Sprint HTC Hero :: Rom With Best Battery Life?

Aug 26, 2010

I haven't been changing Roms around like I used to before so I was wondering if you all can give your opinion on which rom you think has the best battery life.

Sprint HTC Hero :: Rom with best battery life?

Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Get A Better Battery Life?

Jan 22, 2010

So, I rooted and installed fresh 1.1 a few days ago. The question I have is how is everyone getting better battery life, because mine has not changed, even a little? The speed has increased, but it's nothing to write home about. I guess I would like to hear from other fresh users to see what you have done to get more speed and better battery life and your overall experience with fresh so far. Don't get me wrong I love the look and it is faster. I'm just wondering if there is more that I can do to make it better?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: GPS And Battery Life

Mar 1, 2010

A month or so back I started running mine with GPS toggled ON all the time. (For apps to find a lost Hero it seemed the only effective way to find it was if GPS was on). GPS is not powered (or maybe very low powered?) UNLESS the GPS Symbol is showing at top of screen?

I've noticed NO difference in battery life with GPS toggled ON vs OFF over the last month. GPS (when toggled ON) appears to be actually turned on or off by particular Apps that use it.
Anyone? Am I correct?

It seems to be "common knowledge" and I think Android even says to toggle it OFF to save battery life but this seems to be not true?

I DO have an App that does turn GPS on but does NOT turn it off when I exit, which does drain the battery until I manually correct, which could be a problem, but I do see the GPS icon so I know it's on and draining.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life ?

Nov 23, 2009

I woke up this morning at 6am with 100% battery life now it is 11:45 and I am 50% but my awake time is only 17% and I haven't been doing any heavy internet usage today, is this typical or is there an issue with my battery / phone ?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Drain Battery Life

Mar 31, 2010

Everything is turned off that is suppose to drain the battery. I only have one widget the htc one that originally came with the phone it has a huge clock and a weather update if u don't know what widget this is. But that's it I know the Internet, upstream etc drain battery life but when I'm not doing these things the battery feels short my screen timeout is for 1 minute. I just feel my battery life Drains to fast and I don't know why.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Improve The Overall Battery Life?

Feb 12, 2010

I know there are thousands of posts on this forum discussing how to improve the overall battery life of the Hero. Most people advise others to root the phone or buy a larger battery. However, most people forget that there's a lot you can do without taking such drastic measures. I've found that simple lifestyle changes here and there can turn into huge power savers for your Hero. So here's my quick guide on how to maintain a battery charge.

NOTE: Take all of these tips with a grain of salt. None are guaranteed to drastically boost battery life individually, but the gains will be noticeable the more steps you utilize.

1. Use the Best App for the Job. The stock apps that come with your Hero may do the job, but many have bugs and issues that place a severe strain on your battery. See this post to find a comprehensive list of alternative apps (as well as some must-have advice) that may help to improve the overall efficiency of your phone..................

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life Poll

Dec 24, 2009

How much life on your hero do you get on average out of a full charge? Please do not reply as this is intended to be a poll only.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Getting Longer Battery Life

Dec 3, 2009

First, I've got to give credit to the other post for figuring out the main reason for the short battery life I was getting. If you're already getting good battery life - ignore this post.It only took me two months to figure it out (I had this phone since the pre-release Friday from Best Buy), but the main culprit was the HTC clock with weather widget (or the TWC app). By process of elimination I tried literally everything but ultimately figured out that it was either the default HTC clock widget w/ weather or the "The Weather Channel" widget, or both. I got rid of both and my battery life has improved dramatically.I used to unhook my phone charger at 6:30 a.m. and my battery would be less than 15% by 5 p.m. with moderate use (few texts, few calls of 5 minutes each, and three emails pulling every 15 minutes). I tried lengthening the time interval to an hour for email pulling, changed the "default" mail account to my yahoo account from my activesync exchange account, unchecked "always on mobile", "background data" sync for google, no gps, no wifi, etc. but still couldn't last a 15 hour day without the battery dying. I did the SMS fix, got the MR update and still got crappy battery life despite never exceeding 18% awake time.Finally, last night I got rid of the HTC default widget clock w/ weather as well as the weather channel widget and today I went through 15 hours with heavy usage (more calls, longer calls, more text messages, and more emails than normal) and still at 30%.While this isn't earth shattering, it is a significant improvement than before. Hope this helps somebody.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Actual Use Battery Life?

Oct 13, 2009

Now that the Hero has been out there for more than a few days, how about a daily rundown of battery life. Day 1: Fully charged to 100% at 10PM. Left on overnight and the next morning was at 78%. Used moderately just trying to figure stuff out and adding a few apps and had 23% by 3:30PM. Day 2 : Fully charged to 100% at 9PM. Turned off. Woke up to 100% at 4:45AM. Used sparingly (3-4 quick 2 min calls, a couple texts, and jumped on web 1-2 times for less than 2 mins ea) and by 4PM had 28%.

Day 3: Charged to 100% at 8PM. Turned off at 10PM with 99% showing. Woke up at 4:45AM with 99% and made a couple quick calls, sent 2 texts before 11AM and was at 78%. Then added 40 contacts to phone and by 2PM it dropped to 38%. By 4:30PM it was on life support at 11%. Day 4: Charged to 100% at 10PM and left on overnight. Started day at 7:45AM with 89%. Used moderately for similar tasks above and now at 3:15PM its at 65%. So there you go. I'm not really happy with the battery life, but this is my first true "smartphone" so it might just be the norm. Seems a bit much to be struggling to keep above 30-40% battery life after only being on for 12 hours.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: App To See % Battery Life Left?

Mar 5, 2010

I can see my green battery icon at the top next to the time, but I'm reading folks who are saying they have a certain % of battery life left....are you estimating, or is there somewhere I can see this? Or is it an app? Or are you all rooted?

confessed newbie overwhelmed by possibilities trying to configure it all out.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life - POP Vs IMAP?

Nov 22, 2009

IMAP is supposed to be more efficient (and thus may save battery life), but either way on the Hero you must tell the phone to check for mail at a specified time interval (for example every 5 min.) Thus it seems that in this particular implementation neither POP or IMAP would be more efficient than the other. Anyone tested this in terms of battery usage on the Hero?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Satisfied With Battery Life On 9 / 18 Nightly?

Sep 20, 2010

My battery life is...well you read the title. I went from 100% to 78% in less than 30 minutes this morning. I'm on CM6, Collins battery tweak with the min, max configs at his suggestions. I checked my running apps, installed ATK to see if there was an misbehaving apps, nothing. I have to read up on how to use spear parts but under "battery history" most of the bars are in blue except the programs under "since last unplugged" & "since boot" (I just did both) so I guess that's good. My battery was excellent with the 9/11 nightly (my 1st flash) so I'm thinking of flashing back but nobody else has mentioned having this problem since flashing 9/18 so I'm thinking I did something wrong but can't pinpoint it. Yes I wiped before I flashed, reconfiged Collins. Everything is basically the same from the 9/11 flash to the 9/18 flash, meaning I didn't add any apps. Also my benchmark went from 4.8 to 1.45 (phone is still very fast though???) Any suggestions?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Maximum Battery Life 5-6 Hours Top?

Mar 29, 2010

So I recently went back to my hero from my tour and the battery is just horrible. I'm getting on average 5-6 hours max as oppossed to the 8-10 I would before. Where do I start looking for leaks or figuring out what's going on.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Extended Life Battery And Door?

Oct 4, 2009

Wondering if there will be (and if so then when) an extended life battery and rear door either OEM or after market seems like although it would add bulk I wouldnt mind the extra juice.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Overclocking Bad For CPU / How It Affects Battery Life?

Jun 29, 2010

I realize how much faster the hero can be when its wimpy processor is overclocked. I would imagine that ocerclocking would be bad for it though, to push the CPU faster than its made to be, but most people don't mind it. I'm wondering, realistically, if it is hard on the CPU to be overclocked and also how it affects battery life. Keep in mind, I'm talking about overclocking the ROMs made to be like zen, aloysius, purehero, busted, etc.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life Issues / Any Fixes?

Apr 24, 2010

This is the downside...battery life awful. have been reading about fixes. we have four Hero's so I have everyone complaining to me. any safe fixes?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Markedly Improve Battery Life?

Nov 9, 2009

I disabled the auto backlight. I then manually adjust it depending on my needs. I spent the whole day at airports going from Pittsburgh to Denver to see the Steelers beat the Broncos tonight and I still had 25 % battery after multiple calls, dozens of texts and surfing the web for many hours. I also used handscent for sms. The autobacklight is set very bright. I am trying to find a good app to add as a widget to quickly manually adjust the brightness. I found one but it did it in too big of steps.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Fresh2.0d = 6 Hours Of Battery Life?

Apr 7, 2010

I have terrible battery life with the 2.0d ROM. I don't really know why either as when I look at the battery usage, everything is pretty low except for the Cell Standby. On that note, has anyone else experienced terrible signal? Cause, I am.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life On Latest Leak

May 18, 2010

I have to tell you, I am getting hella better battery life out of the leaked update versus 1.5 on the Hero. I am sitting at 1.5 days since last charged, and am at 50% battery. On the old firmware, I am possibly close to dead at this point. I wonder if the native support in 2.1 for the Sprint network is making that large a difference, or if wiping the phone somehow purged an energy guzzler from my machine. Whatever it is, I wondered if anyone else who updated is noticing a similar gain in battery longevity.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Updated To 1.56 - Battery Life Noticeably Better

Nov 22, 2009

First off, love this phone! Before the 1.56 update, battery life sucked, but awake time was around 20-39%. After update, battery life is noticeably better, but awake time is never under 100%. I did a factory reset and it went down to 85%, but is back up to 100%. So, should I just ignore the awake issue since battery life has improved or should I take it back for a new hand set? I can go about 8 hours with moderate use and its about 70-80% battery life.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How Do I Determine What Is Killing My Battery Life?

Aug 4, 2010

The only recent change has been the Facebook update and an AK Notepad update...

It's the Facebook update isn't it?

Battery life down to 2-3 hours with little to no use.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Make My Battery Life Last Longer?

May 19, 2010

I have a sprint htc hero works fine just battery life has been an issue for me I can't really keep my battery to even last a full day I usually have to recharge couple times a day. Is there anyway I can avoid having to recharge so much my phone isn't rooted and I have Astro and task manager installed but it still dies pretty fast. What can I do? Is there an app I can download?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Find Out Exactly How Much Life Left In Battery?

Dec 11, 2009

How do I find out exactly how much life is left in the battery?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Life Gradually Lasting Less And Less

Sep 20, 2010

My battery life on my htc hero has been gradually lasting less and less. when i bought it, around 8 months ago, it lasted a good 2 days without charge. as of now, i cant finish one school day without my phone dying. is this a normal wear and tear effect?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Does Awake Time Affect Battery Life

Jun 10, 2010

Im on fresh 2.1.2 but it doesn't give a percentage so i was just wondering.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Improvement In Battery Life By Turning Off Sense UI

Apr 5, 2010

I've never had "bad" battery life but have always felt that the battery does die pretty quick. I'm text up to 100 texts a day tops, pretty heavy internet (checking work emails all day), a few phone calls here and there. Maybe some music here and there, nothing to justify the less than desirable battery life. Spare parts never showed anything out of line either. Rooting was something I had no desire to do (I tried it and found it useless for me). Like a few others, I'm patiently waiting for *whispers* THE UPDATE. Anyways I turned off Sense the other day and DRASTICALLY improved my battery life. Sense ON- wifi off, gps off, location off, mobile internet off. pretty much EVERYTHING off. By 1pm my battery was usually 50-60%. By 10pm my battery was dead. Sense OFF - wifi on and mobile internet on ALL DAY. Now by 5pm my battery is usually around 70%. Running music/HEAVY internet for the rest of the night leaves my battery at 35% by night end.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Watching Movies On Phone / Battery LIfe

Oct 31, 2009

I was just curious if anyone has tested the battery life with watching movies. I was wondering what kind of drain an hour long mp4 video would have on the battery.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Stopped Checking For Email - Outstanding Battery Life

Apr 1, 2010

For no apparent reason, my phone stopped checking for email (on 5 separate accounts) G-mail still pushed fine, so it took a couple of days for me to notice, but in the meantime, my battery life nearly doubled.

A re-boot fixed the email issue and battery life is back to normal- 12-18 hours average use. I had set the other five accounts to check for mail at varying times. One was set for every 30min, the rest were every 2 hours (or more).

I did not realize what a battery drain email checking was causing.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Poor Battery Life Or High Awake Times

Jul 12, 2010

For those that suffer from poor battery life or high awake times, I was given a code to enter that will give you all kinds of hidden info about the battery and what programs are running in the background keeping the phone from sleeping. Hit phone, as if you were dialing a number to call, enter *#*#4636#*#*, then talk. You will seee a menu come up that you can change to show you all kinds of hidden info on the phone and battery. Hope this helps some of you that are suffering poor battery performance and high awake times.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Doubled Phone's Battery Life Or Email Polling

Nov 27, 2009

I am really excited to share with you guys that I have solved my horrible battery life problem, at least to a satisfactory degree. Without further ado, I present to you How I Doubled My Android Phone's (HTC Hero) Battery Life or Just How Much Email Polling Affects Your Battery

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