Android : Layouts For Base Apps
Aug 27, 2009Where in the source are the layouts for the built-in UI's?I would like to reuse (copy) a couple of the contact UI's rather than recreate the wheel.
View 4 RepliesWhere in the source are the layouts for the built-in UI's?I would like to reuse (copy) a couple of the contact UI's rather than recreate the wheel.
View 4 RepliesI need to build several slightly different apps from one code base, where only the styling and some variables are different in each app.Right now I use an awful "Constants" class where I comment in/out the correct values for each app, in addition to copying the correct graphic resources to the res/drawable/ folder.One way to make this less painful would be to refer to a Java static Constants#appVariant from styles.xml and splash.xml, e.g like this pseudo-entry:
<style name="Artwork"> <item name="android:background">@drawable/ border_{Constants.appVariant}</item> </style>
Is this possible?And I guess there are better ways of solving this.All hints are appreciated!
I'm creating a game where there's a screen that, for the most part, is shared by four different activites - but a key portion of the screen will be completely different, depending upon which activity is active. Basically, on the left will be an image of the player and along the bottom there will be a row of buttons (let's say for Armour, Weapons, Magic, Skills). This leaves the top-right portion, which will need to dynamically change to represent the button pressed. (So, one moment the top-right portion is the armour selection activity, and the next it's the weapon selection activity, and so on.)
Is this possible? Can I have a layout within a layout and dynamically point the nested layout at a (nested) layout.xml of my choosing? Or, am I looking at just duplicating most of the layout four times (for the four different activities?) Or, am I going to be looking at linking the four activities to a (the top-right) view component, and then having to dynamically construct all of *that* view's child views based on the currently active activity? Well, that's about as much sense as I can make this question make.
Are there any apps available which can preserve home screen layouts for a Galaxy S4 which uses the Atom launcher.
The reason why I ask is that I may need to do a clean wipe and I don't want to have to waste nearly half an hour or so recreating the folders which store the apps that I want to be on each home screen every time I do a clean wipe to install a new Version of echoeROM.
I have heard a lot about this code base, but have seen nothing.The possabilities are amazing, why are we so limited. If the sceen is multitouch capable, why not use it? When will we see a fix for the issue with the talk button on the headset, or the ability to run apps from the sd card, or the ability to stop running apps. This android os is linux based, yet these issues are holding us back? I am invested in this platform, and I really believe this is important. I hope to see more functionality. We have a platform that can truely compete with the iphone, but we must work hard to perserve our image.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI notice the default doesn't have any form of graphic equalizer!Also, Tunewiki seems cr*p at finding the correct album art, is there any alternative please?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to develop some middle layer application based on the source tree from I'm using the to link my code and has no problem. I also tried to link my code using the other which I pulled from HTC ADP2 (I ordered last week) and found that my code have many undefined references to some functions (or method).
This make me think that source code I gitted from (two weeks ago) does not sync which the code in the HTC ADP2 Android device.
How do I sync my source tree with the HTC ADP2 ?
Is there anyway to get the base station and/or cell Id information of the subscriber in Android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedQuestion before I dive deeper into converting my current rendering system to openGL. I heard that textures needed to be in base2 sizes in order to be stored for rendering. Is this true?
My application is very tight on memory, but most of the bitmaps are not a perfect square. Does storing non-base 2 textures waste extra memory?
i have created an application XYZApp and put it in package/ apps directory of eclair source code and i have added one directory name XYZFrame in framework/base and XYZFrame dir have native code, jni and interfaces. These interface define in framework/base/XYZFrame/ Interfaces/ directory are imported and implemented in class of package/app/XYZApp. The XYZFrame is added in build/core/ and compiled. The compilation is done and apk for XYZApp is created. I installed the XYZApp.apk in to galaxy phone using adb. Now when i execute the XYZApp. apk on galaxy phone, i m getting an error (interfaces not found and fail to link). These interfaces are defined in framework/base/XYZFrame/Interfaces/. i think that framwork/base/XYZFrame/Interfaces are not available on phone Or problem is some thing else.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI get a lot of requests in my application to allow for custom icons packs from BetterCut / Open Home. The way it seems to work is you install BetterCut or Open Home, then you can install tons of these free icon packs from the market. Once installed both those apps (and other apps) will poll for those icon packs and use the icons. I want to know how to poll the install applications for the asset folders that are available. I have opened up a few of the icon packs and verified that there is an assets folder in there and they are full of all the icon png files. I've searched on here, other code sites, google, etc., but haven't found any leads.
From the answer below I have written some code to try and list a file from my own projects assets directory but it does not seem to work.
Resources r = this.getResources();
AssetManager a = r.getAssets();
String[] list = a.list("/");
Log.d("test", "Length of / is "+list.length);
for (String s : list) { Log.d("test", s); }
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets is "+a.list("/assets").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets/ is "+a.list("/assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets/ is "+a.list("/assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of ./assets/ is "+a.list("./assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of ./assets is "+a.list("./assets").length);
This is the output:
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of / is 6
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): AndroidManifest.xml
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): META-INF
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): assets
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): classes.dex
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): res
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): resources.arsc
03-16 12:25:04.614: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets is 0
03-16 12:25:04.637: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.661: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.692: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of ./assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.716: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of ./assets is 0
I figured out that you can read from the assets directory without actually using the folder name:
InputStream is ="test.png");
I also tried this with an asset in Appliction 2 from Application 1, where the folder path is /asset/icon/image.png:
InputStream is ="icon/image.png");
Next I figured out that you can list a directory inside assets:
String[] list = assetManager.list("icons");
That also works great. The only thing failing right now is how to list the base directory assets.
Does anybody know if there is an application for Doppler radar or base velocity? I know stuff like weatherbug have radar but it doesn't have base velocity...anybody know of anything?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to release multiple applications to android marketplace which are all very slightly customized based on a code base. I can't just change the package indentifier in the AndroidManifest.xml file because several other things dependet on this like action identifiers and so on.
What is the best approach to release several apps based on one eclipse project with the same code base?
There is this xml file under frameworks/base.
How can I inflate that in my own android application?
I am extending BaseAdapter and trying to populate the List Screen on my Activity Screen. NotifyDataSetChanged is not working as expected. Please find the below snippet of code.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); initialize();
context = this; config = Config.getInstance();
searchText = new EditText(this); handler = new Handler() {
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
msgQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } };
I am now reading under the base/core/java/android/content)
Ln 127 looks following:
I'm really confused about that contentProvider invoke this.query()
where is it implement? How can i find it? anyone can tell me?
How can I configure Eclipse to use the entire Android source code?
I'm working on the file settings.apk using eclipse...but with the editor, for example, I can't import
"android.os.SystemProperties" (error: 'cannot be resolved').
there's a guide to configure eclipse to work on system app??
Currently I am working on IM, and I am facing problem during implementations. I am implementing this messenger using XMPP client and using smack API for implementing all features like contacts list, online offline status, and chat also. Prblem which I am facing:
Its my list view where I am showing contacts list
public class ContactsList extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener{
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ContactsManager manager = new ContactsManager(this); setListAdapter(manager);
} public class ContactsManager extends BaseAdapter{
private LayoutInflater mInflater; private Bitmap mainListIcons[];
private static ContactsInfo contactsInfo; public ContactsManager(Context context) {
mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); mainListIcons= new Bitmap[3];
mainListIcons[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(),;
mainListIcons[1] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(), R.drawable.offline);
} @Override public int getCount() { return Global.contacts.size();//
contacts is vector where I am saving my contacts
} public Object getItem(int position) { return position;
} public long getItemId(int position) { return position;
} public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) {
convertView = mInflater.inflate (R.layout.main_settings_lists_icon_text, null);
holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.mainListDisplayText = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
holder.mainListDisplayIcon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
convertView.setTag(holder);}else{ holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
} contactsInfo = (ContactsInfo)Global.contacts.elementAt (position);
String username = contactsInfo.getUsername(); String status = contactsInfo.getUserstatus();
if(status.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) { older.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[1]);
}else{ holder.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[0]);
} holder.mainListDisplayText.setText(username); return convertView;
} static class ViewHolder { TextView mainListDisplayText;
ImageView mainListDisplayIcon;}
public class ContactsHandler implements RosterListener {
@Override public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> c) {
for(String s:c) { Log.i("ADDED Contacts",s);
} } @Override public void presenceChanged(Presence p) {
Log.i("PRESENCE",p.getFrom()); Log.i("IS Available",""+p.isAvailable());
Log.i("UserStatus",""+p.getStatus()); if(p.getFrom().contains("@") && p.isAvailable())
{ ChatManager chatmanager = Connection.getVopConnection getXMPPConnection().getChatManager();
Chat newChat = chatmanager.createChat("gulfam@imran-mehmood", new ChatHandler());
} } }
first post, so sorry if theres anything similar. had a look about but couldn't find much.anyone any idea when there may be a custom ROM released which is based on the official 2.1 release for hero?my reason in asking is, i cant upload the HTC updates as im running a custom 1.5 ROM (had to get rid of the stock orange ROM, as it drove me mad).id love to get my phone upto date and on to 2.1, but cant find any roms online which arent based on 1.5.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i added a media file to the sdcard an update in the MediaProvider database is not happening. When i bootup the emulator it happens. Is this the expected behaviour?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Android code base which uses APIs with settings to get different data for several apps. All apps use the same code base but with one or two design tweaks. So how do I re-use the main code base without having to copy the whole Android project each time?
iPhone uses multiple targets in the same project which works well. If android cant do this do I need to compile binaries of the code base in one project and then import into each new app project? If so how? I'm using Eclipse and am an intermediate Java developer.
how to make themes and using as a base the Android 4.4 KitKat Theme by Global Sense (in Google Play). I wanted to start by making simple changes, like the notification_header_bg. First I made the image in Gimp and saved it to res/drawable-xhdpi (even if my device is HDPI). Then, I added this code
<item name="drawable/notification_header_bg">@drawable/notification_header_bg</item>
And then I had the problem. It's like the image is overlapping itself, and, even if it's not transparent, it's looking brighter on one side
If I first set the content view to my xml layout using setContentView(R.layout.main); and then add another content view using addContentView(layout, params), the content views overlap each other. I want the second content view to position itself directly under the first one. Is it possible or do I need to combine the xml and the programatically created layouts in some way? Both of the layouts are linear.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf you have a 3.29.651.5 build and you flash a custom ROM that says it has a base of 3.30.651.2, does that mean that it will update your phone to that particular base build? Or does it mean you need to have that particular build for it to work on your phone?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a layout folder with 2 layouts. layout1 and layout2 i have another folder layout-land that has layout1 in it. i would like to be able to get to all the layouts so i could create a set of layout like this: {layout1, layout2, layout1(from layout-land folder)}is there any way i can use the existing android mechanisim to do that? if not, what would be the impact of creating my own definition of the layout folder (for example to have under the layout folder layout1, layout2 and layout_land1 and have my code do getOrientation to diffrentiate whcih one should be presented).
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhile making my application layout i want a button to remain at the very bottom of the screen while a scroll view is placed above it. I am unable to do this i was using the size of the scroll view as 430dp so that it works but when i change the orientation of the screen this does not work as 400dp is bigger than the screen. how do i make it so that the button stays at the bottom irresepective of the screen orientation ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'd like to build an activity that is mixing layouts with 2D graphics. So for example, would like to introduce an edittext with an integer value and based on that value the size of a circle is dynamically adjusted and drawn. Any idea how to do this?
For plain graphics I am using this approach here - but how can it be expanded to cover Android layouts (buttons, editboxes, textviews, radiobuttons, etc.)?
Is it possible to create subfolders under res/layout and place the layout XML files there so that one can call a view like setContentView(R.layout.questions.create); or setContentView(R.layout.questions/create); ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've met a problem with animation when tried to make a View to perform the animation which should cross 2 layouts, e.g. make a translate animation so a view could move down to the TableRow below. This trick works fine when i try to move a view within a single TableRow but not when i try to move it up or down. I've also discovered that if i create a single RelativeLayout and apply the same animation there, it works fine, but i can't arrange all the components i need on the screen. Could anybody please provide me any hints about it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis route is about 4 years old. Using my window 7 laptop, able to access the internet.
Network connection detail of the window 7 laptop:
DHCP Enabled: Yes