Android : How To Store Questions For Quiz Type Application
Aug 2, 2010
I want to create such application that would show a question to user and possible 3 (or n) answers and user should pick correct answer (some kind of learning quiz). I'm not sure about the storage for those data - questions and possible answers. What would be most natural way for Android. I know that I can either use property files or tables in sqlite database. There will be about 500 items (1 question, 3 answers, 1 correct answer ). Any ideas?
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Aug 20, 2010
anyone know if they have this in the app store or anything like it?
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Apr 2, 2009
I am a android beginner, now i am going to design a Quiz application for android I am very confuse about which layout i should use for Quiz. My requirement is when user touch the answer , the next question will appear on same screen and at the end of quiz the web view will be generated as a result page. Right now i don't have in depth knowledge of Layouts and switching the view when user clicks on Answers. Please help me at least suggest me Which layout i use.
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Jul 16, 2010
Essentially what I will be writing is a quiz type application. Basically there will be a paragraph or so to read, with one or more choices below. There will be several criteria to decide what the next question will be, ie. If it was a hard question and get it wrong, the next is easier, or maybe less choices, etc. Where would I put the logic to determine what the next question would be? Also, once I have what the next question would be, how do I update both the text part, as well as the new choices?
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Oct 6, 2010
In android it is not directly possible to share files and folders across different application. The only way is Content Providers.
1. Is there any general (any file type) content store? Today there is Audio, Video and Image Store.
2. Wanted to write new Content Provider to store Big files, like Video and Audio. Saw some examples, like
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Dec 15, 2009
So my problem is that I've written a function that takes two Doubles, two Int, and a Calendar object on Android (Java). I believe the class provided to allow it to run in a separate thread, AsyncTask, accepts only one type of Object (but allows multiple) as an argument so I figured I might be able to put it in a List or a Linked List or something. Is there such a type that allows multiple data types like that (Double, Double, Int, Int, Calendar), or would I have to create my own object class? I'm a novice programmer so less complicated is probably better, but I'm interested in the best solution as well. What the function does is take a location (double latitude, double longitude), a couple options as integers, and a Calendar Object. It takes the location, options, and date then returns a Time object of the sunrise (or sunset, depending on the options) for that location. and I understand it would probably be best to create a special object class and just pass that, or override the background thread class, but I'm pretty new to object-oriented programming so the less overhead the better (for now). (Update) After a lot of work, it ended up being easier making a data-type class and just using that. The right way turned out to be easier in the end. Who'd a thought.
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Jul 27, 2010
I'm thinking of giving VZW another try and I'm wondering what type of in-store availability the Droid X has? Is it sold out pretty much everywhere like the EVO? I'm not an on-line buyer so in-store is the way I go!! I know Best Buy has a waiting list. Just wondering what type of supply VZW corporate stores are experiencing.
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Sep 16, 2010
I have had this problem a couple times where I post something and I can never find it again. One time I lucked out because my post was still open on my other computers browser.
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Jun 28, 2010
I'm assuming you'll see this, but I'm just extremely curious.
It's a pain since I really can't find the answer for my questions anywhere else, and this seems to be the best place to ask as there are actual Google developers here.
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Sep 20, 2012
I recently started programming in Android, and as a beginning project I am trying to build a logo quiz app. The idea: You see a splash screen after opening the app (play game - about). Play game takes you to a new activity called where you can choose the level you want to play. Clicking on a level takes you to another new Activity created a SQLite db with 20 questions in it which I install with a class, every question also has a level column.
However, I get lost in my global structure. Since I work with different levels I don't want to make a new class for every level. I guess I lost the overview due to my lack of programming in android, but I figured the best way to learn it is (after I watched tutorials) to build an app myself..
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Nov 4, 2009
Where on this forum do I post general Android questions? Question and issues pertaining to programs, apps, features, use of Android across all phones that are not specifically (or necessarily) related to the HTC Hero. This is because I would like to address the question to all Android users using any phone.
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Oct 12, 2010
Does anyone know a Locale-like application that is free? I don't really care about GPS settings, more time.
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Apr 7, 2009
I did some search in this forum, and found the below thread. So an intent-filter is needed. But it did not have an answer regarding how/ where to add code, and get the file name passed by another app, say a file manager.
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Nov 9, 2010
I use my file explorer a lot. It eliminates much of the "You have to put the files here" sort of requirement of many applications. And in many case - movie files for example - when you touch the file, it opens it in the appropriate application. There are exceptions like *.epub files. When I touch one, I get the famous "...does not support." message. So the question is, can I "register" Laputa (for example) to be the app to open *.epub files - Similar to the File Types dialog in Windows?I suppose this might require root access?
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Jul 7, 2010
Quite interesting quiz game. It has up-to-date database with thousands of questions related to World Cup 2010. Currently Semi-Finals. Online score board, the guy named "peter" has occupied the no.1 for several days. Two player mode let play with friends f2f, be fast and accurate.
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Apr 10, 2009
In 1.5, I find an icon in status bar to indicate current network type (2G or 3G). Would you please tell me which app sets this icon in status bar? I'd like to go through the source code.
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Jul 18, 2010
Is there any way to retrieve either the default application name associate to a mime type or a list of applications? Im not looking for the actual application just the application name so it can be stored in a string.
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Oct 19, 2010
The built-in barcode scanner application on Android (based, I think, on zxing) reads QR Codes and launches that data into an application based on the leading text. For example, "BEGIN:VCAL" might launch a calendar application; "http:" might launch a browser.How can I "register" my application so the OS (or the Barcode application) will call it for a specific type (i.e. leading characters) of QR Code text?
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Jan 28, 2010
I want to register my application for files of a certain popular and well-documented MIME-type. The problem is that Android does not seem to recognize this MIME-type. The following sample code demonstrates this:
package com.example.helloandroid;
import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.TextView;
public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Hello, Android"); setContentView(tv); String extn = android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl("/data/"); String xyzMimeType = android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension (extn); Log.d ("HelloAndroid", "extn: " + extn + " | xyzMimeType: " + xyzMimeType); }
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Jul 18, 2010
After I updated to the 2.1 I get the following options when I connect my phone to my computer via USB:
Charge Only
--Charge phone over USB
HTC Sync
--sync contacts and calendar
Disk Drive
--Mount as Disk Drive
Internet Sharing
--Share phone's mobile network with PC
When I click on Internet Sharing I get the following message:
Data Call Failure
"Error Code 67 .Registration failure.
Your PCS Vision username and/or
password may be incorrect. Please
try again."
However I have no way of adding that information. Is this a service you have to pay for (extra) in your Sprint Bill? Or is it a bug in the 2.1 update.
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Apr 10, 2014
I have owned a bunch of Android since the original my touch - how do you actually save a default application to open a file type? For instance, when I do a Google search on something and click a youtube video, it asks me every time which app to open it with even though I always select the YouTube to set as default.
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Nov 14, 2010
I just have a couple of questions:
1. What is the risk of bricking my device really? Has anyone here ever had a problem with it before?
2. Does rooting absolutely void your warranty no matter what?
3. If it does void your warranty, can they turn you down if your phone breaks for something unrelated to rooting? For example if I root my phone now, and then 4 months later I drop it and it breaks will they fix it?
4. How do they know if you rooted your phone? If I brick it accidentally is there any way for them to know that it was rooted if I don't tell them? I mean it could have just as easily been a manufacturing error, they wouldn't know until they've restored it to it's original state.
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Feb 1, 2009
I want to create a global variable store for a list of user defined objects. I have a LinkedList of Feed (a user defined object) that I need to be made available to a new Activity that is created. This list is displayed using a ListView and so when an item of the ListView is clicked, I need the correct Feed index to be 'passed' to the new Activity. I have no problem doing this as I create an Intent and then pass the id of the selected row. I need the new Activity to have access to the LinkedList of Feed objects.
There are different ways to do this (explained here - I want to use the option (quoted from link above): The class The is a base class for those who need to maintain global application state. It can be accessed via getApplication() from any Activity or Service. It has a couple of life- cycle methods and will be instantiated by Android automatically if your register it in AndroidManifest.xml.
I want to use the above method as I could then fill the LinkedList at application start and then use it throughout without any duplicates etc. Does anyone know how the class can be used as a global variable store that can be accessed from other classes? I cannot find any more information on this method of passing information between Activities within a single application. Any information regarding passing user defined objects would be useful and specifically how to get the above idea to work.
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Apr 24, 2009
I am creating an application which connects to the server using username/password and I would like to enable the option "Save password" so the user wouldn't have to type the password each time the application starts. I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values/settings in Android application.
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Oct 14, 2010
I've created an application which uses around 15 small audio files. Right now I'm using mp3 files and each is around 200KB. These files are stored in my res/raw directory. I'm using SoundPool class to play the files in my application. I'm hoping to put this application on the android market place. Can one of you suggest what is the best way to store so many audio files? Will my application be scalable? Is wav or ogg format better approach instead of mp3? Please let me know.
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May 5, 2010
I'm just looking for some insight into what would be the best way for me to store images as part of my app. I have an activity that represents a 'Job' which has a couple of edittext's and underneath was planning on using the Gallery component to show images relevant to this job. The job data is stored in a database (on the sdcard) so was also thinking of creating a table to store 'JobImages' and having each image stored as a byte array.
But I'm not sure if it would be better to store the images directly on sdcard under a folder structure specific to my application and the job. E.g. using the job ID number as a folder name. Depending on which method I use will greatly determine the code that goes into an 'adapter' that allows me to bind to the gallery component so before I begin I was wondering if anyone has had the same design problem and what option they chose.
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May 12, 2010
I have a app that only consists of 2 services and a broadcast receiver (they check the internet periodically). I need to store preferences that can be shared across those services. Is this the same as for an activity? Just use getsharedpreferences()? This doesn't seem to be documented very well.
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Sep 28, 2012
it is possible to use mysql in adnroid application to store data?? or just SQLite for application in android
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Sep 23, 2010
when you got your phone set up JUST perfect, then blam-o something happens and you have to do a factory wipe of your phone, eliminating all your perfectly placed settings. wouldn't it be nice if there was an app that you could run to STORE all your settings, on your sd card, then if/when you have to do a wipe, OR get a new phone (of the same model) you can run this app and bingo bango, all your settings are just how they were before?
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Jul 8, 2010
I have added a mute button to a menu on my application and am wondering if it is possible to store the user's latest preference of either muted or unmuted for use when he/she reopens the application. Here is the code I am using for setting mute or umute:
public void isMute() {
mAm.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, false);
mIsMute = false;
mAm.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true);
mIsMute = true;
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