Android :: Make In HTTP Request?

Aug 17, 2010

Is there a way to make an simple HTTP request? I want to request an PHP page / script on one of my website but I don't want to show the webpage. If possible I even want to do it in the background (in an BroadcastReceiver)

Android :: Make in HTTP request?

Android :: Make An Http Request Using Cookies On Droid?

Mar 24, 2009

I'd like to make an http request to a remote server while properly handling cookies (eg. storing cookies sent by the server, and sending those cookies when I make subsequent requests). It'd be nice to preserve any and all cookies, but really the only one I care about is the session cookie.

With, it appears that the preferred way to do this is using (abstract base class) and (concrete implementation). Android has, but it does not seem to have

I could code it all by hand by inspecting http headers, but it seems like there must be an easier way.

What is the proper way to make http requests on Android while preserving cookies?

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Android :: Performing A Http Request?

Apr 13, 2010

Could someone provide the basic code to use if I want to perform a http request on android to the address "address" with the string "message" ? Also I'd like to check the server response and perform some actions if the right conditions meet , but I ' m unsure of how and when the server send back the response . My guess is that the response is gotten in a blocking function, or in an asynchronous function . Could you provide code or information on this as well ?

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Android :: Add Parameters To A HTTP GET Request?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a HTTP GET request that I am attempting to send. I tried adding the parameters to this request by first creating a BasicHttpParams object and adding the parameters to that object, then calling setParams( basicHttpParms ) on my HttpGet object. This method fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL (i.e. append '?param1=value1¶m2=value2') it succeeds.

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Android :: Send And Receive Http Request

Mar 2, 2010

I am wanting to send a http request to from my mobile application but am unsure how to get about asembling the request. Anothing problem that i might in counter is how to handle the information that is returned. For example, i want to send a request for "local resturnats" to Google and have the results returned and then displayed to the user in a ListView. Am i going about this the right way? Is there an API that i could use (GoogleMaps or AJAX Search)?

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Android :: Reliable Http Request Needed

Aug 5, 2009

I have a game in development that makes http calls to my server. The server handles some database interaction and returns some XML for the game to parse. The issue is that the connection seems very unreliable. I believe my server is in part to blame for this because it can be somewhat unresponsive at times, but the frequency is MUCH greater when communicating with the phone than with a browser on a computer. I also notice that it gets worse when 3G is not available for the phone and it is on the edge network. Is there any way to code my app to make it more robust? Do I need to retry calls X times on failures?

Here is the code I am using now:


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Android :: Protect HTTP Request From Being Called By Others

Jun 18, 2010

I have an Android application from which I want to upload some data to a database on my web server. As the MySql java library has a size of about 5 mb, I don't want to include it with the application.So I'll make a HTTP request for a php script and send the data with the URL as parameters. How do I make sure that only I can call this? I don't want people to sniff up the URL and call it outside my application.

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Android :: HTTP Request To Retrieve Data - How To Uncompress?

Jan 14, 2010

I am using httprequest to retrieve data from webservice, I know using tomcat we can compress response data using gunzip algo. But how can uncompress data to display, is un-compress is time consuming? Is there any other way to compress response and uncompress on android?

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Android :: App Keeps Dying After Http Request Results Put Into Layout / Fix It?

Nov 15, 2010

I honestly could not think of a good title. Sorry. Anyway, so I have an app that I am making where I pull information from my custom web api. I pull data from the api and fill in the layout with this information. Problem is it takes a while so the app stalls for a few seconds before the information is pulled since it is in the onCreate method of the activity. To resolve this I implemented a loading dialog. This is where the problems began. I put the http requests into a seperate thread and it downloads fine. No problem. However it keeps force closing every time I try to modify the layout afterward. So basically my question is how do I modify the layout after the background thread is finished? Everything I try keeps force closing the app.

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Android :: Way To Identify A Handset On Server Side Of An Http Request?

Oct 9, 2009

Is there a way I can identify a handset on the server side of an HTTP request? I realize many headers are included on the request, but I am uncertain as to how the handset might be uniquely identified? Perhaps the Sim signature or some such fingerprint?

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Android :: Play Video From Remote URL - Getting - Http Request Failed 404

Nov 18, 2010

I am New to android my intention is to play video using Http. But i am "Http Request Failed 404" Exception when iam trying to run my application in emulator.
can any one know this error?

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Send HTTP Request From App To Script On Website?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm trying to send an http request from my app to script on my website. The script simply writes the parameters received from the request. If I send the request from a browser it works, so the script is ok, but from my app nothing happens.

This is the code I'm using. The toast at the beginning is only to check if the parameters arrive correctly to the function, they are correct.


public void postData(String from, String to, String date, String time, String searchby, String type, String orderby) {
String testo = from+" - "+to+" - "+date+" - "+time+" - "+searchby+" - "+type+" - "+orderby;
Toast toast=Toast.makeText(this, testo, 6000);


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AsyncTask Force Close Errors / HTTP Request To MySQL Database

Aug 22, 2012

I'm trying to connect my app to a MySQL database to retrieve data. Obviously I have to do this in a new thread hence why I chose AsyncTask, something I'm new to.

I have included Toasts to tell me if there are problems when trying to carry out any part of it. However these toasts are not showing on the UI thread. I tested this out by turning off the server my SQL database is on so that it could trip the first toast. It didn't show it though and instead it gave me a force close error. When my server is running I have no issues and although I haven't coded the bit to retrieve data yet the code below does connect to my database and at least lets me view the page "CurrentSeasonDrivers".

Here is my code and the logcat showing the errors below that:

importĀ java.util.ArrayList;

All I want it to do is show a toast if the application cannot connect to the server instead of force closing.

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Android :: How To Create HTTP Request / How To Create Connection Object?

Jul 17, 2009

How to create an HTTP request object of POST type in android? Which class need to be extend or what method need to implement? How to establish connection to a server? Actually i want to connect to a microsoft exchange server, and then i have to send a request to it using HTTP.

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Android : How To Make An App To Request Universal Tv Out?

Sep 4, 2010

Would it be possible to make an app that reaches into android's framebuffer and streams the display over wifi to a dlna equiped device. This would make it so that every android device with wifi could have tv out and stop hardware limitations.

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Android :: Make Request From An App That Can Enter Spring Security Secured Webservice Method?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a Spring Security (form based authentication) web app running CXF JAX-RS webservices and I am trying to connect to this webservice from an Android app that can be authenticated on a per user basis. Currently, when I add an @Secured annotation to my webservice method all requests to this method are denied. I have tried to pass in credentials of a valid user/password (that currently exists in the Spring Security based web app and can log in to the web app successfully) from the android call but the request still fails to enter this method when the @Secured annotation is present. The SecurityContext parameter returns null when calling getUserPrincipal().

How can I make a request from an android app that can enter a Spring Security secured webservice method?

Here is the code I am working with at the moment:

Android call:


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Android :: Way To Make HTTP Connection Using GSM Network?

Sep 29, 2010

I need to make HTTP request on Android using GSM connection, not Wifi. My current solution is to disconnect from all wi-fi connections and perform a request. Is there any better solution? I could not find any relevant methods in the API (I looked in package org.apache.http, but it seems it is completely unaware of what type of connection should be used).

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Android :: Package Do I Use To Make HTTP Connections?

Dec 24, 2009

I am trying to make HTTP get & post connections.
Which package is recommended for that?
Is it or org.apache.http?
Does comes included in the sdk?
Any reference/code to connection makin would be appreciable as well.

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Android :: Make An Array Of Org.apache.http.Header?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm new in Java.

I'm trying to do code...

but said

The type Header is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <NameValuePair>

how I can do it?

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General :: How To Make Android Apps To Use HTTP Proxy

Nov 30, 2011

When I connect to the student's wifi network, it requiers to configure the proxy with authentification. Well I'm fine with that, and the browser works all right, but all of the apps which require internet access aren't working. I also noticed, that when I'm configuring the proxy in the settings, it actually says that the HTTP proxy will be used by the browser, but not by some of the apps (in my case none of the apps work, including the pre-installed apps like android market, youtube or google maps).

So my question is that is there any way to make the apps work with the HTTP proxy? I should say that I found this thread on this forum:


but I had trouble understanding it. Also if this matters, I'm using an Asus Eee Pad Transformer running android 3.2.1.

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Android :: Google Reader API Request Token - Get 400:Bad Request

Jul 8, 2010

this Android code worked fine before, but i'm having problems for some reason. here is the request i'm trying to make: i'm getting 400:Bad Request as a response, and i'm not sure why. isn't this the correct URL for requesting a token? the auth token is being passed as a header in all requests now, and i can request feed list, and it works just fine, so there's nothing wrong with the auth code. what gives? in addition, i can request a token in a normal browser, like Chrome, and get a token as a response body. so the request itself is not the problem. i just can't figure out what is wrong with my requests in code...

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Bad Request While Trying To Send Cookie With HttpGet Request

Aug 17, 2012

I am developing an Android app for a website. I'm trying to get some information from the website by sending a cookie using a HttpGet request. I don't know where I am going wrong with the request. I am using AsyncTask to send the request to the server. The request also uses a token which I receive when I login to the webpage. All this is clear in the code below. This is part of the process in the doInBackground() function of the Asynctask:

BufferedReader in = null;
JSONObject token = Login.getToken(); // Token received after login, used in the cookie
try {
r = token.get("session_token").toString();
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

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General :: What Is (DIAL Request Modified To SS Request)

Aug 21, 2013

I own a Xiaomi MI2S, running MIUI-3.8.16 @ Android version 4.1.1.JRO03L with Baseband version CEFWMAZM-2.0.128 017.

From my phone provider (Tele2) i have to dial a 1 (one) before my PIN-code when traveling abroad.

The code is accepted, I can be called and i can send and receive SMS messages.

However i cannot make phone-calls...

The error (?) is "DIAL request modified to SS request" and (very short) "not connected"

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Android :: Dial Up App Request

Jun 19, 2010

I already use easytether for internet access on the go, what i need is an app that will allow me to tether my phone and dial a specific number of my choosing. I run a termninal program on my pc that connects to a remote terminal via land line that uses typical rs-232 communications, but easytether or pdanet do not allow dialing of specific numbers. I use a LG VX8360 with the drivers (LG CDMA USB mondem driver) and this gives me the option in my terminal program on my PC to select the LG phone and as modem and the terminal then dials which ever phone number i choose.

Picasa Web Albums - Tommy - dial up app#

Any one able to make and app like this? I believ essentially the phone needs to be displayed in the phone modem options under control panel to ensure that it will be available to the terminal application. The terminal app is Procomm Plus.

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Android :: Request Customer Signature App

Feb 25, 2010

I'm looking for an app, but don't know if it exists. Basically what I want is an app that I can but a little disclaimer blurb, or something similar on and then have my customer sign it, all on the phone without the need for paper. If this could also be a part of a data base to keep track of customer info, that would be better.

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Android :: Request For Test Of A Game On An Evo

Jul 1, 2010

Try a game I've released on an Evo? A user has reported that the controls are the wrong way round on the device. Like most arrogant developers :) I initially thought "dumb user error", but I suppose it *might* draw with the Y axis reversed.

The game is Pocket Racing Lite. Touching the left side of the screen should turn the car anti-clockwise, and the right side - clockwise.

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Android :: Request For Shake Functionality

Nov 21, 2009

The things that sometimes a brute force shake would be most helpful for and that I would pay money to have my phone do:

1. Shake to full brightness. When it's too bright to see the screen, it's a PITA to try to get the brightness turned up.

2. Shake to current phone call. Occasionally, I exit the phone app and it's frustrating not to be able to hop back over there quickly.

3. Shake to unlock. It's annoying to always be swiping when I just want to quickly check something on my phone. A quick shake would be much easier as an option.

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Android :: Response From Server Without Request?

Jun 30, 2009

How can i response from the server without request? I can send httpRequest but i want to server will be able to send any response whenever it want. (Server will be able to push to handset) Must i install web server to my android?

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Android :: What Mechanism To Ensure Request Comes From App?

Sep 17, 2010

If I have my app fetching content from my server, what mechanism should I use on my server to ensure that its my app making the request? Is there any way that I can sign the request to using my app's signature to show its come from my app and not from a stolen version or copycat?

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Android :: Post Multipart Request With SDK

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to do something I thought would be relatively simple: Upload an image to a server with the Android SDK. I'm found a lot of example code:

But neither work for me. The confusion I keep running into is what is really needed to make a multipart request. What is the simplest way to have a multipart upload (with an image) for Android?

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