Android :: Changes To Library Doesn't Restart The Activity

Nov 5, 2010

I'm developing an application that uses a library project to store much of the functionality and content. When I edit the code and/or content in the library and then run the app, it doesn't properly restart the activity with the changes, giving the warning:

Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front

I understand that this warning comes from the SK not thinking that there were any changes to the app, but there were (to the library, not to the app itself).

The only way that I've found to force the app to recompile with the library changes is to do Project->Clean. While this is effective, it's a bit annoying to have to do this every time a make a change. Does anyone know of a way to force the SDK to recognize that a library change should result in reloading the application?

Android :: Changes to library doesn't restart the activity

Android :: Force Activity In Landscape Mode Without Activity Restart

Aug 21, 2009

I have a problem to start/create Activity in landscape mode. My Activity need to start in landscape mode and be used in landscape mode by users. So far, I used setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) to force screen orientation of my Activity to landscape mode in onCreate() method.

In addition to this screen mode requirement, my application need to start another background thread in onResume() method, and this thread takes some seconds in order to finish an initialization process, and it is not desirable to to stop/restart this thread's service during the initialization process.

However setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) forces my Activity restart in a very little while (means onCreate->onResume->onPause->onStop are executed twice at the first place). As a result, my background thread be stopped/restarted during the initialization process, and this makes me a mess at this moment.

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Android :: Best Way To Restart Activity?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm building a game which works as some type of a quiz. I ask user the question and when he submits the answer(click or touch correct answer) I need to refresh the page with some other question.

How should i implement this? How to wait for users answer and continue when onClick or OnTouch listener finishes?
Should i use Handler class, intents or something else?

I want next scenario:
On the screen I have a question and 3-4 clickable ImageButtons. I'm building some of the layout dinamically from custom showQA() function. User choose the answer and if he clicked the correct answer i should start some type of animation on the screen. I've done that from the onClickListener. Now, i need to build layout again(show new question and answers) from the showQA() function which must be called after that animation showed to the user. How can i know when the onClickListener() finished its work?

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Android : Manually Restart An Activity?

Sep 9, 2009

Is there a way to restart an activity? The reason is that need to change the theme dynamically, and the activity needs to be restarted and redraw itself after the change.

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Android : Restart An Activity Within A Tabhost?

Jan 13, 2010

I've searched and I know it seems some people frown upon using activities within tabs, but moving past would I restart a tabbed activity while still keeping the tabs visible? I have an activity in a tab, I use the menu to create a new activity to update the tab's activity displayed info, when I return from the menu activity I want the new information to be displayed in the tab's activity. I am using startActivityForResult() from the menu choice, but when I return and try to restart the wipes out the tabs above(I guess as expected, but I want to re-launch the refreshed activity within the tab).

Creating the tabs:

TabHost host = getTabHost();
Intent home_intent = new Intent(constants.HOME_ACTION,
null, this, homeTab.class);
Intent inbox_intent = new Intent(constants.INBOX_ACTION,
null, this, inboxTab.class);
Intent stats_intent = new Intent(constants.STATS_ACTION, null,
this, infoTab.class);


Return from the menu activity in the tab's activity(updating database info): code...

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Android :: Activity Restart Crash After OS Kills It

Mar 8, 2010

Activity SplashScreen is the launching activity for my app. It sends a request to my server and gets back a user data it then uses to populate a user object which is a static object. Once it has that it calls the MyMapView activity and finishes itself. A force close occurs when I hit the home button and then open up enough other apps so that Android kills MyMapView to get more resources. Now when I open my app again it tries to start MyMapView and bypasses SplashScreen. There is no user object so I get null pointer exceptions. I have tried to Override the onSaveInstanceState and OnRestoreInstanceState but it seems that those are not available when Android kills the activity. I also tried android:finishOnTaskLaunch with the SplashScreen (maybe this should be put on MyMapView but the article I read said different) and that seems to have no effect. What I would like is for the activity to not restart after Android has killed it. What can I do about this?

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Android :: Force Application To Restart On First Activity

Mar 18, 2010

For an unknown reason, I can't get my application leaving properly so that when I push the home button and the app icon again I resume where I was in the app....But I would like to force the application to restart at the first activity...I suppose this has something to do with onDestroy() or maybe onPause() but I don't know what to do..

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Android :: Using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP - But Don't Restart Target Activity?

Nov 21, 2009

I'd like to use FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to launch an activity in my app. It has one feature I don't want though - it restarts the target intent, instead of just resuming it. Example history stack, with activity D making the call to B with that flag:


new stack


But 'B' gets relaunched, its onCreate() method is called. Since B is already in the history stack, is there a way I can use this flag, but have it *not* recreate B, just onResume() it again? The reordering flags are kind of what I need too, but they won't pop C and D, just reshuffle the stack so B comes to the top, but I want C and D to go away.

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Android :: Conditional Restart On Activity OnConfigurationChanged

Mar 19, 2010

I want to make an activity that allows orientation changes on some condition, but not otherwise. More exactly I want to prevent restarting the activity when a background thread is busy.

I have put the configChanges attribute on the activity manifest, and onConfigurationChanged is called when the orientation changes. However I want to allow the app to change the orientation when allowed.


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Android :: Keep Task's Activity Stack After Restart From Home

Jan 13, 2010

My application has two activities, that I start in this order: HOME > A > B Now I press HOME and launch "A" again. I would like to see activity "B" on a top of "A", but instead I get "A" - so the activity stack is cleared. Manifest: <activity android:name=".activity.A" android:label="A" android:always Retain Task State = "true">What should I do?

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Android :: How To Bring Stop Activity To Foreground (restart) By Itself ?

Sep 22, 2010

How to bring stop activity to foreground (restart) by itself?i use Broadreceiver and intent to restart my activity.but always start two activity (include original activity)how to restart my original activity?

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Android :: Broadcast Receiver / Service Will Only Restart Activity Once

Mar 17, 2010

I have a single Activity application, within it I have a service which creates an AlarmManager and sends a broadcast to a broadcast Receiver.If the activity which starts the services dies, (ie. divide by zero), the broadcast receiver stops the old service which created the AlarmManager.It works the first time. The second time, it does not.It seems like the AlarmManager is still active but the broadcast receiver is no longer receiving. It works great once!

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Android :: How Can Display Saved Data When Restart Activity

Oct 6, 2010

In my Project I want to play audio files in mediaplayer and displays progressbar. If I exit the application then also player have to play audio file. If I restart The Activity
I have to display progress bar with last activity progress.

Here I tried using onSaveInstanceState() method. But I cant display progress bar with last progress. when I exit the activity player is playing but when I restart activity it stopped and displayed new view without any progress and saved data.

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Android :: Avoid Activity Restart At Keyboard Open Or Close?

Jul 28, 2009

I have fixed the activity screen orientation to portrait on AndroidManifest.xml file. When I open or close the keyboard the activity gets restarted. How to avoid this restart?

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Android :: Unable To Launch Activity - Installation Error - INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_­LIBRARY

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying the MapDemo application, but I am unable to launch the activity, it is showing following error message : [2010-06-14 12:11:49 - TryMaps] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY [2010-06-14 12:11:49 - TryMaps] Please check logcat output for more details. [2010-06-14 12:11:49 - TryMaps] Launch canceled!

I have gone through the previous thread on this error, And I have already tried following suggestion : 1. Add maps.jar with Google API 2. and also mention the <uses-library> attribute in manifest file.

But still I am unable to launch the activity, in logcat it is showing that package <package name> requires unavailable shared library ; Ignoring.

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Android :: Android Activity With Splash Screen Restart And The Back Button

Nov 8, 2010

I have an Android app with a splash screen.

This splash screen pre-loads data and when finished starts the application's main activity and finishes (through a finish() call).

This works quite well as long as the application is not totally killed. So, I can usually switch back and forth between different tasks as usual: when I leave the app from a sub activity and return soon after I will be presented with this sub activity.

Now, when I leave this sub activity and do some other stuff for a while inevitably this application process is killed by the OS.

No problem so far. Now I would expect Android, being unaware of my preloading (if the data was not preloaded it would just take longer or not display some fonts, but Android cannot be aware of the fact that I am doing preloading somewhere), to restore the sub activity from a Bundle. However the splash screen activity is started.

So, I say, that's fine then... the splash screen activity is after all the launcher / main activity. Now, the actual mystery I have is as follows.

When I press the back-button from this newly loaded splash screen I will be presented with the sub activity I left the application from before it got killed. I really don't understand this. Apparently Android DID save the sub activity's state (and its history stack) to be reloaded but instead of reloading it chose to start the splash screen instead, with this sub activity (I left the task earlier before it got killed) one step back on the activity stack.

Why does this happen?

When the process is not killed I can switch back to where I left off. When it's killed I cannot (yet still have the whole earlier history of that app restored). I know that Android has to load state etc. in the latter case, but that shouldn't be a problem and is performed automatically by default (according to the docs).

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Android :: How To Restart Scheduled Jobs No Phone Restart

May 15, 2009

I am developing a ToDo reminder type of app for android. on creation of a new reminder an alarm and vibrator scheduler is created with a toast. This works on intents and broadcasts and is pretty straight forward stuff with putextras using the reminder id from the db. My problem is, if some one restart the phone, i guess all the scheduled alarm and vibrator tasks for the reminder will be killed. Once the phone restart again how to recreate the scheduler tasks.

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Android :: Android Back Button Does Not Restart Activity

May 8, 2010

My app intiates an activity. On the click of a button, the app opens up the browser with a webpage. When I hit the back button, it comes back to my initial activity screen, but does not resume or restart the activity.

When I put all the layout code and activity code in onResume instead of onCreate, the activity gets restarted.

My question is whether this is the right way to go about it? Can I use onResume to draw my layout and initiate the activity, or is this poor design? When the browser fires up, does the initial activity forget its layout?

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HTC Droid Eris :: When Aps Restart My Phone It Takes About 15 To 20 Seconds To Restart

Apr 20, 2010

I have noticed that when aps restart my phone, it takes about 15 to 20 seconds to restart When i Power down, it takes MINUTES!Does anyone know of simple restart app I could use to avoid this? If not, anyone know someone who could make one?

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Android :: Store Values In SharedPreferences In Library Code / Have It To Projects That Include Library?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an Android library project that makes calls to PreferencesManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.

I have 2 version of my app, paid/free, and they are not able to access the preferences stored by the library code.

Can someone tell me the right way to store values in SharedPreferences in library code and have the values available to projects that include the library?

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Android :: Self-contained Test Library Project Cannot Find Library Classes

Aug 17, 2010

According to this SDK guide, unit-testing a Library project can be achieved by creating a standard application project, reference the Library project and then instrument the application for unit testing. However, when I do this and launch the test application I get the message.No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3".I'm using Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin, all latest versions.the projects compile just fine. The test project also installs fine to the emulator. But in the console I can see that it looks for <library>.apk, which of course doesn't exist since I'm compiling this as a library into the test project.

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Android :: Load Native Library Which Depends On Third Shared Library

Aug 26, 2009

I created a jni library which depends the third shared library, I must copy the third shared library to /system/lib, otherwise, Java application can't load jni library. But you know, on G1 with official OS image, /system/lib is readonly. I tried to call System.setProperty to set java.library.path to the location stored the thired shared library before load jni library, but the issue still exists.

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Android :: Content Of Activity Doesn't Appear / Why Is So?

Nov 23, 2010

I start a new activity when clicking on a button , but the content(ui components) of the new activity doesn't appear , why ? code...

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Android :: Sub Activity Doesn't Die - In Theme Dialog

Aug 27, 2009

I have an application with an activity A which creates an activity B (in theme dialog). I push the button in my activity B to finish it, i come back on activity A, it is ok. Then I press the button return on my G1, i go back on my home screen. And now if i do a long press on the home button, and i click on my application, it is the activity B which appears ! I finish my activity B, with this code : setResult(RESULT_OK); finish();

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Android :: Finish Activity Doesn't Work

Nov 5, 2009

In main Activity, I called start Activity For Result(intentB, 100) to start a new activity B, then in B, I called startActivity(intentC) to start another activity C. Lastly I wanted to call finish Activity(100) in C to close activity B, but seemed it was not successfully destroyed(I can use BACK key to see it's still there.)

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Android :: Differences Between Jar Library And Library Project

Jul 15, 2010

As I understand, the three ways of distributing my application are via Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project.Jar - cannot contain resources or XML layouts (so this is out for me)Android Library - I don't really know how this works but the Google API uses it..Android Library Project - includes resources but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source.If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers, what should I use? And can someone direct me to a tutorial on creating an Android Library?

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Android :: Back Button Doesn't Go To Previous Activity

Jul 4, 2010

I have two activities. The first is a list where the user selects one of the items which takes them to a second activity showing the details of the item they selected. When the user clicks the back button I want the app to return to the first activity.

Is there anything special i need to do to make this happen?

Right now when I click the back button from the second activity it exits the app just like the home button would.

Here is how I am starting the Second Activity. startActivity(new Intent(getApplication(), SecondActivity.class)); finish();

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Android :: OnSearchRequested - Doesn't Call Search Activity In 1.5

Oct 8, 2009

The 1.5 AVD doesn't seem to follow the documentation in:

which says it's enough to call onSearchRequested() to call the search activity. I need to call startSearch() to make it work. However, when I check the source code of, onSearchRequested() does call startSearch().

This works in 1.6.

Is this a bug in 1.5, or did I miss something?

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Android :: Droid Notification Activity Doesn't Display Occasionally / Can I Fix It

Oct 6, 2010

I have an android background Service that will occasionally post a notification to the Status Bar using the Notification class. Occasionally, when I receive a notification, pull-down the notification window, and select the notification from the list, the specified Activity doesn't start. When this happens, the screen dims (as if it were about to display the Activity), but the Activity is never shown. I included my code below...

NOTE: The UserNotification class extends Activity, and is set to a dialog theme in the manifest. This class also has its taskAffinity property set to "" in the manifest.

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Android :: Start Activity From Menu Option Doesn't Work / Fix It

Dec 9, 2009

I am completely exhausted to think logically right now..... I am sure it is pretty easy to implement

I have a menu item which when selected would call another activity class. I am using switch case to select between menu items. I tried creating an Intent to start activity using the Class name but doesn't work.

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