Android :: Eclipse / Building Workspace Lockup
Sep 23, 2010
When i try to clean and rebuild a project, eclipse hangs on the "building workspace" progress bar. the last thing i did was paste an image into a drawable folder - that caused a lockup and i forced eclipse close. now it's not rebuilding the project.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have already created this project, but I wanted to start over. deleted the HelloAndroid folder from my workspace folder restarted Eclipse now I can't create a project with the same name, because Finish is greyed out, and it gives me the following message: A project with that name already exists in the workspace eclipse
How can I completely delete my old HellowAndroid project from Eclipse?
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Jan 3, 2014
I use Eclipse Luna. I had the problem that it hanged on start.So I started it with eclipse -clean. Now it's alright except for workspace settings.
I want Eclipse to automatically start with a particular workspace like it was before the eclipse -clean start.
Now Eclipse starts without opening the saved workspace.But the workspace is saved somewhere because I can choose it at File->Switch Workspace->D:workspaceEclipse.
When I choose it Eclipse is restarting and opening D:workspaceEclipse automatically. But the workspace directory is only saved for one start.
When I exit Eclipse (File->Exit) and make a new start it is again starting with empty workspace and I have again to choose File->Switch Workspace->D:workspaceEclipse.But I want to open the workspace D:workspaceEclipse automatically for ever like it was before the Eclipse start with -clean parameter.
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Jul 9, 2010
i have a severe problem with eclipse, where i need to compile a somewhat larger class. by "larger" i mean, the class has about 5000 lines of code... problem is that on saving this project, eclipse takes several seconds (30-40) to "build the workspace". to be exact, it says "50%" and keeps saying that for 30-40 seconds. then, it breaks with the following error:
[2010-07-09 15:28:39 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: null
[2010-07-09 15:28:39 - myProject] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null
[problems window]:
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null this error is reproducible and keeps popping up until i comment out several thousands LOC, so that the file still has this 5k LOC, but ~2000 of them are comments. THEN it works...
i know that 5000 LOC are no really good programming style, but i need to do it this way for now ... (i have to write this much records to a sqlite database and since sqlite doesnt feature multiple sql-queries in one rawQuery-command i have to execute a single rawQuery() for each and every data record i need to push into the db.... - until i write a file reader to read this data from a file (that needs verification etc)), i'm stuck with this solution...)
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Mar 16, 2010
With my current code base I'd like to build two or more different versions of my Android app (free, premium,). For the iPhone (XCode) I can definte different targets. Is there something similar implemented in Eclipse?
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Nov 18, 2010
Can an android project in Eclipse be configured so that the built-in builders read from an alternative source directory? ie. "test/src" instead of "src"? and possibly even "test/res" instead of "res"? (It appears that setting dirs in the property files will only affect ant and not the built-in builders)
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Aug 27, 2010
I am having the contact source code which i want to build on eclipse & test on emulator,but the contact application uses some of the hidden APIs of base code which is not present in default android.jar because of that i am getting lot of error in my code. I am trying to generate my own android.jar using "Android sdk - Including hidden APIs." option in of framework directory, but still the hidden APIs not getting exposed in android.jar. how to customize the android.jar in order to make all hidden APIs exposed to application.
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Jun 10, 2010
Basically I've been playing around with developing Android apps and I was editing one earlier. I changed my main.xml file and when I went back to my class that runs the app all references to the "R" class were broken. I looked in the "gen" folder (Generated Java Files) and saw that the class was completely gone from the solution.
I had been debugging not 5 minutes before and didn't have any problems doing so. The only things I had done since debugging were moving 2 files from the "drawable-hdpi" folder to the assets folder and I had edited the "main.xml" file.
I've tried cleaning the project and restarting Eclipse but neither of those ideas worked.
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Oct 19, 2010
I can't import the License Verification Library to the workspace. In the Eclipse wizard I click "File > import" but no Android option available, if I choose normal Java project then it doesn't work because it has no Android api reference. How to do?
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Jul 31, 2010
Dunno what's going on. When I first got my phone Pandora was flawless. Then after awhile it would fail to load songs and lockup (I'd have to kill the process and restart Pandora to get it to work again). Then it got to the point where it would randomly stop mid-song and just skip ahead on its own or fail completely. Now it won't even load. None of my stations load at all. I'd rather not have to resort to using a different service, since I have my Pandora stations setup nearly perfectly
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Sep 19, 2010
I've had my DroidX for about 2 weeks now. Last night while browsing it just locked response to any screen or button presses. It did shut off when I pushed the power button, but then would not come back on. I removed the battery for a bit and then it seemed to come back on normally. Has this happened to others? Is this "normal?" Normal like how windows sometimes just locks up?
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Jun 9, 2010
I bought a 3rd party battery charger. When it is plugged & charging my phone is froze. If I'm listening to the radio or music the app continues to work, but I but everything else is froze. Anyone having this problem or know a workaround?
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Aug 18, 2010
I think I have found a quirky solution to this nagging issue with Moment but it requires some patience. Basically whenever I see that dreaded EVDO up arrow stuck in place, I quickly switch to WiFi mode. I will keep it in WiFi mode anywhere from 5-15 minutes and then will turn it off and switch to EVDO. So far in 3 out of 3 tries, the CDMA lock went away. Now, you might say that just rebooting is a faster fix but there are times when I'm browsing a page or doing something else and don't want to reboot. Give it a try and let me know if it works with your Moment. I'm running Amstel rom 2.0
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May 25, 2010
When I'm using anything that streams data (like slacker, pandora, even a lyric stream from tune wiki) about 20 minutes in it will stop streaming and kill my data connection. This used to happen sometimes before I updated to official 2.1 and I could just cycle it with airplane mode. But now it seems to lock anything having to do with the phone radio up. Wifi stops working, can't get calls or browse web sites. The signal bar will go full and it shows no data connection next to the signal bar. I've run the 2.1 update 3 times and it happens every time. I can listen to Slacker for like 20 mins then it will lock up. I'll reset the phone and start listening again and it will lock up within 5 min after that (so it does it sooner if the phone was just rebooted.)
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Oct 7, 2010
Im having something that syncs, only after a startup. i cant figure out what it is. all i know is that when i see the sync icon in the notification bar it lags really bad. im about to start removing bloatware until i find it. is there any other suggestions?
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Mar 20, 2010
I'm willing to suffer through the data lockup if 2.1 will fix the problem, but I'm concerned that it may be a hardware issue. If it is a hardware issue I would hate to get stuck with a phone that I have to reboot 20 times a day like I do now. Does the Hero suffer this same kind of problem?
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Sep 10, 2010
After having the phone shut off on me, scroll on its own, lockup and need a battery pull I decided to get a refurbished phone. Anyone care to share their advice on how they have made differences in thier phones setup ect that have worked, app changes
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Aug 8, 2010
On both 2.1 & 2.2 I have found that occasionally the browser progress bar will only get 90% before becoming getting stuck. You can try as many times as you like to view the page but it will always get stuck.The only way I have found to cure this is to force stop the internet app, then everything is fine again. Anyone else seen this or know how to stop it occurring?
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Aug 3, 2010
Ok so I'm about a week and a half maybe more in with the froyo rom the newst one and while I love it especially the battery life. I'm experiencing some new problems that I don't recall having before. The screen will randomly turn off even though I have the screen delay set to 2 minutes. Other times it will just get dim to about 30 percent regardless of the brightness setting. I'm wondering if this is strict lg a hardware issue or something to do with the rom? I'm just afraid one time its not going to turn back on lol. Also I'm having data lockups where I have to restart the phone at least once a day. I don't recall experiencing this before. A little help and or understanding would be much appreciated on these 2 topics....also does anyone know of any better roms? Like one where wireless tethering app actually works? I have yet to have it work since installing this rom.
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Sep 16, 2010
Samsung Moment:Maintenance release planned for Moment, this should make some folks happy. I know it makes me feel more comfortable with my daughter getting this phone (if that's what she decides) in November. Hopefully the fix will be out by then!
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Aug 23, 2010
This is my work issued HTC Droid Eris. 100% bone stock factory everything, no root, no flashing, nothing (not even really sure what all that stuff is anyway). Yesterday got the phone off the charger, hit the power button to start up. Phone vibrated and the three skateboarding droids came up as usual and there the phone stayed. Pulled the battery, tried again and same thing, locking up on the three skating droids.
Next I did power+vol down. It goes right to the fastboot, recovery, clear storage, simlock menu. I selected recovery and hit power. Phone vibrates and the three skating droids pop back up for about 5-10 seconds and the I get a picture of a Droid Eris with a red triangle and exclamation mark over it. From this screen I hit power+vol up. This gets me the Android System Recovery menu with Reboot System Now, Apply sdcard:, Wipe Data / Factory Reset, Wipe cache partition. Down at the bottom, in yellow letters it says "E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command" So I select Wipe Data / Factory Reset and hit power. "confirm wipe of all user data?" Yes, does it's thing for a couple minutes. "Data wipe complete" and Android System Recovery menu comes back up. Select Reboot System Now and hit power.
Now the phone reboots, white screen with three skating droids still locked up on that screen. After noticing the "Apply" menu option I downloaded the July 2010 OTA from here. I put it in the root folder of my sd card and the selected "Apply". It started the install from sd card and after just a couple seconds pops up and says "E:signature verification failed Installation aborted." So my phone is still locked up on the skating droids.
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Aug 5, 2010
So im running the froyo rom and meat kernel and have been for a couple weeks. Within the past couple of days i have been suffering from thje random restart problem at least once a day. Anybody know what the cause of it is and how to stop it? Same with the data lock up? what gives? I dont recall either of those 2 things happening with the stock os but the airplane mode problem did. Also my wifi tether absolutely does not work and nobody has been able to tell me why yet lol. That was one of the main reasons i rooted and flashed. I dont really wanna go back to stock because my battery life is better. What gives here with these 3 problems?
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Jun 22, 2010
I want to get started with an Android application but can't download the plug-in.
Anyone know where else I can get this?
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Nov 4, 2009
i need my app to support 1.5 and above. i noticed that if I create my build.xml file using --
c: oolsandroid2.0r3 oolsandroid update project --name MyProject -- path C:MyProject --target 2
it complains about my resource directory names "res/drawable-hdpi, res/ drawable-ldpi, etc... res/layout-large, etc..." saying "invalid resource directory name".
If I use 1.6r1 tool set c: oolsandroid1.6r1 oolsandroid update project --name MyProject -- path C:MyProject --target 2
Everything works fine.
If I use target 3 (1.6 and above) c: oolsandroid2.0r3 oolsandroid update project --name MyProject -- path C:MyProject --target 3
Everything works fine. So, do I basically *have* to use 1.6r1 to build for 1.5? And does that mean that those special directory names will only work on 1.6 and above?
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Nov 3, 2010
I have a Droid X running Froyo. The folders every now and then lockup and won't open. I have to restart the phone to get them to work (sometimes I just have to leave them alone for a while and come back). Any one know how to fix this or what's going on?
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Dec 1, 2009
I've G1 dev phone. Earlier I upgraded it to 1.5 using HTC website. Now I want to customize (make some changes to ) source code and keep the changes running on G1 phone. I wanna go with cupcake release. Could any body please give me some pointers. If I download cupcake source code from android website and do 'make' for which target it will generate the images ?[Emulator or G1 phone etc.,]
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Nov 5, 2009
I was just wondering where there is any information on creating custom user interface libraries for Android. I would like to create a library and include it in an application by specifying something like <uses- library android:name="" /> in the manifest (just like maps) and have an Activity that can be inherited from like the MapActivity. How can one create and build a library like this?
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May 19, 2010
So, I'm new to developing apps (altogether) and I thought that it would be fun to start out on the Android. I did the test with "HelloAndroid" app, but I have no clue on how to run the app on my phone via Eclipse. I remember reading about it a long time ago (sometime in February) but I have no idea where to find it.
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Jun 1, 2010
I want to use DTLS (on OpenSSL) using JNI on Android 2.1/2.2. Can someone help me get started (tutorials, howto, pointers etc) with building OpenSSL for Android (2.1/2.2) using the Android NDK?
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Aug 31, 2009
When I download the source and build it according to, then try to build the eclipse dev evironment as described on, I get 100s of Java Errors when trying to build the project.
Linux is 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu Eclipse is eclipse-java-galileo-linux-gtk.tar.gz
18# java -version java version "1.5.0_18" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_18-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_18-b02, mixed mode, sharing) 19#
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