Android :: Integrated Map Doesn't Work On My Ubuntu

Jun 21, 2010

I've been coded for a kind of integrated map Android app on my Windows. , Then, I've been switched to Ubuntu and tried with Eclipse.. Later, when I start my app, I couldn't see my integrated map on both Emulator and my N1.

Android :: Integrated map doesn't work on my Ubuntu

Sprint HTC Hero :: How Does Pre Loaded / Integrated Facebook Work On Phone?

Apr 29, 2010

How does the pre loaded/integrated facebook work on the hero?? should i use that and delete facebook for android that i got from the market? with the integrated app, am i always logged in? is it the same as facebook for android? i ask because i clicked share to share a picture and there are two facebook listings shown there. i dont like that. thank you for the insight as im new to android.

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 : Galaxo 1.6.3 Bugs - Speaker Doesn't Work In Call - Scrolling Contacts By Letter Doesn't Work

May 2, 2010

I have so far found two bugs in Galaxo 1.6.3:

a) Speaker doesn't work in call (very weak). works well in ringtones etc.

b) Scrolling contacts by letter doesn't work.

Other than that this is a leap forward, especially with the overclock options!

Both bugs, as well as others, fixed in update!

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Android :: Get Eclipse Sdk To Work With Ubuntu 10.10?

Oct 13, 2010

After upgrading Ubuntu to 10.10, my android projects in Eclipse stop working.

Lots of people seem to have this problem:

please, has anyone got a solution?

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Android :: Eclipse Code Assist Not Work In Ubuntu 9.04

Sep 22, 2009

I just switched from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.04 and noticed that Eclipse Content Assist isn't working anymore. I tried the following variations on Ubuntu 9.04: Eclipse 3.4.2 or 3.5 (cleaned / reinstalled) with ADT 0.93 and Android SDK 1.5r3 Using Sun Java 1.6. No combination works. I've reinstalled everything a bunch of times. I have another machine with Ubuntu 8.10 and Eclipse 3.4.2 with ADT 0.91 or 0.93 and Code Assist works for all those. I just refuse to develop without code-assist and I know lot of people would agree with me on that.

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HTC EVO 4G :: How To Configure Ubuntu To Work?

Aug 10, 2010

I have tried searching but did not find anything that would help me. I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop to try it out and start learning. I have been using easy tether with my vista with great success. Not sure how to configure Ubuntu to work. I downloaded and installed the i386 package in Ubuntu can't seem to figure out what else to do. Normally I would look for the running program in the bottom right corner and right click and select automatically connect when plugged into usb. However, I don't see easy tether application anywhere, just when I re-run the .deb package, it tells me it is already installed.

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Motorola CLIQ :: Most Apps Don't Work - Snake - Doesn't Work Says Its Paused

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to determine whether or not my phone is defective, or if this is a current problem with the Cliq.

Of the apps I've downloaded, only a few of them have worked. Of those few that work, some don't work right. Has anyone had problems with these apps crashing on them, or just not working correctly?

- Nice Battery (see description at bottom of: My Ultimate CLIQ settings (so far))
- WeatherBug (kept showing the wrong location, crashed when trying to change location)
- Snake - doesn't work just says its "paused"
- RingDroid - crashes when I select the "Facebook Pop" button
- Layar - screen is rotated 90 degrees at all times

There have been others, but usually I just uninstall them right after discovering it doesn't work right.

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HTC Desire :: Data Doesn't Work On 3g / Calls Don't Work On HSDPA

Jun 14, 2010

I've had an HTC Desire on Orange in the UK for about 6 weeks and it is having persistent problem. Firstly despite having a strong 4-bar out of 4 signal, online services and the internet do not work at all when a 3G signal is being received (e.g. news, weather, all widgets, internet, email etc).Calls and texts do work however with a 3G signal.But when a 3g+ signal (HSDPA) is being received, all internet services as above work fine.However, when a 3+ signal is being received, the phone does not make or receive calls or text messages, and often fails to send texts. Calls I make immediately shut down (bleep + �call ended�), and incoming calls from other people go straight to answerphone. Also often when turning the data connection on/off, it freezes and has to be rebooted, and turning airplane setting on and off does not fix the problem.

I have also tried the different network settings (GSM, WCDMA, auto, etc). �GSM� sends and receives calls and texts but doesn�t work (or is incredibly slow) with internet, and �auto� and �WCDMA only� show the problems as above.I don't think this is a network/coverage issues as, as I have seen many people reporting these same issues on other networks and in other parts of the UK, and I have read that other people are having to manually turn off HSDPA to be able to make calls (using an app?). Even if I can stop HSDPA from connecting to make sure the phone works, I still can�t use the internet at all on 3g � even GSM works better!

Finally, when I connect to a bluetooth device (e.g. car and headphones) the phone will connect briefly, and then randomly disconnect. I have also seen this issue reported elsewhere.I very much like the phone and don't want to get rid of it, but these problems are making the phone unuseable.Also I don't know if I should be contacting HTC or Orange about this. Will the upcoming Android 2.2 fix these problems?Anyone know how to fix this or if I need a new handset? Are there any apps that can help? Also does the Nexus One have these problems and are they fixed by Froyo?

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Samsung I7500 :: Dialpad Doesn't Work During Call / Get To Work?

Sep 16, 2009

So I made a discovery - my dialpad doesn't work during a call. Even if I bring it up via the softkeys, the numbers don't register a tap...anyone. else have this issue or is it just my phone?

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Android :: Widget Doesn't Work

Nov 4, 2010

I'm trying to do my first widget but it seems not to work in the emulator: when I try to add the widget to the wallpaper, I've got the following message: "Application is not installed on your phone".

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Android :: GPS Project Doesn't Work On Sdk 1.5

Jul 24, 2009

I've inherited a project that worked on sdk 1.0, but when I try to use them on sdk 1.5 it crashes. I'm a beginner so I'm not able to understand where is the problem..So I hope that writing on this forum someone can help me..The project concerns the detection via GPS coordinates and the notification of events close to the location where it was at that time.

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Android :: Google Map Doesn't Work

Aug 17, 2010

The import cannot be resolved to a type.

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Android :: Timer Doesn't Work

May 4, 2009

I am using a Timer in my android application, but i can't get it to work. When I start my application the Timer simply does not start. The application continues but does not update.The long "toStart" finds the number of seconds left of the current minute, and thereafter the period is set to 60 seconds. The TimerTask simply calls a method.

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Android :: Why Doesn't Latitude Work Right?

Feb 25, 2010

My girlfriend and I would really like to utilize Latitude. But it's always off, behind, or wrong. We can be sitting next to each other in the same car and it will tell me where she was 12 hours ago, and on mine is has me where I currently am, but on her it has me 4 hours ago. Refreshing does nothing. I don't understand why it is not working.Also, when I am at work, which is in Indianapolis, it says I am at Center, IN. When she is a work, again in Indianapolis, it says Washington, IN. When I am at home in Greenwood, it says all kinds of stuff that's not correct.Am I doing something wrong?Also, I meant to ask, is there another app that we could use for this? This tool is handy for us because we carpool and I would like to be able to know where she is so I know when to go out to meet her.

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Android :: Why Doesn't Market Work?

Jan 30, 2010

WHy Is the market so bad. It's such a pain in the as#.Yes I know its being vamped in the next ROM update, but for now search for a word 8 results found.Would it be too much to ask to show me the 8 results found rather then showing me a error asking me to check my spelling. Try another key word or be more general?I already know there are 8 results why can't i see them.

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Android :: AutoCompleteTextView Doesn't Work

Nov 14, 2009

I can't seem to get AutoCompleteTextView to work with Theme.Light.The problem is the autocomplete popup draws the suggestions text in white on a white background. You can only see what the suggestions are after they are selected, because then the white text is drawn over top of the selector background.It works fine with the default theme but not with Theme.Light.I tried setting the android:textColor attribute.That only set the color for the AutoCompeleteTextView input box, not for the suggestion's popup.Right now the only way to get my app to work properly is to use the default theme.Does anyone else have the same issue or know of a way to programically set the suggestion's popup text color or background?

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Android :: OnActivityResult Doesn't Work ?

Dec 31, 2009

I am facing with a problem related startActivityForResult()

To start SecondActivity from FirstActivity :


And handles result :


To send the message to FirstActivity from SecondActivity :

in SecondActivity :


I can't handle the result on onActivityResult in FirstActivity. It never works for my application.

My OS is : 1.5

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Android :: BluetoothChat Doesn't Work

Jun 17, 2010

I want to make conversation between android devices. I use BluetoothChat to do this but it doesn't work I can't read correctly data from another device.

Conversation is :

Me: privet

Device: p
Device: rivet


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Android :: NotifyDataSetChanged Doesn't Work?

Sep 8, 2010

I write following application:

There is an AutoCompleteTextView field as Adapter I'm using ArrayAdapter with ListArray the ListArray consists of some constant string item and one item, which will be changed dynamically everytime user typed something in the field

I took TextChangedListener to update this last list item. But it seems, that update occurs only once.

I add a bit code of me. May be somebody can show me, what did i do wrong.


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Android :: Why Doesn't W.request Feature Work?

Apr 29, 2009

I just want to set an icon in the right of titlebar, but it doesn't work, the icon is still at left. Did I miss something?

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Android :: Website Doesn't Work

Sep 23, 2010

why the website doesn't work on the droidx?

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Android :: Rotational Forces Doesn't Work

Nov 16, 2009

I have created an Activity A, which is blocked from rotating. I have implemented this by adding android:screen Orientation="portrait" in the Android Manifest. I have tested the app, Activity A didn't enter landscape mode when I rotated the phone, everything worked fine. Then I created another Activity B, which is a 'Dialog theme' Activity. Inside Activity A, I called.

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Android :: Google Earth Doesn't Work

Jul 25, 2010

i download the google earth for my htc wildfire.I install the app succesfully,but when i go to open it it close!!!why that?

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Android :: Google Maps Doesn't Work On The HTC?

Jan 23, 2010

I am developing application with Google Map. I've tested on the emulator and saw error line In the log: 01-23 16:04:28.453: ERROR/MapActivity(733): Couldn't get connection factory client But it worked fine on the emulator. Then I've signed the application and created its .apk file. I've put it on the web server downloaded and installed it on the real device (it is HTC with Verizon). But my application didn't appear google maps on the device. I've checked API key and other configuration. Everything was ok. But google maps didn't work. Have you faced to problem same as mine?

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Android :: Finish Activity Doesn't Work

Nov 5, 2009

In main Activity, I called start Activity For Result(intentB, 100) to start a new activity B, then in B, I called startActivity(intentC) to start another activity C. Lastly I wanted to call finish Activity(100) in C to close activity B, but seemed it was not successfully destroyed(I can use BACK key to see it's still there.)

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Android :: JavaScript Sometimes Doesn't Work In Webview

Jul 22, 2010

I put a webview in my application to visit a webpage which includes some javascript functions, my purpose is when users click a link in the webpage, it will start a new activity in the application. I've written "webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);" in my source codes.

It works well in most of the time, however sometimes it doesn't work, there is no response when users click, and I don't know why because the environment is not changed at all.

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Android :: Sqlite Doesn't Seem To Work In Webview

Nov 9, 2009

I saw that the browser in sdk2.0 has sqlite support however it doesn't seem to work in webview (at least for me). Did any of you guys get sqlite to work in webview if so how?

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Android :: Vibrating Device Doesn't Work

Jun 24, 2010

I actually have an app that I test with two devices. One LG GW620, and one Samsung Spica. I would like when User touch the screen, the device vibrate. In fact, On the LG GW620, the device vibrate when I touch it. But on the spica doesn't... I looked for settings on the spica, but Vibrator is check, so I don't understand why it doesn't vibrate.

In my app I have : <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"></uses-permission> and in the code :

Vibrator vibrator =(Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);

But I think it is not the best thing to do that. I wish device vibrate for every click, but I don't know if I have to do a Vibrator for each OnClick ? Or if I could do only one Vibrator for all the application? And especially why it doesn't work on Spica?

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Android :: Video Capture Doesn't Work In 1.5

May 28, 2009

I am trying to capture video since a week but still no luck. can anybody help me to figure out what i am missing in the code below:

final MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, "Recorded video"); values.put (MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_ADDED, System.currentTimeMillis()); // values.put (MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, recorder.getMimeContentType());.......

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Android :: Wavesecure - Doesn't Work With Phone Off

Aug 18, 2010

On my HTC EVO Wavesecure works well normally, but if you turn the phone all the way off, it can not be located, or locked or anything else. I haven't rooted my phone and I believe that there may be no solution to this problem. Any info at all on this would be appreciated. I also posted this under HTC EVO and hope that the redundancy is not a violation (I just joined the forum today).

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