Android :: Create Dialog Box That Only Pops Up When Tapp First Opened?

Sep 6, 2010

I am wondering how one would create a dialog box that only pops up when the app is first opened. For example, I have an Android app on the market. When I update it, I would like to implement a box that pops up that displays what has been updated in the app and will not pop up again until the app is updated again.

Android :: Create dialog box that only pops up when tapp first opened?

HTC Incredible :: Swype Huge Dialog Help Box Opened With Options?

May 26, 2010

I swype a word, like "at", but I previously tapped out a word like" a1", it brings up a huge dialog help box telling me my new word is used over "at" , and describes how to delete a1, so annoying, how can I rid my dinc of these warnings.

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Android :: Handle Back Button On Android / When Have A Progress Dialog Pops Up

Oct 8, 2010

When my android activity pops up a progress dialog, what is the right way to handle when user clicks the back button?

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Android :: Way To Create A Fullscreen Dialog?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a dialog with a list view in it and am wondering if there is a way in to create a dialog that appears like an activity? i.e. fullscreen and fix size? Is there is any style that can be applied to have this activity-like appearance?

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Android : Can I Create A Sticky Dialog?

May 18, 2010

I have an app that performs an asynchronous login as part of its startup sequence. This eventually displays a list of items.

A separate thread performs integrity checks on a database on the sdcard during the startup sequence. If something is unexpected, I do a sendBroadcast() that triggers a showDialog() on my base activity class. This asks the user on how to react to the unexpected event.

My problem is: this dialog disappears as soon as the startup sequence finishes and displays the list of items. Is it possible to make my dialog stay on top no matter what?

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Android :: RuntimeException OnCreateDialog Did Not Create A Dialog For Id

Nov 19, 2010

I've an application that you can show and close several Dialogs with:


I play a little bit with the application and when there is no any Dialog on the screen, I press the menu button and I go to the main android screen.

After a while, I enter again into my application and sometimes, I get this RuntimeException:


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Android :: Create Custom Dialog Box In Droid

Sep 6, 2010

I found all things working with alert box,dialog box but when i try creating things with my own custom dialog box it gives me problems. Though i followed the instructions as per the dev guide: i could'nt reach with my results just it displays a force close with the following error message.

03-04 11:37:08.780: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(726): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application

I have been trying to make my custom dialog box for many days but i couldnt bring it up. I even tried with the solutions that i got on forums but that too doesnt seems of working.
Give me some piece of good code or some suggestion to work with...

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Android :: Possible To Create Listview Inside Dialog?

May 20, 2010

I have created a custom dialog class


Now my requirement is to create listview inside it. i know we can create textboxes,buttons,dropdown list inside it. but in order to create list view we should inherit our class from listActivity class. is it possible or not if yes then how to achieve this using any interface or what?

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Android :: How To Create Progress Dialog Without Title And Message?

Aug 17, 2010

How to create a progress dialog without title and message?

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Android :: Create Dialog With Custom Subtitle And Some Buttons

Jun 2, 2010

Check out this image

How do I create such a dialog? Having 2 line subtitle and three distinctive buttons.

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Android :: Can I Create Dialog With Each Item Being Label And Then Checkbox

Jul 16, 2010

How can I create a dialog with each dialog item being a label and then a checkbox?

And when user click 'ok' to the dialog, I can tell in my code which on of the dialog item has been checked?

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Android :: Example Program To Create A Custom Dialog Box In Droid?

Feb 5, 2010

How to create a custom dialog box in android?

Any example program?

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Android :: Create A Standard Droid Preferences Dialog?

Dec 26, 2009

New Android developer here - I'm hoping this is simple.
I want to create a "row-based" prefs dialog, like you see in most standard apps. You know, black background, fading-line separators, bigger/bold label text for each entry, smaller description text, perhaps a checkbox/down arrow.

Is there a standard object in the Android API for this? If not, how do people usually create these?

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Android :: Wat To Create Date / Time Settings Dialog In Phone?

Nov 23, 2010

How can I create date and time settings dialog in Android? I want:
3 fields - day, hours and minutes
it should look native to the system - that makes writing my own widget quite hard - how to make the plus/minus buttons above/below each field look like the standard buttons that are in TimePickerDialog? I mean even on HTC Sense.

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Android :: Create An Alert Dialog With Radio Button On Side?

Oct 30, 2009

How to create an alert dialog with radio button on the side?
I can create a dialog with 3 selection strings using AlertDialog.Builder, but how can I create the one with radio button on the side (i.e. allow only 1 selection)?

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Create Dialog Box Where Paragraph Is Written Using ScrollView?

Oct 7, 2012

I want to create a dialog box where a paragraph is written using ScrollView and a close button ...

The dialog should be opened from the main activity by clicking on a button ..

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Android :: Menu Item "info" To Create A Custom Dialog?

Mar 28, 2010

I want my menu item "info" to create a custom dialog. Yet i appear to to be having trouble:

This is in my main java file:


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Android :: Trying To Create Basic AlertDialog Using Activity With Theme Of Theme.Dialog

Sep 10, 2010

I'm trying to create a basic AlertDialog using an activity with a theme of Theme.Dialog.What I want is for there to be a horizontal bar between the title and the message. However, the bar is not being resized correctly. Rather than being the width of the activity, the bar is the width of the message text. This means that if the activity is being expanded by the message, then the bar will fill the whole activity, so it looks correct. However, if the message width is less than the activity width, the bar only displays above the part of the activity with the text. I've tried every single combination of "fill_parent" and "wrap_content" that I can think of, and none of those work.I've also tried using RelativeLayout and placing the bar above the message text, but that also doesn't work. If I use the RelativeLayout approach and set the bar to fill_parent, it causes the activity to expand to fill the whole screen width, which is also undesirable. Ideally, I want the text placed, the activity width computed, and the bar resized to that width (without affecting it). Is there some way to flag a view to fill the parent view but not to affect its size?

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Android :: Prevent Dialog Closed / Remain Dialog When Button Is Clicked

Apr 12, 2010

I have a dialog with edittext for input. when i click yes button on dialog, it will validate the input and then close dialog. However, if the input is wrong, i want to remain in the same dialog. every time no matter what input it is, the dialog always automatically close when i click button. How can i disable this. By the way, i use PositiveButton and NegativeButton for the button on dialog

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Android :: How To Repeat Login Dialog And Progress Dialog?

Jan 25, 2010

I am having a problem about repeating Login dialog (an AlertDialog) and progress dialog, coordinating with http thread. I suppose repetitive Login dialog (if fail, continue) handling should be common and straightforward. I guess my approach must be wrong somewhere. I already spent 2 days on this and am desperate. So please help. User starts the app, the main activity starts.Show a login dialog (generated by the main thread, i.e. from on Create. The main thread then starts a wait_thread, which will wait for http to return data and check the data and decide what to do.After user input username/password and press login, a progress dialog starts.The progress dialog starts an http_thread to talk to the server and get replies. Once done, it will notify the waiting thread.If the user type in the right username password first time, the code works fine.But it always fail for 2nd time Login, i.e. When first login fail(wrong username/ password),the wait_thread will generate 2nd Login dialog to let user repeat the login process. But after user hit the login on this 2nd Login dialog, the system always crashes.

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Android :: Custom Dialog By Extends Dialog Or AlertDialog

Dec 29, 2009

I want to make a custom Dialog,because i donot like it"s style,i want get a rounded rectangle rather than rectangle . i know to implement it by theme in Manifest.xml . for example :the code
at activity write:


My question is how to implement this Similar result by extends dialog or alertDialog.

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Android :: ListView Opening Dialog (or Alert Dialog)

Aug 13, 2010

I'm trying to get my list view to open up an alert dialog to display information when a person clicks on a selection. I have been trying several different things on the Google Developers website that have to do with this but have yet to come up with a result. Here is my code. package table.periodic;

import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;...........

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Android :: How To Get Time Since Application Opened?

Sep 25, 2010

In my android application I would like to get Time since when the app is opened. Initially what I tried was getting the time when the app is loaded from the server and then taking the difference with the current time from the device. But by doing that if the user changes the time then I will not be getting the actual time. Its not possible to hit the server again for the same. Is there any way to achieve this in android?

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Android :: Change Opened Tab Dynamically

Oct 15, 2010

I have an Android application which has four tabs (I use a main TabActivity with TabHost and TabSpecs).
In one of my sub activity (activity opened in a tab), i need to open a tab not by clicking on the tab title and i don't know how to do this.
For example, i have a button in my activity and when i click on it, it opens a different tab.
For the moment, it is what i do:

Intent intent = new Intent(myActivity.this, myTabActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("ComeFrom", true);

Then in the TabActivity, if i get true reading the "ComeFrom" extra i open the wished tab but the problem is that it kills all the other activity. So, if someone knows a better (cleaner) way to do that trick.

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Android :: Creating An Alert Dialog In Dialog

Apr 14, 2010

how to create an Alert dialog in a dialog? is it possible to create? My requirement is to show mulitple dialogs simultaneously. I tried creating with the following code snippet onClick of a Button in the first Dialog and got an "BadToken" exception from WindowManager: "Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application"

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()); builder.setTitle("Test Title"); builder.setOnCancelListener(new Dialog.OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { dismiss(); } });

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Android :: Showing Dialog After Another Dialog Hangs

Sep 2, 2010

I have a really weird problem, which I am unable to debug so far. thing is. my app needs to download something to work. So in the beginning of the onCreate() method, I check if that something is already downloaded. If not, I pop a dialog up asking the user to download it.My dialog is shown and I am clicking, so aManager.install() is called. I am passing the context because that aManager.install() pops up a ProgressDialog to show downloading progress and spawns a new thread in which everything is downloaded. So obviously before creating my dialog I make a Handler to receive the response from that aManager.install(). And the response MAY vary, because for example the internet connection isn't available (Exception raised and catched and listener called with different code).Now, when that happens (Exception) I would like to call another dialog saying "something went wrong, would you like to retry?" so another call to showDialog(DIALOG_REINSTALL) (this time with another code).thing is the showDialog() gets called (I can verify this by logging) but the dialogs doesn't show up. Instead my application JUST HANGS Does someone have a clue why it's doing this? No exception raised, absolutely nothing from logcat, I can't tell WHERE it's hanging...just see that the method is called and the dialog should be displayed.

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Android :: 2 Intent Filters - 1 Activity - Which Opened It?

Aug 1, 2010

Is there a way to know which Intent Filter is responsible for launching an Activity which has two Intent Filters defined in AndroidManifest.xml? I want a slightly different set of logic, but not enough that should require a whole new Activity.

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Android :: Concept For Detecting Changes Of An Opened File?

Sep 22, 2009

I wrote an application for video recording which stores the recording to a file. Currently I am looking for a way to implement some kind of "listener" to listen for file changes.
The concept I would like to implement is the following: Check the file on a set period of time (for example one second), extract changes (get the data that was written in the last period) and do something with these data.

I would be very thankful if anyone of you could give any suggestion or point to any useful resource that could help to solve the given problem.

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Android :: Hiding Forcibly Opened Soft Keyboard

Nov 11, 2009

i am attempting to hide a forcibly opened soft keyboard using // hide the soft keyboard View view = (View) findViewById(; InputMethodManager manager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService (Context.INPUT _METHOD_SERVICE);IBinder binder = view.getApplicationWindowToken(); if (binder != null) {manager .hideSoft Input From Window(binder, 0); but it doesn't seem to be working - any ideas?

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Android :: Detect User's Location From Webpage Opened In Browser?

Dec 24, 2009

Visiting on the Android browser (or even with an android spoofed user-agent), presents the option to "Share Location". When clicked, it uses the GPS/Cell phone towers to figure out the location. I tried the google.loader.clientLocation but that only works using the IP address. Is there a method to tap into the Android OS and access GPS data from a regular web application (and not an Android application) similar to the way Google does? [Perhaps Google uses the Google Gears app on Android to access this data.]

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