Sprint HTC Hero :: Improve The Overall Battery Life?
Feb 12, 2010
I know there are thousands of posts on this forum discussing how to improve the overall battery life of the Hero. Most people advise others to root the phone or buy a larger battery. However, most people forget that there's a lot you can do without taking such drastic measures. I've found that simple lifestyle changes here and there can turn into huge power savers for your Hero. So here's my quick guide on how to maintain a battery charge.
NOTE: Take all of these tips with a grain of salt. None are guaranteed to drastically boost battery life individually, but the gains will be noticeable the more steps you utilize.
1. Use the Best App for the Job. The stock apps that come with your Hero may do the job, but many have bugs and issues that place a severe strain on your battery. See this post to find a comprehensive list of alternative apps (as well as some must-have advice) that may help to improve the overall efficiency of your phone..................
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Nov 9, 2009
I disabled the auto backlight. I then manually adjust it depending on my needs. I spent the whole day at airports going from Pittsburgh to Denver to see the Steelers beat the Broncos tonight and I still had 25 % battery after multiple calls, dozens of texts and surfing the web for many hours. I also used handscent for sms. The autobacklight is set very bright. I am trying to find a good app to add as a widget to quickly manually adjust the brightness. I found one but it did it in too big of steps.
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Jun 18, 2010
OK, I found a simple trick that has dramatically improved my battery life. Up until yesterday, I thought my battery life was pretty poor. About 4-5 hours of heavy usage, and maybe 8-12 hours of moderate to light use. I had tried all the tricks of turning off radios, turning off updates to services, etc. None seemed to make a huge difference.
Yesterday at work, I did what was becoming my normal practice of recharging before leaving so I would have enough battery to last through the evening. But instead of recharging by plugging into an AC outlet, I recharged via USB to my work computer. When I went to bed last night 9 hours after the USB recharge, I still had 70% battery life left after light to moderate use in the evening. This was by far the best performance I've seen.......
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Oct 12, 2010
I know there are already 1000 posts to this question but I'm curious what all can be done to help with battery life?? i am using ATK to help kill tasks but I'm not sure if thats helping or not! i also am using TIb to help backup my apps and unistill the bloatware that comes with the phone. any tips or tricks that can help improve my battery life?
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May 3, 2010
Advanced Task Killer, it turns out the Incredible never actually closes programs you run and they remain in the memory. Now that I am killing programs I am not using, I am getting SICK battery life. A whole day with downloading, heavy usage and pictures.
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Oct 27, 2010
I have recently just got a new HTC Desire HD phone, but the battery life I find is quite short. I have gone to 'Settings', 'Location' and turned off GPS, but is there anything else I will need to do to improve the battery life?
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Aug 3, 2010
I've tried looking for threads on the battery life of the phone after rooting it. So far no luck. Assuming you remove bloat ware and such, shouldn't batt life improve?
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Oct 23, 2010
how to get improved battery life for the Samsung Epic 4G. I thought I would share it here since it seems like a common problem for many people on this forum: Unweaving the Rainbow: How to Improve Battery Life for the Samsung Epic 4G
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Jun 7, 2010
I have seen in other post scattered around that there are people that have improved there battery life by turning off some features in order to expand there battery life. My question is what are the best ways to increase the battery life of the phone. (I know how to turn the phone off )!
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Dec 10, 2009
Received the update this morning, usually I would be at 90 or 80 percent after a couple of hours leaving the charger. Even if I was listening to music and browsing. People have been saying I'm still at 100 percent after 4 hours of playing with the phone. I was at 90 after 45 minutes after unplugging the charger. Did my battery just get worse? Anyone have this problem?
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Feb 23, 2010
how to improve the battery life on my Eris, but much of it didn't seem to apply or help much. All I really got out of it was "if you turn off all of the cool features of this new smartphone, your battery will last longer". What's the point? Anyway, the problem that I'm having with my battery is that is seem to drain very, very fast. For example: I took it off of the charger today @ 7:10am. It is now 8:35am and I'm down to 85%. I'll have to put it on the charger again by 2pm. That's really terrible. I don't sit and put a heavy load on it all day with tons of surfing, etc. I have it check my email accounts once per hour, and its doing the normal smartphone things in the background (weather, etc). I'm running the GDE home app with the iDroid theme. I used to have Advanced Task Killer and would periodically kill off any running apps, but I got the impression that it drained the battery so I uninstalled it.
I'm just trying to figure out how to tell what could be going on that is running the battery down so quickly (in my mind that is). I think that something must be running that's doing it, because as a side effect, I notice that at times, the phone is very slow to respond. For instance, when I go into my email, it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to bring it up, click Menu->Delete->Mark All->Delete, then go back to main screen. Not acceptable
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Aug 11, 2010
I seem to be having what I consider unacceptible battery life and I wanted to collect some thoughts on how to improve it, or if I should seek remedy with AT&T or something. At this point, the phone is of limited use to me because it dies part way through the day, which is unacceptable. Normal routine. Phone charges completely overnight. I unplug my phone sometime in the 7am hour. I usually get my first battery warning around 3pm. Phone usually shuts itself off around 5-7pm (hence, a serious problem). Since the phone is dying, it is "cycling" the battery every time I charge it. My day is what I would consider moderate usage. For comparison, my Samsung Jack last a day and a half under the same conditions. My settings for display and other things are essentially stock.
I pulled the battery stats the last time the phone died just as it was shutting itself off.
Total time: 11h 49m
Display: 39% 1h 22m
Cell idle: 12% 10h 19m
Cell Standby: 25% 11h 41m, No signal 6%
Android system: 6% CPU background 22m, CPU Foreground 9s
Palringo: 6% Background 22m, foreground 3s
Android OS: 4% 12m
Doplhin HD Browser: 2% 6m 29s, 3m 58s
Android Core apps 2%
Good 2% 4m 50s, 31s
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May 31, 2010
Got my replacement phone coming on Thursday, cannot wait to root. I am going to load up Ivans ROM as it seems to be the most functional and a great starter ROM. But with all this overclocking and such, how does rooting improve battery life like I have seen in many other posts?
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Jul 5, 2010
My girlfriend just got a Motorola Droid (was using a Storm 1 before) and LOVES it. One concern we have had though has been the battery life. It lasts maybe 8-9 hours depending on how much she uses it. Is this typical for the Droid? If not, what can we do to improve the battery life? She is already using app killer and just got the phone....maybe 2 weeks ago so I would think that life would be pretty good right now. Any help would be great! Thanks guys and gals
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Jun 11, 2010
Ok,this is my first android phone,coming from a bb I've notice that the battery life on my EVO sucks,I bought the phone yesterday and put it to charge while playing around with it.I unplugged the phone this morning at 7am,I make a 5min call,watched a 5min video on YouTube,I had Friend Stream running until noon along with Background Data,surged the web for around 2min,listened to 2 songs and a couple of txt messages and the battery on my phone is @ 40% as I'm writting this,notice that background data was turned off around 1pm at that point battery life was @ 60%.is there any way to improve this?I am not running ATk,by the way I love the phone,a lil bit of help will be apreciated.
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Jun 17, 2010
After reading countless and countless threads about how to improve your battery life, and trying this hack and that hack, I see no difference in my battery life. I feel I have exhausted all resources, and as my subject states, I'm drained out as my battery on my EVO. You win HTC, I'm throwing in the towel, and accepting the fact that the battery life on this thing sux @$$. I'm done trying all the tricks that are out there. I'll have to live with the 1%/minute battery drain while surfing the web, and doing other normal activities on the phone. 100 mins of web browsing on the EVO and the battery is done! ....unreal.
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Sep 28, 2012
how to improve battery life on AOSP ROM. I tried other ics ROM for my phone, which had the best battery life ... Do you think I should decompile "boot.img" (from ROM, which has a good battery life) and move kernel into the boot.img on AOSP ROM? Or do you know how to improve battery life on AOSP ROM ?
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Apr 2, 2010
Will the 2.1 update improve battery life?
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Sep 16, 2010
I was told by my local Verizon store that I can improve battery life by doing a hard reset on my phone by doing a hard reset. Before I turn it into a brick, I wanted to get some second opinions. Anybody else done this?
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Jan 28, 2010
I dont have a data package, I use net only through WIFI. I think my phone is still searching for 3G network and eating up my betery life, it doesnt last more than a day. Is there any way to turn off the 3G or any other way to improve my battery life ? Its a new phone, only a week old.
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm using the standard 3.7V Li-ion battery that came with my phone, and i'm finding that the battery drainage is quite high. I've had my phone for about 2 months now. I'm running a couple of programs that run all the time - Executive Assistant, and Widgetlocker.I also installed JuiceDefender which is set to enable data connection for 3mins for every 15 mins.
My battery seems to last about 8 hours with not much use. (i checked email and sent a few text messages today)When looking at Battery usage, it seems that the screen brightness is what's taking up most battery, but i have this set to the dimmest in Settings. I also have widgetlocker that locks my screen 1 minute after idle.Can someone please guide me on:
1) what other settings i could check to figure out why my battery is draining quickly
2) how to recondition or improve my battery life (i'm not rooted)
3) give me some idea of how long your batteries last?
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Jan 21, 2010
This could be a nice bonus ... Those of you who got the upgrade, have you noticed a difference?http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/OTA-upgrade-has-improved-DROIDs-battery-life-article-a_9053.html
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Dec 11, 2009
Is there a way to change how often the device updates my email? I had a sprint Hero and switched to the moment (very good decision), and I changed it on the Hero to improve battery life.
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Jan 22, 2010
So, I rooted and installed fresh 1.1 a few days ago. The question I have is how is everyone getting better battery life, because mine has not changed, even a little? The speed has increased, but it's nothing to write home about. I guess I would like to hear from other fresh users to see what you have done to get more speed and better battery life and your overall experience with fresh so far. Don't get me wrong I love the look and it is faster. I'm just wondering if there is more that I can do to make it better?
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Mar 1, 2010
A month or so back I started running mine with GPS toggled ON all the time. (For apps to find a lost Hero it seemed the only effective way to find it was if GPS was on). GPS is not powered (or maybe very low powered?) UNLESS the GPS Symbol is showing at top of screen?
I've noticed NO difference in battery life with GPS toggled ON vs OFF over the last month. GPS (when toggled ON) appears to be actually turned on or off by particular Apps that use it.
Anyone? Am I correct?
It seems to be "common knowledge" and I think Android even says to toggle it OFF to save battery life but this seems to be not true?
I DO have an App that does turn GPS on but does NOT turn it off when I exit, which does drain the battery until I manually correct, which could be a problem, but I do see the GPS icon so I know it's on and draining.
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Nov 23, 2009
I woke up this morning at 6am with 100% battery life now it is 11:45 and I am 50% but my awake time is only 17% and I haven't been doing any heavy internet usage today, is this typical or is there an issue with my battery / phone ?
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Aug 26, 2010
I haven't been changing Roms around like I used to before so I was wondering if you all can give your opinion on which rom you think has the best battery life.
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Mar 31, 2010
Everything is turned off that is suppose to drain the battery. I only have one widget the htc one that originally came with the phone it has a huge clock and a weather update if u don't know what widget this is. But that's it I know the Internet, upstream etc drain battery life but when I'm not doing these things the battery feels short my screen timeout is for 1 minute. I just feel my battery life Drains to fast and I don't know why.
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Dec 24, 2009
How much life on your hero do you get on average out of a full charge? Please do not reply as this is intended to be a poll only.
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Dec 3, 2009
First, I've got to give credit to the other post for figuring out the main reason for the short battery life I was getting. If you're already getting good battery life - ignore this post.It only took me two months to figure it out (I had this phone since the pre-release Friday from Best Buy), but the main culprit was the HTC clock with weather widget (or the TWC app). By process of elimination I tried literally everything but ultimately figured out that it was either the default HTC clock widget w/ weather or the "The Weather Channel" widget, or both. I got rid of both and my battery life has improved dramatically.I used to unhook my phone charger at 6:30 a.m. and my battery would be less than 15% by 5 p.m. with moderate use (few texts, few calls of 5 minutes each, and three emails pulling every 15 minutes). I tried lengthening the time interval to an hour for email pulling, changed the "default" mail account to my yahoo account from my activesync exchange account, unchecked "always on mobile", "background data" sync for google, no gps, no wifi, etc. but still couldn't last a 15 hour day without the battery dying. I did the SMS fix, got the MR update and still got crappy battery life despite never exceeding 18% awake time.Finally, last night I got rid of the HTC default widget clock w/ weather as well as the weather channel widget and today I went through 15 hours with heavy usage (more calls, longer calls, more text messages, and more emails than normal) and still at 30%.While this isn't earth shattering, it is a significant improvement than before. Hope this helps somebody.
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