Android :: Camera Focus Facility

Jan 20, 2009

My app is struggling to take focused shots. Is there a built in facility that sets an auto-focus property on the camera, so it automatically takes clear and focused images. I've noticed that feature in numerous well-known apps such as ShopSavvy, CompareEverywhere, etc. Could you advise on how to achieve that?

Android :: Camera Focus Facility

General :: Camera Won't Focus On Android App

Mar 18, 2012

my partner are developing an android app, with camera feature, but seems it doesn't work properly, the camera won't focus and can't capture the picture.I'm not able to post on Android development software.

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Android :: Camera Zoom FX - Focus Manual And Auto

Jan 3, 2010

I have a Sprint HTC Hero and just loaded CZ FX. Can someone tell me how the manual focus and auto works? I know how to turn it on and off just don't know what its doing. With the stock camera when you touch the screen it focuses on that spot, with FX I can't figure it out. Also with FX when I touch the screen it takes a photo even when that option is turned off?

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HTC EVO 4G :: How To Manually Focus Camera?

Aug 7, 2010

So I'm taking pictures with the EVO to post here and while I'm holding the phone watching the autofocus do its thing, and when it finally takes the pic, its settles on a focus that is not as sharp as it could be. While it is focusing, there are moments when the autofocus will have focused perfectly but it keeps focusing past that point.. I looked through ALL the settings and couldn't figure it out... Is there a way to manually focus the camera other than physically moving the camera forward or backwards?

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General :: ICS Camera App With Tap To Focus?

Mar 23, 2012

I am using IceColdSandwich 6.1 and the native Camera app doesnt have tap to focus. The Sense camera did. I am wondering, Is there any app/mod to get tap to focus?

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HTC Desire :: Camera Won't Focus Properly

Oct 24, 2010

Thinking of sending it back to Orange as an insurance job but before I go through the hassle I wondered if anyone had these symptoms and what they did to fix it. The camera doesn't seem to focus which results in blurry images all the time. I have removed the battery cover and cleaned the lens and the inside of the lens protector but it still doesn't work. I use my camera quite a bit so it has become a source of frustration. I am using the stock camera app and the fault has only developed over the past week.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Camera Doesn't Seem To Focus Right / Setting For It?

Jun 19, 2010

I have yet to get a decent picture with the camera. My Blackberry Tour took great shots without any fuss. I tap to set the focus to specific points in the shot, but it never gets sharp. They always look grainy or soft. Anyone else having this issue or do you have hints?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Impossible To Get Pictures In Focus With Camera / App To Fix It?

Jul 10, 2010

Is it just me it does your evo camera suck? Its almost impossible to get pictures in focus.I'll take the pictures and see them focus but it takes the pics when it's like not focused at out of ten pics are in focus and its impossible to take a pic of anything moving. Is there any fix or app for this?

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HTC Hero :: Camera Won't Focus / Image Very Yellow / How To Fix?

Jul 31, 2010

Anyone run into this problem? My wife's phone camera was fine until after the recent update. Now the image appears very yellow and it will not focus. I've tinkered with the settings to no avail. Currently I have it set to the default settings. Any advice?

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Motorola Droid X :: 2.2 - Camera Won't Focus Correctly

Aug 27, 2010

Is there one? I know how to take pictures so its not me, wasnt a problem with my 2.1. Except for the pixel issue. Camera won't focus correctly.

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HTC Hero :: App / Way To Make Camera Focus For Longer?

Sep 26, 2009

I got my HTC Hero today on Orange. I previously had an iPhone 3G but I do prefer my Hero!

I have a question though. Is there an app or a way to make the camera focus for longer? Or perhaps when it has focused enough, take the picture without it messing up?

The camera is good for me, I'm just wondering if there's a way to put the focus to better use!

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Motorola Droid :: Camera Still Won't Focus / Do I Need Another Phone?

Mar 27, 2010

So I fixed all my other issues by doing a wipe. (no need to repeat my longer earlier thread).

But the camera still won't focus. I've installed 2.0.1 both OTA and Manually, no difference.

I think a trip to Verizon Monday is in my future. it will only focus in obscenely bright light. Any other situation it's just blurry.

Yes, my lens is clean haha.

Looks like Droid #3 will be on the way. Unless someone else has ideas I have yet to try.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Pink Spot In Center Of Photos / Out Of Focus Camera?

Jul 29, 2010

I seem to have the pink spot issue in the center of my photos. I don't see it in all of them, seems to be more in grey days or shooting concrete. The center of the image seems soft or out of focus. Here is an example (You can see how the center of the image is pinkish and out of focus)

I did some searching and see this was an issue with some HTC phones, but it didn't seem to show up in search for the EVO. Has anyone had this issue? Is there a fix for it? I am in the 30 day trial and would like to know before I commit to keeping this device.

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HTC Hero :: Clicking Noise From Camera When Focus Any Object

Nov 11, 2009

I am noticing a clicking noise whilst my camera is focusing on an object. It actually sounds like it's coming from the lens. It seems to have started since I did the software update but I did also drop the phone last night. The camera is working fine and I am not really that worried, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it was anything to start worrying about?

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Motorola Droid X : Can You Manual Focus Video Camera

Oct 12, 2010

Is there anyway to do manual focus for the video camera on the X?

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General :: Mod For Controlling Camera Focus Manually Using Keys

Oct 8, 2013

i was wondering if there is a mod for controlling the camera focus manually using some keys, eg: volume up/down, because the AF always gets wrong for my macro shots..

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Motorola Droid :: Camera Focus Not Working / Blurry Images

Jul 8, 2010

My camera used to work perfectly. My pics were amazing, and it was just amazing. The focus was never off. Clear, crisp, sharp images. Now, out of nowhere it seems, the camera won't focus. My images are EXTREMELY blurry. It's terrible. Even when I'm just setting up to take the pic, the image looks blurry on the screen. It's bad enough that I can no longer even get the barcode scanner to work. I'm assuming that something wrong with my lens and not anything to do with software etc. And yes, I've cleaned it. And cleaned it. And cleaned it to no avail.

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Motorola Droid :: Froyo - Camera Blurry / Pictures Out Of Focus

Jun 8, 2010

I have had nothing but great success with the leaked Froyo that I've been running since Saturday afternoon. Battery life seems to be improved, haven't noticed any FC's, etc... until today. I know that the Droid has had some camera issues namely the 24.5 auto focus bug and the auto focus hardware becomes faulty but this is new to me. I didn't have this problem with 2.0.1, stock 2.1, rooted 2.1, Pete's BB, Fab's NexBeast. There have been numerous kernels on the phone as well and going back through my gallery nothing was blurry. I have wiped the lens, made sure the camera app is on auto-focus, I've clicked the button once, twice, halfway, a dozen times, etc and I've even tried FXCamera - if the subject is more than 6" away it is blurry. I'm running the 1.0 P3 kernel but 1.1 & 1.2 have given me the same issue. I've tried this at 1Ghz, 800, 600 & 400Mhz. I know this is pre-release but is anyone else having the same issue?

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Motorola Droid :: Camera Auto Focus Function Not Working

Nov 14, 2010

My auto focus has been really inconsistent recently, some days it will work for a little but for the most part it doesn't focus anymore. I've also been having a lot of issues with the headphone jack, what should I do? btw, my insurance on my phone is protectcell. Do you think they would consider upgrading me to a Droid 2 or a better phone? (my phones rooted, I changed roms to see if that was the issue, but the problem still occurs)

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Motorola Droid X :: Cannot Choose Auto Focus Area For Camera

Jul 18, 2010

In the Camera app there used to be a bracket that showed where the focus of the picture is going to be and I could move it around to choose where I want it to focus, but I no longer see that. It still autofocuses, but does not show the bracket at all. Any ideas on why this is?

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Samsung Captivate :: Unable To Get Camera Focus On Small Items

Aug 9, 2010

Has anyone been able to get the camera to focus on small items? I was trying to take a picture of a praying mantis on a flower today and could not get it to focus on the insect. I tried different settings including macro and portrait etc. Anyone have any tips on how to get this camera to focus on an object this small?

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Nexus :: Modaco Desire ROM / Touch-to-Focus Camera Works?

Apr 12, 2010

Just got back from my hols where I used my (stock) N1 camera a lot. Got some great pics but a few certainly highlighted just how important touch-to-focus is to me. Was quickly reading a review of the Desire and read it has touch-to-focus. Was just wondering if anyone who is actually running the modaco desire ROM on their N1 can confirm whether this works? I'd also be interested to know if I could just use the desire camera app on a rooted N1 with Cynanogen? I'm rather partial to the stock appearance and not massively inclined towards Sense UI.

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Motorola Droid X : Camera Focus Sound File Location?

Jul 23, 2010

So does anyone know the location of the sound file for the double-beep camera focus? I found the "camera_click" and the "videorecord" sound files but don't see the one for the focus. It's not located in system/media/audio/ui like the other 2 camera sound files.

I really hate the double-beep focus sound and yes I know 3rd party camera applications will enable you to silence it but I was looking to just replace the sound file with a silent sound file instead.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: R2D2 Camera / Focus Clicks But Application Not Opened

Nov 20, 2010

Anytime I try to access my camera utility, through pressing the camera button, choosing the camera icon, or choosing the camcorder icon, the auto focus clicks like normal but the program does not open. The screen just goes black for a second and opens once more on the main screen. When I take the SD card out it works fine, but otherwise nothing will work. I have tried a factory reset, uninstalling several programs, and power cycling over and over again.

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Motorola Droid :: Camera Malfunction - Auto Focus Works Hard?

Nov 15, 2009

I am not sure if my Droid camera is working correctly or if it is the software. I am using the app "shopsavvy that uses the camera to scan/focus on a bar code but the auto focus works hard to focus and sometimes can't. Is anyone else experiencing this or similar issues with the camera? Do I need to take it back for a replacement?

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Motorola Droid X :: Focus Box On Camera Just Disappeared / Bad Quality Since Update.html

Jul 22, 2010

This is ridiculous. it just disappeared out of nowhere. I'm thinking i might just return my droid x

heres my other problem with the camera:

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Android :: Adjusting Camera's Focus In Android 2.2

Jul 8, 2010

Can you directly adjust the focus of the camera instead of changing the changing focus mode in 2.2?

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HTC Desire :: Application With A-GPS Facility / Support

Jun 18, 2010

I got my HTC Desire yesterday. It seems that Goggle Maps are not A-GPS. Either they need wireless or 3G. 3G plan can become expensive if not being too careful. So the question is: what application has A-GPS facility for HTC Desire? You know have those maps on SD Card and what you need is a GPS connection.

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Motorola Droid X :: Auto Focus - Click To Focus

Aug 29, 2010

I loved the camera on the Eris and the Incredible, not only did they have a whole lot more of a crisp high-res detail, the auto-focus absolutely rocked. With my droid x, I can be getting a little artsy and focus on an object with the crosshair but it'll take me 20 tries to get it to lock on, its insane, I know I'm not getting too close to my subject because it will definitely eventually focus on that object if I try over and over and over again. It's not just close ups that I find myself and my buddy with this issue either. macro shooting mode does not help. My buddie's droid X has the same exact behaviors. Eris and incredible just LOCKED ON first try with even very low contrast / detail subjects, on top of that, have a ton better camera GUI when it comes to "click to focus". I know this thing ain't no SLR but, blows me away of how terrible the camera performance is vs. the HTC android based devices. Ihink motorola will fix this? I know this thing ain't no SLR but it just blows me away how the HTC android devices camera performance (except for video) blows the Droid X away.

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HTC Desire :: Email - Mark All As Read Facility

Jul 14, 2010

Maybe I'm having a senior moment, but its been driving me nuts for weeks where is the facility to select some or all of the unread emails in a mailbox as being read?I'm using HTC email widget (the one showing individual emails per screen if that makes any difference)

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