Android :: How Can I Install Adobe Flash On Android Emulator?
Sep 14, 2010I want to use Adobe Flash in the development of Android applications. But how do I install flash on the emulator so that I can test my software with flash?

I want to use Adobe Flash in the development of Android applications. But how do I install flash on the emulator so that I can test my software with flash?
I was able to update my droid to the 2.2 version but when I get adobe flash player software and move it to the G drive (where the android is on my pc when its connected) nothing seems to come up on my phone. I must be missing some setup moves on my phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am currently on an android 2.2 device ( Lg Optimus V) but ti doesn't seem to have flash player. I saw on adobes website flash players 10.2,2, and 3 all supported android 2.2 but I can't seem to install it. how to install adobe flash on android 2.2?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have fix or way to install adobe flash player or update.Phone is very knew to me.HTC Hero 30days old
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll the new features sites said Flash 10 was part of Driod 2.2. 2.2 was pushed to my phone overnight and I installed it. However when I go to the Adobe Flash showcase, it says I don't have flash installed. So I search the market place and do not see flash as a download. Is this just something that will come later? I really don't read up on Driod all the time so I don't know all the news, just a regular user.
View 4 Replies View Relatedandroid users I was told months back that when 2.1 update released it would have adobe flash! (among many other things) well i got the 2.1 update today and have to be honest was not super impressed, although i will say my web browsing experience has improved and the phone seems to be overall faster would still love to have adobe flash i guess thats the "golden question" does anyone know if my droid will ever get it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to get Adobe Flash Player on the LG Ally?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there still away to get and run adobe flash on android ? I've seen downloads and have downloaded but it never seemed to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow one of the biggest news about eclair coming out in 2010 is that support for Flash 10 (or ANY Flash for that matter) will be built into it. This does not appear to be the case for the fact that I download all the latest source code for Eclair, built and installed Eclair onto my development phone over the Christmas break and to my surprise/ disappointment there is absolutely no support for Flash when I try to view with the browser. I tried plugin's and searching for missing .apk installs for Flash but I found nothing. Unless I am missing something (i.e. maybe a side tree build for flash?) and if I did then I apologize but from what I can tell as of now the Eclair build does and will not support flash.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat can I do to have adobe flash player installed on my 2.1 droid? I went to the adobe website from my droid and it says its not available for my phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe article says it's been released but who knows when we'll be able to get our hands on it.
Adobe Releases Flash Player 10.1 for Android | Gadget Lab |
I want adobe flash to be enabled in android, Does android support it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm totally new to developing apps for android and am just getting started in flash CS5. According to most tutorials that I can find on the web I need to install an extension from adobe.
see this tutorial
Creative Sweet TV - Publish to Android 2.2 from Adobe Flash CS5 | Adobe TV
However, when I go to adobe's site they say that the extension isn't available anymore and will be integrated with their new version of Flash!!!!
Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Extension for Adobe AIR 2.5 - Adobe Labs
I just bought a new Mac to run CS5 and can't believe that now it looks like I'll have to upgrade my software, at more expense, in order to do something that was possible only a short time ago!!
I am interested in implementing an Augmented Reality application for mobile phones using Adobe Flash Platform.
Can you please let me know if any sources is available for me to find out how to start? I'm not sure what software I need to use to implement AR but as I can understand I need: ARToolKit Marker Generator to create the marker matching with the 3D image, then FLARToolKit to analyze the image from the marker and Papervision3D to create an object that shares that same space with the marker. Can you please let me know if what I wrote is correct and advise me how to start the implementation on Adobe Flash platform?
How can installed Adobe flash player 10.1 on Android simulator 2.2?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I view sites that require adobe flash on my droid (android 2.0)? the website i want to visit directed me to adobe's site, but adobe said flash is available for android devices that have 2.2.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on andriod 4.04 galaxy s2 and cant download flash no matter what i try there must be away?
SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
Someone on this forum was good enough enough to send me Adobe Flash and I'm trying to figure out what to do with the file once its on your card. Does this not work because 2.1 does not support flash? He said his worked. I've tried Dolphine HD and the Android Browswer after installing this but it doesnt work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried going to with my evo and when I got into the web page it states that I needed the lastest version of Adobe Flash.
Anyone else getting this when trying to access the site
Well folks, it's time to log into that Adobe account of yours or make one if you haven't already - you can now signup to be notified when Flash Player 10.1 for Android is available in beta. Just head on over to the Adobe's notification signup page to be among the first to know when the beta is available for download. Enjoy!
FYI- Adobe Air 2 for Android also has a beta notification signup page.
Adobe Labs - Adobe Flash Player 10.1
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis morning I am showing a flash update on the 10.1 apk I install from these forums. Any else seeing this? Where can we find the apk?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm still on Eclair and I installed the .apk for Flash 10.1 and it is working. It's choppy when playing video that requires full Flash support, but ads and such show the Flash content instead of the error icon.
View 11 Replies View Relatedi unrevoked3 my 2.2 evo. installed netarchy over custom rom for fps, which worked fine.. installed the apps2sd enabler, but am unable to move the adobe flash over to sd. So am now wondering if it is fully rooted or not or if anyone else is having problems moving to sd card, also am using the stock app manager to move them over.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just watching a video on engadget and I said I needed to download flash which I have and downloaded. From the market any ideas.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo you think that the this app is useful? I mean it takes up 14mb and for non-rooted users its Difficult. What can you do and what can you not do with adobe flashplayer? And where do I reinstall it if I were to unistall? I'm really fighting for memory even when I'm using the install apps to sd.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAdobe Flash has stopped working on my HTC Hero?
View 39 Replies View Relatedi just updated my vivid and now i get an error message when i try to update adobe flash. i uninstalled and now i get an error message that says "your order is processing, your item will be available in a few minutes." and it never downloads. i cant view any videos on the web that require adobe wich is alot. is there a patch, was to force the download or other program that is compatable with adobe linked video? my phone is stock btw.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSince jelly bean is out for ics flash player not work for apps like video stream else.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAdobe Upgrades Air and Flash: Mobile and Multi-Touch Support Added - PC World
Both AIR 2 and Flash Player 10.1 support multitouch and gesture-based applications on touch screen devices. The beta releases are available as free downloads from Adobe Labs. Flash Player 10.1 runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux desktop platforms and x86-based netbooks. Devices supported include Android, Windows Mobile, Palm webOS, and Symbian S60.