Android :: Optimizing Image Processing Algorithms

Aug 19, 2010

I am developing a mobile application that involves complex image processing operations. The app is designed in Java while the core image processing ops are implemented in native code, and compiled using the Android NDK.Now, I know that native code will *not* yield any significant performance improvement over Java code, and that the NDK purpose is only to support re-use of code libs (or to quickly integrate legacy code).are there any resources/tips-n-tricks/white papers/ samples on optimizing image processing algorithms for Android? To be even more specific, I am looking out for optimizing memory operations (cache misses, memory stalls, etc.). I profiled my application code and came to the conclusion that memory issues are causing the *maximum* performance penalty. (Nothing surprising over there, it is expected, but just verified with profile data as well).

Android :: Optimizing image processing algorithms

Android Image Processing Functions

Oct 15, 2011

I want to perform various image processing functions such as threshold,equalize etc on the image i capture from the camera...What should i use in order to do that?

Also,when i installed the app in my phone, after clicking the pic, the next screen appears, and after clicking the button for performing other functions, force close comes up...what could be the reason,because my code works fine without the camera portion...

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Android :: Image Processing On Picture Taken From Camera

Jan 11, 2010

I'm writing an application for Android. I need to make some image processing on the picture taken from camera.I use Camera.PictureCallback to get the photo, and I get picture in byte array.The problem is I want to make operations on every pixel of photo (some filtering and other stuff) so I guess, have photo in byte array is not a bad idea. But I don't know how interpret information in this byte array... The only way I know to make the processing is use BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() and then use Bitmap object. Is this a good way to handle a lot of image processing?

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Android :: How Can I Do Image Processing On JPEG Data

Apr 13, 2009

I am confused on how to implement image processing algorithm on JPEG data.I have set P.setpicturesize (640,480) so the camera.takepicture (null,null,Imagecapture callbck) returns the image data. Void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera Camera) returns JPEG data, but(x = data.length), the value of x is less than 640*480 bytes.Please kindly let me know how can I start editing pixel information of the image and image comparison algorithms.

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Android :: Handling Out Of Memory Exception On Image Processing

Sep 16, 2010

This is the sequence part of this question:

so the problem is: if the image size is too big - it'll got an exception (out of memory exception)
what i want is, to handle even if the handset got the lower spec hardware, it doesn't go to that exception (but it'll take a longer time to process the image) is it possible to do that?

The code snippet is like this:


And that block of code is inside the async task.

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Android :: Better Android For Image Processing On Phone

Oct 11, 2010

iam going to do some applications on mobile using image processing applications.i was asking which will be suitable for me as i will need a programming language that supports phonve devices with high memory, what is the maxiumm number of ram size that has been released to work on there any name about the phone that support high memory so i can buy it to help me in my work

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Android :: Image Processing Libraries For Android

Sep 27, 2010

I am currently developing an image processing application for android mobile phones and I would like to know what libraries would you guys recommend me based on your experience.I have heard of JJIL but I do not know how good it might be for what i want to achieve.I need something that implements the basic image processing functions from Matlab toolbox, and i would also like to know if there are any alternatives to JJIL.Additionally, i have heard it is possible to use Matlab's compiler to generate C code that would be useable in a standalone application, but has anybody ever did this before, for Java, adapting it to work in android environment?

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Android :: Bouncycastle Encryption Algorithms Not Provided

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to use BouncyCastle with android to implement ECDH and EL Gamal. I've added the bouncycastle jar file (bcprov-jdk16-144.jar) and written some code that works with my computers jvm however when I try and port it to my android application it throws: KeyPairGenerator ECDH What am I doing wrong?

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Android :: What Algorithms Does Javax.crypto Support?

Jul 21, 2010

I cannot find any documentation that specifies the algorithms that I can specify in getInstance for Cipher. Is there any around? Specifically, I am looking for support for the RC4 cipher.

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Android :: How To Implement Algorithms Such As Dijkstra On Google Maps?

Jul 19, 2010

How can I implement algorithms such as Dijkstra or backtracking on Google Maps integrated in Android ? For example I want to compute a route from city A to city B such that I pay the lowest price for gas.

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Android :: Difference Between BitBlit Algorithms In Skia And Libpixelflinger

Jul 14, 2009

In Android, I could see 2 BitBlit functions defined in skia and libpixelflinger libraries.

1) S32A_D565_Opaque function in external/skia/src/core/ SkBlitRow_D16.cpp has one implementation

2) scanline_t32cbl6blend function in system/core/libpixelflinger/ scanline.cpp has another implementation

Both implementations look different. Please help me understand the rationale behind these algorithms and the reason for having two different implementations/algorithms.

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Android :: Optimizing Very Big Switch?

Mar 26, 2009

I have switch with 255 cases in my project - DroidGear... How i could optimize it?

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Android :: Optimizing Bitmap Loading By Using ASyncTask

Aug 4, 2010

I have been trying to optimize my single thread app which loads a bunch of tiles that makeup a large bitmap.The app was becoming very sluggish when it would load the new tiles into system memory.I'm now looking trying to use Async Tasks for this purpose. The app detects which tile is in the top left in a method called by onDraw, creates a string that contains the path of the bitmap in the Assets folder, and then checks to see if the bitmap is null before drawing. If it is null, it will load it into memory. My idea was to process the bitmap in DoBackground, and in postExecute trigger a view invalidate to display the async loaded bitmap. Few questions:

1.) can i execute my aSync task for each bitmap? (this statement: new myAsyncTaskManager().execute(bitmapPath); if not, what is the best way to go about it since the only thing aSync will do is just load bitmaps into memory?

2.) Is it possible to set the priority aSyncTask if the bitmaps load too slow?

3.) Is there a better way to go about this? im certain it is the bitmap loading, and not the canvas drawing that slows down the app.

My temporary aSync code:

private class myAsyncTaskManager extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

protected String doInBackground(String... bitmapPath) {
Log.e("sys","i ran using aTask");
try {

bitmapArray[rectBeingDrawn] = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(;

} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} return null;

protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
// execution of result of Long time consuming operation

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Android : Way For Optimizing List View Scroll?

Aug 26, 2010

I have list view with fairly complex list view items consisting of several image views, several text views, progress bars, etc. Depending on the state of the item some of these elements can be show and some are hidden. I understand that listview recycles views. Right now I am dealing with slow listview scrolling especially on lower powered devices. What's the best way to deal with this problem?

I already optimized each list item view as much as I could. Now I am facing with what's the best? Use one single view with many children for all items and hide and show various children depending on the item state. This way I do not inflate each item view as list is being scrolled but need to show and hide constantly various child views.

Another approach is to build item view dynamically each time view is requested in the adapter getView method. In this case I can only add at run time those elements that are truly needed for current item state but this requires inflating item view every time.

Finally the third approach is most extreme is to have one custom view and draw everything myself. This of cause requires a lot of work.

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Android :: Tips For Optimizing A Website For Droid's Browser?

Feb 14, 2009

I'm looking for tips, tricks and resources on optimizing a website design for Android's browser.

I'm building an Android app and some of the functionality will be accessible through a web interface.

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General :: Optimizing Apps For Tablets?

Mar 18, 2013

Who can optimize apps for tablets.


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General :: LG Not Optimizing Software Properly

Feb 15, 2012

I have the Optimus 2X, which seems to struggle playing flash videos that are higher than 480p, yet the Motorola Atrix which also uses the Tegra 2 SoC manages to play 720p flash videos smoothly.

Could this be caused by LG not optimizing the software properly? Would a custom ROM possibly fix this problem?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Optimizing Gmail Storage Space

Aug 10, 2010

Without going crazy, I've searched the forums and haven't found many topics to address this. Apologies in advance if such topics, in face, exist.I've had my Eris for nine months, and I've never really messed with the Gmail app/storage settings much. But I'm noticing that it's taking up around 50MB of storage on the phone. I have it set to sync 2 days. I have five labels that get synced. My Inbox, and one other label, are set to "Sync all;" the other three labels are set to "Sync 2 days."Any time I try to change the settings or how many days to sync (like changing everything to 2 days, or 1 day), it winds up eating more of my phone's internal storage, but for an app to use a third of the total storage seems a bit extreme to me. My Gmail app is showing 332KB, of which, 52KB is data and 280KB is the app. There is no option to clear the cache. I can Manage Space or Clear Data, though. My Gmail storage is showing 49.89MB, of which, 276KB is the application. There is no option to clear the cache or manage space, only clear the data.Also, while I'm on the topic, is there any reason for the discrepancy between how much space the Market says a given app occupies, versus what the phone says? Example: The Market says Maps uses 4MB, or so. My phone shows it occupying twice that much space. Facebook is allegedly 1.5MB in size, but it takes up four times as much space on the phone. There is no cache to clear, and I have everything disabled that can be disabled. What's using up so much space in these apps?

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Samsung Fascinate : How To Use Autokiller Correctly / Optimizing System To Get More Battery

Nov 29, 2010

How does one use Autokiller correctly? I want to make sure I'm optimizing my system to get even more battery than I am. Typically I pull over 24 hours on a charge. Want to see if I can get over two days. Thanks in advance Nitsuj17 and Saps =P

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Android :: Processing Raw Audio Data

Apr 10, 2009

I want to develop an app that lets one intercept raw audio data sent for playback (possibly by a different app), and apply audio enhancements over this raw data.Does Cupcake allow such filtering of audio data? If so, which API should I use? I understand this may not be possible at an application level for security reasons.I'm trying to see if this is possible with native code linking to public or private API of Android.

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Android :: How Does Touch Gesture Processing?

Dec 15, 2009

I want to know that android has a touchscreen requirement about hardware and software.And how does touch gesture processing where, for example, in driver layer or framework or application,

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Android :: Processing RSS Feeds With Namespaces

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to write an XML parser that takes an RSS feed & fetches the image urls shown in the url attribute of the <media:thumbnail> tag. This is all being done via android.Util.Xml, & is an adaptation of the code shown here. An example RSS feed that I'm trying to use is the BBC News RSS feed. However, media is an additional namespace & (probably) as a result my parser isn't working as it should. A version of my parse method is below. Is there any (no doubt simple) way to get my list of image URLs working?


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Android :: WebView And Response Processing

Nov 8, 2010

Currently, I use a regular activity with some EditText fields as a registration screen in my application.The inputs are used to construct a soap message which is posted to the registration server, with the response being parsed to do some configuration of the application.I'd like to change this to have the registration page load in a WebView instance, so that the registration process takes place on an external web page.This would make it easier to make changes to the registration process without having to deploy a new build, as it would just be a matter of changing the web page that is loaded in the WebView.The question is would there be any way for me to get the response that is sent back from my registration server to the client? From what I can tell, if I went this route, there wouldn't be a way for me to parse the response like I currently do to initialize the application settings.

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Android :: Activity Background Processing

Apr 17, 2010

"Note that when you write an activity, you can make it stop or continue running when it is moved to the background (see onStop() in Activity Lifecycle). For activities that download data from the network, it's recommended to let them continue downloading so the user can multi-task." As far as I was aware I had to create a service if I wanted to have a background activity such as a media player, internet download, or processing of data in files on the SD card continue when the activity was no longer in the foreground.I went and reread the onStop information on the "Activity Lifecycle" page, which was referred to. But I didn't find any mention of how an activity might continue to run in the background after onStop was called.

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Android :: Processing Events In SurfaceView

Jun 10, 2009

I am creating a custom Widget which extends SurfaceView and I am planning to use it for camera preview.In the main activity I tried to implement some event listeners but can't catch any event.If I press a button the LogCat outputs "Continuing to wait for key to be dispatched" line.Does anyone know how to implement event listeners in main activity using SurfaceView classes?

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Android :: App Is Getting - Trouble Processing - Error

Aug 10, 2010

My android app was running ok under Eclipse, then I tried to add some GridView sample code from some online examples and now it will not build/run anymore.

I keep getting the major error:


Attempt to include a core VM class in something other than a core library.

I have never put anything to do with 'SocketFactory' in any of my code. I searched all of my code and can't find any code that I did that contains the SocketFactory.class.

I deleted my xml's and classes that I was working on that had to do with the GridView and reverted back to the code I had before, when it was running - but now I continue to get the above error. I even try to use 'Clean' but the error continues. Does anyone know what I should do about this error?

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Android :: Reverse Image Load Order - Loading Animation In A Image View While The Real Image Is Loaded?

Jul 21, 2010

I use to load images in a ListView and a GridView. It works but the images are loaded form bpttom to top. How to fix that?

Bonus Question: Can I use a loading animation in a image view while the real image is loaded? Right now it's just a default image.

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Android :: Processing And Regular Input Apps

Oct 7, 2010

Processing has Android support and it seems to be pretty awesome from my 10 minutes of playing with it. But I would like to make a regular (nongraphics) application like a twitter feed reader or something. So is there something like Processing that can do regular apps? Besides Titanium.Basically I am looking for anything that will make coding for android easier, processing was so easy to get working that I was very happy with it, but it is for graphics only. Titanium didn't give me the same wow factor and it isn't open so that kind of takes away from it. What other tools are out there?

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Android :: Obtaining Video Frames For Processing

Dec 31, 2009

I am trying to decode and obtain all frames in a video stream, each of which would be processed by a native signal processing engine and re-encoded back to a MPEG4/MP4 file. I noticed that there was a getFrameAt() function in earlier versions of SDK but its not available in v 1.6 on which I am working. As I am fairly new to Android, I would like to know from more experienced people around here as to how I can extract video frames into a buffer for processing.

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Android :: Audio Programming / Sound Processing And DSP

Jun 23, 2010

The application allowed its users to control the volume of the artist; even mute it.How is this possible?Does adjusting artist sound/setting equalizer etc. mean performing some transformation of required frequencies? What sort of mathematics is required here(frequency domain transformations)?The application recorded users voice input via a mic. Assuming that the sound is recorded in some format, the application was able to mix the recording with the karaoke track(with artists voice muted). How can this be done?Did they play both the track and voice recording simultaneously? Or maybe they inserted additional frequency(channel?) in the original track, maybe replaced it?What sort of DSP is involved here? Is this possible in Java, Objective C?

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