Android :: Connect Forcibly To 3G When Wifi Also Available
Mar 25, 2010how can i connect forcibly to 3G for accessing the internet when wifi is also available . pl suggest me with any sample code

how can i connect forcibly to 3G for accessing the internet when wifi is also available . pl suggest me with any sample code
My question is, as you can see the title, can i use 3g network even though wi-fi is available? i heard wi-fi priority is higher than 3g or cdma. can i change that priority in specific application? this is one of requirement of the project. if anybody has an answer,
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've experienced quite a lot of problems with the WiFi after updating the Andriod. Everytime I try to connect to my home-network i get that it failed to connect.
The phone didn't have any problems with this before the update.
Anyone had the same kind of problem, or anyone that has a smart fix for it?
when an event occurs, I want to forcibly turn the display *ON*. i tried grabbing a FULL_WAKE_LOCK from the power manager power service, but it still didn't work. i am turning the display off by hitting the power button (i think this is like a light sleep or something)
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Hero takes a long time to connect to my home wifi. I usually go in to the settings and hit "Scan" repeatedly before it connects. Sometimes it fails connect, and I have to go into Settings to try again. Is there a way/app to scan automatically or re-attempt to connect again? Maybe there's something I'm not thinking of?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am attempting to hide a forcibly opened soft keyboard using // hide the soft keyboard View view = (View) findViewById(; InputMethodManager manager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService (Context.INPUT _METHOD_SERVICE);IBinder binder = view.getApplicationWindowToken(); if (binder != null) {manager .hideSoft Input From Window(binder, 0); but it doesn't seem to be working - any ideas?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I am running any android project, emuulator will come, but after that in console, its saying
"[DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host". Then 11 connnection attempts will come in console. I am using windows XP. From windows one dialog box will come saying "adb.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
Because of this, I can't run any project.
We just got 3G here in Small Town Vietnam. Great except now they can charge us their ridiculous Data rates 3 times faster! Thought is was bad when we had EDGE but way too expensive with 3G. I use DATA THROTTLE to keep my G1 off the data Network most of the day but I connect 4 or 5 times a day to check email and to play around. With 3G that playing around is averaging $7 usd a day! I live on $10 a day here in Vietnam and that's a big expense to me So I am looking for an Auto-Connect WiFi app that will turn on and connect when I walk by a HotSpot. But I have downloaded about 5 apps so far and although they all work when I use them when I put my phone in my pocket it turns off and will not connect. I go under settings and hit the Never Sleep button but they all go to sleep anyway..What WiFi app will Auto connect when the phone is in my pocket as I walk by different HotSpots?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAn Android Dev Phone G1 has attempted to be set up to access the internet by connecting to an ad hoc wireless network. The ad hoc Wifi network has been set up on a computer running Vista and can be seen from other computers and connected to successfully. However the network does not appear in the list of Wifi networks to connect to from the G1. The G1 does display other Wifi networks and can connect to those successfully. Does anyone know how to successfully connect a G1 to a Vista machine over an ad hoc Wifi network?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to know how to connect G1 to pc directly through wifi. The pc has a wireless network card. I know how to connect between 2 pcs. But I need to set up the ip address of them. Since I can not do that on android, I've no idea. And it seems that the G1 cannot find my pc's signal.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought phone with android 4.2.2 os and i cant normally connect wifi N. In router installed dd-wrt, access point, G/N speed, wpa2. In phone i press connect button and after some time, web browsing, pages stop reloading, but logo shows i am connected. So after that i need in phone turn off , turn on wifi to have ability browse fot ~5 min frustrating. How i can solve that? i dont think router is problem, because my laptop with wifi working very good.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedSince I am newbie in Android, I don't know how to connect Android (2.1 on HTC Desire) with PPPoE using wifi connection.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with connecting to WiFi on android. I got 2 phones, one with Android 4.2.2 and the other with an older version, but none can't connect. I also tried with an iphone and had no problem.
Also, I tried connecting to other WiFi networks with the same phones, and they connected. So I think there might be a problem with my home network.
I need a program that will auto-connect to WiFi WHILE My g1 is in my pocket and I walk around the town past different HotSpots. They say they will work but none so far I have tried will do this and yes I hit the No Sleep button...
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I connect to my home WiFi, it works well. I'll go out of the house and come back a few hours later and the phone does not automatically connect to my home WiFi. If I go to settings, I can see it detects my home WiFi, but says "Connection unsuccessful, select to try again." When I select it, it connects and works fine. My problem is, I don't think I should have to physically select my WiFi network everytime I come home. Shouldn't it see it and connect automatically? What am I dong wrong? Do I have a setting turned on/off that should be different?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an app that will automatically enable my wifi for designated networks. Basically, the only location currently I really desire to use wifi is at home since if I'm at home, my phone is likely charging (since wifi eats battery) and the speed beats 3G. I'm going through and finding a lot of apps that automatically scan and connect to open networks, automatically connect to the fastest network, a bunch of wifi toggle widgets...nothing really for making conditions for what networks it will connect to, especially one that has a password.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOkay, here's the deal. I have a stable WiFi network, an Android phone (HTC Tattoo), and a computer. What I don't have is a way to get said computer to connect to the WiFi network, seeing that I don't have a wireless card.
The question I want to get an answer to is simply this: Is there any possibility to use my android phone as a wireless card, thus get my computer online? Or do I have to go out to get a wireless card? I don't want to use 3G, seeing that it's slow, and the WiFi net is included in my rent.
I'm downloaded several wifi apps, but I'm looking for one that will automatically connect to open networks.
Or at least to saved/remembered networks without me having to scan and connect.
I have just bought an Android Smart TV Box (to replace my AC Ryan media box which gave up the ghost a few days ago) and it mostly works fine - it is connected to my tv via hdmi and the box is hard wired to my router - so it is the standard connection setup. I have two usb hard drives connected to it. I obviously want to drag and drop media files from my phone (android) or my laptop (Windows7) to the connected hard drives I use ES Explorer app on my phone and Windows explorer but using either version I cannot see the Android box wirelessly - if i do a scan using es explorer it finds the laptop straight away and i can drag and drop but it just will not find the android box at all. However if i go onto the Android box and into the es explorer app and do a scan it picks up the laptop and i can drag and drop a file onto the laptop. So the wireless is sort of working as opposed to not at all. But just seems odd that i cant see it at all - i cant even ping it from the laptop.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to connect to my computer via wifi. I could just plug my phone in and transfer data that way, but this would be more convenient.
I've installed "ASTRO File Manager" and played with that, but still could not figure it out. I created a network on my mac, but could not connect to it. I also tried to connect via bluetooth, but still no luck. Both my computer and phone are wirelessly connected to the same router. I'm using the EVO
Set up ad hoc wifi network on my Win7 laptop. Wifi Buddy app sees it, but the native Evo wifi app doesn't. I've seen that the HTC Magic has similar problems.
View 4 Replies View Relatedim actually using an hd2 but its the evo rom. i googled and saw other people had issues with wifi not connecting with certain routers. can anyone take me through the setup on the phone to set a static ip with my fios router?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an application in which I need to connect to an access point with a specific name. Therefor I start a scan (WifiManager.startScan()) and listen to BroadCastEvents of type SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION and NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION. When the scan results are available, I check if my AP is found and if so I connect to it.
When I'm connected to the AP, I receive a NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION and there I open a SocketConnection to my serverSocket. The problem I'm having is that on the moment that I'm connected to the AP, the DHCP request is not yet finished. This causes the opening of the socketConnection to throw a "SocketException: Network unreachable". A few moments later I see in the logcat logging: WifiStateTracker - DhcpHandler: DHCP request succeeded. If I try to connect after this message, all goes fine. is there an event that I can listen to that informs me that the DHCP request is done? Now I try to create a connection and while an error occurs I retry. This is however very dangerous for hanging (if e.g the dhcp fails, the loop will never stop...)
My Droid X won't connect to my Linksys router properly. I have it WPA encrypted but when I go to connect to it with my phone it shows the phone is seeing it as a WEP encryption. I tried manually changing it but it seems like that messes with it even more. I prefer not to change the encryption to WEP because of it's flaws and can easily be hacked. Maybe is there something I need to do to get my Droid to pick it up right?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new with WIFI connectivity with android. I want to create the application to send the messages to WIFI devices with my android devices so for this i want to ask how to connect our android device to WIFI devices to send the messages.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect to the wifi network in my house. I can easily connect to the wifi at my work when I type in the password, but when I try the WEP key at my house it still says disconnected. It shows my network and says "Remembered, secured with WEP" if I hit connect nothing happens. I tried "forget" and then connecting again, making sure my wep key is correct, and still no luck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason the other day when i came home from class my phone wouldnt connect to the wifi i have set up in mt apartment. it just says it obtaining the ip address and scanning for wifi but when i enter my passowrd for the network it still doesnt work.
View 2 Replies View Relatedcant not connect to my home wifi, has wpa/wpa2 psk (it says). put in my wep and it is remembered but says "unsuccessful" every time. cant connect to neighbors who has barely one bar(its open).
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