Android : How I Can Create A System Process

May 25, 2009

I want to run my application in system process instead of application process..

Android : How I can create a system process

Android :: Why System Kill Process?

Jul 16, 2009

I have many contacts in my G1,much as 2000. When i call sb, the system will find this one is in my contacts or not.Is there any posibilities that the system will stop searching this contact and kill this process because this search will take a relatively long time ?

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Android : System Not Terminating Process / Way To Debug

Jan 25, 2010

When I navigate away from my application - I don't have an activities open - and my background service has been shut down (validated that service's onDestroy method was called). However my process seems to hand around and the system never seems to get around to killing my process.

Is there any way I can debug why the system is not killing my process.

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Android :: How To Create Daemon Process

Mar 26, 2010

Can we create a daemon process in android. If possible can provide some document.

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Android :: List Of All Process Running In Droid System And Kill Some Of Them?

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible to get list of all process which are running in the Android system, and kill some of them? I know that there are some applications (task managers), but I would like to write my own, simple application.

I would like to write simple task manager, just list of all process and button which will kill some of them.

Could you just write some Java methods which I can call in order to get list of process, and method for killing them. Or just give me some advices.

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Android : System Process Information Blinking At Right Top Of Screen / Disable Showing?

May 13, 2010

I have recently got my samsung galaxy android phone. Today i downloaded some applications like power saver, no lock, etc. suddenly it started blinking system process information at right top of the screen. I have uninstalled all downloaded applications but system information keeps on blinking. Sometime it is occupying entire right side portion and i am unable to see screen content. System process information like "3.56/5.67/3.84 system_server akmd2 android.process.core" is displaying in low size text. It seems as it is showing information for debug purposes.

I have stopped all services, all application, etc. forcefully even then it keeps on displaying. Can anyone help me how to disable showing such information ?

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HTC Desire :: Process System Not Responding

Sep 23, 2010

Never had time to really get to understand my branded HTC Desire, bought in Hong Kong but serial numbered for Spain. The first time I connected to wifi I got advised an update was available and tried to get it (Android 2.2). It didn't load properly. I got a "process system is not responding" message, no wifi, no phone and constant rebooting every 5 minutes. Have contacted HTC, removed SIM and SD, done soft and hard resets, all to no avail. From forums like this I know this isn't rare. HTC Spain suggest I send the phone to them, but as I'm in Australia, I'm a little fearful of expense. Is there anything else I can do? Is putting the update on a SD card likely to work when the phone has such limited functionality at present? If I do send it to HTC or otherwise fix it, should I avoid installing updates in future?

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Android : Way To Create Process Dialogue For Navigating One Screen To Another?

Sep 2, 2010

I need to create process dialogue (wait cursor) while navigating one screen to another screen..

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General :: System Process Mediaserver - Very Load CPU

Jan 3, 2012

I have device Acer Liquid E , ROM MIUI 1.12.23.

When i listen music (no matter what player is used) system proccess Mediaserver very load CPU, so drain battery (see screenshot) This manifested itself in either the firmware from the 2.2 Android

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Android :: Possible To Create Shortcut Directly To Astro's Process Manager?

Jan 11, 2010

Instead of installing another program I would rather just use Astro's process manager, it works plenty well for what I want now.I know you can use Anycut to rename and create shortcuts to most things, but is there a way to create a shortcut to a function within a program? If not with Anycut, maybe a different program?

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HTC Incredible :: Process System Not Responding After Manual Update

Aug 31, 2010

alright, just installed 2.2, but my incredible has rebooted 5 times already after the initial install. it's currently rebooting, showing the lock screen, then when i pull it down i get the white htc screen with the pop up and some sort of % (i imagine some sort of setup process) it's already told me the first time "congratulations, you've been updated to build" it also tells me "sorry! process System is not responding" now that just sounds like crap. it just rebooted the 6th time... note that i installed 2.2 manually.

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Android :: Create BKS Keystore File For SSL Support Of Web Server And Handshake Process

Nov 9, 2009

I'm working on a litte HTTP server application for the Android. Now I like to secure the communication by using SSL. But I got stuck by creating a suitable keystore file. Searching the archives I came to the conclusion that it will be best to use a BKS type keystore since all other keystore types (like JKS) are not supported on the android.

Unfortunately I can't figure out a way to setup the keystore file. I tried OpenSSL - wrong keystore format. I tried the keytool from JDK - right keystore format but it doesn't support BKS keystores. I tried the Keytool IUI - I could create a BKS type keystore but it alwais ends up in an InvalidKeyException "Illegal key size". No matter if I try to create a new certificate or import it from a JKS keystore. (I tried to create the RSA ver.3 certificate with a key size of 2048 and 1024 bits.) How do you create BKS keystores?

For completeness here's the code I trying to use for loading the keystore:..............................

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Samsung Captivate :: WiFi - Sleep Policy Causing Wake Lock For Android System Process And Draining Battery

Dec 1, 2010

After noticing my battery was draining quickly, and then after reading this thread, I installed Android System Info to see what was draining my battery so fast. I notice that whenever I would turn on WiFi, the phone will never go to sleep , regardless of what I set the WiFi sleep policy to. After turning off WiFi, the battery still drains heavily.

The WiFi will shut off after 15mins (if you set it to "When screen turns off" or "never when plugged in"). However it seems to keep the CPU on causing it to drain down the battery.

It would seem that whenever WiFi is enabled, the Android system process creates a partial wakelock that does not go away even if you turn off WiFi. The only way to resolve this is by powering off or rebooting the phone.

You can verify this in Android System Info by going into Battery-History-Other Usage-Partial Wake usage to see how much time the "Android System" process holding a partial wake.

I even did a factory reset on the device; and it is still happening so it doesn't appear to be any app that caused the issue. As I said, it works fine as long as I don't enable WiFi.

I already know of two users having this issue, but I'm wondering if folks having battery problems are going through this as well. Is anyone else having similar issues after using WiFi? I'm hoping someone will be able to identify what exactly is putting the wakelock on and we'll be able to find a fix for it. Other than not using WiFi at all or rebooting the phone after using Wifi.

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General :: Error While Rebooting - Process System Not Responding / Force Close Or Wait

Mar 17, 2012

I have put any files OUT KITCHEN into the and install this rom with recovery.

then my phone while rebooting has appeared an error "process system is not responding,force close or wait"

My phone couldn't display to main screen. I also not be installed RUU ( relocked bootloader),always error...

I'm using Htc explorer.

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Android :: How To Create A File On System?

Mar 20, 2009

I need to save some persistent data (byte array) in my application.I decided to write these data into a file on the Android hardware.But I cannot create a file under /system/ or /data/.Can any body tell me under which directory can I create a file to save my data except SDCARD(Because We cannot suppose every Android has a SDCARD)?

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Android :: Create Unsynced Contacts And Insert In System PhoneBook With 2.1

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to develop an application on Android 2.1 emulator, My application connects in background to a remote server through an HTTPConnection with REST Protocol, and gets updates in JSON format. A Digest parses these JSONObject and then fills its local Databases with the new datas. The Server can also send to the mobile application a list of new contacts to add in the system PhoneBook. Here's my question: how can I make a new contact from a bunch of datas and insert it in the system PhoneBook in Android 2.1, without any interaction with the user? Moreover, how can I get these datas back when I need it? I have tried to do it like the ContactAdder in the ContactManager sample( index.html) does, but it works only if I specify an account for the sync function, and I don't need this feature in my application, so I don't have any account to select! Is there a way to do the same things the ContactAdder does without specifying an account (something like creating "Phone-only (unsynced) contacts")?

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Android :: Unable To Open Or Create Cache For System/app/test.apk

Oct 12, 2010

When I am trying to build my application as a part of image I am getting the following error :

E/dalvikvm( 1334): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/ system@a...@test.apk@classes.dex': No such file or directory I/dalvikvm( 1334): Unable to open or create cache for /system/app/ test.apk (/data/dalvik-cache/system@a...@test.apk@classes.dex) E/Util( 1334): Class Not Found : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

But when I push the apk manually to the device (into system/app), it works fine.

I am wondering why is it so as both ways the apk is present at system/ app only.

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Android :: Android Create Activity Within Process?

May 26, 2009

I'm developing a photo editor application. It will launched by android.intent.action.EDIT intent. I made two application to emit that intent. I found that two instance of my photo editor activity is created within the same process which is named as my activity. But there is a singleton class used in my photo editor activity and that two activities use the same singleton class instance which break my application logic. I wonder if there is any way to let Android create my activity within the process which the launcher activity lies in? So that the two instance of my photo editor activity can be separated into two different process. And so they can reference to different instance of.

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Create Apk To Edit System Files?

Jan 20, 2014

the flashable zips usually replace some system files. I want to create an apk that can do exactly what those zips do, without booting into recovery.

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General :: Xolo A700 - How To Create System Backup For Phone

Feb 27, 2013

Im having a Samsung galaxy y right now and planning to buy a new smartphone

Im on low budget so Im looking for high specs and low budget phones from Indian brands

I do a lot of tweaking and use a lot of mods /custom Roms for my sgy

As Im thinking of getting Indian smartphone (xolo a700), i fear someday ill mess up with my phone and get it bricked

I can't find much of stock/custom Roms for any of such phone

So my question is how can i create a backup,including system files and stock Rom so that i can mess up with my phone and revert back to stock Rom when i need to Im talking something like what we've for sgy ,the odin flashable stock roms, which work 99% of the time even when cwm recovery doesn't work of

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Android :: DDMS Not Listing Process - Via Command Line To Attach Process To Debug

May 21, 2010

Sometimes the DDMS in the Eclipse not listing the process.

To do the debug in this condition,

1) Is their any way force the DDMS to list the process?

2) Any command to attach the process from the command line?

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Android :: Remote Service Process Persists - I.e. Won't Disappear From Process Table

Feb 21, 2009

At a certain point in my program, when I'm completely done with my service, my activity executes unbindService() and stopService() -- yet the process persists. I can tell that it persists because I run "ps" in "adb -e shell":


"adb logcat", I can show you the sequence of events:

ACTIVITY: context.unbindService(serviceConnection);

SERVICE: onUnbind();

ACTIVITY: stopService(serviceIntent); & returns true!

SERVICE: onDestroy();

First, my activity calls unbindService(serviceConnection). According to the documentation, unbindService() will "Disconnect from an application service. You will no longer receive calls as the service is restarted, and the service is now allowed to stop at any time." So that is fine, and it is happening.

Appropriately, we see the onUnbind() call happen on the service side. According to the documentation, onUnbind() is called when "all clients have disconnected from a particular interface published by the service." So this confirms the correct service connection is being passed, and that the service is responding accordingly.

Next, my activity calls stopService(serviceIntent), and returns true. According to the documentation, stopService() does the following: "If there is a service matching the given Intent that is already running, then it is stopped and true is returned; else false is returned." Again, this is happening and returning true.

In response, the service's onDestroy() method is called. According to the documentation, onDestroy() is "Called by the system to notify a Service that it is no longer used and is being removed. The service should clean up any resources it holds (threads, registered receivers, etc) at this point. Upon return, there will be no more calls in to this Service object and it is effectively dead."

At this point I expect the process to disappear from the process table. Yet it remains indefinitely. But why?

Also, the process is so persistent that I can bind to it again, and I see that it is the same exact process responding because the PID (process ID) is the same!

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LG Ally :: Process' Won't Open - Pop-up - The Process Phone Has Stopped Unexpectedly

Nov 24, 2010

So, I decided to give Tridents ROM a try about 10-minutes ago.

I used ROM Manager, backed-up my old ROM, then downloaded Velocity 0.2.

Now, my phone will do nothing, it turns on and shows the red Droid eye, then when it's time to go to the home screen I get pop-up after pop-up saying that "The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."

I have no way of getting on my phone at all, what can I do?

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Motorola Droid :: Update App - Message Process Android Media Process Stopped Unexpectedly

Nov 12, 2010

I Just installed a new theme (Live Wire) for my Lithium Mod Rom. Don't know if there is a connection, but when I need to update an app, I get the message something like "process android media process stopped unexpectedly" and it will not allow the update. Everything else works well. I have turned it off for awhile, and have done a battery pull.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Error Pops Up Sorry The Process Android.process.acore Has Stopped Unexpectdly

May 11, 2010

Every 5 minutes this error pops up "Sorry! the process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectdly. please try again." It doesnt actually close anything. It pops up even when im not in an app. So it's more annoying than anything.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 : Phonebook Not Working - Message Appears The Process Android.process.acore Has Stopped Unepectedly

Jul 30, 2010

I'm using Xperia x10 mini. Whenever I try to add a contact to my phonebook, before clicking save this message appears: "The process android.process.acore has stopped unepectedly. Please try again." And I have no other choice but to click "force close"... Another thing is, even though my contacts' names appears in the messages in my inbox, when I click on the phonebook icon, the phonebook is empty...

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Android :: Process Synchronization - How To Conclude Process Executed?

Feb 1, 2010

Are the processes in android asynchronous? If they are asynchronous then how can we conclude when the activity or process is finished or completed its execution.

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Samsung Fascinate :: Random Process Has Stopped Unexpectedly

Sep 11, 2010

So since I got the phone on Thursday, at random, I'll get these popup crash messages, that say "The process has stopped unexpectedly" it has a "Force Close" button, which doesn't seem to change anything other than to acknowlege the message.It will happen at random, sometimes while I'm on the home screen, or sending a text message, but more recently, as I was trying to manage & link contacts. When I searched for this message it seemed to be related to people using Gmail, but I always get this message when I'm doing other things and not even touching my Gmail account.

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Samsung I7500 :: Process Has Stopped Unexpectedly - Please Try Again

Sep 19, 2009

I bought a new phone, but I can not run it.

I get the following information: "Sorry! The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again".

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Samsung Moment :: Getting Process Stoped Unexpectedly

Apr 17, 2010

I've searched around the forums (here and SDX forums) and although it seems the few people that had this issue were able to solve it, my case seems a bit different.

It's different because of the people I've read solving the issue, it was a problem with something they changed / removed with gmail / gmail storage or talk / talk storage. And when they cleared the cache or re-installed the problem went away. Also, it seemed that the same people had a problem with downloading from the market...

Neither of the above apply to me, but yet I'm still getting this FC error all the time!

I was helping a friend with their CL14 Moment out of the box...and went from stock 1.5 CL14 to 2.1 DD03 w/Joey recovery to EclairDD10 and v5 root. I then did the streaming media fix, and then the private app (build.prop) fix (all previously done with my phone no problems). I did all of these update right in a row, and after my last re-boot the FC error (process has stoped unexpectedly) started showing up and won't go away.

The only .apk / odex files I removed were the preloaded Sprint apps

Does anybody have any other ideas on how I can get this FC error to stop? I've tried clearing the cache / data for all the mail / talk apps, rebooted, cleared dalvik cache...

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