Android :: Can I Make Part Of My Preferences A Dynamic List
Nov 17, 2010I need to make a screen that will add options as the user clicks on another preference.

I need to make a screen that will add options as the user clicks on another preference.
I am looking for a way to create dynamic preferences where I don't need to hard code the preference key and I could have a variable number of preferences. Basically, my application will let the user create a multiple number of profiles and each of these profiles will save custom values for a fixed number of preferences. So this way, the user does not have to change the preferences every time he wants this app to run differently, he can just switch the profile. One way I think will work is by subclassing all the standard Preference classes and calling their setKey method with my custom preference key, containing the profile name, but this is ugly. So is there a cleaner and more standards compliant way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to create dynamic preferences where I don't need to hard code the preference key and I could have a variable number of preferences. Basically, my application will let the user create a multiple number of profiles and each of these profiles will save custom values for a fixed number of preferences. So this way, the user does not have to change the preferences every time he wants this app to run differently, he can just switch the profile. One way I think will work is by subclassing all the standard Preference classes and calling their setKey method with my custom preference key, containing the profile name, but this is ugly. So is there a cleaner and more standards compliant way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to create a list view as a part of a form in android using listview as a part of the form .. something similar to select option in htmk is what i am looking for
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a scenario at hand, for which I need a solution as soons as possible. Here is the problem statement: I need to show an image overlapped by some other image, 100%. The condition is that the picture in background should also be visible through the foreground picture but only through some part of the foreground picture. Please try to visualise how it should look like. There is a picture shown and in middle of it, there is a transparent area through which the background image is visible. I knew that I can make an image transparent and make the background image visible but here I want only some part of the foreground image to be transparent so that it looks like sort of picture frame applied to the background puicture. And for those who read the statement carefully would have understood that the ultimate thing desired is to have a picture frame applied to the picture. Can anyone please suggest a good way to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create just one class and use a variable for contentview? I am thinking of creating a main layout with loads of buttons with IDs. Once a button is pressed it'll then pass the ID to the class and use that ID to open a specific Layout. One class, multiple layouts. code...
is it possible to make 'main' a variable?
I have a ListView with a Button below it. When I fill the list with more content than the screen size allows, so that the scroll bar appears, the Button is not part of the scrollable area. That is, the Button disappears. How do I make the Button part of the scrollable area? Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to change the divider height dynamically. From whatever I have searched it seems that it is possible through setting divider as part of each item in listview. But I am not very clear with this. So, can someone be more specific as how can one make the divider as part of item in listview?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my apps preferences screen, i want to pop up a dialog that shows a list of checkbox items that are dynamically generated.
How does one do that and also, how does one get the checked values? I have made custom dialogs in the past, but for some reason my brain wont function today ..
The problem is that the following method gets called one time when the Menu button is pressed: public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) How can I recreate the menu at a later time in order to change some options, disable some options, etc?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am parsing data through the web service. I want the flipping horizontally rather than vertically. Here is a tutorial where ViewFlipper is used but it is for static data.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have two questions:
1. How do you programmatically generate key strokes? I found some tutorials where it says to use IWindowManager, but that doesn't exist anymore in 1.5. (And WindowManager doesn't provide any function to generate key strokes)
2. How do you programmatically select one item from a ListView? Is it possible to do it with the index of the list item (it's position in the list)
I am planning to store a password in my Native app (Android and iPhone). Should I store them after encrypting it ? or can I store it without any encryption? Are they really secure?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i make a dynamic flipping screen(like that of iPhone) in Android
I am parsing data through the web service. I want the flipping horizontally rather than vertically. Here is a tutorial where ViewFlipper is used but it is for static data.
Suppose we have 2 activities with their respective xml files: Splash Activity ->splash.xml Menu activity ->menu.xml Now how we can flip between these 2 activities? That is from splash to menu and vice versa.
I am using a simple expandable list that is populated by two arrays ( group array for the groups and a multi dimensional children array for the child). The arrays are built dynamically in the program and some group items have more children than others. So I end up defining the highest number as the array size for the multidimensional child array. After populating the child array, some positions are left null, as there are no values for those group items (explained above). When I associate this with the expandable list adapter, the getChildView method throws a nullpointer exception when it comes across a position in child array that does noto have value. I have two questions:
1. Can I make the base adapter skip the shildview method if the value in that child is null? The current implementation of getchildView method has to return a view and even if I suppress the nullpointer exception, it adds a blank element in the child position in the list.
2. Is there a better way of associated multidimensional arrays that are populated at run time? The current set of examples only use hardcoded string array values. Even the cursor adapters examples use very basic setup.
So I have a song that I like (smooth criminal) and I would like the opening to be my ringtone. I have heard of ringdroid but it doesn't seem to work well on my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make a dynamic layout which contains mixed elements
[text] [checkbox] [button]
[text] [checkbox] [button]
[text] [checkbox] [button]
I am using a PreferenceActivity to let the user set some values. I am feeding it the xml file with the defined preferences.
I have set all the android:defaultValue="" for them.
When I start my application, I need the preferences, or if they are not set yet manually, I want the default values:
However, when android:defaultValue="true" I still get false. So, it looks like the defaultValues set in the XML are not used anywhere but when initializing the preferences-screen.
I don't want to hardcode the default values in the getBoolean() method. So, is there a way get the default-values with only defining these in 1 place?
My application is used on multiple platforms so it saves it preferences to a file (rather than to the standard Android SharedPreferences).
Is there any easy of reusing the PreferenceActivity to save preferences to a file or is it a case of creating a whole new activity to do the job? If the latter is the case is there a layout I can use that will make the activity look like the normal preferences screen? PreferenceActivity uses but this doesn't appear to be available to apps for reuse.
I need to make a list view as shown in the sample pic for my android app. How to do it? Also I need to add image along it as seen in the sample pic. and link it to another view to show some more details.please check links shown below.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to make a loop that in my main.xml creates a button for each item in the list. But I cant see a way to loop in the xml file and create more buttons that way.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to see if someone can help me with a simple list view I am tying to make. I am specifically facing problem trying to introduce a new column in this list view. Label 3 in xml code below is the new column I m trying to make. Should I have a new linear layout and wrap two text views in it or is there some other option? code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have build an application in android. This app needs to display a list of text, but the list of text increase continuously. It means user can see increased list of text. Each text is separated by a horizontal row. It looks like google market when market try to show list of applications. How can i do in this situation ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy android application has two kinds of preferences:
1) I have user preferences defined in res/xml/preferences.xml so that users can manage their preferences with a PreferenceActivity.
2) I'd like to define another file for global configuration preferences of my app.
What is the best way to manage my app config preferences? Should I create another XML file with config values or should I specify those config values in strings.xml? What is the best practice for managing config preferences?
When I connet device to DDMS sdk tool, I can see the running process.But I don't think that those process are tatal processes.For example, I have 10 android applications, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.If I want to run only A, B, C application on the power-on, how can I do that.?Where can I make a list for processes running in the poweron time.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am downloading an array of photos from the net and showing a ProgressDialog with a loading circle. How to make ProgressDialog non-stop loading circle when I am loading a list of photos? But the loading circle will be lag / hang while the process is not finish. How to make the loading running smoothly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the Uncertain number of GeoPoint, i want to display them all on the google maps. I don't know how to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy activity has a set of buttons on the left half of the screen and a ListView on the right.Initially the focus is on the first button. When I browse the buttons by pressing DOWN arrow key and then press the RIGHT arrow key, the focus does not go to the topmost list item. Instead, the list item correspondingly on the right gets focused.Is there a way that when I press the RIGHT arrow key, the focus goes to the topmost item on the Listview?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have list activity with custom array adapter and I can't to get context menu when make long press on list item.
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
Why I do not see context menu? What I do wrong? How to get context menu with array adapter and ListActivity.
I am making an android application that shows a list with users, I would like to add the image,name,status,and a button in every row of the list, just like in the androids 1.6 native caller-> favorites tab.Until know I have managed to add the image and name using an ListActivity but when I try to add the button the list becomes unselected.So I have 2 questions, first is the list mentioned above listviews or listactivities? also is this possible using listActivity? and second, what is the difference of the above mentioned classes?
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