Android : How To Make Sure App Is Only For Vertical Layout?
Mar 23, 2010How do I make sure my app is only for vertical layout? I added this android:screenOrientation="portrait" but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

How do I make sure my app is only for vertical layout? I added this android:screenOrientation="portrait" but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
I am programatically adding custom views to a vertical LinearLayout, and I would like there to be some space between the views. I have tried adding: setPadding(0, 1, 0, 1) to my CustomView constructor, but this doesn't seem to have any effect. It was pointed out that I should use margins. Since I am dynamically adding views, I need to set the margins from code (not in xml). I believe the way to do this is below, but it isn't working.
public class MyView extends View {
public MyView (Context context) { super(context);
MarginLayoutParams params = new MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.setMargins(0, 10, 0, 10); setLayoutParams(params);
I also tried using MarginLayoutParams as a parameter while adding the views to the Linear layout (as below). This also did not work:
MarginLayoutParams params = new MarginLayoutParams(linearLayout.getLayoutParams());
linearLayout.setMargins(0, 10, 0, 10); linearLayout.addView(view, params);
I want to set android:layout_centerVertical="true" property of layout through java code of an image.
How to achieve this. here is my code.
I have tried using setScaleType(ScaleType.FIT_CENTER) but no use.
I have played around a bit with the xml files for creating layouts and can't explain the behaviour of layout_weight when using it in a LinearLayout that has orientation="vertical"
When creating a layout that is horizontal everything follows the documentation, that a child would get more space if it's has the highest value.
But the following code for vertical orientation, give more space to the item with lowest weight.
And the question is: Is this a bug or just a feature that maybe need more documentation?
I have the following layout, which is 1 icon on the left and 2 text views (stack on top of each other) on the right. I would like to have the text1 vertically center in the panel and when I make the text2 Visible.GONE. Can you please tell me how can i do that? code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have problem in scrolling of webview vertically when it's scrolled along vertically,where this webview is with in scrollview tag,how can i enable the scrolling for webview and to disable the scrolling of whole layout when its on webview contained layout.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny insights/pointers regarding creating a layout like this. I have wasted quite a bit of time on this. I want to create a vertical linearlayout which has multiple ExpandableListViews separated by TextViews.
I tried the following approaches but each of them has one shortcoming or the other:
1. Add TextView and ExpandableListViews to a linearlayout. The problem with this approach is that LinearLayout by default is unscrollable.
Adding the LinearLayout to a ScrollableView creates even more issues because ListViews handle their own scrolling behavior.
2. I tried using a single ExpandableListView to model the above layout but the problem is that setGroupIndicator applies to the entire ExpandableListView, not a specific group.
Can a seekbar be vertical? I am not very good at UI design, so how make seekbar more beautiful, please give me some templates and examples.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs the subject states Can i make a Gallery to Vertical insted of Horizantal ? i tried but couldn't found anything that makes it vertical.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android and I want to make an image gallery where each column is a category, and users can scroll both vertically and horizontally. I found a useful post about how to display list of images here. I'm wondering if it's possible to nest lists of image inside of a gallery view?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Gridview, include hundred of items (thumbnail images). I set a multi-select mode, in this mode, user just need to swipe his finger to start selecting multiple items (this case, gridview can not be scrolled). And in a normal touch, Gridview still can vertically scroll for user to see other thumbnails and continue selecting.
View 2 Replies View Relatedscrollable meaning by the user touch he can can go up and down in the layout given this is what i did and the emulator throw an exception null pointer somthing and i have problems figuring out from where it comes ....
it works can some one explain to me what's wrong ?
I can not scroll down the screen to view the data in the Replyby section. How can I make my layout scrollable?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis it possible to make an entire linear layout scrollable when it needs to be? (when all of the elements in the layout don't fit on the main screen)?I know it is doable with views, etc.but is there a way to incorporate everything on the layout to be scrollable at the same time?Maybe scrollable is not the right term. basically - if one of the elements (a button in this case) doesn't entirely make it onto the main screen of the phone and I need to slide a finger down to access it if that makes sense.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a LinearLayout, when user selects my AutoCompleteTextView(ACTW) I want to move the whole layout upwards, so that the ACTW is at the top and there is space between the ACTW and software keyboard for suggestions. 1) How to do this? 2) How to make this animated (but this is not necessary)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a layout xml . I would like to do that in java programming. code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust something I have been thinking about. It is possible to create an android layout with just a TextView widget and no Layout code (e.g: inearLayout, ScrollLayout), but if I try to add anything else to the XML file all sorts of errors start popping up. Is it possible to create a Layout with just widgets?
Also, if it is, how?
How can i make my animation visible above other views on the layout. i tried with the zorder adjustment but it didn't work out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want a Layout that is as big as the screen with two rows and three columns
like that image =>
the colors should be buttons.
How would I go about putting a transparent bar along the top of a scrollview so that when the text scrolls up it kind of fades out towards the top? I am talking about the kind of thing that the Facebook and NFL mobile apps use. I think it just makes the whole design look nicer and I was wondering how I could implement this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I make multiline EditText within a Relative Layout wrap the lines of text that were entered? I want the user to enter one line of text without allowing line breaks, but show it broken up by words into multiple lines inside a rather smallish, square EditText window.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow should i make widgets and fields in android table layout all having different widths first row i have 2 fields but in second row i want to have 3 fields so there should be different width of fields in row2 than fields in row1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make a dynamic layout which contains mixed elements
[text] [checkbox] [button]
[text] [checkbox] [button]
[text] [checkbox] [button]
I would like to create different layouts for tablets and for mobile devices in Android. Where should I put the layout resources in order to make this differentiation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 3 text views in a layout, where the text clips a tad on the bottom on my droid can I ensure that the whole text is viewable and the user can scroll down (simply with their finger) to see the rest of my text?
I was just trying out with table layout to display some data....The data is a 3 column data and i want that the columns should utilize the whole width available. But it seems that the layout XML code which i had used is just wrapping up the columns according to the content.
Layout XML code
I just want the program to display the layout main0 and stay for a few secounds then display layout main1 like the programs we see in any phone where an image or layout show up at the start of the program and then fade.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet's say I want to make a layout that has 3 TextViews, one on top of the other. But, I want the top TextView to always "stick" to the top of the screen (regardless of orientation), and I want the bottom TextView to always "stick" to the bottom of the screen. Then I want the middle TextView to always fill the available space in between (again, regardless of screen orientation). I've had no luck with LinearLayout and I've come close with RelativeLayout but neither have provided by desired solution.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an XML layout with some custom tabs, a heading, and a ProgressBar(main.xml). I wish to add another XML layout(home.xml) to the main.xml layout, as i wish to keep main.xml re-usable for other activity's layouts and simply add things to it as necessary.The problem: after inflating R.layout.home into rootLayout, it seems as though the ProgressBar contained in rootLayout is hidden underneath the content of home.xml.Is there a way to tell certain views(via XML) to float above other views when the layout is constructed in this way?if not, am i forced to use methods such as progressBar.bringToFront() to raise targeted views to the top?what alternatives do i have in z-ordering views when some layouts are constructed using inflation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to populate a table, defined in layout xml file through the programmatic way. I have define Table with a single row defining its header, with all the attributes set. Now i want to know a way so that i can just replicate that header row in the table with new content.
I tried using inflator inflate(int,view) method, but at runtime it showed up with error.
Here is the XML code for the layout file defining the table