Android :: Multiple Contact Selection Activity
Aug 30, 2010Is it possible to get a multiple contact selection activity in Android?

Is it possible to get a multiple contact selection activity in Android?
I am trying to launch an activity from another activity .. Within the
I have activity launch code as ..
I have set the android:multiprocess="true" in the AndroidManifest.xml of TargetSL I don't seem to see the multiple instances of TargetSL, which i am expecting ..
All i see is 2 process, where i was hoping to see an instance of TargetSL, for each launch that was invoked by the singleLauncher!
I want to create list with multiple selection. Can some one tell me how can i create it ? code snippt will be much useful.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do you do a multiple selection in the default mail app?
My server's spam filter works pretty well, directing most of the spam to my Trash folder, and very little "real" mail. So when I look in my Trash folder I might have 30 messages, and 28 of them are spam. How do I select all 28 of them for deletion in one fell swoop, so I don't have to tediously delete each one one-at-a-time?
My list view is a multiple selection list view. i have to show the selected list view items in one color(say green) and the other items in some other color(red). How to achieve this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedEdit: Okay, I found a solution. Don't know that it's the proper solution, but it does work correctly. Added to the code below. I'm trying to allow a user to select a number of directories from a checklist, and return them upon clicking a "Submit" button. Here's a snippet of my code. It populates the List View with all the directories on /sd card/, and for the initial selection (of however many I pick) when I submit, the log shows the correct choices returned. However, if I un check an item, and click "Submit" again, it still shows as if all are selected. Do I need to write a handler to un check an item? I thought that was taken care of by the choice Mode selection?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am wondering is there any way to create something similar to spinner but which allows multiple selection. I guess we can select multiple entries from ListView but I don't have much space to show all the entires and also I need to show three different categories on the same Activity which you can select from.
Here is what I want to do:
Category 1:
Category 2:
Category 3:
I have a spinner selection box on my activity, but now I want to remove the spinner from the main view and make the selection available by an option from the menu button. How do I get the dialog the spinner shows if I click it without having the spinner? Currently I fill the spinner using a SimpleCursorAdapter like this:
Cursor c = db.fetchAllSets();
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, c, new String[] { DatabaseAdapter.SET_KEY_NAME }, new int[] { });
So now I'm planning to remove the spinner from my activity, add a new button to the menu and in the onOptionsItemSelected(...) show a dialog with the list of available selection - just the way it is right now after clicking the spinner object.
I'm working with a list view trying to get specific activities to open when a certain item is selected. This is the code that I'm working with right now. I know its wrong but am not sure what I need to change it make it work. I think I need an intent and tried a few ideas but did not come up with much.
Are there design guidelines to help decide if an application with multiple views should be designed with multiple activities or just one activity and control the back button itself.
I've tried both. My most complex applications using one activity per screen. However, now that I'm successfully written an app with just one activity and handling the back button myself, I don't see any compelling reason to use multiple activities. The one activity application is much simpler and more straightforward.
What advantages of multiple activities am I missing?
So I am new to developing android apps and had a question. I have a spinner and based on the selection I was wondering the best way to call another class / layout.Here is my main class
public class BestBuyMobileActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
I'm trying to use Spinner as a button with selection pop-up. Basically I want an icon and when user clicks it - the popup list is displayed and user can make a selection. The Spinner happily accepts icon image as drawable background. Unfortunately when I select a value the text overlays the background. Is it possible to set selection text color as a transparent? Or maybe there's a better way?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have an app with Activity A. The layout on the activity is dynamic genearted. So it's possible that on Activity A a user hits a button that goes to "A" and the new page looks different, then a user clicks another button to go to "A" again. Now I have 2 Activities in the history stack. A, A, and currently on A. Is it possible that if a user clicks a button that the whole Activity stack is cleared in a scenario such as this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 2 friends with the same name (lets say John Doe)Android has a habit of merging them, and I can't figure out how to stop this, it seems to happen whenever I turn sync on.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do a Contacts search on Android using Contacts Contract. I would like to search on multiple parameters, e.g. - Where name = myname AND email = myemail AND nickname = mynickname, etc. I have it working w/ just name, but need the syntax to add email and nickname as search params. I know they are stored separately from display name & have a different format. The code below is what is working for the search by just name. How can I add to the selection variable to also search by email and nickname? CODE: String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = '" + ("1") + "'"; selection += "AND " + ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + "= '" + + "'"; Uri uri = ContactsContract. Contacts.CONTENT_URI; String sortOrder = contactsContract. Contacts. DISPLAY_NAME + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC"; Cursor myCursor = mApp.managedQuery(uri, null, selection, null, sortOrder);
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the following code which queries 1 number of a contact. It works. But how can I change it so that I can query multiple numbers (work, mobile, home) for the same contact and the type of each number?int phoneColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(People.NUMBER); if (phoneColumnIndex != -1) {String phone Number = cursor.getString (phone ColumnIndex); System.out.println (" phoneNumber:" + phoneNumber);
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using contact picker, is it possible to select multiple contacts with the help of checkbox in contactpicker activity? is there any other possible way? now i am using a contactpicker activity,which helps to get a single contact!
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my gmail account in my browser (desktop computer), I go to contacts and I see one entry for myself. It has all the info I want in it (I just added my address).When I go to my droid and find myself in the contact list, I see several sections that begin with "from" where it's my email address.Why isn't it only one big section instead of looking like it found my contact info multiple times in my gmail account requiring multiple sub-sections? How come I don't see my address in any of these sub-sections?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am able to launch contact application from the following way. I am also able to show Name and only one Phone number. My problem is 1- How can I show multiple phone number [like Home, Mobile, Work etc] when I am launching contact application. How can I do that? 2- In Contact application there is one option *More*, which is an expandable list. When I click that it open with other many fields like Notes, Website, Nicknam etc. How can I fill those fields while launching the Contact application? Code...
View 8 Replies View RelatedTHE PROBLEM: was going through my phonebook and for a few contacts, i would have A LOT of duplicates. By a lot I mean nearly 100 if not more of 1 person, but the contact would be something about facebook related. this was for about 15-20 people that had 100+ entries.HOW I FIXED THIS:people > Menu > View Check or uncheck any of the want or dont want. after you're done, click done and check you're phonebook again to see if it worked
Is it possible to use the PreferenceActivity and PreferenceScreen to manage multiple instances of preferences fro a single app? It seems that they store preferences as "default" preferences only. I would like to use a PreferenceScreen as my configure activity for an AppWidget, but I need to be able to store distinct preferences for each widget.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble creating a layout with two backgrounds that tile in the x direction but not y.
I've mocked up what I'm trying to create here...
So the top section repeats horizontally, then there's a flat creen section in the middle in which I will center my content, then there's some horizontally repeating grass along the bottom.
I want to create multiple instances of an activity in the same process. Should I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag like the code below?
This code is executed in class A to create another instance of activity A.
This question, will this code create another task? As I understand is a process can only have one task. Does it mean the two activities will exist in different tasks? That's what I want. I want the two activities to be in the same process.
I have three simultaneous instances of an AsyncTask for download three files. When two particular ones finish, at the end of onPostExecute() I check a flag set by each, and if both are true, I call startActivity() for the next Activity.
I am currently seeing the activity called twice, or something that resembles this type of behavior. Since the screen does that 'swipe left' kind of transition to the next activity, it sometimes does it twice (and when I hit back, it goes back to the same activity). It's obvious two versions of the activity that SHOULD only get called once are being put on the Activity stack.
Could this be from both onPostExecute()s executing simultaneously and both checking the flags each other set at the exact same time? This seems extremely unlikely since two processes would have to be running line-by-line in parallel...
A lot removed from this question since I was way off in what I thought was wrong. Nonetheless I found the answer here quite useful, so I have edited the question to reflect the useful parts.
I want to have multiple listviews in single activity. But only one listview should be displayed at one time. The listviews will be loaded dynamically. So, how can I fill all the four listviews at the same time and display only one?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to get a specific layout for more than two days now and really struck with it, what am trying to achieve is: To have a layout like the following
(VIEWS are basically for headers) Can any one help to sort out this task?
I want to have multiple listviews in my activity. Every listview will have a different adapter and every item in the listview must be clickable (other actions for every listview).
So my problem now is that I can't create multiple clickable listviews. I have one listview like this <ListView android:id="@android:id/ list".. and the other listview looks like this <ListView android:id="@+id/ flightList"
The first listview looks like this in my activity hotelList = (ListView)findViewById(;
the second: listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
I can click on the first list and it does what it has to do, but i cant do anything with the second list.. probably because it hasn't the android:id/list declaration. does someone knows how I can solve this problem or other suggestions how I can get multiple lists in 1 activity.
I've more than one Handlers in an Activity. I create all the handlers in the onCreate() of the main activity. My understanding is the handleMessage() method of each handler will never be called at the same time because all messages are put in the same queue (the Activity thread MessageQueue). Therefore, they will be executed in the order in which are put into the Queue. They will also be executed in the main activity thread. Is this correct ? Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering is it possible to create multiple instances of a single Activity in Android?
I currently start my own inCall screen for a Voip Test by using the following code...
This allows me to start the Activity fine. However when I call it for a second it just returns to the Activity already created rather than creating a new Activity and placing it on the stack.
I would like to be able to create the activity multiple times so that I have two or 3 Activities on the stack and the user can switch between them, using Home, Back buttons etc... Is this possible and if so what am I doing wrong?
HTC Desire When I tap the 'To' box or the person icon there are multiple entries for each contact. The second person in my contact list appears at least 100 times, others are in there 6, 8 10+ times.Orange Help sent me a text. I deleted it. Took battery out etc. And guess what? No help at all. In the People folder the entries are there in their singular form. Anyone any ideas for resolving this? BTW - the contact only receives one message!!
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