Android :: Gmail Unread Mails Widget
Sep 13, 2009just released a new app which shows number of unread mails in gmail inbox overlayed on home screen widget.Updates in the background every 5 minutes.
View 1 Repliesjust released a new app which shows number of unread mails in gmail inbox overlayed on home screen widget.Updates in the background every 5 minutes.
View 1 RepliesI've been trying to get the number of unread gmail mails with no luck.I've read and gmail4j both links taken out of this site from this question: Android - How can I find out how many unread email the user has?But still after having read all of that and a couple of other sites that talked about this particular subject my question remains:How can I get the Gmail Unread Count?Sorry if it seams a bit insistent but I clearly lack the knowledge to find this out on my own from the source.I would like to clarify that I want to do it without having to ask the user for credentials.Just 2 add some colors to the question let me show you the looks of my app.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the Gmail Unread Count application and I am a little confused. If I go into the "all programs" folder it is not listed. But, when on the home screen, if i click the "+" sign and "add widget" it's listed there.Is there a reason I can't see it unless I want to add it to my home page or is this a problem with my phone? Also, is there a place to see a complete list of my WIDGETS being that they're not listed in the "all programs" list?Lastly, I see alot of people post a white box picture with black stuff in it, as if to scan it somehow. What is this and why and how would I scan it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there an app or widget that will show the "from" and "subject" of the 2 or 3 newest unread gmail messages?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to ask the mail programms on an Android Device how many unread mails they have?
View 1 Replies View RelatedYou know what I'm talking about: for example when you get multiple new emails the notification icon in the status bar is augmented with a little red circle that contains number of unread mails. Twitroid has the same icon. Any idea how it's done? I don't think (or so I hope) there are 10000 similar icons. Is this red circle generated and overlaid the notification icon?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know this has most likely been discussed many times. But I am looking for a decent email widget.
At the moment I am using the default htc email widget, however when ever I read an email from my gmail account it doesnt update the read status so it still shows as unread.
I would like one that would update the read status and possible the support for unified inbox so I can see new mail from hotmail account and gmail.
For some reason when I send a gmail from my HTC Desire, that sent email will show up in my pc mail client inbox when I retrieve mail from gmail later in the day. (It never shows up in my gmail inbox on the handset). Why is that? and how do I stop it from doing that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am doing an Android application and I want to get the last 25 sent mails from a certain email account.For Gmail I might use and there is Mail Web Service API for Yahoo at I couldn't find something to do it with Hotmail.Do you know if it is possible?Also I am worried of having so many dependencies. I don't know if I should do something like and do web scraping.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo i have this app on my home screen and the envelope is red.I have seen some screen shots where the envelope is blue.Was that an option when I first put it on my screen or does it mean something else?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis would happen from time to time on my Blackberry and the easy fix was to search only unread messages and it would return some random message that was marked as read in the inbox. Since there's no way to search unread messages how can I find the email that the phone thinks is unread since all the emails in my inbox are read?
View 8 Replies View Relatedmost other smart phones display the unread email count as a small number in the lower right hand corner of the email application icon. I like that. After realizing that this is not supported by the GMail app, I started looking around the market for a widget that achieves this. All I found was a commercial widget, which did not satisfy me (the count did not get instantly updated when the unread mail count changed). Therefore I want to develop a widget, which accomplishes exactly that.Many of you probably have more experience in android development than I do, so I would be happy to hear your opinions. I see two ways to realize this:
1) Somehow hook into a content provider of the GMail app and extract the unread mail count directly from there. Unfortunately the GMail app is not part of the SDK and closed source. Therefore I have no idea how to find out about the internal workings of the app and how to extract the unread mail count directly from there.
2) The second approach is much more indirect and has more overhead, but it will work nevertheless. I will let the user provide google username and password and log into the google imap server directly and find out how many unread mail there are. A port of the JavaMail library for the android OS should make this quite simple. The question remains when to update the mail count. What should trigger the update? A periodic time-out? Well, my first idea would be to update it when the widget is first started and then every time a new mail notification comes in. However I don't know whether this is possible. Can I tell my application to react to notifications, which where produced by another application (GMail app in our case) ?
I really think there should be a free unread gmail widget, which accomplishes this! I would be happy to receive feedback.
both get mail all day long and generally its very good about it. here lately it has sucked, hard. Looking at the accounts will show unread messages, the inbox itself will show unread messages via the counter but there are no messages to click on. Log into google on the web and there they are, as I delete them the message counter counts down but still never shows the emails on the phone. This seems to happen in the mornings. Restarting the phone does nothing. Running BB V1 No aftermarket email apps installed.
View 15 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of an twitter application or widget that will display the number of unread tweets as a badge on the icon? Kind of like the gmail unread count widget?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the past few days, ive noticed that when i delete an email on my phone, it doesnt actually delete it from my gmail, as i can still log into my computer and the emails are still there and unread. Then i noticed today that i cant send email from the phone. I have 2 emails that have been "sending" for the past hour. Ive tried both over 3g and wifi, neither worked. Im on the 9/25 nightly, a somewhat recent gapps (not sure of the date), but just upgraded the gmail through the market. Any ideas?
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan anyone recommend a widget that shows the number of missed calls / text messages / emails? I would prefer something that is text only.If not, does anyone know a widget that can display text from a file on the SD card? I could probably figure out how to use Tasker to generate the text file if needed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy handset has recently developed a bug whereby my Gmail icon displays unread messages as normal, but even when I read them on the handset, the icon remains displaying them as unread? I click the icon to enter the gmail client, but it still displays all mail as read?If I then log in online to Gmail on a desktop, the same emails that I had read on my Desire are still unread... It seems the android app isn't telling gmail that the messages have been read?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there an "unread" emails option in gmail? If I save an email to read later its really annoying to have to scroll around to find an unread email.HTC email has this option (two envelopes on the bottom) but the gmail app gets my email faster.
View 12 Replies View RelatedGmail still has the rule that 3rd party app's will not work for unread count for gmail?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded to 2.1 from 1.5.Before my gmail account would open up to my inbox label, no matter how many unread emails I had. Now it automatically opens an email as soon as I click on the icon.Is there a way to set this back like it was in 1.5 and have gmail go straight to the 'inbox' label?
View 1 Replies View Relatedthere is a little red bubble where it would say the count usually. Today it says "err1" and the program keeps force closing. The process has stopped unexpecedtedly. please try again.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have the Gmail and HTC mail apps running. when I get a new gmail, I get a notification that I have unread email (I'm not sure which app that comes from).the HTC app has a little # that tells me how many unread messages I have. my Gmail app does not do that. should it?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI opted to use the native Android (HTC?) imap client for my Gmail account simply because the widget shows me an unread message count. That aside however, the dedicated Google Gmail app is much better (it looks nicer imho and also has the "Archive" button - in the imap client I have to "Move to..."/"[Gmail]/All mail"). And the question: is there an way to have an unread email counter while using the Google gmail app? I would like something that will update as soon as the email is synced to my device, and decrement as soon as I archive an email in the google app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know of an app that will show how many unread emails you have for gmail and corporate email? I like the default program but the widget is just a shortcut and doesn't show an unread count. I looked in the market and couldn't find anything.There has to be an app for that, it seems so basic.If I'm not making sense: I have handcent and the Handcent widget puts a little number of unread messages in the corner of the widget.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI added my gmail account to my EVO and when I check all of my messages on my desktop, shouldn't the EVO sync and have them marked as read? In my case they remain "unread" until I go through message. Is this normal? If it is, is there any way around this? If it's not normal, how do I go about making sure it syncs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know why gmail shows 1 unread message when there arent any?Ive checked my accounts and there are no unread messages.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWould it be possible to disable the syncing of "read" status between my phone and my gmail inbox? On my blackberry, when an email was pushed, I would read it, but it wouldn't be marked as read in my inbox itself. I liked that because then I would know I had to address the email when I was next at a computer. I don't always have time to send a reply from my phone right when I get an email, but I like being able to look at it on my phone without it getting marked as "read" everywhere.
Is my only option to add a gmail account via POP3 instead of IMAP? I tried that and didn't like it because then none of my gmail filters work, and messages that would normally just be archived end up getting forwarded via POP. I dealt with that on the BB by setting up filters on the BIS side, but I can't do that here if I just tell the droid to just fetch all the email via POP as it comes in. Is there any way to keep the filters in place but not have read status synced?
I can't seem to find one which is pretty annoying. I keep getting goggle voice texts, but can't see the unread count on my home screen. Does anyone have a widget that would allow me to do this similar to SMS unread count or something?
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs there any advantage to using the GMAIL app vs. HTC Mail Widget for GMAIL/GoogleSync?I'm stock & the wanted to clear room on the pages one way or another & get myself organized.
View 11 Replies View RelatedShould the stock gmail shortcut icon show how many unread gmail messages I have when using Sense UI? I thought it did. I've been using PandaHome for so long with the "Unread Gmail Notification" app that I can't remember whether or not I need the "Unread" app with Sense.
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