Android :: How Can I Replace Compass Image Of Location Overlay?
Aug 24, 2010I want to use my image to replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay, how can i implement?
View 1 RepliesI want to use my image to replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay, how can i implement?
View 1 RepliesI am using these three lines to add a compass on the MapView: mMyLocationOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay (this,mapView);mMyLocationOverlay. enableCompass(); mapView.getOverlays() .add(mMyLocation Overlay) ; However the default position of the compass showing on the screen is not too good for my apps, and I want to move it to somewhere else. Anyone knows how I can achieve that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a marker on the map using an Overlay. I also have access to the compass sensor which I'm able to show a textView with the orientation values (0 to 359). How can I apply this values to the marker? (which is a drawable). I already have a MAtrix created but when I insert the orientation value gives me an error, here it is:
GeoPoint geopoint = new GeoPoint((int) (newLocation.getLatitude() * 1E6),
(int) (newLocation.getLongitude() * 1E6)); Paint paint = new Paint();
Point pt = new Point(); mapView.getProjection().toPixels(geopoint, pt);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.user2);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postTranslate(-25, -25);
matrix.postRotate(direction); matrix.postTranslate(pt.x, pt.y);
paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setFilterBitmap(true);
int width = bmp.getWidth(); int height = bmp.getHeight();
Bitmap changedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true);
BitmapDrawable icon = new BitmapDrawable(changedBitmap);
icon.setBounds(0, 0, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
userOverlay useroverlay = new userOverlay(icon); useroverlay.addItem(item);
I used the value retrieved from the sensor on "direction" but it doesn't work.
I'm a bit new to Android but after searching on the Market, the web and this forum, I can't seem to find anything like this but I feel like it has to exist (or hopefully will soon). I'm looking for a camera application that can place the current compass direction on the image (and stamp the saved image with the direction). The tilt of the phone would be cool to have, too, but just the compass would be great. I did find an application that shows the compass direction on over top of a feed from the camera ("Reality + Compass" by Udell Enterprises).
I want something just like this, but with the ability to save the image. In case you're wondering, I'd like to use this for bettering the storm spotting community. A problem when people send in images of clouds/storms/tornadoes/etc is that you never know (1) where the picture was taken and (2) in what direction. Ideally GPS location could be added, too, but for now I just want the compass. (Other image services can handle the location part fine, like Twitter for Android/Twitpic.)
(I'm on the HTC Aria, but I can sideload apps now thanks to the new version of HTC Sync.)
I want to override the method enableMyLocation() in MyLocationOverlay class, in order to implement my own positioning algorithm to get latitude/longitude, and then plot them onto a MapView. I figured out how to do that, but now I'm stuck because I dont know what Canvas to pass when I call the method drawMyLocation().
Here is the MyLocationOverlay class
I am building a MapView and I want my custom overlay items to display the name of the location they are marking when the user taps them, like the Android Maps app. I setup the onTap listener and the floating TextView to hold the location name. I still need to set it up so that it redraws the label when the user moves the map, etc. Anyway, I am wondering if I am reinventing the wheel here. Is there a built-in method I am unaware of? I would think that most implementations of MapView have labels. For reference, my implementation so far: in map xml:
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/mapBubbleWrap" android:layout_width="wrap_content"
andoid:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentTop="true">
<TextView android:id="@+id/mapBubble" android:layout_width="wrap_content"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:visibility="gone"
android:background="#ffffff" android:textColor="#ff0000"/>
in my extended ItemizedOverlay:
public boolean onTap(int index) { this.setFocus( mOverlays.get(index) ); return true; }
in my Activity onFocus:
public void onFocusChanged( ItemizedOverlay overlay, OverlayItem item ) {
if( item != null) { mapBubble.setText(item.getTitle());
Point newPoint = mapView.getProjection().toPixels(item.getPoint(), null);
mapBubbleWrap.setPadding(newPoint.x, newPoint.y-10, 0, 0);
mapBubble.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }
I am trying to see if anyone knows if it is possible to change the update time of MyLocationOverlay (http://bit .ly /dBIVdj). I have tried subclassing MyLocationOverlay and implementing my own location manager but when that happens I do not see the overlay on the map. I would try overriding the drawMyLocation method however I don't know which canvas to provide the method (since I would be drawing onLocationChange). To summarize, I am looking to do three things in MyLocationOverlay subclass:
1. Change the location update times to whatever I want.
2. Draw the "my location" dot with the radius when the onLocationChanged() method is called.
I've thought about making my own special class with special overlay -- but I feel like there has to be a better method to get what I want out of this class.
I am trying to implement the MyLocationOverlay class from google maps. However, when I try and use my own locationManager -- I cannot get the overlay to acutally draw on the map. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong.
I don't want to call the super method(enbaleMyLocation) of the MyLocationOverlay class because that request updates from the locationManager way too quickly and will eat my battery alive.
Here is my code...
I'm messing around with maps and gps and i have some questions. Hope any of you point me in the right direction:
- I´m loading about 400 overlays in a mapview, but it takes 2-3 minutes. Is there any way to speed things up?
- On the other hand, I use another overlay to point device gps position, but when location point change i need to delete this overlay to put it again in it's new position. How can i delete this overlay without deleting all the others?
Is anybody else's compass completely useless? finds north(ish)... rotate the phone 90 degrees and it points in the opposite direction. move phone back where it was and the needle is in a completely different location. It makes apps like layer or skymap useless.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an activity that has a button which opens a new MapActivity to select a location by tapping on the map.
The map has an overlay that overrides the onTap method to get the location but I want to return that location to the previous activity but, I don't know how to return the geopoint to the mapactivity in order to call the setResult() and finish() methods, because I can't call them from the Overlay.onTap method.
How to overlay two images like the one in iphone notification icon or new launcher pro notification? I want to add new image on top right of an imageview to show notification.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to add a listener to a image which in the overlay so that dialog will exists after i click the image int the map.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes someone know how I can overlay an image over the camera preview?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I have a reference to a view, how can I overlay an icon image on top of an exisiting view?
In the screenshot below:
It overlay an icon at the top right corner of the dialer icon. How can I do that?
Does anybody knows if it is possible to zoom in and out on a custom overlay and enlarge the image? I'd like to do something like that:
If you zoom in, you'll notice that the image gets bigger.
I like tu use the MapActivity to display some pins. When a pin is pressed i like to open a description. This can I obtain following the tutorial: /resources /tutorials/views/hello-mapview. But now I like to put a button on the overlay window. That button should open a detail activity. How can I make this? How is possible to personalize the overlay "info window"?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmaybe im having a brain fart and cant remember a step im missing. I'm trying to replace an image in the framework. I have the new image I want on my sd card in a folder called "theme" and it is a .png image. I go into ninjamorph, newproject>system>framework>framework-res.apk>res>drawable-hdpi>scroll to the image I want to replace and select it. it says select the image you want to replace it with and sends me to my sd card I go to my theme folder, and theres no images there... the .png doesnt show up. I have also tried putting it in my galley, root of the sd card, several places. and none of them show up... I ont get it... did I miss a step somewhere?
Ive done it before but its been a while so maybe im forgetting something? (oh and to add to the confusion, three other .png images I have in there do show up, just not the ones im trying to swap.) only difference I can see between the .png's im trying to use and .png images that do show up, it that the ones that show up are ".png" and the ones that are not showing up are ".PNG" I dont see why caps would make a difference, and I cant seem to get them to not be caps...
I'm working on displaying a set of images, then if the users wishes, to have the ability to save the image to the SD card. I need help saving them to external storage. Can someone help me out with this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering..
1)is it possible to set an imageview's resource to the URL location of an image?
2)is there a way of setting the x,y co-ords of where on the screen to draw the imageview?
3)How would I run a check to see if the space is taken up by another Imageview (must specifically be an imageview)
4) How would I make the Imageview "clickable" e.g if the user clicks the image it'll do something?
5) How would I dynamically create imageviews? E.g if a condition is true make another imageview
Perhaps I'm going about this wrong so I'll explain better what I'm looking to do.. basically I want to draw images on the screen which are located at URL's. I want to display N amount of images (There will be conditions which will decide how many images I'm displaying, so it'll have to be dynamically created) each image should take up approx 50x50 screen space. There will be other conditions to where the image should be displayed.. If an image exists at a certain co-ord it shouldn't draw over it, when the user clicks the image something else should happen.
I am currently making an app which works with images. I need to implement functionality where the user picks a file stored on the SD card. Once they pick the picture (using the Android gallery), the the file-location of the image will be sent to another Activity, where other work will be done upon it. I have seen similar posts here on SD, but none to answer my question specifically. Basically this is the code I am doing when the user clicks the "Load a Picture" button:
// Create a new Intent to open the picture selector:
Intent loadPicture = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
// To start it, run the startActivityForResult() method:
startActivityForResult(loadPicture, SELECT_IMAGE);
From that code, I then have a onActivityResult() method to listen to the call-back:
// If the user tried to select an image: if(requestCode == SELECT_IMAGE) {
// Check if the user actually selected an image: if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
// This gets the URI of the image the user selected: Uri selectedImage = data.getData();
// Create a new Intent to send to the next Activity:
Intent i = new Intent(currentActivty.this, nextActivity.class);
// - Problem Area -
// I would like to send the filename to the Intent object, and send it over.
// However, the selectedImage.toString() method will return a
// "content://" string instead of a file location. How do I get a file
// location from that URI object? i.putExtra("PICTURE_LOCATION", selectedImage.toString());
// Start the activity outlined with the Intent above: startActivity(i);
As the code above states, the uri.toString() will return a content:// string instead of the file location of the selected picture. How do I obtain the file location?
Another possible solution is to send over the content:// string and convert that into a Bitmap (which is what happens in the next Activity). However, I don't know how to do that.
What I'm trying to do is this: I want my application to download an image from the Internet and save it to the phone's internal memory in a location that is private to the application. If there is no image available for the list item (i.e. it can't be found on the Internet), I want a default placeholder image to display. This is the image that I have defined in my list_item_row.xml file as the default.
In my ListActivity file, I am calling an instance of a CustomCursorAdapter class I have written. It is in CustomCursorAdapter where I am iterating through all the list items and defining what content needs to be mapped to the views, including the image file by trying to read it from internal memory.
I've seen several questions on this subject, but the examples either are specific to external phone memory (e.g. SDCard), involve saving strings instead of images, or involve using Bitmap.CompressFormat to reduce the resolution of the file (which is unnecessary in my case, as these images will be small thumbnails of already-small resolution). Trying to piece together code from each example has been difficult, hence my asking about my specific example.
At the moment, I believe I've written valid code, but no image is displaying for my list items, including the default placeholder image. I don't know if the problem is being caused by invalid download/save code, or invalid read code - it doesn't help that I don't know how to check internal memory to see if the image exists.Anyways, here's my code...
I need to display image has background and transparent text at particular location of the image text,here my problem is it display well in some devices and not being proper alignment in larger screens,even i used separate resource file like layout,layout-large,layout-small but in some case it's not working well,i set. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere does the Twicpic image get stored in Twitter app for Android 4.2? I have been clicking on SAVE button several times, but cannot find any image in the storage.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find the wifi image locations so I can theme this Rom I am using..
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is to change the motorola logo that you see when you boot your phone to a custom image. This is separate from the boot animation seen afterwards.Tools/files you will need:
1) RSD Lite
2) droid sbf
3) SBFCodec
4) Photoshop (or paint, or whatever drawing program)
5) Hex editor (frhed is free and very easy to use)
NOTE: I do not use sbf-recall because it complains about needing version 1.3, so I use SBFCodec instead.Steps:
1) Run SBFCodec and open up the sbf file. This will extract all the smg files and header files.
2) Using photoshop, create an image that is 480 pixels wide and 182 pixels tall. Each color should be assigned 8 bits (1 byte), or in paint, just make a 24 bit bmp file. Mirror the image, making the left become the right, and the right becoming the left. Save as a bmp file (photoshop method).
3) Using a hex editor, open up your image and erase the first 54 bytes of data. (and possibly the last 2 bytes of data if you used photoshop. the number of bytes remaining should be exactly 262,080) With the remaining data, reverse the bytes. (using frhed, the option is in the edit menu->Reverse bytes)
4) Using a hex editor, open up the CG42.smg file created in step 1 and erase all data except the last 64 bytes of data (these 64 bytes of data should be FF's in the file). Then paste in the remaining data from step 3 to the beginning of the file and save. Your final file should be exactly 262,144 bytes large.
5) Go back to the SBFCodec window and save (this creates the sbf) the sbf file and name it whatever you want. i.e. boot.sbf
6) Using RSD Lite, flash this sbf to your phone. It may take 5-10 minutes for the flashing to complete. (after the 10 minutes, it might say "failed", just click on the show device button once that happens and you'll have succeeded)You now have a stock phone with a custom boot image. Go ahead and root your phone and stuff. Sorry for the difficult instructions, this was the only approach I could think of to edit the boot logo.
In all of the screen shots showing off Google Now, there is always an image of a card showing meeting with someone at a particular location, the time it takes to arrive at that location, and a map of the meeting location. I have not been able to figure out how to get Google now to do this.
Presumably, that is a function that arises from a Google Calendar appointment. I've created meeting appointments and used specific addresses for the meeting location, but when Google Now displays that appointment, it displays the name of the meeting and the address only - no travel time and no map. In contrast, for places that I visit regularly, Google Now does display a map and travel time to those locations. But those are not regular appointments.
I have a quick development question. I have an application that displays an image. You can pinch zoom/move the image around easy enough. What I'm wondering is how would I go about mapping the location of the users touch to the coordinates on the image itself, and not the screen?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use to load images in a ListView and a GridView. It works but the images are loaded form bpttom to top. How to fix that?
Bonus Question: Can I use a loading animation in a image view while the real image is loaded? Right now it's just a default image.
It will be helpful if any one can help me out in understanding the concept of radio,flash,system image in android mobile device. Also why are they required? and what is their role in Device?
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