Android :: Overlay Transparent Bitmap On Camera

Aug 10, 2010

I'm passing a bitmap through a bundle to an activity which I called cameraView on which the user has access to the camera of the device. I'd like to overlay that bitmap with transparency using the camera as the background. Is it possible? to put the bitmap in front of the camera? And how can I change the transparency level? Here is my code: This is the camview.xml:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
<SurfaceView android:id="@+id/surface_camera" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_height="10dip" android:layout_weight="1"> </SurfaceView> </RelativeLayout>

And this is the java:
public class cameraView extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback{
SurfaceView mSurfaceView; SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder;
Camera mCamera; boolean mPreviewRunning=false; private Context mContext = this;
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle);
setContentView(R.layout.camview); Bundle f = getIntent().getExtras();
picture = f.getParcelable("bitmap"); mSurfaceView = (SurfaceView) findViewById(; mSurfaceHolder = mSurfaceView.getHolder();
mSurfaceHolder.addCallback(this); mSurfaceHolder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);
} @Override // Create the Surface and Open the Camera
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { mCamera =;
} @Override // Reacts for camera changes public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder,
int format, int w,int h) { if (mPreviewRunning) { mCamera.stopPreview();
} Camera.Parameters p = mCamera.getParameters(); p.setPreviewSize(w, h);
mCamera.setParameters(p); try { mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(holder);
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} mCamera.startPreview(); mPreviewRunning = true;
} @Override // When the camera is closed
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { mCamera.stopPreview();
mPreviewRunning = false; mCamera.release(); }
// When the picure is taken. This method gives the byte[] of the picture
Camera.PictureCallback mPictureCallback = new Camera.PictureCallback() {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] imageData, Camera c) {
} };

Android :: Overlay Transparent Bitmap on Camera

Android :: Overlay Bitmap - Draw Over A Bitmap

Oct 8, 2009

I have two questions actually:

Is it better to draw an image on a bitmap or create a bitmap as resource and then draw it over a bitmap? Performance wise... which one is better?

If I want to draw something transparent over a bitmap, how would I go about doing it?

If I want to overlay one transparent bitmap over another, how would I do it?

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Android : Transparent Background Overlay Of SurfaceView Broken On 1.5?

Jun 17, 2009

I believe I have found a graphics bug introduced in the 1.5 platform. I'm looking for some confirmation (or a description of what I'm doing wrong) before reporting it as a real bug.

I have a SurfaceView that fills the screen and on top of that I have a LinearLayout that wraps some other components that overlay the surface. These other components are not visible most of the time, and the LinearLayout has a transparent background so that the SurfaceView is unobstructed until the other components are made visible. Under 1.0 and 1.1 this all worked with a background of #00000000 for the LinearLayout. Now under 1.5 there is a black rectangle obstructing my surface unless I give the LinearLayout background some color. I can still keep the transparency so it is still invisible as it should be but it is strange that it can't be black and invisible anymore. My layout is below. The background of #00000001 works, but changing it to #00000000 results in a black rectangle. code...

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Android :: Draw Bitmap On Overlay

Nov 12, 2009

I've been trying almost everything and been searching and reading everywhere on the net. I just can't seem to find the correct way of doing this.

I have a MapActivity with a MapView and I want to draw something on an Overlay. I'm overwriting the draw-method, and I can easily draw straight on the canvas using a paint. My problem is I want to merge some circles and afterwards color them. Therefore I want to create a Bitmap and then draw on that. I just don't know what to use. Should I use a mutable Bitmap, a BitmapDrawable or am I simply going in the wrong direction.

The reason I want to do this is because I want to draw some kind of heatmap upon the Google Maps, and I need to merge and blend different circles, so they appear to be just one big blob.

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Android :: Create Mutable Bitmap From Camera - Draw Another Bitmap On Top - And Save It

Apr 2, 2009

I am 1) taking a picture and 2) then draw another Bitmap on top of it 3) then I store it

I am doing it as follows and it works on the emulator.

On the device I get a OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget Method) in the line copy the Bitmap to get a mutable Bitmap.


What I am asking:

a) Is there a better way to do what I am doing? 1) take a picture 2) draw another Bitmap on top of it 3) then I store it

b) What is the best way to create a mutable Bitmap from the picture I just took with the camera?

In my app, resolution is not an issue. If it works better for small photos that would be fine.

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Android :: Make Bitmap's Specific Color Transparent?

Oct 8, 2010

I have an android application to display an image on another. the second image's white color should be converted in to transparent. so i used two imageviews. the original image to be overlayed is bitmap1. image after making transparent is bitmap2. when i run this i got some exceptions atsetPixel method. the code ...

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Android :: Draw Transparent Lines On Bitmap Via Touch Input

Jul 23, 2010

I am working on a paint application for Android. Now I want to implement an eraser to allow erasing parts of a loaded bitmap by using touch input and making the bitmap transparent along the finger's path.

A very good example of what I try to achieve is shown in the application Steamy Window for Android. Steamy Window simulates a fogged window, where a user can wipe parts of the fog via touch input.

UPDATE: I have posted the most important sections of my current code below. I am not really happy with it for the following reasons:

Drawing is quite sluggish. What can I improve here?
I am looking for a way to use an alpha mask in order to set the pixel transparency/alpha of the pixels as I want to simulate a paint brush. Any suggestions how this could be achieved?


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Android :: AR Get Rotation Matrix / Camera Overlay?

Feb 23, 2010

I spend two weeks now trying to get this working with no success. Here is what I want to do: I have several geo points around the user and his phone. I want to display this point overlaying them on the input from the camera (kind of standard AR (Augmented Reality) app). Part of my requirements are that the user can use the phone in either landscape or portrait mode.My plan was like this.
1. Register for Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD 2. Pass the result to Sensor Manager.getRotationMatrix(), getting back the R matrix that should be telling me how to translate points from the Phone coordinate system (defined here: to World coordinate system (x -> East, y -> North, z -> Sky) 3. I want to translate points from World to Phone so I take the inverse of R (I'm using Matrix.invertM()) to get R_In 4. Using the GPS I translate the geo points I want to display on the camera to points in the World coordinate system and then I run them through the R_In matrix to get their coordinates in the Phone system. 5. Draw the points in the screen only if the have (phone coordinates) z < 0 and x and y such that they are visible. This is my grand plan... however I have problems quite early (2). I do get the R matrix back and it looks good when I align the phone to the world coordinate system ( I get the identity matrix ). However when I try to translate an imaginary point from the Phone coordinate system say (0, 1, 0) to the World coordinate system I don't get the numbers I expect.

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Android :: How To Overlay Image Over Camera Preview?

Jan 30, 2009

Does someone know how I can overlay an image over the camera preview?

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Android :: Camera Application With Compass Direction Overlay?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm a bit new to Android but after searching on the Market, the web and this forum, I can't seem to find anything like this but I feel like it has to exist (or hopefully will soon). I'm looking for a camera application that can place the current compass direction on the image (and stamp the saved image with the direction). The tilt of the phone would be cool to have, too, but just the compass would be great. I did find an application that shows the compass direction on over top of a feed from the camera ("Reality + Compass" by Udell Enterprises).

I want something just like this, but with the ability to save the image. In case you're wondering, I'd like to use this for bettering the storm spotting community. A problem when people send in images of clouds/storms/tornadoes/etc is that you never know (1) where the picture was taken and (2) in what direction. Ideally GPS location could be added, too, but for now I just want the compass. (Other image services can handle the location part fine, like Twitter for Android/Twitpic.)

(I'm on the HTC Aria, but I can sideload apps now thanks to the new version of HTC Sync.)

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Android :: Camera Preview Layout UI Elements Overlay?

Dec 27, 2009

How do I write code which layouts UI elements (Buttons, etc) over camera preview on Android ?

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Android :: How To Draw Overlay On Surface View Used By Camera?

May 29, 2010

I have a simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView. What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method, which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView, in order to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke the onDraw method. In fact, the onDraw method is being invoked, but nothing there is being printed (I guess the camera preview is overwriting the text I'm trying to draw).

This is a simplify version of the SurfaceView subclass I have:

public class Superficie extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
SurfaceHolder mHolder; public Camera camera; Superficie(Context context) { super(context);
mHolder = getHolder(); mHolder.addCallback(this); mHolder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);
} public void surfaceCreated(final SurfaceHolder holder) { camera =;
try { camera.setPreviewDisplay(holder); camera.setPreviewCallback(new PreviewCallback() {
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera arg1) { invalidar();
} } ); } catch (IOException e) {} } public void invalidar(){ invalidate(); }
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters(); parameters.setPreviewSize(w, h);
camera.setParameters(parameters); camera.startPreview(); }
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { super.draw(canvas);
// nothing gets drawn :( Paint p = new Paint(Color.RED);
canvas.drawText("PREVIEW", canvas.getWidth() / 2, canvas.getHeight() / 2, p);
} }

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Android :: Overlay Images Onto Camera Preview Surface View

Aug 23, 2010

I have a SurfaceView that is being used to draw custom animations and I would like to overlay them onto a live-feed from the phone's camera. Currently, the SurfaceView that contains the animations has a white- background, but if I were to overlay them onto the phone's camera feed, they would have to be transparent. The camera and animation drawing cannot be done on the same SurfaceView. Is it possible to make a SurfaceView transparent? What is the best course to pursue the use of multiple views? My end goal is to essentially overlay the contents of another SurfaceView onto the Camera SurfaceView.

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Android :: Surface View Draw Images Overlay On Camera Preview

Aug 23, 2010

I have a SurfaceView that is being used to draw images, and I would like to overlay them onto a live-feed from the phone's camera. Currently, the SurfaceView that contains the images have a white-background, but if I were to overlay them onto the phone's camera feed, they would have to be transparent. The camera and animation drawing cannot be done on the same SurfaceView. What is the best course to pursue the use of multiple views that involve managing the camera and drawing images? Is it possible to make a SurfaceView transparent?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Camera Not Working - Transparent Purple/pinkish Color

Aug 18, 2010

Used my camera this morning, then i went to use it again this afternoon and something seemed to have stopped it from working properly between then and now. With both the camera and camcorder all i get is this transparent purple/pinkish color. I dont know anything about cameras but is there something wrong with the lens? YouTube - HTC Evo camera not functioning properly

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Android :: How To Load Camera Image As Bitmap

Jun 1, 2010

I am using BitmapFactory.decodeFile to load Bitmaps of images into my application. However, the function returns null on large images (such as those from the camera). The filepath is definitely correct, I just can't figure out why it would return null. I tried supersampling, but it didn't seem to help.

Does anyone have any idea why it would do this or how I could more easily load images taken from the camera into a Bitmap?

Here's the code I am using...

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Android :: Map Open Overlay When Pin Is Clicked - Overlay Contains Description / Button

Aug 18, 2010

I like tu use the MapActivity to display some pins. When a pin is pressed i like to open a description. This can I obtain following the tutorial: /resources /tutorials/views/hello-mapview. But now I like to put a button on the overlay window. That button should open a detail activity. How can I make this? How is possible to personalize the overlay "info window"?

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Android :: Bitmap From Camera Preview Using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray

May 20, 2009

I'm using the Camera.PreviewCallback.onPreviewFrame to try to generate a bitmap from the byte array passed to that method. If I use BitmapFactory.decodByteArray it returns null. I'm assuming that the array is correctly formatted since the data just comes right from the camera, so what could the problem be?

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Android :: Laying Out Buttons With Transparent Backgrounds On Linear Layout With Non-transparent Background

Aug 19, 2009

seems pretty straightforward.


But doesn't work!

It scrunches the layout background as the background to each button, I want it to span all three buttons...

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Android :: Transparent Image Button - Can Be More Transparent

Jul 9, 2010

I have already found how can I do an ImageButton with Transparent background, but I would like to ask, how can I set the effective of it ?

How can I do it more transparent ?

My way as I do it: <gradient android:startColor="#aaffffff" android:endColor="#aaffffff" ...>

What should I write in to the color to be more transparent ?

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Android : Crop Bitmap Without Reading Entire Bitmap / Cannot Read Image Into Memory

Jul 21, 2010

I have a very large image and I only want to display a section the size of the display (no scaling), and the section should just be the center of the image. Because the image is very large I cannot read the entire image into memory and then crop it. This is what I have so far but it will give OutOfMemory for large images. Also I don't think inSampleSize applies because I want to crop the image, not lower the resolution.

Uri data = getIntent().getData();
Input Stream is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(data);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, null);

Any help would be great?

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Android :: Draw A Bitmap Rotated Onto Another Bitmap

Mar 22, 2009

My goal is the draw a bitmap onto another bitmap but rotated 90 degress. whats the most efficient way to do that. My current method is as follows which is horribly bad because it creates a new bitmap every time.


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Android :: Draw Shape Or Bitmap Into Another Bitmap - Java - Android

Jun 22, 2010

I want to draw a shape(many circles particularly) into a Specific Bitmap. I have never used canvas / 2D graphs etc. As i see it i create a Drawable put the bitmap in it then "canvas-it" to the shapes i want etc.

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HTC Hero :: Camera Not Working - Message The Application Camera Process Has Stopped Unexpectedly Please Try Again

Dec 6, 2009

My camera stopped working. When I click my camera application I get the message "The application camera (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again". It's just a blank screen?

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Android :: How To Market Map Overlay?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to market an overlay for Android Maps. It will provide the "speed limit". My map will have to query the internet for updates pretty heavily as one travels. Q: Should I just use the "Maps external Library" thing? or Q: Can I somehow make it an option in the normal google-map system that everyone has on their phone?

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Android :: Animated Map Overlay

Feb 17, 2009

I am trying to make a map overlay animated much like MyLocationOverlay does. Currently the only things that I can see to make animated are Views but Overlays don't extend View functionality. My next thought was to try to lodge a View into the overlay, but the redundancy makes it seem like this solution is incorrect. I grabbed the android source hoping that I could just look at MyLocationOverlay source and that would let me know how the animation was supposed to be done, but I can't find the source for anything involving maps. If that is available somewhere it would help. Can someone point me to the MyLocationOverlay source or let me know what the paradigm is supposed to look like for animating map overlays?

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Android :: Activity As Overlay Over Other App

Sep 23, 2009

Is it possible to create an Android activity as an overlay above other application? If yes, please provide me a pointer.

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Android :: Add Overlay To MapView?

Sep 28, 2010

I have subclassed Overlay as LandMarkOverlay (and implemented an onTap(GeoPoint) method).

In the main activity I do this:


MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
landmarkOverlay = new LandmarkOverlay();

//add the landmarkOverlay to the list

What else do I need to do so that when the user taps the screen, landmarkOverlay's onTap(GeoPoint) method gets called?

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Android :: Overlay Vs ItemizedOverlay?

Oct 24, 2009

I want to draw 20 pins on a MapActivity. Each pin has a small pin image, but I have to dynamically overlay a small bit of text over each pin at runtime.

Looks like I have two options:

#1) Itemized Overlay This is the suggested method. I put all my pins in one ItemizedOverlay object, and that counts as a single Overlay object for my MapView.

#2) One Overlay per pin Create a separate Overlay instance for each pin I need to render.

The problem I see with using method #1 is that you need to set a drawable for the item. This would mean that I need to create 20+20 (one for focused/non-focused state each) bitmaps and keep them in memory for the duration of my app. On the other hand, Overlay lets you override the draw method so I can do the simple compositing at runtime.

The other issue with Itemized Overlay - although it handles focus for you - does it move the focused item to the front of the z-order when selected?

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Android :: Memory Leak In Map Overlay

Jan 10, 2010

I have been banging away at this one for weeks and I feel like I have exhausted my research capabilities. I am hoping that someone will see my error in the code posted below. The code is completely functional doing everything I need, but there is a major memory leak. When I try to track memory in the DDMS, the VM Heap tells me that my object count is relatively stable and the used memory is also relatively stable (it comes back down to a similar value after each GC after panning).

When I look at the memory pie chart, the free memory loses over 1meg of capacity with each map pan (overlay reload) and the Unknown memory grows. I have not found anything with the allocation tracker. Functional Summary: I load overlays onto a map based on data I get from polling my server. When I pan the map far enough I clear the overlays and load new ones. (snippets): //header info private List<Overlay> overlays;
//in onCreate overlays = mapView.getOverlays();
// here I attempt to fully clean up my old Overlays for (Overlay i : overlays) {
if (i instanceof ParcelOverlay) ((ParcelOverlay) i).cleanUp(); }

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