Android :: HTC EVO - What's Needed For WiFi?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm waiting for an ordered HTC Evo and will use it primarily for WiFi use and talk/ Text. I plan to use this with my desktop connecting to Evo's hot spot function. What will I need to get internet from Evo using a Compaq Presario SR2170NX Desktop? Do I just go to the network area and let it "find" the Evo after stetting it up?

Android :: HTC EVO - What's needed for WiFi?

Samsung Behold 2 :: Barnacle Wifi Tethering - Testers Needed

Jul 29, 2010

As per requests I have started a new thread. I would like a few people to test it out and see if they can get it working. I have been using it for a few weeks now and has worked perfectly on various Wireless devices that can connect to AD-Hoc Networks. Here are the steps that I followed: Code:

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Android :: Alert App Needed

Oct 5, 2010

I have just got a Galaxy s and i am looking for an app that i can set up my own alerts i used to be able to set up different things on my blackberry so when i was in work it would just vibrate and beep on a message also looking for a notification app for missed calls messages etc

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Android :: App Recommendations Needed

Aug 17, 2010

I have a huge filofax thing, which I would like to ditch from my bag, and wondered if I could turn my phone into something more suitable. I have jorte calendar, but I do find it annoying that you can't read what's in the box, as even the smallest font is too big. Any ideas on a better calendar. I would also like somewhere to store my addresses, and a password locked notepad. I often use a note pad to jot down passwords & username etc. Any suggestions would be great, free or not i dont mind!

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Android :: Calendar App Recommendation Needed

Aug 6, 2010

I really like the built-in calendar app on my new HTC Desire. But there's 3 things that it can't do, and I really need them:
1. I need to be able to set up how the calendar calculates week numbers. I live in Demark and in Europe we don't calculate week numbers the sane way as they do in the US.
2. I need to be able to set up repeated appointments that repeat every second week, or every third day.
3. I really want to be able to set the default reminder time to 'Do NOT remind me'. The built-in calendar app lets me set the reminder value to 'No remind' when I create a new event, but it won't let me set the default value to 'No remind'.So basically I need a calendar app that works precisely like the built-in one, apart from the 3 things mentioned above

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Android :: Task Killers Truly Not Needed?

May 10, 2010

I've read around alot about people saying task killers aren't needed because Android is Linux based (not windows) and can handle all the apps in the background so theres not need for a task killer. My question is arent there apps or services that take up alot of memory and shouldn't be constantly running (without you knowing that is) For example there are apps that constantly update (recieve data) like Mail or twitter or Anti-virus (which constantly is on the guard for new apps or settings being changed). I also noticed that after taking pictures with my phone camera it said the camera was running when i already closed it. i checked running services under the settings and the camera was taking 74% of my usage (i did refresh many times to make sure it was running). I've came to the conclusion that task killer is good for a few apps that are constantly running in the background but not as much for apps that don't constantly run in the background (like games, after you close them)

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Android :: How To Save Pictures Which Needed By App?

Aug 11, 2010

My app needs to download picture from Internet time to time and store them to show when it runs according to the selection. how can i download the pictures and what is the way to store them in my application folder or etc. i m trying to use file output stream on application local folders such as assets and drawable but so far no luck in finding the correct path for it.

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Android :: App That Auto Installs As Needed?

Oct 23, 2010

The problem is, I have a bunch of apps I rarely use but still like to keep around just in case. I use AppMonster now to backup certain apps like this, but is there a way to let's say, add shortcuts to uninstalled apps to the homescreen, and when you click them it installs them, and uninstalls them again once the app closes?

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Android :: More Complex Scrollview Example Needed

Nov 6, 2010

I am working on some sort of record lookup for a database. My code allows to search for some kind of string within an index (of that database) and returns the database-position of the found thing . With this found position my program is then able to move to adjacent records from the database moving forward and backwards from the initial position in small steps. ListView seems to not work in this case, as ListView starts per default at ListAdapter position 0 and not at an arbitrary position in the (here virtual) list. The api-docs doesn't seem to specify some sort of "start somewhere else and follow during scrolling". At least I haven't found that. So what I thought of is to use a ScrollView. Unfortunately I don't have a real understanding of how that could be realized with a huge number of records (and not just a handfull like in the examples). So, my questions are: - Is it possible to start a ListView at some defined position (without reimplementing {Abs}ListView) - Or can someone provide an example on how to implement a more complex ScrollView.

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General :: Programs Needed That Android Can't Run

Jun 22, 2013

I am interested in investing in one of the new android tab/laptop combos coming out soon and am interested in what programs can android not run. I love android and the ease of some features vs current i5 laptop. But everyone says android is not good for productivity and confused as to what they mean. I am a developer or creating videos what cant these new machines do?

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Android :: Speed Dialer Needed For Use While Driving

Dec 26, 2008

I know, you can make short cuts, but they are a real pain (and unsafe) to use while driving. It would be great to long press on any number in the dialer and dial a selected number. By the way, I'm sure you've noticed if you select a number on the dialer, then press # a contact number on your SIM card appears. Not sure what the hell they were thinking of with that one...

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Android :: What Applications Needed To Keep My Phone Safe?

Sep 29, 2010

Personal info, Personal photos, viruses, stolen phone, etc. What applications if any do I need to keep me safe? The simpler the better.

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Android :: Appwidget With Fast Updating Needed

Feb 15, 2010

I would need a fast updating (minimum 5 frames/second) appwidget which can be on the desktop all the time (like the cpu usage or other things mostly measurement gauges).The appwidget is not a "must" but I've found it easy to configure for any customer so the management is easy and I need those gauges to be shown like an appwidget on the desktop.The only problem is the update speed - I've seen that appwidget is not really thought for my needs. In my case it's not about phones, the small unit will always have power supply so draining the battery is not an issue. I could tweak the 30 minute update time but it doesn't helps too much - the appwidget framework is simply too slow with all that serialization and would eat too much CPU. What other solutions can be used? I've seen that a system service (LoadAverageService for example) would do the job but that one is not really configurable, has to be compiled into Android so I kinda don't like it. The same is valid with custom app screens or any other solution which needs an custom Android build. So this is a last solution if nothing else works.

A good solution could be if the Appwidget framework would accept other views than the enlisted ones (AnalogClock, Button, Imageview, etc.) and the update would be done internally in the widget, not through the appwidget serialization chanels.

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Android :: What Hardware Is Needed To Run Emulator Fast?

Sep 23, 2010

My home PC is an Intel E6300 with 4GB RAM. My company PC is an Intel i5 quadcore with 4GB RAM. I ran the latest Android emulator (came with SDK) on both PC's (both running Windows 7 x64), and it was unbearably slow on both PC's.On my home PC, I ran Windows Phone 7 emulator and it worked smoothly. I booted up with my Hackintosh on the same PC and ran iPhone simulator and it also worked smoothly.Anyways what kind of hardware is required to run Android emulator that smoothly, i7 with 16GB RAM? Or the Android emulator is so slow that even the top-of-the line desktop CPU's are not enough and I should get a real Android device?

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Android :: Beta Testers Needed For Email Me App?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm making a few updates to my app called "Email Me." It's already on the market, but I want to make sure the changes I'm making to the pro version work before I push them out. The app is very just creates a pre-populated email to send to yourself (or whomever is set up in the configuration). I updated the app to allow you to use custom icons for the home screen shortcuts, but I also cleaned up the code a bit and I want to make sure nothing got messed up as a result.

If you're interested, please email me at This is the pro version that's on the market for $.99 and anyone that helps me test will get the final version before I release it. Please note that I'm only looking for a few testers.

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Android :: Why No Connect When Needed Option (data)

Jul 29, 2009

As above, shouldnt this be a feature of Android. The reason all Android phones have poor battery life is as a result of that.Couldnt someone make an app that disconnects the data connection when not being used?Im really not sure why Android does have an option of sync regularity too? Perhaps an app idea if possible?

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Android :: Advice Needed On Application Approach

Nov 2, 2009

I'm a total newbie to Android (and to Java in general... mostly a PERL/ PHP guy here...), so forgive me if I use the wrong terminology to refer to things... I have been asked by my company to implement an application for Android that allows a user to enter a note at the end of every call. E.g., either they or the other party hangs up, immediately a notes area pops up with a "save" button and if they enter a note, the note is saved with a reference to the call log entry. As I understand it, onCallStateChange() will give a pretty good indicator of a hangup if the state has become Telephony Manager.CALL_STATE_IDLE. I've figured out how to do the UI part, how to save it in a database, etc... My question, however, is about how I implement this "listening" aspect of it. Should I have a service running all the time that has an instance of android.telephony.PhoneStateListener? If so, do I use the onBind or onStart method, and how do I make sure it doesn't go away when memory runs low? Or can I somehow attach the listener to this event, and then terminate? Or is a Broadcast Receiver the way to go?

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Android :: Reliable Http Request Needed

Aug 5, 2009

I have a game in development that makes http calls to my server. The server handles some database interaction and returns some XML for the game to parse. The issue is that the connection seems very unreliable. I believe my server is in part to blame for this because it can be somewhat unresponsive at times, but the frequency is MUCH greater when communicating with the phone than with a browser on a computer. I also notice that it gets worse when 3G is not available for the phone and it is on the edge network. Is there any way to code my app to make it more robust? Do I need to retry calls X times on failures?

Here is the code I am using now:


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Android :: Facebook App Update - No Browser Needed

Nov 3, 2010

I'm sure you all have hated the Android Facebook app as much as I have. Notifications, wall posts, etc. all opened in the browser....

Well, check your Market Downloads. There is finally an update available. I've only played with it for a few minutes but it seems to be a BIG improvement.

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Android : Which Type Of Eclipse Needed For Programming

Jul 28, 2010

For programming the Android, which Eclipse do I need ? (I means Eclipse for c++ or java or ...)

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Android : GL SurfaceView Renderer Design Needed

Dec 21, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how to get to the current EGLContext from the GLSurfaceView. I looked at the APIs and looked at the code but it doesn't seem like there is any path to it. I could have just missed it - please correct me if I have, but it wasn't obvious. Now, I can totally understand the designer thinking that we should protect people from the context because they can cause bad things to happen but actually it would be nice to have access to swapbuffers so that we can do some effects. Fair enough, though.

The one thing I wanted was to see the current EGLConfig so that I could find out what config attributes I'm getting on weirdly-behaving devices like the Galaxy. It seemed easy enough - it's passed in to Renderer in the onSurfaceCreated method:

public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config);

Great! Except wait, you can't query an EGLConfig without an EGLDisplay and that's locked up in the GLSurfaceView. So why is it passed in to the surface created method? Isn't it useless? Accord to GLES spec, an instance of EGLConfig is only good if you have the display/context instances that it was created from.

I didn't try querying it with the default context because it's supposedly invalid but perhaps someone could shed some light on this? I'd love if it were something dumb and obvious that I don't know about.

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Android :: Proxy Related Code Changes Needed In Applications

Sep 29, 2010

We recently came to know that a lot of Mobile Carries in Asia/India have proxy enabled to get Internet access via mobile. It turns out our App does not work when the phone has internet via proxy setup (APN). Does the APP need to handle proxy individually?

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Android :: Use Window Transition Effects - No ROOT Needed

Dec 3, 2008

If you guys want your phone to be able to use transition effects, just like the ones on the Android SDK.
First go to the Android Market and search for "AppsInstaller". One whole word. Install, then proceed to download the APK files i have uploaded for you, APK Tools. Make sure you UNZIP them!

Copy the files you just downloaded to the root of your microSD Card. Run App installer and Look for Development tools. Install that. Click on allow then finish install. Then run the program Dev Tools.
Click on Development Settings and Change the following.

Windows animation scale to 1x
Transition animation scare to 1x
Light hinting

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Android :: Beta Testers Needed With DROID For GMoN

Nov 30, 2009

I read in the comments for my app G-MoN, that it crashes on the droid. It runs perfectly on my Milestone. So the differences in gsm and cdma version might be the problem. I modifed the attached G-MoN version to run also on cdma phones. Please try it. If there are still crashes, please send me a logcat copy if possible. G-MoN is a wardriving scanner.

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Android :: What Permissions Are Needed For Writing To A File Using Activity

Aug 27, 2009

Are any <uses-permission> clauses needed in the manifest for: 1. Writing to a file using the Activity.openFileOutput() mechanism; 2. Writing to the SD card using FileOutputStreams; 3. Sending email using the Activity.startActivity( Intent.create Chooser (...)) mechanism and didn't see anything that seemed relevant. My app works on my ADP1 without any <uses-permission> clauses when installed with "adb install xyz.apk" but I was worried that it may have problems on a "real" consumer device.

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Android :: Droid Programming Tutorial For An Alarm Needed?

Aug 12, 2010

I am starting an app for android. I was wondering if anyone had any tutorials to get me going. something similar to an alarm that goes off on 2 different occasions on specific dates, these dates and times should be obtained from a csv file or something similar so that i can control when and at what time the alarm goes off.

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Android :: Droid Developer Needed In Toronto For 3 Month Contract?

Aug 20, 2009

I am looking for an Android developer in the Toronto area for a 3 month contract. Please contact me asap if you are available.

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Android :: SensorEventListener - Syntax Error Says - Is Needed To Finish Statement

Nov 8, 2010

I am prepared to be humiliated on this, but I am not sure what is wrong. I am just playing around with Android development and am just making a simple application that will print out accelerometer to a TextView.

When creating the SensorEventListener, I get a syntax error (says ; is needed to finish statement)

Exact code in question:


Here is full code if needed


And here is the activity:


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Android :: Implementing Ability To Scroll When Needed To Phones That Might Be Too Small

Nov 24, 2010

I have tested my app in a debugger for many different sizes, and realized I will probably need a scrollView to allow the user to view the full layout.

The issue, is I use a flipper in my main.xml with multiple linear layouts like so:


I made the ImageViews, Buttons, TextViews, etc comments so not to bloat the code -

This is in my main xml file, where all the layouts are displayed. How can I go about easily adding a scroll view to each layout, so if it is too big for the screen of a certain phone, the user can scroll through the page to see all the content?

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Android :: Basic Emma Code Coverage Tutorial Needed?

Feb 3, 2010

I am looking a way to use Emma on Android project. I have an application -project, and withing that, I have Junit test cases. Now How do I use Emma tool(command line) to get code coverage report on testcases?

I searched a lot but could not find a good/simple tutorial. I read somewhere that Android ant lib has a target "coverage" that does all thing, (running test cases, generating emma report). How do I use that?

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