Android :: Write Upside Down Text Of Edit Text In Droid?
Jun 17, 2010Anybody knows how to write upside down text of edit text in Android.

Anybody knows how to write upside down text of edit text in Android.
I have a problem as follows:
In my project i am having rich text editor options to apply for the edit text view. In that i applied font color,font names,font size options for user.But these options will apply for whole text available in edit text. But my problem is i want to apply user selected settings (like font color,size,font) for user selected text instead of Whole text. i want to apply the user selected font/color/size to the user selected text.How?
How to implement this .
I'm trying to build a custom clock view in Android. See image far to draw the time and hour markers I have been using the Canvas.rotate method to get the desired effect. However, notice that it is difficult to interpret the numbers in the lower half of the clock (e.g. 6 or 9?) because of the angle in which they are drawn.When using drawText, is it possible to draw the text at 45/90/180 degrees so that all text appears upright when my onDraw method has finished?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an EditText where users can set text to bold, italic, etc but I can't figure out how to save that text with styles as .txt file/any otherway to save it.If we save as html page we can't edit the webview. I use getText but that only returns text and no style info.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell me how to set half text left aligned and other half right aligned in the edit text.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought this would be easy to find:
A text editor that can create/edit text files from the SD card.
i.e. Windows Notepad on the Desire?
I m facing a problem for getting text from Edit Text field which is on alert dialog same like Api Demo text entry Dialog.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy program contains a file with the name "size.text", which contains just a word "15". If a user choose a value from a spinner,say 17, then the chosen value should be stored in the file and replace "15". I have added the permission to the program <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"></uses-permission> But somehow i can not make the chosen value be written to the file. Here is my code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn editText I set text as $ . I dont want to edit before $ symbol . i.e edit text doesnt want take any value before $ . ex: $adfdfd correctad$dsdff wrong .like this . how to restrict this one .
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my android application on click of image i would like to display a page which could provide a notepad facility to user. I placed a edit text with fill parent but the cursor starts from the middle of the screen.
Is there any way that i can start the cursor from the beginning.
When the user click the editText Field I need to show spinner(dynamic) from that user select any of the item i need to set the Text for Edit text .How to do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedthere is a way to edit the text below your icons. For instance I would like my Handcent icon to instead say "messages" below it. Can I do that and if so how? Also on a side note, could someone enlighten me as to what all this UI business is about? Some people talk about using "sense" and some people use something else. What exactly do these user interfaces do and how do people change them?
View 10 Replies View Relatedim trying to edit txt within busybox vi, but i need help with saving/exit. im running it out of the terminal emulator, and have ctrl set up as <vol. up>, so i believe i need to do <vol up><sym><1> to enter command mode, but i cant seem to get typical vi commands to work (zz) for write/exit. ok if i get past that then i have mounted system as rw, but within the vi it says [read only]. will this be an issue?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen editing a text message i try to click inbetween letters and it is hard to pinpoint where to press. On the iphone there is a glass sphere that magnifies the area where you are trying to put the cursor Like this Any app or ROM Is there a similar app for android as its really useful?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to run some scripts in BB. When I open the emu and type su and hit enter, it brings up an "Edit Text" dialog box with the options to copy or paste and it won't let me proceed. (I have successfully done it before on another ROM). Am I doing something wrong? Can I run scripts using Root Explorer and how? Is there another emu you would recommend?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am doing a custom edit box class. It starts something like: public class Amount Field extends Edit Text and has over riden the constructor to implement the Edit Text widget style However when I implement this on my XML I get an editable Text View instead of the Edit Text (there is only text but not the surrounding white box) and also when I click on it nothing happens, only text color changes. Are there any ideas on why this happens? I've done list components the same way and style is not altered.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my application I entered value into editText field into 2 ways one is Depending on the spinner selection value will be changed and other way is through softkeyboard. Now problem is when i entered value into the edittext through key board and orientation is changed at that time edittext field contain the value depending on the spinner.but i want whatevet i enter value into the edittext filed that value is appeared in thta edit text field if the orientation is changed.For this what can i do ,Give me some suggestions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Edit Text that is defined as follows.
I want to set a custom command so that when somebody clicks on the Done/Go button on the onscreen keyboard a button is clicked or just run the methods that are run by the button. I think this has something to do with ime options but I havent been able to figure out how they work.
I put an editText on a PopupWindow and it's not working. It acts like a disabled edit text, clicking on the edit text won't show the soft keyboard. How can I add an edit text on a popupWindow?
View 2 Replies View Relatedan app that lets you write words with your finger, then turns it into text? is it free?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am writing to a canvas from a thread.
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
Paint p = new Paint();
canvas.drawText("Centered", xCentre, yCentre, p);
My problem start when I have a multi colored SpannableStringBuilder which I want to write to the canvas, and I have no idea how to do this. SpannableStringBuilder has a drawText() method which I have been unable to use. Or is there some other method to write a string to a canvas where some of the letters have a different color?
I assumed this feature would be activated by default. How do I set an Edit Text box to do the normal orange highlighting when a user touches it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to fetch the value in src and dest once the user clicks the navigate button but its always null. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am writing a simple calculator application(using absolute layout with 3 edit boxes and some buttons), which has two inputtext boxes and a output box.
input1 = (EditText) findViewById(;
input2 = (EditText) findViewById(;
now once user enters some numerics into input1 and presses '+', now i want to shift the focus from input1 to input2. How can i do that?
I tried the below code on keypress of '+'...
but this is not working..
I want to cause the focus of one edit text box to move to another on editting (meaning you can only type on letter before it automatically moves on to the next edit text).
It's the "on edit" that I can't get my head around. Theres a lot I need to implement it into, so just a basic understanding should set the ball rolling.
I want to know how to make a validation on EditText.That is ,I am having one EditText that edit text should has to accept only numaric values,If other than numaric value is typed by user then it should show some alert message "pls type the numaric value...."
Is any function is avilable to find the entered text is particular to handle this situation.if possible give code snippet.
I'm trying to make iPhone-style EditText element on android. The one that will have an additional clear button appear on the right after text input. Adding a new button is not a problem, but I'm a bit stuck with another thing.
A button occupies some space on the right part of EditText, and now characters display beneath the button. How to change maximum shown length of input for EditText? I want EditText width to be N pixels, and editable area to be N-M pixels.
EditText.setWidth changes width for whole edit box. EditText.setEllipsize should be the proper solution, but docs are empty, and as I see it truncates text based on some String value. Applying a LengthFilter cut's the input length to number of characters.