Android :: OnLongClick With Text View & Edit Text
Nov 22, 2010In Android can the OnLongClickListener be used with EditTexts and TextViews or just Buttons?

In Android can the OnLongClickListener be used with EditTexts and TextViews or just Buttons?
I have a problem as follows:
In my project i am having rich text editor options to apply for the edit text view. In that i applied font color,font names,font size options for user.But these options will apply for whole text available in edit text. But my problem is i want to apply user selected settings (like font color,size,font) for user selected text instead of Whole text. i want to apply the user selected font/color/size to the user selected text.How?
How to implement this .
I have an Edit Text field for the user to enter their weight in lbs. How can I override the traditional keyboard and display the numeric keypad instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on Android 2.1 and I have one multi column Custom listview Using BaseAdapter with an editable edittext at the end of the listview. If the data in the listview do not contain the data of user choice then user should be able to enter data. If the data is already there in the list user will be able to select the data using custom selector. If a selection is made in the list view and user wanted to enter data in the text field at the bottom after selection then the marker in the list view should be unselected. I tried to use onclick() method on edit text using click listener. First time when it is clicked, edit text is getting focus and onclick() method is not fired. And when it is clicked second time, onclick() method is fired and notifyDataSetChanged() method is called. I tried to call the notifyDataSetChanged() method from the Focus Listener, list view selection is gone in my first attempt and edit text is not receiving any data input from the keyboard (frozen).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to save& view the data from 3 edit text fields and a date pick to an SQL lite DB. Can anybody point me to a decent beginners tutorial or perhaps give me an idea of where to start?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an EditText where users can set text to bold, italic, etc but I can't figure out how to save that text with styles as .txt file/any otherway to save it.If we save as html page we can't edit the webview. I use getText but that only returns text and no style info.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnybody knows how to write upside down text of edit text in Android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell me how to set half text left aligned and other half right aligned in the edit text.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought this would be easy to find:
A text editor that can create/edit text files from the SD card.
i.e. Windows Notepad on the Desire?
I m facing a problem for getting text from Edit Text field which is on alert dialog same like Api Demo text entry Dialog.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn editText I set text as $ . I dont want to edit before $ symbol . i.e edit text doesnt want take any value before $ . ex: $adfdfd correctad$dsdff wrong .like this . how to restrict this one .
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my project I'm Multiple choice this all text view in white color...i want to change text color. in program I'm use simple xml main.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayoutxmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="#ffff00"> <List View android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_margin Top="2px" android:layout_marginLeft="2px" android:layout_marginRight="2px" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1"android:background="@drawable/shape_1"android:listSelector="@drawable/shape_3" android:textColor="#ffff00" android:layout_marginBottom="44px" /> </RelativeLayout> I'm ListActivity class setContentView(R.layout.main); setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, GENRES)); listView =getListView();listView.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE);
I want to change the color of a substring while it is drawed in a text view. For example, if I have this text: "Hello this is a text in black color and (COLOR_RED_BEGIN)this is a text in red color. (COLOR_RED_END)", then when the text view draws the text the substring "this is a text in red color." must be drawn in red.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a gallery widget and in that i had a view with linear layout which has a edit text inside. When it launches on device the edittext box shows but has no text visible.
However when i scroll to next view in gallery it shows text and when it comes to focus and centered the text disappears.
If i replace gallery with grid or a horizontal view I can see the text on edit text.
Can you please advise what I might be doing wrong here. Why the text disappears.
I'm stuck around issue of TextView. I have string which has around 2000+ characters also has some HTML in it. I'm using below code to display this TextView. Hi, this is just testing for dynamic all about you can know. So lets move on to new topic of which was never closed. So lets go bye " All characters get replace Why is it so ? I tried adding/removing/increasing min-height / max- height. Please can any tell me that is it bug in android that it cant handle long String in TextView?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo I need to create a new activity to view text written in a text box?
For example,
I want to see - "Hello"+ text written in a text box.
I have a textview placed vertically in an activity.. I Want the text within the textview to be shown as bottom to top facing right side.
My XML file is:
First off, sorry about the large screen. I am trying to get the text to wrap but am currently unable to do so. I have tried android:layout_width="fill_parent", android:scrollHorizontal="false", android:width="0dip" all of which suggested in another question. Does anyone have any idea how I can achieve text wrapping? Here's a sample of the xml: Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to change the text in the text view section of a custom layout. I Just get a null pointer exception for some reason.
Here is my code:
I am trying to set the Text of a Text View when a button is clicked.
I have been struggling, because the variable will increment, but If i put the code in to set the text, it crashes the app ?
Here is my code when it crashes:
package com.example.test;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
however if I comment out the line
, the app doesnt crash, but it doesnt do anything then.
I am doing a custom edit box class. It starts something like: public class Amount Field extends Edit Text and has over riden the constructor to implement the Edit Text widget style However when I implement this on my XML I get an editable Text View instead of the Edit Text (there is only text but not the surrounding white box) and also when I click on it nothing happens, only text color changes. Are there any ideas on why this happens? I've done list components the same way and style is not altered.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my application I entered value into editText field into 2 ways one is Depending on the spinner selection value will be changed and other way is through softkeyboard. Now problem is when i entered value into the edittext through key board and orientation is changed at that time edittext field contain the value depending on the spinner.but i want whatevet i enter value into the edittext filed that value is appeared in thta edit text field if the orientation is changed.For this what can i do ,Give me some suggestions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Edit Text that is defined as follows.
I want to set a custom command so that when somebody clicks on the Done/Go button on the onscreen keyboard a button is clicked or just run the methods that are run by the button. I think this has something to do with ime options but I havent been able to figure out how they work.
I put an editText on a PopupWindow and it's not working. It acts like a disabled edit text, clicking on the edit text won't show the soft keyboard. How can I add an edit text on a popupWindow?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI assumed this feature would be activated by default. How do I set an Edit Text box to do the normal orange highlighting when a user touches it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to fetch the value in src and dest once the user clicks the navigate button but its always null. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am writing a simple calculator application(using absolute layout with 3 edit boxes and some buttons), which has two inputtext boxes and a output box.
input1 = (EditText) findViewById(;
input2 = (EditText) findViewById(;
now once user enters some numerics into input1 and presses '+', now i want to shift the focus from input1 to input2. How can i do that?
I tried the below code on keypress of '+'...
but this is not working..
I want to cause the focus of one edit text box to move to another on editting (meaning you can only type on letter before it automatically moves on to the next edit text).
It's the "on edit" that I can't get my head around. Theres a lot I need to implement it into, so just a basic understanding should set the ball rolling.
I want to know how to make a validation on EditText.That is ,I am having one EditText that edit text should has to accept only numaric values,If other than numaric value is typed by user then it should show some alert message "pls type the numaric value...."
Is any function is avilable to find the entered text is particular to handle this situation.if possible give code snippet.
I'm trying to make iPhone-style EditText element on android. The one that will have an additional clear button appear on the right after text input. Adding a new button is not a problem, but I'm a bit stuck with another thing.
A button occupies some space on the right part of EditText, and now characters display beneath the button. How to change maximum shown length of input for EditText? I want EditText width to be N pixels, and editable area to be N-M pixels.
EditText.setWidth changes width for whole edit box. EditText.setEllipsize should be the proper solution, but docs are empty, and as I see it truncates text based on some String value. Applying a LengthFilter cut's the input length to number of characters.