Android :: Navigon Mobile / Less Space On SD Card
Mar 22, 2010
I have installed navigon as I use it on a standalone device. Problem its though, during the download of map and sound data it had an error as I didn't have enough space on my memory card.The program works but I do not have the UK maps. I have tried reinstalling the app but it still will not get the missing maps.Does anyone know where the program itself installs so I can completely remove it and get the maps again?There is a folder on the SD card but nothing in there about the actual application other than the map and sound folders.
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Jul 30, 2010
Not sure if this is a GS issue or a Navigon issue...I am trying to use Navigon with a headset. But when there is audio guidance, the audio comes on both the speaker and the headset. I would expect the audio to be heard only from the headset.
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May 31, 2010
is it possible to check, how much free space is available in android sd card through android programming..... i am storing some images in sd card but before that want to check how much free space is available.....
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May 8, 2009
Is there any way to detect remaining space on the sdcard through the API? I prefer not to make native or shell calls.
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Aug 14, 2010
What is an effective way to determine how much free space is on the SD card?
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Aug 29, 2010
Apps amount limited by sd card size or number of pages for apps?
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Aug 15, 2010
My application allow to download files and store them on the external card. To avoid filling it, I've implemented a safety check so it prevents downloading when the free space is less than 20MB. The computation of the free space is done by:
public synchronized long getFreeSpace() { if (statFs == null) { statFs = new StatFs(getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); }
return statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize(); }
which I presume is correct. In fact, it works in all my tests and for what I can say for the 99% of users. But a single user notified me that my app is constantly giving the "card full" message, as if the above method didn't work. He also told me that the problem went away after a while, and returned after upgrading a new release of my app. The user seems an advanced one, and I think he's able to check and correctly manage the contents of his external card. He reported that the card has more than 1.4GB free on the card. Are you aware of any specific issue or bug? The smartphone of the user is a Dell Streak with Android 1.6.
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Mar 17, 2009
I did a few searches and couldn't find anything, so I decided to be lazy and start a new post on this. Has anyone found an application that will move all applications to the SD card to save phone space and speed everything else up?
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Aug 3, 2010
How do I check to see how much MB or GB is left on the android device ? I am using JAVA and android SDK 2.0.1.
Is there any system service that would expose something like this?
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Oct 6, 2010
I have read and read and read. I want to take the leap soon. I hear it goes fast but I want to set aside am entire evening or afternoon. How much space so I need to have on my SD card? Mine is almost full. Which means I'll probably get a bigger one soon. I want more music.
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Oct 28, 2011
Got an error saying that my SD card storage was low on space...So I started removing some pictures, and uninstalling some older apps that I don't use...and not a single mb of storage has freed up.
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Sep 6, 2010
Does it make the phone more laggy? Because I've used about 7GB of my 8GB, and was wondering would it speed up my phone as its become a bit lagggy at time. I was planning to take about 4GB away of music but I really don't want to. Just seeing if it would be worth it?
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Aug 23, 2010
When nandroid does a back-up, it does not error out or warn if the card runs out of space. It will go through all of the back up steps and even produce an MD5 parity check, but it is checking the file created- NOT the actual targeted files as part of its verification process (only the parity of the final file created). I discovered this (almost) the hard way, but noticed that my card showed zero space. The back-up should have been about 850mb, but was 395mb. I removed some files from my sd card and repeated the process and then did a titanium back up of apps.
Shortly after backing up, I tried to install the King #2 kernel and my Inc got stuck in a boot loop. Had I not caught the Nandroid back-up issue, I would have been in a rough situation. The sad thing is I have a 32gb card, but is loaded with PSX games, other game roms and MP3's. Even without this stuff and a smaller card, several nandroid back-ups can accumulate and take up more space than you expect. added: I am not sure if Titanium also does not verify the targeted files after a back-up. In summary: Check you card for space before backing up stuff!
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Sep 16, 2010
Low on space icon is up top the phone but I have a 16gb sd and says 15,268mb available but phone memory only 12mb available. Why isn't phone using the SD or do I have to enable something to make it use the card.
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to download a ringtone onto my phone (which apparently gets downloaded to my sd card under download) but its saying I have no available space. Its a 2 gig mem card and i have 1.7 gigs left on it thats completely free. And my phone has 99mb of internal memory free. So a few hundred kb ringtone should not be saying this.
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Sep 18, 2010
I have a 4fb SD card fitted yet I keep getting a message saying I'm running low on phone storage space. Can I manage this on the SD card?
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Sep 21, 2010
I was running apps2sd them upgraded to xrtrom 4.2 with cach2cach. So i was wondering how do i remove all the apps saved on my sd card so that i can free up that space.
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Aug 18, 2010
I have an issues and hopefully somebody can help. Ok I have an Evo and it wont read SD cards. Whne I put in an SD card the option to mount or format the card are grayed out and it shows not available space as if there is no card in there.
So I figure its a bad slot so I take it to a close by repair center and the guy lets me try a card he had in another android phone (hero I think) and it it was recognized by my phone. So I go it must be that my card bad.
I go home and put the card in my laptop and format it and it formats fine. When I put it in the Evo still not recognized. I put the card in my PS3, it's recognized so I format it there too. I put it in the Evo still not recognized.
I can't be the slot in my evo cause I put the guys card in myself, turned it on myself and saw for myself that it recognized the card. Anybody know whats up with this? I have official 2.2 but this was going on BEFORE I updated to froyo. Can anybody help?
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Nov 23, 2009
So I rooted my phone, did a nanodroid back-up, and added a custom Rom. At first I flashed MoCaDo onto the phone but I had a lot of force closes. So I flashed Fresh .5 over MocaDo 1.1 and the force closes stop. The phone feels a lot zipper. I have WiFi tether. Spare parts is great. Now how do I move apps to the sd card to free up more space?
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Dec 13, 2013
I'm not very familiar with Android OS, I recently purchased a NOBIS 9, 1.5GHz Cortex A9 Dual-Core processor, 1GB DDR2 of system memory, and 8GB of internal storage running on Android 4.1. So far I have only downloaded and installed exactly 7 apps from Google Play and all my pictures and videos are in my SD card and I suddenly have no storage room. When I go to settings/storage, I see that there are 2 partitions to the tablet's storage both named INTERNAL STORAGE. Apparently all the apps are being installed in one of the partitions, the one with only 661 MB of space. I was able to go into the APPS setting and move 4 off the apps to the SD card, but the rest of the apps do show the MOVE TO SD CARD option but are not allowing me to press it.
Is there any way to somehow move the apps to the other partition or the SD card? Or is there a setting that I can change to allow all new apps to be installed in the SD card?
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Feb 26, 2010
Alright.. I had a Motoq9M for a couple of years.. and such a bad experience.. I was skeptical about EVER buying another motorola again.. Alas.. I refuse to give up my verizon coverage.. and bought a Droid.. aand Im ALMOST hopeless with some of this stuff. The first week everything worked great, then as I started adding apps, things have gotten hinky.
Problem 1:
I set up a "lock pattern" and my screen's timeout time is 30sec. Whenever I'd make a call even after I'd unlock it.. or I've answered the phone and unlocked it.. literally 2-3 secs later.. the phone would blackout and lock again.. WTF? soo.. i disabled the lock option.. problem solved.. but now I don't want to re-lock it if it's going to bug up again.
Problem 2:
I seem to have an unremovable facebook app... can't delete it from settings, and I can't delete it with an un-install app it doesn't even show up to look at in app management in settings.. uhh Help.. because
I USED to be able to go to a friends photos, and choose the "set as" option as a contact photo or a wallpaper.. it started to only do it once in a while .. and now I can't do it at all.. I REALLY want that ability back.
Problem 3:
half the time I go into my task killer, and apps I've never even touched to activate are randomly running in the background.. and when i go to look at my SD card space availability and its says unavailable..
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Mar 7, 2010
After successfully installing the 2.1 leak, is it safe to remove the zip file from the SD card to clean up space?
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Jul 4, 2012
In my android phone Xperia Pro memory card locked after factory reset (running updated Android 4.0.4)
While trying to delete the files at first it delete but after some time when I open file explore the files again show. Also in storage menu after deleting files available space increase and after some time it will again decreased.
I have tried also connecting phone with both media transfer mode and mass transfer mode the same problem persists.
I have also tried removing memory card from mobile and inserted it in memory card reader, but the same problem persist. I also tried to format memory card with windows, dos, HP disk format, Ubuntu , in this all case it says cannot format media and with SDFormatter_3 message memory card locked.
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Jan 20, 2010
First time I bought HTC Tattoo yesterday . Felt very good after using the mobile.
I have one problem, I am not able to load the Contacts from my Existing SIM Card. It doesnt even appears in search.
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Jun 27, 2013
I am getting error on android mobile damaged sd card... i hv 32 gb sandisk class 10... see image for error .. its not getting formatted in mobile or pc.. not getting detected in PC scan for error not working... card not showing any size..
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Sep 9, 2010
i got this notification yesterday so i deleted some apps and all my text messages but i cant get rid of it now!
any ideas?
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May 13, 2010
So I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.
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Dec 16, 2009
Had my Samsung Moment for about a month. LOVE IT. Few issues (same as everyone else has noticed), but nothing terrible. Until: Randomly today TWO Notifications popped up that said "Low on space Phone storage space is getting low." One was what seemed to be from the "hardware" and the other was from the "Work Mail" app (which I don't use, haven't used, haven't even opened). When I click it, it takes me to the Manager screen. So, I began uninstalling some apps I don't really use (I didn't have that many anyway...a couple of games [Solitaire, etc], Facebook, Notes). It started running really slowly and random Force Close messages would appear for things like android.process, messaging--things that have never Force Closed before. I turned it off (pressed and held the red button), waited a few seconds, then turned it back on again. Immediately after the "Sprint" logo lights show finished, I got another Force Close message. When the Home Screen showed up, I had the two notifications again "Low on space". When I cleared the notifications, only the "Work Mail" one would clear. I went through and deleted some more apps that I don't use. Got on my computer & Googled the issue. Found a couple of random forums that suggested cleaning out the Cache in the Browser. I did that. Cleaned the History & Cookies in the Browser, too. Then, I did a soft reset (took out the battery). Started it up again, SAME notifications. Less Force Close messages. But, it's running VERY slowly.
After a few hours, I noticed that I hadn't received any text messages or Gmail notifications. I had my sister text me about 2 hours ago. Still have not received it.
I really don't want to hard reset. I haven't synced my contacts (I have over 400 & the Sprint store had trouble moving them from my Centro to the Moment) to Google yet, nor have I hooked my Moment up to my Mac yet (the Sprint guys had no idea if it would work or not with Snow Leopard & I hadn't had time to check yet) and I'm worried to try it now that my Moment has gone crazy...I really don't want to lose 400 contacts.I don't download a lot of apps. Most are reputable (Pandora, MotherTED, Shazam, Movies, Jewels). The last one I remember downloading was Google Voice three days ago (which I haven't really used because I've had the flu). I don't know if this is a Malware/Virus issue or if I'm just an idiot & did something wrong. But, it's running REALLY slowly right now. Still not receiving texts or emails (though my Twitter app has notified me of a couple of @ replies).I'm going to call Sprint & Samsung tomorrow, then go to a Sprint tech store if they can't help. But, I'm just hoping one of you have come across this & can help before I have to deal with hours of hold music & techies who tell me to soft reset over & over again.
After awhile, I finally checked the storage space:
External SD care: Total: 1.89; Available: 1.85
Internal: About 2 hours ago when I first checked, after I had deleted a bunch of apps it said I had 7.something MB, now (after not downloading ANYTHING or barely even TOUCHING the damn thing) it says 1.95MB. Which leads me to believe that the 7.whatever was not necessarily accurate.
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Aug 3, 2010
On Sunday I started getting the message "Low on space Phone Storage space is getting low." on the status bar. When I tap it, I'm taken to the "Manage Applications" screen, so it's clear that the message refers to the "Phone Memory," where apps are stored But when I go to Settings > SD card & phone storage here's what I see:
SD Card Total Space: 14.83GB
SD Card Available Space: 6.15GB
Internal Phone Storage Total Space: 6.60GB
Internal Phone Storage Available Space: 6.51GB
Phone Memory Total Space: 748MB
Phone Memory Available Space: 332MB
I've googled looking for solutions and it's obvious that this is a fairly common problem - especially on HTC phones. But the only possible solutions I've found are:
Too many apps are installed & space really is running low
A "bad" app was recently installed causing this error
Clear the cache for HTC Mail and HTC Message apps
Perform a Factory Reset We can rule this out since there is more than 44% of the Phone Memory available.
I didn't install any apps immediately before getting the message, but to be sure I uninstalled the 10 most recently added apps. No luck.
I've gone to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, but the cache for these apps is already zero. The "Data" for Mail is 2.22MB and for Messages is 812KB.
This isn't fixing the problem, it's just a way to eliminate whatever condition has caused the symptom. But without an explanation of the actual problem I see no reason to think the problem won't come back in another two months.
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Aug 31, 2010
My phone keeps telling me this in my notification bar and its bugging the crap out of me. My intenal phone storage has over 6gb free and my SD card has 1.3 gb free. The notification will not go away, I have tried rebooting my phone. I can't not stand it, its just one of my things, but it makes me want to not use my phone. OCD i guess.Anyway, PLEASE tell me why it is doing this
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