reuming Game

Nov 14, 2009

I have a game in android platform. I want to implement pause game function but I don't known stop current threat and resume it when re-play. Please help me solution!

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Android :: Pausing Main Game Thread Until Activity Started

Aug 13, 2010

In my game when the user completes a stage, I want the main game thread to pause/sleep/wait and a new activity to be launched called StageClear that displays information about points scored etc. After this has been displayed and the user has pressed continue I want the original game thread to resume where it left off. I have tried to implement this but have so far been unsuccessful, probably because I'm new to dealing with multiple threads and also the idea of synchronizing them. I most recently tried to implement a shared package-visible object that could notify after wait was called on itself, but I am getting errors in eclipse so it won't even compile, I think because though the object is declared public in an inner class, it cannot be seen or recognised by my activity elsewhere in a file in the package. I have already built both activities but my issue is getting the main game one to launch the other, and pause whilst it waits for this activity to finish, before the main game thread continues execution.

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Android :: Pausing A Thread - Activity Pause Timeout For HistoryRecord

Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to write a game engine in Android, but I don't have much familiarity with threads.

My thread has an attribute, mSurfaceHolder, which holds the surface that I'll be drawing to. The run() method for my thread looks like this:


STATE_RUNNING represents the state when the activity is in the foreground and the game should be running.
STATE_PAUSED represents the state when another activity has come into the foreground. I'm not completely sure why I need to still draw while it's paused, but that's what I seem to have gathered from the LunarLander example.

What I'm hoping is that while I'm looking at the activity, the game will update and draw (which I test by using LogCat). And then when I go back to the home screen or another activity appears over the top, it will just draw.

Well it does draw and update while I'm watching the activity, so the game loop itself works. But when I leave the activity, it has no effect. Here is the thread's pause() method that is called from the activity's onPause():


As you can see, to test this method I have logged some messages. Now what I find when I leave the activity is that "Here" is logged, but "There" is not. Now with my limited knowledge of threads (I hardly know what synchronized actually does), I believe this will happen because my thread can't get synchronized with the surface holder. But I don't know WHY it doesn't synchronize. A few seconds after I've left the activity, I see the following warning in LogCat:

Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord

Any idea why this would happen? There are no problems if I try to start the activity again, the thread just keeps running as it was.

Just discovered something else. The thread pauses just fine if I leave the activity within about a second of having started it. And then it will resume and pause again with no problems at all while the same task is still running. I have no idea why for a short period of time it will work, but if I leave it too long, it won't.

Okay... I fixed it. But I don't think I'm supposed to do what I've done. I've basically removed any synchronization with mSurfaceHolder from both the pause() and the setState() methods (which is used by pause()). No it works as it's supposed to, but I'm thinking the synchronization is there for a reason.

Perhaps the best question for me to ask is this: WHEN should you synchronize a thread with an object by use of a synchronized block? And in this case, what is the purpose of synchronizing with the SurfaceHolder?

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Android :: Out Of Memory Resuming Application

Feb 22, 2010

My application uses a single activity to switch between different views. I premise I'm loading a good amount of bitmaps in one of this view (say the gamescreen view) constructor but I recycle everything on the onDetachedFromWindow method.All the Bitmaps are static and most of them loaded with BitmapFactory. decodeResource method.Furthermore I'm using a gallery wich content is a simple layout with eight imagebuttons.I know all the complications using this widget and all the risks of using static bitmaps, but, I guess my problem does not entail them because my application is running well if I try to switch between these two view (and I've tried to do it about 30 times without crashes!!!) but when I pause and resume the application two times (pause->resume->pause->resume) I run out of memory, and often without the crash message (it just stays on the actual view).

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Android :: Difficulty Resuming SurfaceView

Apr 24, 2009

I am stuck.My main activity creates and starts a SurfaceView.My app needs to access a listview via the options menu to change properties of the items shown in the view.Two strange things occur:

1.) When I scroll the listview quickly, the list sometimes gets farklempt.Words overlap each other.

2.) When I select the item and the app returns to the main activity, the thread is no longer alive.

If someone out there can offer help I will post the code.This will take a little effort.My code is loosely based upon LunarLander and the GLSurfaceView examples.If there is a good example (more recent example) someone can point me to, that would be boss.

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Android :: Resuming An Activity From Notification

Mar 5, 2010

I have a notification in the status bar for my app.The problem with this is that when you press the home button from the app (pushing it to the background) then press on the notification in the list accessed from the status bar, it starts a fresh copy of the activity. All I want to do is resume the app (like when you longpress the home button and press on the app's icon). Is there a way of creating an Intent to do this?

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Android :: Suspending And Resuming Threads

Nov 17, 2009

We are developing an application that needs to suspend and resume threads like a debugger (meaning in a non-safe way like Object.wait() and Object.notify()).In the Java SDK the methods Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume() are deprecated but we can still use them. Also there is the Java debugger API which allows one to do that if you connect to the VM as a debugger. Is there some API for android we can use? Is there a published Java Debugger API we can apply for Android?

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Android :: Pausing VideoView When Launching A New Intent / Resume It To Starts Up Activity Again?

Jul 23, 2009

I have an activity that is showing a video and when the user clicks a button, a new activity is launched. When the video activity stops, I pause the video view. When the video activity starts up again, I try to resume the video view videoView.start(), however, the video starts over from the beginning. I'm thinking that the buffer must be lost somewhere, so I now try to capture the current position via videoView.getCurrentPosition(), however, this is always returning 0.

Anybody know how to resume video playback when an activity starts up again?

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Android :: Resuming Large File Download

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to implement the functionality to resume a large file download, but have not found how to start downloading from a position that is not at the beginning of an InputStream.I am currently using the InputStream.skip() method to go to the position where I want to resume the download, but have found that this method actually reads all the data over the network and then throws it away.I would appreciate some help in learning the correct way to start reading from the resume offset of the internet file being downloaded, so that I can avoid wasting the phone network bandwidth, and also avoid the extra time delay caused by re-downloading all the data that was already previously downloaded.

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Android :: Home Button Not Resuming Last Activity

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to solve an issue sort of similar to what was done here (link text)Except in my case where Activity A, started Activity B, started Activity C, when the user resumes the app after pressing the home button - I want C, the last Activity, to be displayed. Instead what is happening is I am back to A.Also on a side note I have discovered that even when I exit the application, if I hold down the Home button, my app is still listed as an active app even though in the LogCat I can see that it exited OK.Also, in case it matters, I did recently add android:launchMode ="singleTask" in order to make some notification logic work correctly. I was seeing the Home button behavior before that though.

Activity B actually has several Activities that it chooses from (it has a list of Intents) to display based on input it receives but launches them all the same way as Activty A launched B. Once the first Activity is displayed the user swipe the screen to navigate to the left or right screen. When the user swipes left or right, the current activity puts info in its return Intent that Activity B uses to display the next Activity. Also since logic outside of the user's control could prompt a change in the screen displayed, each Activty calls finish on itself in onStop to avoid back-button issues.

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Android : Avoiding An Activity To Destroy - Just Stopping Or Pausing It When Pushing The Back Button

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to pausing or putting the application on background when pressing the back button, I don't want the application to go through the destroy state. Things are when I override onKeyDown and when I force to pause or stop the application by using onPause, I have some issuees with the wakelock and application crash, but when I press home button I go through onPause method and I have no exception, it's weird!

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Android :: Broken OpenGL Texture Output After Resuming App

Jul 28, 2009

I've run into a very strange problem regarding OpenGL texture outputs, which only occurs when the app is resumed (particularly when leaving after pressing Home, and going back into the app).I'm not sure how or why, but it appears to be that it's reading bitrate of the pixels incorrect, or something else entirely. Furthermore, this issue only occurs on the device itself (testing on my G1/Dream), not on the emulator.Code as well as example screenshots in the zip file show exactly what I'm talking about. And to completely replicate the issue I've included the 2D sprite object framework I've developed for OpenGL so the situation is exactly the same as what I've run across when developing my game, so if it's somehow an issue in my framework you may be able to spot it.

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Android :: Restoring Active Activity While Resuming Application

Apr 7, 2009

I have two activities running: MainActivity and ChildActivity. Whenever the user clicks in the button in MainActivity, the ChildActivity is launched. What I want to do is this:When the active activity is the ChildActivity and the user clicks the home button then relaunch the application (like opening from the beginning), I want to see the ChildActivity instead of MainActivity that is launched. However; This is happening only when the user clicks from recent activities window. (the window opened when you long press the home button).I had some suggestions actually work arounds and I tried to manipulate onStart, onRestart, onResume, onStop, onDestroy events. But, they didn't fully solve the problem. There should be a smart way out there.

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Android :: Restoring Active Activity / While Resuming Application

Apr 7, 2009

I have two activities running: mainActivity and childActivity. Whenever the user clicks in the button in mainActivity, the childActivity is launched. What I want to do is this:When the active activity is the childActivity and the user clicks the home button then relaunch the application, I want to see the childActivity instead of mainActivity that is launched.I had some suggestions actually work arounds. I tried to manipulate onStart, onRestart, onResume, onStop, onDestroy events. But, they didn't fully solve the problem.

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General :: HTC Desire Z - Pausing Music Via Headphones

Feb 29, 2012

I have a g2 (desire z) running cm7.

I have some scosche headphones that are for iphones but the pause/play button works. I want the app "music" not to pause/play but for only winamp pro to pause/play. How to disable music from reacting? Can I completely uninstall the music app?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Close Music Player Without Just Pausing It Or Using A Task Killer

Feb 27, 2010

Is there any way to close your music player without just pausing it or using a task killer? thanks

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Downloads Getting Interrupted And Not Resuming With Dolphin Browser

May 1, 2010

I like to download podcasts to my hero which can take a while because they're pretty big files. If I get an email or text while downloading it pauses my download and says waiting for data connection. The same thing happens sometimes when it bounces from WiFi to Ev. The only way I can get it to start downloading again is to start another download. This is annoying so does anyone know a better way to resume a download or is there some setting I can change?

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Android :: Android Intent / Resuming Application Home Activity

Jul 10, 2010

I have an application that I have running a media player and I want to resume the activity from my applications home activity. I can successfully do this by adding the following flags to the startActivity Call:
I am worried that this is not an ideal way to do things since it took me a long time to find it. It made me think that no one uses it very much. Are there any pitfalls to using this method?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: App Didn't Auto Install After 100% Downloaded / Resuming It Manually?

Nov 29, 2010

Recently I have experience this problem, I have downloaded some aplication from Market, it's already 100% but it's not installed on my phone, when I click on it, still said downloading, even it's already 100% and I have been waiting 1 hours, is there any way to resuming download manually? If I press cancel download, it will start from 0 and will happen again, getting tired with this :'( but this is not always happen to all application, mostly big size application.

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Android :: Tutorial Not Working

Nov 13, 2010

I'm on Mac OS X Leopard and installed the ADT plugin into Eclipse Galileo. I followed all these steps to get started:

My SDK version is 2.2 API 8 revision 2 and I just used the Hello World tutorial found here:


When I first created the Android application, I saw this error in the Eclipse console:

[2010-11-13 18:20:43 - HelloAndroid] ERROR: Unable to open class file / Users/mydirectory/Documents/workspace/HelloAndroid/gen/com/example/ helloandroid/ No such file or directory

I commented out this line to fill in the few lines from the tutorial:


When I ran the app, it launched my emulator but all I saw was a vertical screen on the left that said "ANDROID" and phone buttons on the right. I did not see the "Hello, Android" text from the tutorial.

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Android :: CheckedTextView Tutorial

Apr 17, 2010

I need to display contents of a list of objects. Capture the selected items and later process it. I have been trying to find a tutorial on net but in vain. Could some one please advise me when can I find a tutorial. I know how to display a list but I want the CheckedTextView option.

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Android :: Notepadv3 Tutorial

Mar 5, 2010

I was working through the Notepad tutorial... ...and I seem to either have a misunderstanding of what is supposed to be happening, or the code is not working.

Below are two snippets of code from the tutorial to illustrate my questions/concerns:

It looks like this is the "menu" that is brought up when you have no items selected and you press the Menu key...


This is the behavior that I expected and saw.

However, when I have one of the notes selected, I would expect this code snippet to run...


But it doesn't. I can never get the "delete" option to show up in the tutorial.

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Android :: BetterCut Tutorial

Apr 5, 2010

I've never used bettercut and am after a tutorial. I have this homescreen. want to change the GMail icon to the same green as everything else.

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Android :: AsyncTaskPool - Tutorial

Nov 11, 2009

Android has a limit to rum at MAX 20 concurrent AsyncTask. To handle this limit I created a utility. Its not a pool in true sense but a kind of scheduler.


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Android :: Trying To Get Hello Tutorial To Work

Nov 15, 2010

I'm on Mac OS X Leopard and installed the ADT plugin into Eclipse Galileo. I followed all these steps to get started:

My SDK version is 2.2 API 8 revision 2 and I just used the Hello World tutorial found here:


When I first created the Android application, I saw this error in the Eclipse console:

[2010-11-13 18:20:43 - HelloAndroid] ERROR: Unable to open class file / Users/mydirectory/Documents/workspace/HelloAndroid/gen/com/example/ helloandroid/ No such file or directory

I commented out this line to fill in the few lines from the tutorial:


When I ran the app, it launched my emulator but all I saw was a vertical screen on the left that said "ANDROID" and phone buttons on the right. I did not see the "Hello, Android" text from the tutorial.

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Android :: Map View Tutorial App On Emulator

Dec 23, 2009

I'm trying to run the Android Hello Map View tutorial app on the Android emulator. The Google Map view displays, but the tiles are blank.

Judging by the errors below (taken from LogCat) the app is unable to connect to the internet. The web browser on the emulator connects without problems. I've also double-checked the API key.I'm using the 1.5 Google APIs SDK, from Eclipse Galileo, on Windows XP SP3, behind a corporate firewall. I've tried two methods to add proxy information:Add -http-proxy to Additional Emulator Command Line Options in the Target Page in Debug Configurations.

Remove settings in 1. and add proxy information at Home > Menu > Settings > Wireless Controls > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.

Neither seems to help. Any other ideas? Should I be adding proxy information within the app? If so, how? Sam Dutton, AMENDMENT: internet permission has been added to the manifest application element:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
12-23 16:43:31.624: INFO/System.out(717): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-23 16:43:31.828: INFO/System.out(717): debugger has settled (1480)
12-23 16:43:32.299: ERROR/ActivityThread(717): Failed to find provider info for

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Android :: GridView Tutorial Not Working

Sep 21, 2010

I have followed the tutorial and can't seem to get it to work.

Here's my code:


All I get are error message everywhere. What did I do wrong?

I followed everything the tutorial said to do.

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