Android :: How To Get Spinner Value?
Dec 22, 2009Is it be possible in the Android Hello, Spinner example to get the selected Spinner value with a listener, like for the other examples -- or do you need to subclass Spinner?
View 2 RepliesIs it be possible in the Android Hello, Spinner example to get the selected Spinner value with a listener, like for the other examples -- or do you need to subclass Spinner?
View 2 RepliesI use this code to generate a spinner in my app:
On my device (Motorola Milestone) and in the emulator this looks like the standard gray spinner widget.
On of my colleagues uses a Motorola Backflip and on his device the Spinner is black. Now its very hard to read the font in the spinner.
What do I have to do to use my own view for the spinner? I don't mind to have the gray spinner on all devices, but it should always look the same on all devices.
I have an xml layout file which contains a few widgets including a Spinner
I want to display a list of strings in the spinner, the list is generated at runtime as a result of a function so it can not be in arrays.xml.
I tried doing:
But this crashes my application.
I have a spinner 'aperture' set up with a list of numbers, and a spinner 'mode' with two options. When a button is pushed I need a calculation to run using various inputs, including the current selection from 'aperture' and a value derived from 'mode'. How do I call the value of a spinner so I can use it in a calculation?
Also, how do I use the spinner 'mode's selection to set this other value before implimenting it in the calculation? To be more specific, if the spinner is set to Small then the value I use in the calculation is 0.015, whereas if Large is selected I need to use 0.028
My other inputs are EditText views, so right now I am set up like this:
That is not the actual equation, it is just a test to make sure everything connects properly. How would I call the value of spinner 'aperture' and the Small/Large spinner 'mode'
I have a spinner widget in my activity which lets users pick a list name.
Normally, the function of the spinner is to switch between lists but for a couple of instances, I swap out the selection change listener to perform a different function with the same list of options. Once the selection has been made, the old listener is restored and life goes on.
This is a bad and buggy arrangement. Instead, I would like to have a function that just takes a selection listener and some other parameters and shows a popup list that's populated by the same cursor (or and identical cursor) as the spinner, without using the spinner itself.
Is there any way I can do this?
I am trying to populate a spinner depending on another spinner's selected item, my code is the following:
what is intriguing me is that the first spinner onitemselection works perfectly ( I can see the values in LogCat) then when I change selection of the 2nd spinner I am gettging an error on this line: String selected= (String) s2.getSelectedItem(); So the compiler gets insisde then onItemSelected function of the 2nd spinner but throws an Handler exceltion on s2.getSelectedItem()
why? it works perfectly for the 1st spinner.
I am trying (as many are doing) to populate a 2nd spinner out of the first spinner selected item like this:..............
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing a small application with the help of spinner widget.Requirement is to display different toast messages when the spinner list items are selected.For e.g if the spinner items are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday then on selecting Sunday item through the spinner ,toast message should display "Sunday Selected".Please guide me on how do this and if possible share code snippet.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am very new to android. I want to use 2 spinners in my application, one shows the countries list, when any country is selected the other spinner should show the list of cities of that country. when city is selected some action is performed.please help me with some sample code.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems with spinner. I'm using spinner that is bound to a SimpleCursorAdapter. I want to retrieve the text value of the selected item. So i tried
I am trying to get a Spinner to work in Android. It displays fine and I can select any one of the options in the list. But how do I transfer that to a string?I would have thought in the code below that 'selected' would hold the selected string, but I get an 'Illegal modifier for the local class YourItemSelectedListener; only abstract or final is permitted' error on the 'YourItemSelectedListener'.What am I doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a view with a spinner. The activity starts another acvitity with a popup where I add or delete values that the parent shows in the Spinner.
So, in onActivityResult() I refresh the content of the Spinner so that it reflects any additional or deleted values, by calling my fillSpinner() method.
The parameter to this method is the previously selected value:
When I open the Spinner, it contains the correct list (i.e. it was refreshed) and the correct value is selected. However, the Spinner control itself (in its closed state) does not show the selected value, but the first in the list.
When I step through the code in the debugger, the Spinner value is correct before and after I call setSelection() (and it is always called with the same correct id). However, since I cannot step out of the event, when I resume the execution after a short moment the value in the Spinner changes.
In other words, the spinner's displayed string is changed and is different from the selected item when I return from my popup activity.
I am thinking of having a spinner with a reversed direction , that's from right to left. Have I to override the class ? Cordially.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to click on an item of a spinner and change the content of another spinner.I tried to do this by creating a listener OnItemSelectedListener() but it doesn't work.Any Ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe default drop down view of the spinner occupies the entire width of the screen. I tried to create a custom spinner which occupies only some portion of the width of the screen, but I'm unable to do. I want to see the objects behind the drop down. Here is what i tried, I changed the drop down view as,
adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); instead of
In the layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item.xml file I specified the width, but it still occupies the entire width. Can any one help. Is there any other view which is similar to spinner but I should be able to see the background objects like a alert dialog. Is it really possible?
I have a Spinner.Is there a way to display some hint text on it?It seems to default to the first item in its supplied array adapter.I want the user to make a choice, right now it seems like it would assume the 0th item is by default selected.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get the value that a user has chosen with the spinner. Can anyone give me an example of how to do this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to include Multiple rows of data with different font in single row of spinner.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set a Spinner's selection to 'none' ? When my activity launches, it looks like a spinner will automatically select the 0th element in the spinner. I'd like to explicitly make the user choose a selection instead.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to apply a non-native font to widgets in my app. This is working fine for TextViews and Buttons, which have a set Typeface method. The code below works just great for my button:
Java: Typeface face = Typeface.gratefullest(getAssets(), "fonts/ my_font.ttf"); play Button = (Button) findViewById(; play Button.set Typeface(face);
But I just can't seem to figure out how to apply the font to a Spinner.
When we select spinner it shows a display of items which almost the device screen size. Can we minimize its width or height, I think this question was already posted by some one. But I am unable to find solution.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm getting a NullPointerException while attempting to create a Spinner within a dialog and can't seem to debug it because the code looks solid. Wonder if anyone else has any idea. Any help is greatly appreciated.
protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { Dialog dialog;
switch(id) { case DIALOG_SEND_PM: Spinner spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.server_array, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new MyOnItemSelectedListener());
dialog = new Dialog(PM.this);
pmMessage = (EditText) dialog.findViewById(;
Button sendPm = (Button) dialog.findViewById(;
default: dialog = null;
I get the exception at adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item);
I changed the context to MyClass.this and the exception moved down to the next line, which confuses me. I'm wondering if it is the adapter having a null value but I call everything the same way I have before while not in a dialog.
Relevant XML data:
<LinearLayout> <TextView/> <LinearLayout> <TextView/>
<EditText/> <TextView/> <Spinner
</LinearLayout> <Button/> </LinearLayout>
I want to customize the spinner behavior a little bit. I want to add a couple of buttons at the end of the drop down menu that is displayed when the user selects the control. Any idea how this could be done?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set a Spinner's style so that each entry has the but no radio button?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs part of my project I need a spinner that should display items like HTML select tag rather opening a new window.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am newbie in Android Application Development. I am trying to invoke a list in spinner can anyone tell me where I am having trouble. Here is the code of my application Code...
View 9 Replies View RelatedAll the examples I have found assume that Spinner is given an array of String. I have a Spinner whose Adapter contains an Object more complex than a String. I want the capacity to display some parts of this object. a) during drop down b) when the item is selected. Nothing fancy, just some straight text, but I need ot whole object. If I override Adapter#getView, the View that super#getView returns is a TextView, so I could set that to be some relevant text value, but it feels kind of undocumented. I did try inflating a layout containing 2 TextViews and populating them, but UI became a bit screwed up. I'm not really sure what's ok to change here and what's not. Likewise, the above presumably applies to the drop down view, but I am also not sure how to render the selected item.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was fooling around with Android and my Java knowledge is limited at best (for instance, I'm perplexed by the fact that it allows inline classes!?).I have a layout where there are three dropdown menus. I initialise all three of them inside onCreate().The first one takes its values from a string-array. The second one, however, depends on the choice of the first one and the third one depends on the choice of the second one in turn.I have a few string-arrays for the second Spinner but I was wondering what would be the correct way to implement a list of successively enabled Spinners. I'm tempted to just hack into it and make it work but I don't want to run the risk of it being malformed and unstable.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a simple program where I set a spinner to a position. I then call a second module and when I return, I reset the spinner. The spinner display does not display the spinner value. When you tap the spinner, it IS pointing to the correct value, but it displays an incorrect value. In fact, it actually steps down.
I wrote the following simple program to demonstrate. This only happens when the form has a spinner within either a Linearlayout or TableLayout with at lease 1 other element.
Is there anyway to set a custom font or color for the selected item in a Spinner? For example, I open the spinner and click a priority of "High". I'm my layout containing the spinner, I would like to see the word "High" in red or a custom font.
I can't seem to obtain the textview to make the necessary change. I always obtain a NullPointerException if I typecast the spinner.getSelectedView() to textview and attempt to set the color.