Android :: Cannot Get To My Application In Market As A Developer

Oct 31, 2010

Something really strange happened today and I could really use some help figuring it out. I believe its related to Google's SSO infrastructure, and I don't really know how to contact Google to get my application rescued.

I have a google apps account I used to create the application, its claytantor at sightlyinc dot com not a account but its a Google Apps account, so I used it to upload and distribute my application. Today when I was using blogger my account said "do you want to use claytantor at sightlyinc dot com or claytantor at sightlyinc dot com for this account?" what kind of choice is that they are both the same? Well my guess is that somehow I chose the one that locks me out of my Android Market account because when I went to try to upload a new version of my app it thinks I don't have an Android Market account.

Paying the extra 20 bucks wouldn't bug me but there is a version of my software out there that I cant access or manage now, and that *really* bothers me. If I create a new account I will have two versions of mys software floating around the new one and the old one that has been stranded! I cant live with that.

Android :: Cannot Get to My Application in Market as a Developer

Android :: Market And Developer Frustration

Mar 10, 2009

I've developed for a bunch of platforms and I'm starting to get a bit frustrated with Android/Google. It seems like you didn't quite think things through for developers.

1) There's no way to dialog on ratings. Even in a stupid web blog the author is allowed to comment in a discussion. Ratings should be more like discussions. Lots of sites do this well, there's no need to reinvent the wheel.

2) There's no way to remove the ratings from dumb shills for other products who trash your product.

3) There's no way to see ratings that are declared as Spam. I'd like to see what's getting marked as Spam in case it's the same shills pushing their own products marking good reviews as Spam.

4) The score includes all those dumb shills so the star score is consistently low and the product will always languish.

5) We still don't have .33 for our phones. I can't mark something as Spam yet nor even see what's for sale on Market. This should have been ready when it rolled to users. Or at least tell us WHEN it will be ready. This 'coming soon' stuff doesn't do much fo rme.

6) All google lookups for doc go to the old doc site. Can't you at least upgrade your references in search to go to the new doc?

7) There's no way to post an update for a non-free product! Wtf is that? That's ok if you're producing the typical dumb iPhone flash game but for a real product?

8) There's still a huge black hole in the dev for bluetooth, as well as a bunch of missing documentation for more kernel-related stuff.

9) The web interface for market is miserable. Why can't we see all the apps there? Why don't we have the same set of controls we do from the phone along with a discussion/blog for ratings.

10) Adding a more serious set of rich-text info (with maybe a picture or two) as a hyperlink from market would be easy and really great for developers. 325 plaintext characters doesn't do much for anyone.

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Android :: Using Word In Market Developer Name

Mar 11, 2009

Is it against Google's rules to use the word "Android" in a developer name?I'm leaning towards no.While it is the name of the OS, Google didn't invent the word. For example, could I make my developer name "bobTheAndroid"?(I'm asking before I make my developer account so I don't somehow lose my $25)

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Android :: Can't Mark Errors As Old In Market Developer Console

Jun 25, 2010

in the developer console, I have a couple of errors, which although fixed in the code and marked old in the console, still show up on the front page. And I highly suspect that this is affecting the rank of my apps. This is obviously a bug in the developer console:

1. at the developer console homepage it says (in bold face): Errors (2)

2. when I click on "Errors", it shows: Freezes Crashes 1 new 1 new 0 reports 0 reports 1 old 3 old 2 reports 7 reports

3. When I click on "1 New" in the "Freezes" column, it displays: Old ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut 2 reports 0 reports/week

Also, one of my apps, TapeMachine, has 4.5 stars, 973 downloads, and 83% active installs. For certain keyword searches in the market it has been the first result for many weeks. And since these (bogus) errors are here, it has lost its rank falling under many applications with lower ratings. A similar issue happened with the free version, which has 4 stars and about 20k downloads.Is there a workaround or a fix for this situation?

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Android :: How To Search Market Based On Two Word Developer Name?

Jun 22, 2010

(Question also posted here: )
recommends searching for apps by Developer Name using the URL: market://search?q=pub:
I can't get this to work for two word names. For instance, if I want to search for all of Google's apps on the Market, I would search for 'Google Inc.' since if you look at Google Earth, Google Sky Map, etc. those are all published by 'Google Inc.'

I've tried the following:
(equivalent of: Google+Inc.)
(equivalent of: Google Inc.)
market://search?q=pub:Google Inc.
(equivalent of: Google Inc.)
(equivalent of: Google+Inc.)
but none work.

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Android :: Market Developer Console Bugs Feature

May 20, 2010

The new bugs feature is a great move forward to empower devs and users both, kudos Google.

However, the reports don't tell me which version of my app the report is from, which is critical for me to properly triage.

Is there any feedback channel to Google other than this group we could use to get this feature added?

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Android :: Ways That Allows Developer To Leave Reply To Comments In Market?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a free app that has 64% of ratings at 5 starts, but still has 9% of ratings at only 1 start, some of them even said that my app is an "useless garbage", so I think maybe I need to leave a reply to those users to explain something or answer their questions. So are there any ways that we could do such thing?

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Android :: Market Developer Console Bugs IS NOT WORKING Properly

May 21, 2010

Data there are inconsistent!. On dashboard I have TWO new bugs. Going down I see one NEW and one OLD. When I click on NEW link I see one OLD only. When I go down I see bug marked as OLD. More info for Android Market developers: application:, Exception class java.lang.NullPointerException Source method WorldClockWidget.onReceive()

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Android :: Developer Console Page Of Market Not Work On Chromium Browser

Jun 3, 2010

The "Developer Console" page of Android market not work on Chromium browser. Some hyperlink item on this page are un-clickable, such as "Upload Upgrade", "Replace this image", and "add language". However it's work correctly on Fire-Fox browser. I don't know how to report this issue to Chromium developing team, please help me to report this issue.

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Android :: Developer To Write An Image Application / Flickr

Mar 6, 2009

Eldev LLC is looking for android developer familiar with flickr / google image search API to write a new exciting application for us. Possibility of long term relationship and full time work is high if the job is done right.

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Android :: Application Developer Wanted For Contract Work

Mar 9, 2009

We am looking for a expert Android developer for Android application development. You must have documented experience in following areas:

- UI development - file handling - multimedia decoding - authentication

We already have our application running on other devices and can provide you with functioning models. We will provide you with a well documented API for you to interface to our servers. The UI will change a little compared to what we have now. You will have access to an experienced graphics designer for any necessary design changes.

We expect that you will sign an NDA and a contract with us. Compensation will be $20,000.00. Payment will occur as we launch the application. It will be based on a revenue share model where you will get 30% of the revenues up to a max of $20,000.00. We estimate you will reach the $20,000.00 mark within 2 months of application launch date. We are only looking for expert developers and you should be able to initiate the work within the next couple weeks. If succesful, we would be interested in extending additional work as the application evolves.

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Android :: How To Transfer Application Ownership From One Developer Account To Another

Oct 1, 2010

My company is a Hong Kong based company and my app has been hosted by my good friend in America under his Android Market account. Now that Google announced support of selling app in my region, I want to move the app back so to avoid more hassle to him for tax reporting etc.

Do you know a formal way either:

- Check the existing Google Checkout account from one country to another, or - To move the app ownership from one Android Developer account to another.

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Android :: How Will Application Developer Will Make Sure / Service Is Available On Phone ?

Sep 30, 2010

I have developed an android service. Any android app can use it's API's to get some kind of news updates from this service. I want to distribute this service so that any android app on the phone can use this service. My questions here are :When some android application try to use its API on the phone and suppose that service is not available on the phone then what will happen ?How will android application developer will make sure that the service is available on the phone?Does application developer has to bundle service with his application ? If yes then wont be there multiple instances of same service on phone if multiple application contains same service on the phone?

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Android :: Developer Control Of Android Market Server License Settings

Aug 9, 2010

I was looking for per-application control over retry until and other license settings from the developer console. This appears not to be available. Do I implement a more lenient ServerManagedPolicy by twiddling with these settings and associated preferences in ProcessServerRequest? My app operates fine in airplane mode, and I can anticipate it being used for extended periods of time where internet connectivity is unavailable.

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Android :: Updated Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement?

Apr 24, 2009

I'm sorry I know this is slightly off-topic, but since there is no group about the market... When I'm logging in to the Market console, I'm asked to agree with the "updated Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement".Is there any info/announcement anywhere highlighting and explaining the differences with the previous agreement?

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Android :: Catch 22 Re Android Market Developer Agreement

Nov 5, 2010

This is not a programming question per se but a question that may be relevant to all future Android developers.I am in the market for an Android developer phone. I can buy it used on eBay, or I can buy it new on the Android Market.All nice and dandy but in order what the Android market has to offer, I have to first register, which requires signing the Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement.Well, I know that many developers signed that agreement and stayed alive, but before signing anything I prefer to read what I am about to sign. Unfortunately, certain information that is needed to be understood in order to sign the agreement can be accessed only after you sign the agreement.For example, how do I know which are the "authorized payment processors" mentioned in clause 1.2?Also, it sounds strange to me that in order to just see what developer phones are available (and their specs) I first have to register and pay the $25 registration fee. It will take at least 6 months before I will be ready to place anything on the Android market, so why should I register now?

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Android :: Android Developer Console And The Market

Feb 15, 2009

The Android Developer Console doesn't allow me to unpublish my previously published applications. I thought it may be a browser/ javascript issue, but I tried several browsers with no luck.In addition, the applications I've published that are not free do not show up on the Market.

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Android :: Application Merging Statement Written On

May 12, 2009

I the android site, in the application fundamentals, it is written that,

"A central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises."

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Android :: How To Publish An Update To Android Application With A Different Developer Account

Oct 14, 2010

We are migrating to a new Android developer account and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about the best way to transition apps to the new account.

From what I can find, the only suggestions I've seen were to publish an update to the old app notifying the user of the new updated app. This requires us to publish the apps under a new package name which we would like to avoid if possible.

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Android :: Developer To Write An Image Application / Google Image Search API

Mar 29, 2009

Eldev LLC is looking for android developer familiar with google image search API to write a new application.

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Android :: Launch Market Place With Id Of An Application That Doesn't Exist In The Android Market Place

Mar 25, 2010

I am creating an application that checks the installation of a package and then launches the market-place with its id.

When I try to launch market place with id of an application say by throwing an intent android.intent.action.VIEW with url: market://details?, the market place application does launches but crashes after launch.

Note: the application doesn't exists in the market-place.

MyApplication is my application.


However, when I try to launch the market place for a package that exists in the market place say, everything works. Log for this case:


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Android :: Get Application ID Of My App On The Market

Feb 22, 2009

I hope to figure out the direct URL link to my application on the market like http://market:blahblah

I was able to find the application ID previously by going to the UI interface to upload application, and looking at the URL link that can edit the app.

However, this method doesn't seem to work any more because the now the edit URL link contains only the package name and not the app ID.

Any idea how to get the application ID?

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Android :: Market Application For Pc?

Sep 17, 2010

Wasn't there mention back during the Google conference of a Android media center type of application for the PC. Hate to think of the Itunes but yes, an itunes like application but for Android. Organize our music and other programs on the computer and sync it up. Make searching for applications easier and we can back up our downloaded ups on the pc.

Its great to use our phones as flash drives with plug and go but is there something already on the market or elsewhere that can do what I've mentioned?

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Android :: Can't Find My Own Application In The Market

May 15, 2010

I just bought an Acer Liquid today, and of course the first application I looked for in the market was my own. I couldn't find it.

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Android :: Off-Market Application Updates

Jun 24, 2010

I am curious about the procedure for updating an app that was acquired off the market. Do you simply install over your existing app? And if so, what happens to your existing data?Is there a way to tie your installed apps to the market, so it can automatically check for updates? Any information is appreciated.

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Android :: Changing Application Name In Market

Aug 11, 2010

This has come up before, but I'm still not clear. I published my first app last night. It sunk like a stone. I want to change its name. I don't want to force the few people who have downloaded it to get an update. It seems to me that if I:

1. Change the android: label in the manifest to be the new name, and
2. Resubmit it with the same version number

Then the name in the market should change but not force an update. Is this correct?

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Android :: Launching Application In Market

Sep 30, 2010

I want to launch my application in market. I ahd go to but there they are asking for Website URL. But i don't have any website then what should I enter there? or is it necessary to have our own website to launch application in market?

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Android :: Application Not For All Devices In Market

Sep 9, 2010

Today, I placed our new app onto the market store. It can be found by most mobile phones - unfortunately, it cannot be detected by one specific model which is used by one of our customers. It is the Vodafone 845, with a small screen (240x320p) and low density (120 dpi). It's running with Android 2.1, updated version (i.e. SDK 7), and has all the necessary hardware (GPS, cam, and internet access), but, however, doesn't detect the app in the market. I have already tried anyDensity="true". The app is free, not copy protected, and open to all countries. I have the following settings in the manifest:


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Android :: Can't Purchase Own Application On Market?

Feb 2, 2010

I just uploaded my application in the market, but I'm not able to purchase it (it's a pay app). I saw here that it seems to be made by design, but then why the error message is Server Error try again? Is there a way to bypass that?

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Android :: Market Rating On Application

Sep 14, 2010

I woke up this morning to 2 new 1-star rating on my app, which made it 3 total. There were no comments and no purchase cancellations in the last couple of days, so I said to myself WTF, 2 people actually kept the app and gave it a one star? I thought it might be a competitor. But I just looked again and the 2 new 1-stars have disappeared. What is going on with the market?

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