Android :: Create Dialog With Custom Subtitle And Some Buttons
Jun 2, 2010Check out this image
How do I create such a dialog? Having 2 line subtitle and three distinctive buttons.

Check out this image
How do I create such a dialog? Having 2 line subtitle and three distinctive buttons.
I found all things working with alert box,dialog box but when i try creating things with my own custom dialog box it gives me problems. Though i followed the instructions as per the dev guide: i could'nt reach with my results just it displays a force close with the following error message.
03-04 11:37:08.780: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(726): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application
I have been trying to make my custom dialog box for many days but i couldnt bring it up. I even tried with the solutions that i got on forums but that too doesnt seems of working.
Give me some piece of good code or some suggestion to work with...
How to create a custom dialog box in android?
Any example program?
I have a need to create a control similar to UITabBar in iPhone, which is to be present on every activity of my application. UITabBar essentially is a battery of buttons exhibiting a TAB like behavior: every button maps to an activity. I have two solutions for this: 1. In the layout XML for every activity, I insert a <LinearLayout><Button/><Button/><Button/></LinearLayout> element. And then have a common listener class that will handle the button clicks. So, every activity will have an instance of this listener. 2. To create a custom Widget extending LinearLayout class, put all the buttons as its static members and let it handle the button clicks. Include this custom control in every screen. I am not sure which approach to follow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want my menu item "info" to create a custom dialog. Yet i appear to to be having trouble:
This is in my main java file:
I want to make a custom Dialog,because i donot like it"s style,i want get a rounded rectangle rather than rectangle . i know to implement it by theme in Manifest.xml . for example :the code
at activity write:
My question is how to implement this Similar result by extends dialog or alertDialog.
I create my dialog like this code...
The suer can now cancel the notification popup message by clicking outside the box. But how do I allow the user to cancel the dialog by touching on the dialog?
I am trying to run example of facebook android sdk , in that i have run stream example to fetch the
data from facebook. Now hen ever i click on "fconnect" button to log in into facebook i am getting following dialog box. so is it possible to replace this dialog box with following to make it simple ?
I am trying to make the item list dynamic, so i can add to it on runtime, but i have no idea. CharSeqence isnt dynamic, and no clue how to use the adapter option, how could i change my code to be dynamic?
private void alertDialogLoadFile() {
AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
CharSequence[] items = { "moshe", "yosi", "ee" };
alert.setSingleChoiceItems(m_items , -1, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item){
/* User clicked on a radio button do some stuff */............
I have a dialog with a list view in it and am wondering if there is a way in to create a dialog that appears like an activity? i.e. fullscreen and fix size? Is there is any style that can be applied to have this activity-like appearance?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an app that performs an asynchronous login as part of its startup sequence. This eventually displays a list of items.
A separate thread performs integrity checks on a database on the sdcard during the startup sequence. If something is unexpected, I do a sendBroadcast() that triggers a showDialog() on my base activity class. This asks the user on how to react to the unexpected event.
My problem is: this dialog disappears as soon as the startup sequence finishes and displays the list of items. Is it possible to make my dialog stay on top no matter what?
I've an application that you can show and close several Dialogs with:
I play a little bit with the application and when there is no any Dialog on the screen, I press the menu button and I go to the main android screen.
After a while, I enter again into my application and sometimes, I get this RuntimeException:
I have created a custom dialog class
Now my requirement is to create listview inside it. i know we can create textboxes,buttons,dropdown list inside it. but in order to create list view we should inherit our class from listActivity class. is it possible or not if yes then how to achieve this using any interface or what?
How to create a progress dialog without title and message?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I create a dialog with each dialog item being a label and then a checkbox?
And when user click 'ok' to the dialog, I can tell in my code which on of the dialog item has been checked?
New Android developer here - I'm hoping this is simple.
I want to create a "row-based" prefs dialog, like you see in most standard apps. You know, black background, fading-line separators, bigger/bold label text for each entry, smaller description text, perhaps a checkbox/down arrow.
Is there a standard object in the Android API for this? If not, how do people usually create these?
I am wondering how one would create a dialog box that only pops up when the app is first opened. For example, I have an Android app on the market. When I update it, I would like to implement a box that pops up that displays what has been updated in the app and will not pop up again until the app is updated again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create buttons that have distinctive colors, no text. How can I create such push buttons?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to mimic buttons (Apps, Games, Downloads) as seen in Android Market application Checking the configuration of TabWidget, I think it's not possible to create this simple design with it. I decided to use simple buttons and try to create custom design following answer to similar question. But still I cannot clone the design (gradient, divider, bottom line etc). Are there any provided details how Google Android applications are built?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a custom dialog to show a view in this dialog. This is the Builder code:
//Getting the layout LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_dialog_simple,(ViewGroup) findViewById(;
//Change Text and on click
TextView tvDialogSimple = (TextView) layout.findViewById(;
Button btDialogSimple = (Button) layout.findViewById(;
btDialogSimple.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//Do some stuff
//Here I want to close the dialog
} } );
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(AcPanelEditor.this);
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;
So, I want to dismiss the dialog in the onClick of btDialogSimple. How I can do it? I don't know how to call the dismiss method from inside a onclicklistener. My buttons have a custom layout, so I don't want to make a builder.setPositiveButton.
I'm getting a NullPointerException while attempting to create a Spinner within a dialog and can't seem to debug it because the code looks solid. Wonder if anyone else has any idea. Any help is greatly appreciated.
protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { Dialog dialog;
switch(id) { case DIALOG_SEND_PM: Spinner spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.server_array, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new MyOnItemSelectedListener());
dialog = new Dialog(PM.this);
pmMessage = (EditText) dialog.findViewById(;
Button sendPm = (Button) dialog.findViewById(;
default: dialog = null;
I get the exception at adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item);
I changed the context to MyClass.this and the exception moved down to the next line, which confuses me. I'm wondering if it is the adapter having a null value but I call everything the same way I have before while not in a dialog.
Relevant XML data:
<LinearLayout> <TextView/> <LinearLayout> <TextView/>
<EditText/> <TextView/> <Spinner
</LinearLayout> <Button/> </LinearLayout>
I spent quite a long time trying to get my first custom dialog box to work, following the example in the Android Dev Guide.
I kept getting a badtokenexception whenever I tried to show the dialog.
Eventually I found a forum posting which suggested changing it to:
new Dialog(this);
Which made the problem go away.
My question is if the example is incorrect, or was the code not intended to be used in an Activity method?
I can't dismiss my custom dialog. I have XML layout with some text, pic and a button for dismissing the dialog.
My onCreateDialog starts a DatePicker Dialog and About Dialog
I encountered a message like below when opening a custom dialog through menu option.
02-07 16:37:45.478: ERROR/BACKGROUND_PROC(1007): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application
Using the latest sdk with 1.5 emulator.
I have written below code for showing a custom dialog
It is unable to find ViewGroup in above code and is crashing. I have another main.xml file which is set to content layout in this activity. So how can I correct this thing ?
Also I need to add some validation here to this dialog like info cannot be empty !
Alright, so I would like to have a custom dialog, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to make it appear when the function is called.
What could I do?
How can I create date and time settings dialog in Android? I want:
3 fields - day, hours and minutes
it should look native to the system - that makes writing my own widget quite hard - how to make the plus/minus buttons above/below each field look like the standard buttons that are in TimePickerDialog? I mean even on HTC Sense.
How to create an alert dialog with radio button on the side?
I can create a dialog with 3 selection strings using AlertDialog.Builder, but how can I create the one with radio button on the side (i.e. allow only 1 selection)?
In my app I want to create something like this: I thought to put five buttons inside a linear layout, but the problem is how to show the inner items at run time. Every time i click on a button i want to show the proper items and hide the others.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any documentation that explains how to create buttons in the style of the new market app on the top of the screen? I'm not sure if they're actually buttons or tabs, but I want to recreate that button style in my app (flat gradient buttons that dynamically fill the entire height/width depending on orientation).
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