Android : No Location Folder Found Under Data Directory For 1.1?
Apr 15, 2009No location folder found under data->location->gps directory for 1.1, which contains the mock provider file.

No location folder found under data->location->gps directory for 1.1, which contains the mock provider file.
My application has requirements to store or edit the file data in the file which is available in Raw folder. Can some one tell me how it is possible ?
I want to store the audio data in mp3 file which is available in res folder.
I want to download my apk file into "/data/local/" directory. I am able do this in external storage but unable on "/data/local" also i was trying to create folder on same location but could not do that. Through "adb push" it is possible but i need to do this java program.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the default home page for the app, and let's say for example I start to type facebook. Under where I type it comes up with the usual predictions, like facebook login, facebook news, etc. But the top one is usually a link to the exact URL (in this case to facebook) but whenever I click one of those links, I get a page that says:
"Server Error
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
Is there anyway to get these links to work? Or get rid of them all together so I don't accidentally click them.
I'm storing data on SDCard and want to get the size/length in bytes of all the files in my main folder and sub folders. How can I calculate the length? Is there any other way to calculate other than open every file and get File.length(). length function returns 0 on directories.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt there anywhere to sync all sub folder listed in my exchange directory ? i can go under each sub folder and do a refresh, but the manual process is very tedious.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to provide files into the data/data directory of an android application on install? If so, where would I put these files in my project?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDolphin browser app downloaded ok, but opened with the usual Google browser window, and a message "location not found". I would like to try this mainly for downloading you tube videos.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI had install SDK 2.0. I am not able to locate aidl.exe in tool directory.
Please help to locate. Is there any location from where I can download?
I've thought of starting to develop an application and one of its features is that it downloads some content (images, files, etc) and organize them into folders in accordance with site they were downloaded.
Well, the question is... How do Android organize your files? In Windows, for example, I could create some folders, one for each site, or one for each time period. But in Android, how does it work? Is there a system of folders like Windows? Or is there a totally different way to organize files?
On my tablet I have 500MB internal memory, 5.6GB on nand flesh and 2GB on sd. So I want to change directory of installation folder but I don't have access to PC is there any other way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you change the directory/folder that photos are instantly saved to? Currently mine are going to /sdcard/DCIM/100MEDIA
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere is the folder located at? Like when i save a picture from a MMS it goes under "download" in the Photos.. & i can't find it when it's mounted as a disk drive.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a preferred way to find the data directory of an application, other than starting with android.os.Environment.getDataDirectory() and appending "/data/" and the package name?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems trying to use files after moving them.
I took a bunch of pictures at an event, the created a folder for that event and moved the pictures into it. I can still open the pictures one at a tiem by navigsting too them, but the galleary app still shows the thumbs, but cannot find them.
Example 2:
I downloaded an mp3 for a ring tone, and while in the downloads folder the music player found it and I was able to set it at a ring tone. But I tried to create a ringtones folder, and then music could not find it, and just playing it by opening the file would not allow me to set a ring tone.
So how does this work? I have seen references here to folders called Media and ring tones, but I see nothing like that in the file system on my phone. Where does one put music if they want to actually use the music player?
Is the DCIM folder the ONLY one that works with the photo gallery? Is the Downloads folder the ONLY one that works with the music player?
I try to create 'foo/bar.txt' in Android's /data/data/pkg/files directory.
It seems to be a contradiction in docs:
To write to a file, call Context.openFileOutput() with the name and path.
The name of the file to open; can not contain path separators.
And when I call
this.openFileOutput("foo/bar.txt", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
exception is thrown:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File foo/bar.txt contains a path separator
So how do I create file in subfolder?
I just got the Dev Phone G1 so I install my apk, named myapp.apk on it.
But my application's working directory is /system/myapp which is mounted
as read-only.
So I want to change my working directory to /data.
How can I change this?
I m using Android 1.5 my data directory does'nt have the read/write permissions
System.out.println("DAta can write??--->"+Environment.getDataDirectory().canWrite());
System.out.println("DAta can read??--->"+Environment.getDataDirectory().canRead());
So please suggest me how to provide permission for the data directory.
What m trying to do is to create a file and add some content to it iin the Data storage of the emulator like as below
private void writeToSDCard() {
try {
File lroot = Environment.getDataDirectory();
if (lroot.canWrite()){
File lfile = new File(lroot, "samplefile.txt");
FileWriter lfilewriter = new FileWriter(lfile);
BufferedWriter lout = new BufferedWriter(lfilewriter);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(m_cTAG, "Could not write file " + e.getMessage());
I have written a test case to implement a conference contact management system with Content Provider and SQLite. The launch activity is a Listactivity and the customized provider is extended from ContentProvider, u know, actually the sample is so similar to the Notepad Sample in the official SDK packages. However, i can't find the created .db file in the /data/data/myapp/ except the /lib directory. Why?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Android 1.1. I am not able to create folder under /data directory. But permissions looks like read/write. I checked /system it is Read only.
Is it any way create directory like /data/myFiles/Audio ?
BBC News - Google Android apps found to be sharing data
Sometimes in LogCat I'll see Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
But when using the DDMS perspective, "File Explorer" View, I can't see anything in the "data" directory, I'm assuming because permission denied. Is there a way (short of rooting my ion device) to read what's in that text file?
Is there perhaps an android app for developers that will show the contents of the file? It would seem there would have to be some way of reading the file without rooting the device, otherwise why does the o.s. write it out? How can I read this file?
I have a rooted Evo, running warm's tpt rom. Juice Defender was working fine for me until last night. I noticed it wasnt in the notification bar. (I do not have any task killers)
I am getting the following erros when I set it up:
mobile data control doesnt work
mobile data control (apn method) doesnt work
The log shows:
apn not found
I have a problem on my lg optimus l9 with directorybind when I click add it says
Data directory not exist, create now?
then i click create and it just constantly loops, so every time i click create it says the same thing,
Data directory not exist, create now?
When I receive an email with attachment, gmail gives me three options, one is to save them. I would like to know if i press save, in which folder do they get saved so that i can then view them or use the files to send/upload somewhere else?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAt some points while running my android application, I need to create a directory on the sd card, for a small number of users this fails and I can't figure out the reason for it... (I've found similar problems caused by the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission missing, it's there and it works for almost all users so I don't think this is reason) When mkdirs returns false I crash the program and log the following properties, starting at the directory I want to create, then recursive printing properties of the parent directory and so on...
/sdcard/MyDirectory/Dir1/Dir2 (exists: false, canWrite: false, isDirectory: false, isFile: false);
/sdcard/MyDirectory/Dir1 (exists: true, canWrite: true, isDirectory: true, isFile: false);
/sdcard/MyDirectory (exists: true, canWrite: true, isDirectory: true, isFile: false);
/sdcard (exists: true, canWrite: true, isDirectory: true, isFile: false);
/ (exists: true, canWrite: false, isDirectory: true, isFile: false);
The strange thing is that the parent directory is writable (canWrite=true), I can't print the execute file permission but from what I've read, write is what you need when creating directories... What I've looked at so far is the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, if the sd card is full and if the sdcard is mounted read only:...........................
I have an app that instructed me to copy some data from my computer to the SDCard. So I plugged the Droid into the computer, mounted my Droid SDCard, looked at the directory, and copied the file. There are a bunch of files and folders listed (e.g. backups for apps, album artwork, etc.) as being on the SDCard. But when I go into Astro on the Droid and select "SDCARD" it shows "directory is empty." I don't get it. Why can't I see the folders and files on the SDCard that I can see on the computer screen?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI connected to my live device using the adb and the following commands:C:>adb -s HT829GZ52000 shell
$ ls
$ cd data
cd data
$ ls
opendir failed, Permission denied
$ I was surprised to see that I have access denied. How come I can't browse around the directories using the commandline like this? How do I get root access on my phone?
I know that the GPS altitude data isn't particularly reliable, so I looked for alternatives. This looks like a good solution I found here: But the value returned is not what I expected: -1.79769313486231E+308 I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this figure...
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