Android :: How To Transfer Data From Palm To Droid?
Jul 8, 2010I have a Palm device and I need to transfer my SplashID data to my EVO (which I'm about to purchase). Does anyone know how to do this?

I have a Palm device and I need to transfer my SplashID data to my EVO (which I'm about to purchase). Does anyone know how to do this?
I just pre-ordered the EVO yesterday. Since this is at Radio Shack, I am assuming that they won't be able to transfer the contacts from me pre to the EVO. Is this correct? I decided to go ahead and fix all my contacts on gmail anyway just in case. This gives me something to do while waiting for my EVO.... Will the Evo import all my contacts when I log into my gmail account and set it as my main sync account? What I am doing is this:
1. I installed the 'contacts to email' patch using preware and exported all my contacts as a vcard file. This is probably a good idea anyway. I don't completely trust "cloud" storage.
2. I sent myself the email and then imported this vcard file into gmail contacts. This resulted in about 350 contacts in gmail. I'm now working through them doing edits and combining duplicates. Is this the best way to prepare my contacts for the EVO?
Have been using Palm for many years with multiple contacts, which transfered over with first name rather than last-any ideas? Multiple memos, and the transfer by sprint resulted in one big file. Getting used to the phone, if I could only use my multiple memos!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got years and years of contacts and job related info on my Palm 650 that I need to transfer to my new Incredible; has anyone had to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGetting the evo on Friday - want to move my long history of palm data over. Any best recommendations would be appreciated - want contacts, datebook, memos and ideally ewallet (will contact them) to convert. Will buy a program if worth it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've use Palm since the Palm Pilot 1000 a 128k PDA & various other since. My data is current in both Palm Desktop (5 Star PIM) and Treo 650. I am interesting in importing Contacts and Memo's into the Android 2.1 phone (HTC Desire) and the info spread among a dozen or so groups. I don't want to use the Cloud or Googles cloud tools. I hate Outlook as a PIM and don't believe it will handle the groups anyway. But more importantly I don't want my data in Outlook nor do I want its info or mail in my Android phone. With Palm as a PDA and Smartphone originator in this field I would have expected much better support to import data. BB Curves Desktop does it seamlessly since I tested that 2 years ago. Android phones don't even have a default memo app. Is someone asleep at the switch their?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have written a application for android phone (nexus1) which collects some information regularly at some intervals.Now i want to transfer the information collected to some particular server regularly as the information is collected by phone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedim wanting to transfer all my data from my sd card to a larger sd card. by data i mean movies, pics, apps, etc. i havent found a link for this and i dont really know how to do it. i havent downloaded the software disc that came with the phone either in case i have to do that.
View 4 Replies View Relatedright now i am trying to transfer 2.85 gigs onto the droid, its going at 315kb/s. is it cause of the new froyo leak or is something else wrong? im using the stock cable with stock memory card in my stockings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use DU meter but its in the notification panel...i need one in the notification bar
and there was another app called network meter and lots of other... [URL] .....
but none of them have it on the notification bar....
this one fits my need... [URL] ....
but isnt refreshed in real time and slows the phone and battery life.
Imagine the situation that Any data plan is not activated and as soon as u enable the data connection hundereds of thing in android want to connect to internet and when u disable the data connection again . Ur money is deducted.
Now u will ask me if i dont have a data plan why i enable the data connection.?
So here is the thing I want the data connection to be enabled so that i can open free site like facebook on Opera Mini.
So is there any way so that i can enable the data connection but my phone does not connect to internet to itself but i control which app connects. In my case opera mini.
how do i transfer my contacts from a palm pre to htc hero sprint
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis is more hypothetical than anything, but I was thinking that if I ever want to travel to Europe, I could bring my Palm Treo with me and buy a SIM card there, since my Verizon Moto Droid wouldn't work there.
So how could I get my calendar and contacts from my Droid and into my Palm?
my android application needs to transfer some data from PC using usb and bluetooth, what are the feasibility and sample codes, if any ? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to
View 2 Replies View RelatedI currently have the Palm Pre and I am getting an EVO on Friday. I was wondering if anyone can give me any suggestions on an easy way to get my contacts from the Pre to the Evo, without me having to enter in all 115 of them? Would it be practical to enter them all into my Gmail account? if so, will the EVo download all of them from the cloud? What about BlueTooth? will the Pre shoot all of my contacts to the EVO via bluetooth Lastly, desktop software: IS there some software that will allow the pre to sync my contacts to Outlook? And will the Evo retrieve that info from outlook?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me whether it is possible to transfer data between 2 applications( one running on Android Phone and another application running on PC) via USB connection? If yes then please tell me the what are the settings to be done.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI updated from 2.1 to 2.2 (Using the force method on this site), and now my USB cable will not allow file transfer. This kind of sucks, seeing as how I used that to put the on the phone in the first place.Now, I need a way to transfer files between my Windows 7 PC, and my Froyo Droid.I've looked through the forums a bit, and I've seen someone suggest ES File Explorer for this purpose. I searched the market, and I wasn't able to find it. Does anyone have an alternate suggestion, or a way for me to get this one to see if it will work?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe general use for multiple PDP (mPDP) is that when we use one PDP(A) to download a file, and we want to send a mms message via another PDP (B), the original PDP(A) will not be disconnected. This is the scenario on Windows Mobile. My question is ,if Android had supported mPDP, how does one application know which PDP should be used to transfer data?
Or Application (ex: Browser) doesn't care these issue, and it will try all PDP to transfer data ?
I am a long time Palm user. I have a Centro and recently, just testing, moved all my contacts to Gmail and "some" of like 10 years of Calendar data (but not nearly all of it) - an no Memeo's or Tasks. Well, my Droid should be here in a few days and I wonder.. should I kill off and delete my test Calendar data and my contacts from my Gmail account? I plan to use that CompanionLink to do a 1 time sync of my Palm data and want to mitigate any issues and just have a nice clean port over. Best to remove what I have done OR leave what I have done since CompanionLink and Google will sort it out (redundant entries).
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have been using a Palm PDA for more than 15 years and have a mountain of Data in there that I don't want to lose when I buy my next, more advanced Cell/PDA system. My first choice for a new device is the GooglePhone2.
1) Does GPhone2 have all the features I want = Addresses, Memos, Calendar and ToDo/Tasks?
2) If yes, can someone direct me to a link where I can transfer all my Palm Data to a GPhone2 if/when I buy it?
I found a new method to transfer contact data from Android to iPhone,I have used HTC desire for nearly one and half years and all the contact data in this device is so important for me. Then this year my brother gave me an iPhone 4S as my 21 years birthday present. It was a great gift, however, the problem comes to me that how I can transfer my contact data to my new iPhone 4s.
I searched Google and got some ways such as: using the Sim card, syncing to Google contacts; using Synkontact; or import and export my contact data using Moborobo.
I don't like to upload my contact data to any unknown internet space, so I choose not to use Google contacts and synkontact. Why? Because I don't trust any web storage space! So, Moborobo become my choice. I can safely export contact data on my HTC desire to my computer and import it to my lovely iPhone 4s. Ok, it's done! Easy and safe.
If you get other ways to transfer data between iPhone and Android.
I want to implement an application which can successfully transfer a file from my android eclair device to any other bluetooth device.Please if anybody know the solutions, kindly help me out, mail me at or post back here please...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want an android application so that it can connect to emulator and transfer that from it. please let me know how to proceed in that. i have done through the socket but i am getting exception in that.please if u find any code or website let me know.
View 6 Replies View Related I purchased and gave my mother the THL T100S Android 4.2 smartphone. it works perfectly but I didn't know that this phone has limited ROM. So, I wanted to know how can I transfer game data like candy crush and other games to a different phone? I mean if I were to reinstall that game on another device using the same google play info, will game data transfer over? Meaning, evel and top score?
I have a spare smartphone with limited ROM; but larger than the THL T100S, the Pomp w89. The two are nearly identical, except the pomp has slightly more ROM. (The Pomp w89 was a gift to my dad but he didn't like it, preferred a physical keyboard.)
How do I transfer save game data to another phone?
The second problem is the Pomp w89 does not send text messages. It happened within the first 2months of ownership. Something about message service number needs to be updated or something? Both are unlocked smartphones that set to use wifi only, they are under AT&T without a dataplan.
[URL] .... In this thread they talk about how u can backup your app data and transfer it to another android phone.
is there any way i can do this on windows withouth titaniumbackup or something.
my screen from my old phone broke, and i want to get the appdata from that phone to my new phone.
with Wondershare MobileTrans i could copy all the apps and stuff, but not the data from the apps.
Is there a way to transfer the data from apps from one Android to another? This is especially useful for games with saved data inside the phone, such as Angry Birds or Temple Run.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I connect the USB cable to my wife's phone, it will charge, but it never gives me the option to use it for data like my EVO does. I have searched here and over the net and the only suggestion people really gave were rebooting and turning on/off debugging mode.Neither made a bit of difference for me whatsoever.It is a used phone that I purchased from someone on here, but everything else on it has been flawless. I think it may be using a custom 2.1 install, but I am unsure.I guess I could try reverting it to stock.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cannot get my Iphone 3G and DHD to sync my contacts using the "Transfer Data" function. I follow the on screen instructions on the DHD. Set the Iphone to 'discoverable' but cant get any further. Usually the Iphone doesn't even appear on the DHD Bluetooth devices list and on the odd occassion that it does, as soon as i go to connect it drops out and says i should restart both phones. I have done this numerous times to no avail. Has anyone managed to do this same transfer? And if so can they provide a little assistance?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was trying to get a file (700MB) from LAN through ES File Explorer app, everything works fine until the phone goes to sleep, after that it stops. I've set Screen Timeout to be disabled, and it works fine now, only now the phone has to be awake all the time. Is there any way the file transfer not to stop when the phone goes to sleep?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting to transfer some music from my pc to the Desire via a USB that came with the phone. I've chosen "mount as disc drive".I tried doing one bands albums and that was fine as a trial run, just dumped them in Removable Disc F and they are there and work.Tried again later and now wont work and I get this message.An unexpected error is preventing the operation.Make a note of this error code, which might be useful if you get additional help to resolve this problem
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