Android :: Passing Information Back From EventListener To Activity
Nov 6, 2010
I'm new to Android, and event driven code in general. Rather than embed loads of anonymous event listener classes in my Activity to handle onClick events etc, I defined separate classes to keep the code clean. Then I use them e.g. like this
myButton.setOnClickListener(new MyEventListener());
So, when 'myButton' gets clicked, MyEventListener's onClick method does some stuff.
I wanted to know the best practice for
a) accessing things in my Activity from the event listener. For example to change the text of a label. The onClick event takes a View in, but this is the view for the button that's been clicked, so if the label is NOT a child of my button, I can't use findViewById to get a handle to it. I've modified the constructor to pass in a reference to the label, so that the event has a handle to it but not sure if this is the most elegant way of doing it.
b) Passing information back e.g. when my event fires, I might want to disable some EditText fields. I'm thinking the proper way to do this is probably to dispatch another event from my event listener, that the Activity listens for, and when it sees the event, disables the fields in question. Is that the way to do it in Android?
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May 8, 2009
I basically have three activities X, Y, Z and I want only one instance of each but I want control over the navigation and I can't do that by putting all three activities in one task because of the stack structure.
Here is a scenario, from X I launch Y given a certain "id" which correspondence to specific data in the DB, Y inflates and populates it's views, then I go back to X and launch Y again with a different "id" in the intent, I don't want the overhead of launching the activity and inflating the views again, anyone know how to do this?
I tried using singleInstance, but the problem is that I can't send the result code back to an activity in a different task.
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May 16, 2010
I'm writing an application that starts with a loading activity. In the loading activity the app requests html from web and parses the html, then it sends the parsing result to the main activity. The main activity has several tabs, and contents of these tabs are based on the result of parsing.For example, the result of parsing is a list of strings ["apple", "banana", "orange"], and I need to pass this list to main activity, so that the main activity can create three tabs named after three fruits.I would like to know if there is any way to pass a list of strings among activities, BTW, is it the common way of do this?
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Feb 11, 2010
I have an app which makes use of several layout-views. Every layout - view also got a class for it, which extend the Activity class. One class for example retrieves some database values whilst offering a search form to the user. Afterwards the user can select one of those values and he gets presented with another screen which gives similar options as the one selected. Anyways, I'd like for the first Activity to be able to send an array with data (Strings for example) to the second one. Right now I show an activity by using:
Intent i = new Intent(this, activitysName.class); startActivity(i);
I have no idea whilst using this construction how I can "initialize" the new object with the String array I want to pass to it. So how should this be achieved ? Should I be using something else instead of an Intent-Activity combination ?
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a Bitmap image and i want to forward the bitmap to another activity. I have two activities Activity A and Activity B. This is how I started the Activity B
startActivityForResult(new Intent(Activity A.this, Activity B.class), 120);
in activity B
private void forwardImage(Bitmap bit) {
Intent i = new Intent(MMS.this, Compose.class);
i.putExtra("MMS", bit);
setResult(RESULT_OK, i);
finish(); }
This is not forwarding to Activity A but if I put a String to the intent it'll forward. This is how I listen to result in Activity A
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
switch (resultCode)
case RESULT_OK: Intent intent = getIntent();
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("MMS");
default: break;
} }
How can I pass a bitmap.
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm programming an Activity that launches a second one through startActivity just like in the Forwarding example. The main difference is that I'd like to pass some data to the second Activity when starting it, for example an item selected in a list owned by the first Activity. I can't find how to do that. Am I missing something? I guess I do.
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Jun 14, 2010
I have a ListView that shows a list of names. When you select a name, I want to pass the selected person' ID to the next view (Profile) and retreieve their data based on their ID. I am able to load the Profile View, but do not know how to pass the ID from the ListView to the Profile. Here is how I am loading the Profile: Code...
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Nov 20, 2010
I have a need where I must pass some values from an Activity to another file which extends View class (instead of Activity). Its not the normal passing of values from one activity to another. In my Activity, I will pass some co-ordinate values to the class that extends View. In this class, I will draw an image and place points over the image on the required co-ordinates. But, the problem is, I cant send values using Intent.
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Feb 28, 2010
For a rather crazy reason I am trying to pass a linear Layout from one activity to another. Should I use an intent extra for this? What would be the right way to create a Linear Layout in one activity and then spawn a new activity using that linear Layout.
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Apr 1, 2009
I need to pass a 2 dimensional array to an ACTIVITY from a SERVICE. How can I achieve this in minimum number of statements (as in avoiding putExtras for each and every string stored in the array)?
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Sep 19, 2010
So I'm getting really confused on how to do this whole thing and I was hoping someone could break it down for me a little bit.I have a service that should always be running, and at certain times it needs to alert the user that a task is to be completed(probably through a notification bar icon). When the user accepts the task, the service needs to look into the local database, construct some non primitive objects, and give them to the activity that it just started.I have looked all over and gotten very confused as to a proper approach so I have a few questions to help me wrap my head around it.If an activity creates a local SQLite database can the service and activities of that application access that same database later?Does the service and activity need to be in the same or separate packages? I would think no but for some reason I remember seeing something about this elsewhere.
How would I do the data transmission from the service to the activity? I was thinking a content provider but it seems like there should be an easier way for the service to just hand off the data. Similar to an Intent but for non primitives.
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Apr 4, 2009
I'm trying to create an activity which would be on top of other activities (a small dialog themed activity) and I want to get ALL key events to be ignored by my activity and handled normally by the activity beneath it. When I say all I mean the send, end and back keys too. Is this possible?I've tried setFocusable(false), setting the flag FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE, and adding a dummy onKeyListener but nothing doesn't seem to do the trick.
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a simple app and I'm using the AsyncTask to test out a background process, for clearness purposes I've opted to put my AsyncTask in a separate class rather than in an inner class, which where my problems begin, this is my AsyncTask. Code...
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Apr 7, 2009
I am developing an image applications.
One activity decoding image file (jpg, bmp, and so on) to byte buffer RGB 565 or 888 type.
Then want to pass image buffer to another activity for change image data.
I have 3 activity the main decoding activity[A] and selecting effect activity[B] and apply effect activity[C] for change image data.
If i use intent then activity[A] should make intent[1] and putExtra to that intent. and then [B] call getIntent and getByteArrayExtra for get byte buffer.
If user select effect then [B] make new intent[2] and putExtra to intent[2]. and startActivityForResult with intent[2] and activity[C].
Then activity[C] call getIntent to get intent[2] and getByteArrayExtra for get byte buffer again.
There takes much times to make new byte buffer and copy from parent's activity's byte buffer 2 times. [A]->[B] and [B]->[C]
That process drops application performance.
1. Can i pass intent[1] to activity[C] without make new intent[2] and putExtra byte buffer? by modify intent[1]. (if it works just 1 buffer copy will perform)
2. Can i use application global memory for share byte buffer? if i use hash map how can each activity access same hash map? (if it works don't need to copy buffer)
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Jul 23, 2010
I have two activities:
"a" that spawns thread for generating a dynamic array of values inside public void run() function.
"b", graphics activity that will help me draw rectangular pulses based on array values calculated in activity "a" (calculated in a's thread to be precise).
When I am in thread inside "a", how do I pass values of array to activity "b" and
call activity as well.
activity A
activity B
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Mar 30, 2009
How do you pass an intent from a service to a new activity launched from a main activity? There's a passextra( intent src ); but I don't think thats what I am looking for?
activity main > start service( intent wuteverserviceintent );
activity main > start activity( intent newactivityintent );
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Sep 21, 2009
So I read through the SDK docs and I thought that calling a new activity(browser) as part of a task (myTask) will mean that activity* (browser) will close when a user closes the task (myTask) But I am left with a browser window.
Here is my scenario (in sudo code);
Question 1: What is the cleanest way to ensure that when a user closes my app, any outside activities called will be closed to.
Question 2: Does a callback URl start a new Task, or use one in the stack if available?
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May 20, 2010
I am trying to create app widget.In this widget I have added one image button.If i click on this button i should pass list of object to next activity.Before passing this list to activity I am converting it to parceable list and adding it to bunddle and puting that bundle to intent.This logic is working fine in android 1.6, but this is not working in Android 2.1.In android 2.1.I am getting Null pointer excepion when I try to access this list in next activity.To solve this problem I tried to pass only String data through bundle,in next activity String is displaying properly,but when I try to pass list,then only i am not getting list in next activity.
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Jun 23, 2010
I am trying to display a dialog box in a simple Java class that is called from my main Activity but not successful. Please help me to figure it out.
I am passing the required values as parametrs.
I have two class: class MainActivity extends Activity :: Main *starting point *of Application class ShowMyDialog :: a simple java program In which I *generate an URl* and *display a dialog with WebView*.
I am passing the Acitivity from my MainActivity to this class as a parameter in function.
But I am *unable to call* the onCreateDialog method that I have *defined in the simple java class.
However, If I define the *onCreateDialog method in MainActivity, I am able to display it successfully.
What Should I pass as Parameter to the non Activity class from MainActivity class so that I am able to display the dialog as defined by showdialog method in JAVA class ???*
My steps of source code is as follow:
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Feb 16, 2009
I have been practicing with android for a while and read a few books but there is something I can not find anywhere even on the net. I am interesting in the activity manager and how it works. Especially how the activities are pushed on the stack then pulled, etc... I looked everywhere I could for such documents but the only things I could find were overall documents with not much details. I have downloaded the entire source code (cupcake branch) and started to have a look at it but obviously the code is big and very complicated. I was just wondering if an android google engineer somewhere or even somebody else who could let me know where I could find such information (whether it is a document, a link, etc...).
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Mar 18, 2010
I am trying to create a simple Android application that has a ActivityList of information, when the application starts, I plan to start a Service that will be constantly calculating the data (it will be changing) and I want the ActivityList to be in sync with the data that the service is calculating for the life of the app. How can I set up my Activity to be listening to the Service? Is this the best way to approach this problem? For example, if you imagine a list of stock prices - the data would be being changed regularly and need to be in sync with the (in my case) Service that is calculating/fetching the data constantly.
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Aug 3, 2010
I want to get the size of a view that is in my activity but I am not able to get that information in any of the activity lifecycle callbacks (onCreate, onStart, onResume). I'm assuming this is because the views have not been drawn yet. At what point are views drawn and is there a callback I can put my code so I can get the size of the view?
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Apr 6, 2009
I want to display the status of the activity execution on the screen using the TextView while activity is executing. I am appending the String messages at different stages of execution in the TextView, which is defined in the Layout main.xml (e.g. TextView.append("Server started..").
For e.g. I am running socket communication application in which my android application is the server and it is receiving the messages from the local desktop. So in this application I want to show "Server started.." message when socket server on android started , then a messge "waiting for message.." and then "message receivied.." when message received by android server.All 3 steps are the part of a single activity.
But in my case, I am getting all 3 messages at a time after activity execution completed. Is there any API available, using which I can show the status during the execution also.
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Jun 17, 2012
I have several textviews in an activity. I then have a button that I want to be able to click that will update the textview.
I want to do this without having to create multiple activities.
How do I go about I guess refreshing the current screen with new information?
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Oct 26, 2009
I have an android application with a LOT of activities, think of something like a book where every page is a new activity. The user can make changes in each activity, for example highlight certain texts with different colored markers etc. and it's crucial that I'll remember this information as long as the application stays alive (and I don't want/need to remember any of this when it's not). As I understand the best mechanism for storing this kind of information is via onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) and onCreate(Bundle)/onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) rather than lets say, the Preferences mechanism. My only problem is that the user can navigate backwards to previous pages (Activities) and the only way i know of achieving this is by calling finish() which of course kills the current activity without calling onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) and even if it did call it, the next time I would launch an activity representing that page it would be an entirely new instance. So my question is: Is there a way to go back to the previous activity without calling finish()? or, is there a better way to save this information? maybe through static variables?
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Jul 8, 2010
About a couple of weeks ago, I purchased an HTC Hero (Sprint) and had it all going... until I lost it at work a couple of days later. I instantly deactivated it through Sprint and, the short of it, I was unsuccessful in retrieving it and finally received my replacement phone yesterday.
As I went to Sprint to activate it, they asked me to enter my Google account information. As I went to enter it, the password was invalid. After entering all of the possible passwords that I generally use, they were all invalid. So I came home, got on my laptop and tried to retrieve it through Google's website, thinking this would be resolved pretty quickly. Except the security question that was asked was not the one I remember entering in when I first registered my Google account, so the password was unable to be retrieved.
However, the strange part is that there's an option that says that if you can't answer the security question, they will send an e-mail to your alternate e-mail address. So I clicked that... and it said that it sent an e-mail to a Hotmail account (it had the e-mail address X'd out). The problem with that is that my alternate e-mail address is a Yahoo! address, which Google confirmed to me when I asked them to confirm if maybe I was entering a wrong username.
So it's a strange dilemma... when I ask them to confirm my username, they can send an e-mail to my actual backup address. But when I try to request or reset my password, the security question is different, and Google send it to some Hotmail address that is unknown to me. I tried filling out a form on Google's website that would try to get the account back in your hands if you provide enough data, but given how little I had my original phone, I couldn't answer all of it, so subsequently, that failed.
I guess the question is: are there any other alternatives I have? Is it possible that when I lost my phone that the person who found it got it and changed the information on me? It's just very weird and something I'd like to get to the bottom of.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have an application with contains multiple activities. The main activity will start the others ( use startActivity() ) depends on user event, when an activity close, it calls finish() and return back to main activity. It appears to behavior like that.
However, the "problem" I see is main activity's onCreate function is called every time. I think the the main activity should be placed in the activity stack and simply push to front when others exit, therefore only onResume, onStart are called. Is there some flag I need to set or I misunderstand the activity behaviro?
In child activity, besides calling finish() or startActivity for main activity, what is other way to move main activity to front?
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Mar 3, 2010
example scenario is: from login screen - main screen - then when i clicked a hide button the app will go to home screen, and when im going to click the app again the main screen would be called.
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Jul 7, 2010
I am a Mac user (photographer/ videographer). I also rely heavily on my iPod Touch when mobile (i can often find a wifi signal when i am out and about). I use iCal on the Touch and iCal on my Mac as well as the address book on both everyday and as a Mobile Me user, my two devices sync so everything is mirrored and up to date. I also HATE AT&T for their terrible signal strength and coverage and have been a loyal Verizon customer for many years and this is why I don't have an iPhone. Okay, all that being said, is there an easy way to still use everything I love and rely on with my Mac (the calender and address book, mainly) and easily sync all of my existing information and future info to an Android based device? How easy is it to use an Android device with a Mac? I don't want to have to manually re-enter my entire address book into a new device.
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Jun 12, 2010
How can we pass Android Home Screen Widget info ( putExtra maybe ) to an Activity.. What particular method callback will handle this one?
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