Android : How To Add View Onclick After View Itself?
Mar 24, 2010I have a LinearLayout View with a OnClickhandler and I want to add a View after the LinearLayout programatically when the OnClick event is fired.
View 2 RepliesI have a LinearLayout View with a OnClickhandler and I want to add a View after the LinearLayout programatically when the OnClick event is fired.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to create a list view where each item will open up a new view and display a picture and text describing the item when said item is selected. I am working with this tutorial novice-tutorials-f8/opening-windows-i-e-webbrowser-reacting-on-clicks- t22.html?hilit=reacting%20on%20Clicks
so is there a way i can use this code to open up a new view
[code]@Override protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id){ super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
// Get the item that was clicked Object o = this.getListAdapter().getItem(position); String keyword = o.toString();
// Create an VIEW intent Intent myIntent = null; // The intent will open our and search for the keyword clicked. myIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse ("" + keyword + "")); // Start the activity startActivity(myIntent);}
I am facing some problem Like:
Scenario:Three buttons enabled by on click event.
-I am using sliding drawer... on which no of buttons are there. -When sliding drawer is opened...its overlapping the preveously defined three buttons.
My problem is... when i am clicking on sliding drawer ... the below button is activated and accordingly it goes to next activity...
Means ... i expect if one view is on top of another view... the lower view should not work.
If I want to execute the focused item on the view, I need to select focused item and press enter. Now I want to find another way to execute it without using click action. Does everyone know the other way? Thank you very much.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a ListActivity where the list items are defined in another XML layout. The list item layout contains an ImageView, a CheckBox, a TextView and such.
What I want is to set an onClick listener to the CheckBox in each list item. That is easy enough. The trouble is I need that onClick handler to know which position in the list it is.
I'm attaching the listener to the CheckBox in getView after that convertView has been inflated. The getView method has a position parameter, but I cannot reference it in the onClick handler for my CheckBox. I understand why, but I don't know how to get around it. How do I accomplish this?
If you want a button to provide haptic feedback (ie, the phone vibrates very briefly so you can feel that you really pushed the button), what's the standard way to do that?
It seems you can either explicitly set an onClick() event and call the vibrate() function, giving a number of milliseconds to vibrate, or you can set hapticFeedbackEnabled in the view.
The documentation seems to indicate that the latter only works for long-presses or virtual on-screen keys:
If that's right, then I need to either make my button a virtual on-screen key or manually set the onClick() event.
Also, if I want the vibrating to happen immediately when the user's finger touches the button, as opposed to when their finger "releases" the button, what's the best way to accomplish that?
Related question: [url]
I am trying to set up a ViewFlipper that changes a SlidingDrawers content each time a button is pressed. So far every view I set up worked fine, but now I am trying to create a ListView (including single_choice_mode) within a child view of the ViewFlipper, but my attempt only let to a NullPointerException. As I only discovered ViewFlipper today, I am not yet familiar with it and may not have understood it completely. if someone could give me a hand and help me find out what I have done wrong, that would be great. Here is what I have done:
The code for the onClick event of the ImageButtons:
public void onClick(View v){
if (v == btnExposure){
mFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); }
else if (v == btnProperties){
else if (v == btnSpecialEffects){
I want to build my own custom view which should look like the Crysis-GUI.At first I designed a XML-based Layout and made it visible via the setContentView(int resid)-Method. Worked pretty well.But now I wan't to go a step further and draw in my Layout. So I created a new Class, let it extend View and overrode the onDraw()-Method. So far so good.But how can I still use my XML-Layout? I can't do setContentView anymore, so how could the same effect be achieved?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my DDMS in eclipse. In the logcat view appears only this failure: Logcat View fails with "Could not create the view: For input string: "our" "
I uninstalled and reinstalled the adt and ddms already without any change. I can use the logcat in the command line (tools- adt logcat) but this is not as comfortable as using the logcat in eclipse.
More details of this failure message are:
So my layout looks basically like this:
<ImageView android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"/>
I have the ScrollView so all of the layout always is visible no matter the height of the screen. The problem is that on a very high screen, I still want my imageview to be at the bottom. However, a child of a ScrollView dont seem to have a defined bottom. The View is placed at the top of the layout. How can I solve this problem in a neat way?
I like to know how can i clone a view object which is already there in the view hierarchy, so that it can be added to the same view hierarchy again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an XML layout with some custom tabs, a heading, and a ProgressBar(main.xml). I wish to add another XML layout(home.xml) to the main.xml layout, as i wish to keep main.xml re-usable for other activity's layouts and simply add things to it as necessary.The problem: after inflating R.layout.home into rootLayout, it seems as though the ProgressBar contained in rootLayout is hidden underneath the content of home.xml.Is there a way to tell certain views(via XML) to float above other views when the layout is constructed in this way?if not, am i forced to use methods such as progressBar.bringToFront() to raise targeted views to the top?what alternatives do i have in z-ordering views when some layouts are constructed using inflation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a WebView inside the ScrollView. The content of WebView dyanamically changes when it displays different html page. I have the following issue: For example I have A.html, and B.html. The content of B.html is larger than A.html, so the page is longer. When WebView load B.html, the ScrollView stretches its size to enable itself scroll for B.html, then if I go back to A.html, ScrollView doesn't resize itself. (The scroll area is exceed the content of A.html) What I want to have, is dynamic change the scroll area of scroll view to fit the webview's content.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a selection for some items using a spinner widget. At the moment the spinner will load a simple Textview and show the name of the item.It is possible to define an own view to show inside the spinner row? I would suspect it being similar to a custom List row.I simply want to show an individual icon left from the spinner text for each item in the list.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to have a View pop in at the bottom of the page exactly like the software keyboard view does in the compose section of the Mms app.It slides in from the bottom, as if it's being added to a vertically oriented LinearLayout, only making the ListView smaller.It becomes a part of the current layout instead of popping up over the top of it.I'd like to to this exact thing with my own custom View.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem statement, and here it is: My requirement is: There are a number of images shown on the screen. I want to allow the user to drag and drop any of the images to anyother image. Based on which image is dragged and on which is it dropped, I need to do something specific. So, I need to find a way so that I can get my source view and my target view.To understand this in a better way, consider a practical scenario. In the File Explorer of Windows, we can drag and drop items from the left pane showing the directory tree to any of the folders shown in the right pane.If anyone of you ever faced a similar scenario, please let me know because I could not find a direct support to such a thing (Drag and Drop) in the platform, so may be I need to find an innovative solution to it.
View 4 Replies View Relatedsomething weird is happening when i inflate a particular view and i wonder whether i'm running into some kind of namespace collision inside the resource/class space.i have a few custom views in my app and generally i park them in discrete XML files. the views are declared.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've tried to add a TextView before a ListView in a LinearLayout. The result is that the ListView wont show at all. The same thing happens if I put the TextView after the ListView, but then I will only see the ListView. Is there a way to get a text view above the ListView without to much of a hassle?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIn my app i'm setting background to each child views in listview. So that listview default focus ( orange color ) is not focusing. Is there any way to set both ( listview focus & child view background)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to draw a child view containing a rectangle and button on top of the content view at particular location on the parent (content view). How can I do this? Did not find an explicit way to set origin of child view?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a HorizontalScrollView with a series of CompoundButtons. I want to find the (x,y) for a given child view. I have tried using:
like this:
View tmpView = this.findViewById(viewId);
Rect hitRect = new Rect();
the hitRect is always 0,0 - 0,0.
I need the x,y mainly to scroll to a particular child view. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Please advice how to set fixed heigh (in dip) for the child view of ListView component? I am using relative layout as root layout for the child view when I set backgoround image to relative layout it becomes very height (maybe because backgoround picture is large) and I want to set precisely the height in dp.
View 1 Replies View Relatedbut no use even if try increasing the minheight....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Here you put the rest of your current view-->
I have a custom view that works fine and I'm trying to get gestures into it. The most common technique I see is to add XML, such as this (from Android docs.Can someone point out my errors, suggest a better way that will allow me to get gesture callbacks and/or suggest diagnostic approaches?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'd like to show a png or jpg I downloaded from the next in an image viewer intent, but can't get it to work.
Bitmap bmp = getImageBitmap(jpg);
String path = getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/test.png";
File file = new File(path);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
bmp.compress( CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos );
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(path)), "image/png");
I know the bitmap is downloaded ok (use the same routine for supplying it my ImageView instances elsewhere in my app) - I think it wrote to file ok, I can see it on disk and the file size is correct. The intent is launched but an exception is thrown: then the new activity just sits there, blank. How does this work?
I am working on an application where I need to display some locations on a map and in a list view where the user should be able to toggle between these views(activities?). I want the toggle button(s) to be in my custom titlebar like in the images (if they are attached). What is the best practice for this? Tab view seems like a solution but can I customize the tab buttons? Should the map and list be in different activities or the same? Now I have two different activities one extending MapActivity and one extending ListActivity but no way to toggle between them. Is it possible to load activities into a FrameLayout?
In my code i have state for each row of content so in list view if row has state as read, i need to display it with opacity/ transparency but for the view there is no direct method to set alpha.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking to create an app with plugin functionality. What I want is to allow a separate plugin "app" to provide me with the view, and take care of the updating of the view that I will use in my list adapter. Essentially, I want the separate app to take care of the bindView and newView methods of my adapter.
I am looking at RemoteViews, but I am not sure if that is exactly what I need, if it would work, or maybe it's what I have to use, since it would be cross-process.
I am trying to populate a ViewFlipper with a ListView when a certain button is clicked...but I only get a NullPointerException for lv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.specialeffectsview, specialEffects)); To be honest I don't really know how to do this, I just learned about the ViewFlipper today and I haven't fully understood how to use it yet. If anyone could help me find how what I have done wrong, that would be great.
Here is the code I use:
public void onClick(View v){ if (v == btnExposure){
else if (v == btnProperties){ mFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); }
else if (v == btnSpecialEffects){ mFlipper.setDisplayedChild(2); String[] specialEffects = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.special_effects_array); lv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.specialeffectsview, specialEffects)); lv.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); }
I have a ViewGroup and it has a few children. And one of them is a TextView ("+id/text"). In my code, I would like to know how can I add a new View or ViewGroup which will be positioned vertically aligned and below the TextView (+"id/text")?I have followed the advice below and try to use TableLayout. As a test, I try to layout statically to make sure things are aligned correctly. Here is my layout xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TableLayout android:id="@+id/panel" xmlns:android=""