Android :: Avoiding Duplicate Resources In Project / Want Some Of Landscape Images

Aug 25, 2010

I have some images in my drawable folder and they have landscape versions in drawable-land. However I want some of the landscape images to be shared, as it seems a waste to duplicate the file with a different name. Is it possible to make a sym link (shortcut) or something for one of the duplicated files to prevent wasting space

Folder explanation below as I'm not great at explaining myself:

> image1.png
> image2.png
>image1.png <-- This image
>image2.png <-- is identical to this file

Android :: Avoiding duplicate resources in project / want some of landscape images

Android :: Avoiding Duplicate Contacts With Gmail / Microsoft Exchange

Jul 5, 2010

I have Gmail set up on my Nexus One (personal email). I also have Microsoft exchange setup (work email) and both work fine. The problem is that under my contacts there are duplicate entries both for Gmail and Microsoft exchange. That is causing some problems with my SMS app (duplicate contacts) and wanted to see how I could avoid syncing Microsoft exchange and delete it from my contact but still keep it on my phone. I have already unchecked the box to not sync my contacts but did that after adding it.

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Android :: Starting Activity Through Notification - Avoiding Duplicate Activities

Feb 24, 2010

I am currently showing a notification. When the user clicks this noticiation, the application is started. The notification persists, to indicate that the service is running in the background.


However, I have detected a case where a bug appears. If the user starts the application through clicking the normal icon, and while the activity is running clicks the notification, then a new activity is started without the earlier one exiting, the later being on top of the earlier. And that is not all: Further clicks on the notification will create additional activities and place them on top of those already running. How can I prevent this? Is there a nice check to do to see if a certain activity is currently being shown or is loaded?

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Android :: Reusing Code And Resources From Another Project

Dec 10, 2009

I have project A with some classes and some resources (used for classes configuration). I'd like to reuse its classes (and resources necessary for them) in another project B (and possibly in more projects). Currently I have 2 projects in Eclipse and they both builds fine, but when project B is started in emulator it fails with error.It should get classes and resources from both projects and package them together. 2) Make a third project which consists of symbolic links to classes and resources of those two projects. 3) Make project A as a service and consume it in project B. They all are imperfect: - 1 and 2 would pack classes and resources of project A into the .apk of project B. - 3 has performance penalty and reuse is not so easy.

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Android :: Library Using Main Project Resources

Oct 27, 2010

I am not getting is this is right way to solve problem or not... Situation is... I am creating Library for Android project.. Activity is declared in the Library Project..As it will be reusable in different projects. Lets Name it ActivityA. ActivityA is using images which are Project Specific.. I have added images in Main Project... I am not getting how to access resources from Main project in the Library

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Android :: Determine Images At Runtime / Get Resources

Mar 17, 2009

In my application I have a table that stores information for symbols. These symbols have to be displayed, so also the source, the *.png, is stored in each row. These symbols are loaded randomly at runtime. How do I get the the image(s) to be loaded? Code...

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Android :: How To Loading Images (assets / Resources) Dynamically?

May 21, 2009

How do I load the image dynamically through the code? If its unclear, I mean, I want to load image files by name based on the condition in the code. If I use images as resources, the image names have to be hard coded. This is unacceptable to me. If I load image in a webview (with image src path dynamically), the time it takes to load is unacceptable to me. Can anyone suggest any other way to load the images dynamically?

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General :: CM10.1 Repo Sync Fatal Error - Duplicate Project

Mar 17, 2013

I'm trying to compile CM10.1 from source, but when trying to do a new repo sync I get this error:

fatal: duplicate project CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_maguro in /home/nickamina/android/cm10.1/.repo/manifest.xml

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Android :: How To Reference Resources (images) From HTML Page In Webview?

Sep 18, 2009

How to reference resources (images) from a HTML page in webview? I am trying to display an image in HTML and the image is an android resource. <html> <body> <img src=" ? " /> </body> </html>

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Android : How To Display Different Images For Resolutions In HTML Resources In Droid?

Nov 15, 2010

How do you display different images for different screen resolutions (hdpi, ldpi, mdpi) in an embedded HTML resource of an Android app?

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Android : Way To Use Many Images In Droid Project?

Oct 16, 2010

I have 24 .png images and a ImageView. On user touch I change the ImageView to be one of the 24 images. I'm currently doing setImageResource(R.drawable.hour_1);, but there is a slight delay after I touch the screen and the ImageView actually changes. I figure the delay is the resource being loaded, but I can't find a better way to do this.

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How To Move Set Of Images In Resources / Drawable - HDPI To Assets Folder

Dec 13, 2013

I am trying to move a set of images currently in the resources/drawable-hdpi folder to the Assets folder.

These images are copied to the private application directory when the app is installed.

When I do this the resulting image is smaller than when I had the image in the resources folder. i.e. the baked beans image is smaller than the others. If I load the baked beans images from the drawables folder it is the same size as the other product images.

I have tried to scale the image but it has no effect.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
ImageView imView = (ImageView)rowView.findViewById( nail);
ImageView imProduct = (ImageView)rowView.findViewById( ;
tvName.setText((CharSequence) values.get(position).getName());


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Android :: Drawable - Folder For Storing Images In Project

Jul 16, 2010

I was working on Android 1.5, but now moved to the latest version. So there is only "drawable" folder in Android 1.5, but now There are 3 different folder for storing images in android project. And as i have found some articles for these 3 folders that

hdpi means High-dpi
mdpi means medium-dpi
ldpi means low-dpi

But still in confusion that what is the exact purpose of these 3 folders and when to use particular folder to store images in that?

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Android :: Specify Resources In Android Project To Be Stored On SD?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm writing an application that contains a lot of videos (~ 600 Mb). Obviously, this is too much to store in the device's application space and these videos need to be stored on the device's sdcard. However, I'm trying to decide what is the best way to do this. I could put the videos on a web server and let the user download them as he views them or in the background as he's watching other videos.

But ideally I'd like for the videos to be included in the application download from the market. I'm not even sure if that's possible. One option would be to store the entire application on the sdcard, videos and all, but that would make the application only work on Android 2.2 and higher. Is there a way to specify resources in your Android project that will not be stored in the application space but instead stored on the sdcard?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Delete All Images In Media Landscape At Once?

Oct 31, 2010

Does anyone know how to delete all images in the media landscape at once? Or is it not even possible?

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Android :: Android - Retrieving All Drawable Resources From Resources Object

Jul 11, 2010

In my Android project, I want to loop through the entire collection of Drawable resources. Normally, you can only retrieve a specific resource via its ID using something like:

InputStream is = Resources.getSystem().openRawResource(resourceId)

However, I want to get all Drawable resources where I won't know their ID's beforehand. Is there a collection I can loop through or perhaps a way to get the list of resource ID's given the resources in my project?

Or, is there a way for me in Java to extract all property values from the R.drawable static class?

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Android :: Project Contains Errors - Eclipse Won't Compile Project

Mar 21, 2010

Somethings I'll have an? .xml file selected when I compile a project, only to have a? .out.xml generated. Deleting the file doesn't clear the error, and Eclipse won't compile the project. It just reports that your project contains errors. The solution is to go to Project/Clean. This will clear the error in the project and allow it to compile.

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Android :: Get Project And Std Java Project To Play Nice?

Aug 11, 2010

I can now get our Android project to talk to our non-Android project. But there's still an issue: I are trying to have an Android class call a non Android Hello World class. I tried compiling our non-Android Hello World class in a separate Eclipse workspace. I then packaged it into a jar. I imported that jar into our Android Hello World class.

I then called one of the methods in the non-Android Hello World class. When I ran the Android Hello World class as an Android application, the following runtime error occurred. Here are the Android debug logs:

08-11 09:07:56.764: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(333): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-11 09:07:56.764: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(333): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
08-11 09:07:56.764: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(333): at com.hello2.hello2.onCreate(
08-11 09:07:56.764: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(333): at

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Android :: Reference Project Library From Another Project

Jun 6, 2010

I have 2 android projects out of which I modified one to work as a library. I want the main project to refer to this library to perform few functions. While this scenario works just as expected, I want to introduce one more functionality. I want to link this library project with another just a java project which has code common to both Android and Blackberry applications. This second part however doesn't seem to work and throws "The application <appname> (<package name>) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" with a ForceClose button. I would greatly appreciate if someone can give a brief information on how to make this work.

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Android : How To Add Project Reference To Droid Project?

Jan 25, 2010

I am a C# developer and getting started with Android. I am attempting to duplicate a couple applications I already have in VS. The project is made of 2 executables and 1 common assembly. The 2 executables contain the application specific logic while the common contains centralized forms and logic (such as login form). I am using Eclipse. So how can I accomplish this layout?

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Android :: File From Android Library Project Not Importing Into Application Project

Aug 8, 2010

I followed the instructions here on how to create an Android library project, and use it in an Android application:

But it is not working. I can see the library project is added to my application but I cannot reference anything in it because it won't build. The file from the lib is NOT being added to my application project, so the lib project contains tons of errors, everywhere it tries to reference it's own file.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but in the console there are messages stating that the there is "No resource identifier found for attribute 'X' in package 'Lib Package'. My library package has a a few styleable attributes defined for a custom view I made, all of which are being complained about in this console message. The library builds just fine, and I don't get those messages in the console until I hook the library to my application, so I don't know what's up with this.

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Android :: Add Library Project To Project?

Sep 15, 2010

When I right click the project in the eclipse, select "Properties". In the property page, select Android. According to the document, you can add the library project through that page. But my problem is that, there is no library information on the page. It only lists "project build target"

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Android :: Use Library Project In Other Project

Jul 19, 2010

I have created a library project. When I use the library project in other project, it compiles. How ever, when I run the application, it always get the error "The application has stopped unexpectly.".

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Android :: Avoiding Compression On Large Files

Sep 29, 2010

Apparently you can't have a file in "assets" larger than 1MB (except for certain file types) because it's considered too large to uncompress. But I'm finding mixed info about how to circumvent this limitation. Some say that you can put the files in "raw" and avoid the limitation but others say that files in "raw" are compressed too.And there's the -0 aapt option that can be used to turn off compression for certain file types, but there's no way to specify aapt options in Carbide. I realize that I can break the file into pieces, but that's error- prone on both ends.And using one of the known uncompressed file types not only confuses things but also runs the risk that the Android PTB will decide to start compressing that file type.

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Android :: Avoiding Image Compression On Some 3G Networks

Jul 3, 2010

I want to download an image from the 'net and set it as the users background. This works great over wi-fi, and some 3G networks, but others (T-Mobile UK, for sure) seem to compress the images before sending them. This effect is noticeable when using the browser, too - however, if you long press on an image and save it, when viewing in the gallery it is either not compressed at all, or substantially less so. I want to be able to do this in my own app.I assume it has something to do with the HTTP headers, but of the ones I've modified, none has made a difference.

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Android :: Avoiding Activity Stack Overflow

Sep 17, 2009

I have the following situation. I have a task with the following activity stack -- A - B - C I have a menu item that allows me to start activity D; so my activity stack looks like this -- A - B - C - D Then I could select a menu item that allows me to start an activity C, which would cause my activity stack to look like this: A - B - C - D - C Then I could go back (via the menu item) to activity D, making my activity stack look like this: A - B - C - D - C - D Doing this a few more times, it would wind up looking like this -- A - B - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D This seems kinda stupid to me. I'd like it to simply re-use an activity, or pop the activity below to be on top (which goes against the nature of a "stack"). So, what I mean is if I had this activity stack: A - B - C - D And I started activity C (from the menu), I would get: A - B - D - C And if I then started activity D (from the menu), I would get: A - B - C - D Is there a way to do this without keeping some global list of activities and doing gross things to them to reorder them?

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Android :: Avoiding Softinput Specifically In One Activity?

Sep 29, 2009

I want to avoid softinput specifically in one activity in a very specific case.

When i *long press "menu" button *softkeypad is coming irrespective of the activity.

How can i avoid this? i have tried "stateAlwaysHidden" etc for that activity. But did it work.

Al other cases ok. Just this case* long press "menu" button*.

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Android :: Does Use Of A Remote Service Help Avoiding GC Lags

May 18, 2010

Since yesterday I got an idea running around my mind but I donīt know first if it would work, and then how "hack" it would be.

People who develop audio processing/recording/playback apps for Android know how hard it is to maintain GC away from our critical paths: playing and recording audio. Processing must be as optimized as possible not only to save battery and use less CPU, but also not to create new objects/allocate new memory spaces ... this all to avoid GC at all cost. Well, we have knowledge and this we can handle (mostly). But what about all the other processing that happens from and for user interaction? Media players display images, some apps display ads, ... and sometimes we have to avoid releasing features to the users just to maintain our critical paths free from GC.

Yesterday I stumbled upon an article about remote services and this led me to a doubt: if they can run as a different process, would a GC call from my activity impact the performance of my remote service? I really donīt know how GC works on the Dalvik so this may be a dumb question. If so, I apologize.

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Android :: Avoiding Spam In Standard Mail App

Sep 4, 2010

I have a HTC desire and have my hotmail set up in the standard mail app. i have noticed that some of the mail that lands in the junk mail folder on hotmail itself goes straight into me inbox on my phone. can i avoid this at all?

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Android :: Avoiding WiFi Charges For Yahoo & AIM

May 6, 2010

I'm traveling to the Bahamas. Does anyone know if i can you my wifi to avoid charges for instant messenger like yahoo and aim and sending and receiving text messages and which app to download for it?

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