Android :: How Would I Create Equivalent Matrix Using Sdk?
Aug 20, 2010Suppose I initialize an AffineTransform as below:AffineTransform af = new AffineTransform(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); How would I create an equivalent Matrix using android's sdk?

Suppose I initialize an AffineTransform as below:AffineTransform af = new AffineTransform(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); How would I create an equivalent Matrix using android's sdk?
I would like to obtain the transformation matrix of an animation to calculate the position of the view that was animated.It seems the Animation class has a method called getTransformation that can be used to obtain the transformation applied to the view.However, if I use getTransformation before starting the animation I obtain the identity matrix.The program enters an infite loop because getTransformation seems to trigger onAnimationEnd (why?).How should I use getTransformation to obtain the transformation matrix of an animation? Is there another way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any efficient linear algebra library for android? I need to compute matrices of different sizes(also bigger than 4x4) and rectangular too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI spend two weeks now trying to get this working with no success. Here is what I want to do: I have several geo points around the user and his phone. I want to display this point overlaying them on the input from the camera (kind of standard AR (Augmented Reality) app). Part of my requirements are that the user can use the phone in either landscape or portrait mode.My plan was like this.
1. Register for Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD 2. Pass the result to Sensor Manager.getRotationMatrix(), getting back the R matrix that should be telling me how to translate points from the Phone coordinate system (defined here: to World coordinate system (x -> East, y -> North, z -> Sky) 3. I want to translate points from World to Phone so I take the inverse of R (I'm using Matrix.invertM()) to get R_In 4. Using the GPS I translate the geo points I want to display on the camera to points in the World coordinate system and then I run them through the R_In matrix to get their coordinates in the Phone system. 5. Draw the points in the screen only if the have (phone coordinates) z < 0 and x and y such that they are visible. This is my grand plan... however I have problems quite early (2). I do get the R matrix back and it looks good when I align the phone to the world coordinate system ( I get the identity matrix ). However when I try to translate an imaginary point from the Phone coordinate system say (0, 1, 0) to the World coordinate system I don't get the numbers I expect.
Are you meticulous in removing all per-frame heap allocations from your game? (At least the allocations that you can control and that have practical alternatives.)
While trying to reduce per-frame heap allocations from my running game, I found that method
android.opengl.Matrix rotateM(float[] m, int mOffset, float a, float x, float y, float z)
Does a heap allocation. This means maybe 10 or so extra heap allocations per frame and is the only per-frame allocation left in my application (well, the only one that I can directly control). I am thinking of replacing this with my own version - one that does not do any heap allocations.
I also had some lists that I replaced with my own list implementation because I found that some standard list iterations would create new iteration objects, putting more pressure on the heap and forcing more frequent garbage collection.
I know that I can't eliminate all the heap allocations. In particular, input seems to trigger a bunch of allocations.
I can't help but think that anything reasonable I can do to reduce pressure on the heap will improve the user's experience (if garbage collection is going to stall my game). Obviously there are diminishing returns at some point, so ultimately I have to make a judgement call.
I got this code from another post and modified it to work for me as a TextView. I tried using the code below but no transformation is happening? I trying to draw the canvas of the TextView with the given Matrix transformation.
import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.widget.TextView;
public class CTextView extends TextView { private Matrix mForward = new Matrix(); private Matrix mReverse = new Matrix(); private float[] mTemp = new float[2];
public CTextView(Context context) { super(context); mForward.postRotate(90); mForward.invert(mReverse); } public CTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs);
mForward.postRotate(90); mForward.invert(mReverse); } public CTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle);
mForward.postRotate(90); mForward.invert(mReverse); }
@Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {; canvas.concat(mForward); canvas.restore(); super.dispatchDraw(canvas); }
@Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { final float[] temp = mTemp; temp[0] = event.getX(); temp[1] = event.getY();
mReverse.mapPoints(temp); event.setLocation(temp[0], temp[1]); return super.dispatchTouchEvent(event); }
Ive been trying to implement a limit to prevent the user from scaling the image too much in my multitouch zoom app. Problem is, when i set the max zoom level by dumping the matrix, the image starts to translate downward once the overall scale of the image hits my limit. I believe it is doing this because the matrix is still being affected by postScale(theScaleFactorX,theScaleFactorY,myMidpointX,myMidpointY) where theScaleFactorX/Y is the amount to multiply the overall scale of the image (so if the theScaleFatorX/Y is recorded as 1.12, and the image is at .60 of its origional size, the overall zoom is now .67). It seems like some sort of math is going on thats creating this translation, and was wondering if anyone knew what it was so i can prevent it from translating, and only allow the user to zoom back out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI might be completely off-base here, but I've spent the last two days trying to figure this out and, without success, you're my only hope.What I'm doing is simple:
* I have a canvas where I draw a circle with center on (10, 10), with radius = 5;
* Then, I obtain the canvas transformation matrix
* And then I create a new rectangle, I map it using the matrix and I use the canvas to draw it.
My problem: basically, the rectangle is being drawn in a different position along the Y-axis.I outputed the transformation matrix and, by default, it is translated by zero in the X-axis and by 25.0 in the Y-axis. Please note that I made NO transformations, either translate, scale or rotate. I am unable to understand why this is happening and how to avoid it.
I have an OpenGL app that manipulates it's geometry in screen space to acheive some effects, and therefore bypasses OpenGL's matrices by setting modelview and projection to identity. For some reason, Android's OpenGL implementation seems to be unhappy with this, and doesn't draw anything. The same app, compiled from the same code base, works fine on windows and on iPhone. If I load the app's projection matrix into GL's matrix, and multiply it's inverse with the final geometry prior to drawing it (which is effectively a no-op) it displays correctly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust wanted to let folks know I put my Incredible under an inspection scope today and confirmed the PenTile matrix layout is present on the AMOLED screen, similar to the Nexus One. Not a big surprise since it's probably the same stock screen acquired from Samsung, but I thought I'd let everyone know for certain. If you're not familiar with the PenTile matrix arrangement:I'll try to get some real high mag pictures, but it's basically as shown in the first link.Picture of the Incredible's AMOLED screen under high mag.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am super new and I want to root my matrix 2 on my MacBook pro any
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Matrix 0.6 rom,and it's AOSP based, so it had landscape launcher and android keyboard. I was successfully able to pull the .apk for the keyboard, and install it on a different rom, but for the launcher, it failed. Anyone have any ideas?
View 6 Replies View Relatedits very cool and its free in market.. think you need villain 5.3 to run live wallpaper though.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently bought tablet Matrix d7030. where to download latest firmware for it or if I could use firmware of another device. how to root this specific tablet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having with my Matrix One tablet. I'm getting an exclamation mark inside of a triangle, inside of a battery icon. The issue started after I let the battery completely die out. I can't get past that screen. When pressing power the battery icon shows up and the tablet shuts down a second later. I tried all button combinations to get into recovery, nothing worked. I've also tried charging the tablet.
There was one thing I managed to do, that was get the tablet to show up on my computer. I held down the update button with a needle and then held the power button until a blue light indicating the tablet was on showed up. The screen was black but my computer detected a new device. My computer didn't find any drivers for the tablet, so I went in search of them myself and couldn't find any. My tablet is A10 compatible, but none of the A10 drivers I found seem to work on my tablet when I go to manually update it through device manager, neither does the PDAnet method I found online.
I was able to find a recovery that works on my device, one that will allow me to reset my tablet, if I'm able to boot into recovery after I get it on my tablet. Now in order to even test the other recovery I need drivers for my device so ADB can detect it and I can push the recovery. My device is already rooted with Superuser updated to the latest build.
I'll add that I've even taken the liberty of opening up the tablet to see if I can disconnect the battery from the board to cut all power, as I'm unable to do that because the batteries are connected by soldered red and black cables.
Is there an equivalent of Tap tap for Android phones (HTC Desire specifically)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there is an equivalent to an iPhone app called Project 365? It allows you to take a photo a day and then create a diary of all the photos you've taken.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI did a search here on PAR2 and QUICK PAR and found nothing. I download binaries from Usenet. These binaries are commonly checked for completeness and if need be, repair, by using a utility called QUICK PAR. It is made for Windows but can be used on Linux using Wine. I am wondering if there is a version or equivalent for use on my Droid X. A Google search turns up nothing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am quite impressed by the workflow I follow when developing Android applications: Define a layout in an xml file and then write all the code in a code-behind style. Is there an equivalent style for the web? I mean, with a predefined list of widgets that can be defined using a markup language and then control them using code? I have come across Google's Web Toolkit that does something like this but I'd like to hear what other's think as well.
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View 49 Replies View RelatedI am new to the Droid world and was curious as to if there was a real competitive Voice Command app, similar to MS's? I came over from ATT using Win Mobile devices. While I disliked many things about WinMobile, I really liked the Voice Command. It wasnt perfect but I liked using it. I even thought it was great how it would read Text messages aloud to me through the speaker when I received them.Is there anything that can do that or more for Android phones yet? I know they have the basic Voice Calling thing but is there anything else? Maybe even something that will read text messages outloud when they arrive?
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View 9 Replies View Related I got my Ken Ken and Pi cross fix. Now I need my Path Pix fix.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm curious if anyone has come across an app as great as the Lose It! for the iPhone. I know there is Calorie Counter, but from what I can tell it only counts calories of foods, it's not necessarily a diary of your calories, carbs, fats, fibers, etc. that you eat each and every day. For those who know about Lose It! and would like to see it on Android, you can send an email to them requesting it and hope for the best. I already have.
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View 6 Replies View RelatedLooking for an app like this: Hipstamatic iPhone App - Digital Photography Never Looked So Analog, I don't need all the eye candy for the app itself, but what's the most configurable camera effects app for android? I've been using FXCamera, but it's kind of limited and buggy. Also, stuck on 1.5 with my wonderful Eris. (actually I love it, but like everybody, waiting on 2.1 is killing me)
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Any help would be great! I'm hoping Android keeps a log and there's some way I can access it. Oh, I do have root on my test device.
I'm very new to Android development and I want to develop an application that uses a local database. I want to show the results of queries in a DataGrid like object.
The UI would be somewhat similar to this.
Is it possible to develop this kind of UI in Android? If so how can I accomplish this? Are there good tutorials I can follow?
I want to do the equivalent of hitting the "home" button programmatically.
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