Android :: How To Extend Intent?
Oct 6, 2010I am using the following code to play video..

I am using the following code to play video..
I'm running into difficulties overriding an ArrayAdapter to be displayed in a ListActivity. The ArrayAdapter is filled asynchronously. What I'm trying to do is add a special "sentinel" object that sits at the beginning of the list to show the progress of the computation. Ultimately this may be a progress bar, but right now I am just using a TextView as a placeholder. The problem is that the sentinel seems to get inserted multiple times into the list - not just once at the beginning. It *seems* to be appearing once per "page" of list data (so if 8 list items fit on the screen, my sentinel appears as the 1st, then 9th, then the 17th, etc..), but that interpretation may not be accurate. While maybe not how ArrayAdapters were intended to be extended, I thought something like this should work by simply overriding getView() to show my custom TextView for index.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm am trying to learn how to create LayoutGroups. For a start, I created MyLinearLayout which is supposed to force all children into same width (yes, there is layout_weight, but that's beside the point.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know this topic has been covered a lot, so apologies if this is redundant. I would like to work in the SDK and simply extend a core app that already exists, and then override some functionality. For example, I would like to extend Contacts, but then overwrite the entire ContactsListActivity class, for my own experimental MyContacts.apk.
In this youtube video:
Dianne talks about the ringtone picker, did she just extend the core ringtone picker and work in the SDK?
I DO have the entire platform source code, and have made some changes to core apps there, but rebuilding takes awhile (even useing mmm, and snod), so I was hoping to speed up development by working in the SDK (where building and running the emulator seems to go faster). Not sure if this is realistic or not.
This is all just for some internal experimentation, I am not looking to contribute the the core apps.
In another post, someone had referred to ".... classes available in the SDK....". How can we see what classes we have access to, in the SDK.
I mean, is there any way to add more functionality add/remove events synchronize with other then Google calendars/formats (authorized).
View 1 Replies View RelatedCurrently in my design I've got a base abstract class that all of my activities extend from, however I discovered recently that in order to use a MapView you need to make your activity extend MapActivity. Since Java does not have multiple inheritance I was wondering if there is any way I can use a MapView without having to recreate my design for my application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently formatted my computer and updated to Windows 7. I backed up my keystore and tried to sign my apk with it but it gave me an error that said my certificate expires in 22yrs. which is just shy of what the market requires to upload the apk. So now I am stuck not being able to update my app... Is there a way to extend the lifetime of certificates so that I can update my app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are looking for possibility of extend C2DM to other platform such as WM. And want to check the technology or protocol behind android 2.2 Cloud to Device Messaging.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have set negative paddings on my custom seekbar so that the round thumb image can go outside the bar, but the thumb isn't rendered out there, is there anyway to force the thumb to be drawn outside those bounds Sorry guys, I'm new to Android development, and have been tasked with fixing an existing application. The problem is that we have a custom rounded looking track bar, which consists of two rounded 'end cap' images and a 1 px background that is tiled to create the seekbar. As far as I can tell there was never one image that could be set as the background of a normal SeekBar, which is why a custom one was created. The thumb is a circle and needs to 'fit' into the end caps - the three pieces of the bar are in a relative layout. Right now I'm kind of unclear as to how the 1 px background png gets stretched as the seekbar bg, otherwise I would try to tack on the two endcaps onto that drawable some how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody knows if (and how ) I can write a custom view/widget and then use it in resources in layout defintions?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI realize that it would probably require boosting antenna power and thus reduce battery life but, if I am prepared to accept that, can I programatically extend wifi range?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to have a class "Utils", that will have several methods used all over my code. For example, I have a top bar with a textview and two ImageButtons that must display different texts and icons on different activities.I created the class Util, but it doesn't extend Activity. The problem is that if it doesn't, findViewById isn't there, can't find stuff etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to encrypt individual contacts stored by the Contacts application on Android based on user's preference. So, I am thinking I'll have to hook/extend the Contacts application before the it stores data into the database and decrypt it when the user wants to view it. Also, I am assuming I will have to store the key for encryption in a file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to add tabs to the layout of my activity, but I don't want the activity to extend TabActivity. The example in only gave example of subclass of TabActivity.
Is there any way I can make it without extending TabActivity?
I have problem in displaying content in Linearlayout, how to extend layout height.when large number layout used for displaying content..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am loading a listview dynamically. I have set a .9.png image as row background image. The main purpose of using .9.png image was to extend the height of the image dynamically according to the contents of the listview. But, the image is not getting extended. The contents which can be displayed within the height of the row are being displayed and the rest are being cut.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow would I extend TextView to allow the drawing of text with a gradient effect?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference when a class extend from Handler and Thread?
As described in
Each Handler instance is associated with a single thread and that thread's message queue.
Does the thread has no message queue ?
Any benefit for a class extend from Handler?
I would like to extend the Android platform's default Gmail/Email applications either by plugging into their ContentProvider or by using intent filters. Essentially, I want to be able to scan incoming emails for special rules that will trigger events in my Android application. If scanning emails automatically isn't possible, then I would at least like to add a menu item to the email viewer screen that would allow the user to flag the email content as needing to be scanned.
Does the Gmail/Email applications allow you to extend them in this way?
For future reference, besides finding sample code or reading documentation provided by the author of an application, is there a standard way of finding out what intents are available for my application to use? Like a tool maybe?
I go back and forth about how to name activity classes.Activity seems to imply a verb, like EditContact, for example.But that seems more like what one would call the Intent that triggers EditContact.Should the activity be named ContactEditor instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone please help me with some code snippets to slove the problem.If anyone knows how to make an adjustable gridview please help me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis thread is NOT about making your battery last longer between charges. There are plenty of those out there with tips on how to extend your battery's charge. The purpose of this thread is to share with you some PROVEN tricks on how to extend the lifespan of your battery. Everyone knows that rechargeable batteries eventually lose their capacity to hold charge, and Li-Ion is no exception. However, there are things you can do to significantly slow down the aging of your battery. Again, these are proven (measurable) techniques, and they do not originate from the NiCd or NiMH days of charging. 1) Li-Ion is sensitive to hot temperatures. They can be instantaneously damaged by intense heat, and they can lose a lot of longevity though prolonged, minor heat. Unless absolutely necessary, try not to let the battery stay higher than 40 degrees Celcius for prolonged periods. The sweet spot for Li-ion temperature is between 20-35 degrees C. Don't ever leave your phone in the car on a hot day, or leave it in the sun. The high temps will damage the battery even if the phone isn't on.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI found this battery on ebay and I'm wondering if anyone here had tried it.
New 3000mA Extended Battery+Cover For Sprint HTC EVO 4G - eBay (item 180532669327 end time Aug-12-10 08:42:50 PDT)
I have WhatsApp, and today I received notification that 14 days expires and I have to buy. How can I extend my WhatsApp for free? I do not want comments like "buy it" or something.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I extend my ringtime? My phone goes to voicemail so quickly I am constantly missing calls just getting it out of my pocket!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had this phone for over a month, and I am ashamed I didn't figure this out until now. As you all know, the short battery life is mainly due to the huge Captivate screen. I found out that there is another brightness setting for the stock browser. This setting is independent from the phone brightness setting. Along with using a black wallpaper, keeping the phone brightness and browser brightness all the way down, I found the battery is lasting noticeably longer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought I'd share what I have done to extend the life of the battery.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI want to start making boot animations, and I was wondering if it was possible to extend the time of a boy animation for more than 9 seconds? Is there code that I can adjust? I really want to make the pokemon theme along with the song as my boot animation.
Samsung galaxy s2
Rom: Jedi knight 6
kernel: Jedi kernel 2
My commute is 1 hour each way where I listen to pandora or mixzing and I surf the web/gchat/email. My battery barely lasts a full day. I have WiFi & bluetooth off all day. How to extend my battery life?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI know a lot of us are considering returning our Captivates before the 30 day window is up if there isn't a fix released from Samsung for the GPS problems. I wanted to share what happened tonight. Went into a corporate store and explained to the manager that I wanted to simply exchange my phone for another one, being that my GPS wasn't obtaining a lock. A rep overheard our conversation and blurted out that the "Samsung rep that was in yesterday stated that they are working on a fix that will be out in the next 2 weeks". I explained to the sales manager that the "2 weeks" was beyond the exchange period for me, and I wasn't very comfortable about waiting it out. He kindly offered to extend my 30 day exchange period, for another month. He took out his card, and wrote on the back, Captivate exchange, extended and good until 9/15/2010. I would recommend getting into the stores and getting your 30's extended as well! It cant hurt to give Samsung a few more weeks to try and get this fix out before we start returning these phones in mass quantities.
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