Android :: Create A Custom Button In Droid That Animates With A Frame Animation?
Aug 6, 2010Is it possible to create a custom button in Android, where the button is idly animating using a frame animation (AnimationDrawable)?

Is it possible to create a custom button in Android, where the button is idly animating using a frame animation (AnimationDrawable)?
Does anyone know if it is possible to apply a frame animation (using an AnimationDrawable) onto a custom button or a toast view? I have posted these questions on Stackoverflow but have received no responses and very few views so I thought perhaps posting to this forum would be a better route. Let me know if this "double posting" is bad form.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've created an application that show around 250 images in ImageView. Images are loaded one after another, 15-30 images per second. Basically the whole thing gives an illusion of a rotating 3D object, at least it should.
The problem is next, app hangs when loading certain images(i.e. I see a few seconds of fluid animation and then animation hangs, jump 10-15 frames(images) ahead and continues. It always happens at the same places in animation cycle.
I though that Android might not have enough resources to handle something like this, so I've resized images to half their size, but it did't help. I've tried buffering images but that did't help either(actually, maybe a little, I think that animation looks a little bit smoother).
And now the weirdest thing. I use the touch screen to allow users to "rotate" the 3D object on those images, and while rotating I again experience those hangs at exactly the same places as with the animation.
All images are in .png format and their size vary from 15kB to 40kB.
I use the following code for the animation:
I'm fading out an imageview with alpha animation. I'd like the image to stay transparent after the animation. Tried with different combinations of fillAfter and fillEnabled, no luck. How can this be achieved?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible in Android to get a callback when a Frame Animation (AnimationDrawable) has completed playing its frame sequence? I know when a Tween Animation has completed, it calls onAnimationEnd(), but is there something similar for frame by frame animations?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the for the droid 2 and all instructions and tips say:
If your rooted it's as easy as putting it in the /data/local folder!
Well there is a /data folder on my Nexus and it's empty. If I try to make a new folder it says "cannot create new folder" in File Explorer that came with CM6.1. Astro greys out the create folder button. What am I missing? Also I saw that you can ADB push it. WTF does that mean? I know how to do some fastboot stuff, is it the same? Reboot the phone with the USB connected and run commands on my PC?
Is it possible to set height and width of tabs in android? I tried setting customized textview as the indicator of tabspec setting its height and width to different values but no matter what its height and width value is, it's always set to the default height and width value.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a button with circular or rectangular background, text and an image below or above the text.I would like to create a CustomButton object with methods setText() and setImage() which would change the button text and image and place multiple CustomButtons into main layout.Does anyone know how to create a custom layout, place it into another layout(main) and modify its elements from the activity which is bound to main layout?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create one custom button which is circular and when i click that button i want that button FOCUS and COLOR change and i don't know how to do exactly so any one can help me or show me that code how to do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create a custom field on which I can place more than one line of text as well as images.
And the field can be used like a button(onclick event etc.)
I'm trying to animate object. I use keyframe animation: I have two vertex buffers (two frames) with vertices of my object - first buffer is for object start state and second for end state. To transform the object I simply use linear interpolation. To make it more clear, please take a look at the code snippet:
As you can see I actually use one more buffer. vertexBuffer_motion is the one I use to draw my object in intermediate state.
Time for my question. What is the best approach for such keyframe animation on android? Can I somehow avoid (quite time consuming) operations of calculating and copying new state of all vertices to vertexBuffer_motion?
I know I could use VBO but still, I would have to prepare this vertexBuffer_motion and use glBufferData to set data to this VBO (or not?). provide me with some code example showing the best approach for keyframe animation on android?
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'd like to make a list adapter that formats views like this:
I want to be able to fire a different onClick when the user clicks the image. I have defined the onClick on the image itself in the getView() override, but how do I then get the position of the line that was clicked so I can update the record in the database to record the action?
I am using frame animation in multiple page where in each page i am using set of png files. First animation is working fine but when i am trying to call second animation it showing
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
Is there any way to solve this issue.
I am using a simple frame animation and when I exit and reenter my activity the activity is still referenced in memory.
//This is a sample activity I created to simulate the problem public class MemoryLeakActivity extends Activity {
@Override public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
} @Override public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
final Intent i = new Intent(MemoryLeakActivity.this, LeakyActivy.class);
startActivity(i); return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
} }
Been stuck on this for a while and tried a few various things.Basically I've overridden frame layout to create myself a custom button. The frame layout has two children a button and a linearlayout with items in it.The problem is I'm trying to the get the button to stretch to the size of the frame layout (i.e. fill parent) and it isn't doing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to define/customize a border around the currently selected Gallery item? I know, i can create a Drawable and draw four lines into that but there must be a simpler way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn a nut shell, when the app is loaded, it will play a short movie (maybe a few seconds at most @ 12-24fps). I will then have 2 buttons displayed on the screen, and depending on what button is pressed, it I will play another short movie (5-10 seconds). While waiting for the user to make a decision, the movie will be looping.
The movie source is stop-motion photography so it's already chopped up into frames. My question here is if I should use a Frame Animation technique, or if I should use a Movie player for this. All in all perhaps there's less than 100 still frames that make up the stop-motion. I was going to go the Frame Animation route, but I wasn't sure if having so many individual frames would kill the app so I thought I'd post here to see if anyone had any insight.
Was wondering if there is anyone out there on this forum that might make me a custom boot animation. I suck at photoshop. I have tried to do it but it looks terrible. The one I want should be simple (I think)for a person who knows what they are doing. All I want is the stock boot animation droid word highlighted in neon green like a lot of blue ones I see where it splashes blue with highlights and the red eye turned the same neon green with my name highlighted neon green like the word droid but name will be above the eye. Kind of like this but with my name from sort of beginning to end.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to learn about Android programming by rewriting a C app I've moved from DOS to X-windows to Windows as a learning tool. It's just a silly little app that draws symmetrical 'game of life' patterns on the screen in a kaleidoscopic fashion. It's structured so that the patterns do their own animations. I.e. there's a 'Life' class that produces the next generation and redraws itself from the center outward, inserting delays to produce a kaleidoscopic effect.
I've got it so that the patterns draw - I took the LunarLander sample as a starting point, and an drawing on a SurfaceView. But my problem is with timing the 'animations'. I'm not doing traditional animation, where I build a whole frame and then draw it, but the surface seems to want to draw itself completely on each iteration of my loop, so my inserted sleep's don't insert delay in the right places.
So my questions:
1. Is there a more direct way to write to the screen than via a SurfaceView? If I did that, would the various steps of my 'animation' occur as I drew them, producing the desired effect. 2. If such a drawing method exists, would I be wasting my time learning how to use it? 3. What's the 'standard' way to do this kind of animation?
I would prefer to not have to purchase a Flip Video Recorder to provide me the frame by frame playback needed (coaching girls softball) for instant instruction at practice. Is there an app that provides playback of video at a frame by frame rate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI finally figured out how to get my custom boot animation running. My friend is working on the graphics for my custom animation. I will post a video and full how to writeup when I'm done!
View 49 Replies View RelatedI've found plenty of tutorials on how to get a custom boot animation on my droid. First question, they all say to use the "terminal". Is this just an app? Secondly it asks to copy a file in the systems folder, can i pull this from a nandroid backup? I love the boot animation from smoke themed liq frozen yogurt, just not the ROM itself.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI finished my boot animation and uploaded it to YouTube, so I thought I'd share it again. (Last time I embedded a .gif file, and it wouldn't play on the DROID.)
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I decided to hijack the "Red Rage" boot animation and use it as the base of my animation. Mine just has some Georgia Bulldog love to it. Also I have modified my boot logo and no longer have the "M" its now a lot nicer. I will include the in case anyone wants this. Just place it in the /data/local/ folder. Do not Unzip it, leave it how it is. If you have another one there just rename it with a .bak extension in case you don't like mine. Its stretched a little vertically, not sure why not too noticeable tough.
I'm new to the droid world but catching on quickly. i have a droid incredible, rooted and updated radio and running sky raider 2.5.2. i am trying to use a custom boot animation from droid boots. i have tried using adb and it puts the file in data/local but the problem i have is it still runs the one in system/media. i bought the root explorer app and followed another guide to pasting over top of original zip in system/media but then i get a message saying the file being pasted is too large and cannot be completed. i reboot and it hasn't changed still says sky raider. i know its a boot animation but i dunno its something for me to play around with.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to put a custom boot animation on froyo? I really like the one I had previously and it matches what i got now.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put a custom boot animation on my moto droid 1. I have root I have done it before and I am using froyo. My big problem now is that I tried putting a different one I downloaded on and it worked. So I need someone to tell me whats wrong with the one I made, because I am out of ideas. I have compared size, resolution, ppi, bit depth but for some reason my images are way bigger files. The sequence was created by using virtualdub to clip a section of an animated short, then exporting an image sequence as png.
But I've fed the images through gimp and an image resizer. The frames are only some of them because I went through deleting every other frame a few times to cut down on the total size. The file is too big to attach here so i put it on my web space at:
I am using the patch that lets me put the files in datalocal and be named it works I've tried with other animations like I said.
I have this animation I made but I'm not that knowledgeable with the desc.txt file. My part0 folder is below could someone please write the desc.txt file, zip it and get it working for me please. I'd like it to stretch the width of the screen and the height doesn't matter. I have it currently at 480x240 and like it there. I've tried a few times but I keep getting the dreaded black screen.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOn previous phones such as the Droid Eris and Droid 1, users were able to use custom boot animations without being rooted. All you had to do was push the new file to the boot animation location and it would over ride the old one. I really want custom boot animations on my X but am not rooted. Does anyone know a solution to this other than rooting and how to install without being rooted?
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