Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Get Text Count On Handcent Icon?

Dec 15, 2009

When I get a text is shows in the notification bar but my shortcut icon does not show number of unread text like the heros messaging?

Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Get Text Count on Handcent Icon?

Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Shortcut Icon Missing

Oct 25, 2009

I recently updated the handcent messaging app and after a few soft resets the icon on the home screen is gone. the name is there and a grey X. if i reinstall the app it reappears but it takes too much time to keep redoing my settings. anyone else notice that? it happened twice after about 8 soft resets.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Send Handcent Text To Email?

Nov 29, 2009

I tried searching for an answer to this, but had no luck. I've just ditched the stock Messaging App for Handcent and am really liking it (as many have here have said). BUT, when I send an MMS or even a simple text, I can't seem to send to email addresses that I had saved (I typically send to some phones and emails at the same time). I could do this with the stock app. Any ideas for me...I feel dizzy from looking through all the Handcent options and can't find anything.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Or Other Text Applications Culprit?

May 24, 2010

I remember reading a lot about how people had issues with their Hero, and there were always replies saying it could be from Handcent or other text apps. Is it true? Will they cause if any issues

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Tried Handcent Sms / Getting Double Text - Disable It?

May 20, 2010

Think I want to use it but when friend text me I get a double. What needs disabled?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Way To Save Text Message Thread In Handcent?

Jun 6, 2010

I use Handcent for my text messaging and I have one thread I would love to save.But I can't figure out how to do it.I have locked the individual messages of the thread so I don't loose them in my cleanup but I would love to be able to move this entire thread on to my sd card for safe keeping.I checked for an app to do this but didn't fine one so any idea's?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Copy Text From A Email And Paste It Into Handcent?

May 18, 2010

Is there a way to copy text from a Email and paste it into Handcent ?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Save Picture Mail From A Text With Handcent?

Feb 5, 2010

How do you save pic mail from a text with Handcent? I have the Sprint Hero. Do I need to download a separate app? If so let me know.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Restore Text Message Icon On Main Screen?

May 14, 2010

I accidentally dragged my text message icon on the main screen into the remove bucket. Can anyone tell me how to restore this? I cannot text anyone without it.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Voice Mail Icon Have Number On It Like Email Or Text Icons?

Nov 25, 2009

should the voice mail icon have a number on it like the email or text icons if you get a new voicemail? If I get a notification, it only shows up on the task bar. I was also experiencing not recieving texts. I have since done a reset which fixed the text issue (and sleep-for now), but not the voicemail. Should I take the phone back? I fear its anotjer software bug, not hardware. I love this phone, but I'm getting very annoyed that it can't even do what its suppose to.

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Android :: Uninstalled Handcent SMS / Text Message Icon / Notifications Gone?

Jun 3, 2010

Text Message icon and notifications gone after I uninstalled Handcent SMS. I have been unable to find anything online in regards to this issue. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Also be wary of removing this application, FYI.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Handcent Notification Unread Count?

Apr 21, 2010

Ever since I updated to 2.1 and 2.1v2.. Handcent will not show my unread count on the little icon in the top left corner. It did before I updated, but ever since, I cannot get the counter to work?
Has anyone else had this problem or more importantly, know a fix?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent And MMS

Nov 30, 2009

Anyone having problems with receiving MMS on Handcent, Is there a setting I am not finding to help with this. If someone sends me a slideshow, all I get is a pic with a "play" button. When I hit the button nothing happens. Should I delete program and start all over? What are your Handcent settings?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Replaced With A Red X Instead

Nov 12, 2009

Ive noticed that when i shut my phone off and turn it back on after this recent update from hand cent sms, i loose the hand cent icon and it is replaced with a red x instead. has anyone else had this issue? the only way Ive been able to fix it is with a un install and then reinstall which is a royal pain in the ass given that i don't restart my phone very often i still have to customize all over again.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Vs Stock SMS

Jul 10, 2010

I have used Handcent for months now, but continued to experience lag when typing in landscape mode. But for some wierd reason, I chose to use the stock SMS the other day, and realized the lag was greatly reduced. Now, has anyone else experience this also?by the way, I am using Better Keyboard rather then using the stock keyboard.Besides the landscape typing lag, Handcent was a cool SMS App. I liked it a lot more than ChompSMS.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Back To Handcent

Nov 27, 2009

Tho it seems the update did fix the problem with the native app, Handcent is still the way to go, at least for me. Seems the native app can't handle more than a 1 meg pic file and since I often include a pic in a text, taken from the Hero its of no use to me. Handcent will reduce the pic file automatically which is a nice feature. Also I refuse to lower the setting from the Hero just to accommodate the native app. Just my thought on that issue.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Blacklist

Jun 23, 2010

Did a search a didn't find an answer to this. If you blacklist someone on Handcent, do they get a message back that their text didn't go through, or any other alert or message to that affect when they trying texting you?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Update

Nov 10, 2009

Anyone having trouble on the Sprint HTC hero after the update on it today?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent SMS V ChompSMS

Oct 20, 2009

Some things I've noticed after using each one for a day, and they have me quite baffled.

ChompSMS seems to do more for the battery(in my case at least). Displaying a 19% awake time, compared to a 100% awake time with my handcent SMS, still haven't figured that out, anyone else getting similar results?

ChompSMS started bugging on me not recognizing the orientation of my phone? Uninstalled, installed and reset my phone seems to be working fine, Handcent however was stable and solid the whole time.

ChompSMS takes up LESS memory. With only Screebl Lite and Advanced Task Killer up I was seeing 53 available memory with HandcentSMS installed compared to 81 with ChompSMS installed, someone care to confirm this?

All this leads me to believe that ChompSMS is the better alternative messaging app based on statistics, but of course personal preference should be considered too. Would like to see more people compare and contrast these two and post results also.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent - Best Third Party Sms App Out That Can Also Do Mms?

Oct 31, 2009

I am currently using Handcent. Is the the best third party sms app out that can also do mms?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Getting MMS In Handcent (or Stock Messages).

Nov 28, 2009

Why do I have to download the attachment? In my other phones, I've always been able to just view the picture on the screen.It's really annoying, and I would love it if someone can tell me how to fix it. I can see pics I've sent, right in the thread, but not ones that are sent to me.What about chomp sms? Is that any different?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Picture Mail On Handcent

Jun 21, 2010

When trying to send picture mail on handcent, once i click to send, it just keeps the screen with the little spinning "loading icon" and never actually sends the image. Anyone have any tips to make it work?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Crashes With Fresh Rom 2.1.1

May 20, 2010

Handcent is crashing on me (com.handcent.nextsms) when I try to compose a new message or view an old text message with Fresh 2.1.1 (which I just installed today) anyone else having this issue?

Stock messaging app just says "Loading...." forever when I try to view an old txt.

I backed up from old sms and mms from Fresh 1.1 and restored them in Fresh 2.1.1.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Issue With Fresh 1.1 And GK

Mar 3, 2010

Been rooted for about 2 days now and just ran into this issue today. I, like many, use Handcent for my SMS and MMs...Now so far it has worked without a hitch...until I try to send messages to multiple contacts...I get a force close...I can send Pics just fine...can send txt to individuals, but when I choose multiple contacts I get a FC!

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Message LED Color

Apr 6, 2010

I see an option where you can change the color of the LED light.Anyone had success with this?I tried every color and the only one that works is the green, which is the default. Side note anyone know what the LED on the right does?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Video Messages

Nov 20, 2009

I installed handcent on my HTC HERO and when I get a video I cannot open it at all?? Also I tried forwarding a vedio from my phone and it telling me that I cannot foward this video. Is there some type of settings I need to do to open or send video messages?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent After Removing Stock SMS App

Nov 14, 2009

I have a rooted Sprint Hero, and I have replaced my stock SMS program with Handcent. I can receive incoming SMS messages, but they do not go into the conversation portion of Handcent.

Here is what I removed:

rm: IM.*
rm: Stock.*
rm: Sprint_Nscar.*
rm: htcmsgwidgets.*
rm: htcmailwidgets.*
rm: com.htc.TwitterWidget.*
rm: IM.*
rm: HtcTwitter.*
rm: HtcFootprints.*
rm: Mail.*
rm: MySMS.*
rm: HtcFootprintsWidget.*
rm: amazonmp3.*
rm: com.htc.StockWidget.apk
rm: Sprint_Navigator.apk
rm: Mms.*

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Handcent Force Closing

Apr 19, 2010

Up until now, Handcent has worked just fine for me (except for not being able to view pix occasionally). About 2 days ago it force closed on me. Today it has done that about 4 times. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Handcent, as well as power cycled the phone, but it is still acting up.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Pictures Won't Display In Handcent / How To Fix?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm on sprint with an HTC hero. Running handcent sms. People send me pictures, they come through on my phone as a gray arrow pointing right like you should be able to click them and play the media, but nothing happens when you click them. I've confirmed that what they are sending me is just a picture taken with a sprint phone.. Why won't the picture display in handcent? What do I have to do to see these pictures?

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Sprint HTC Hero : Handcent - Delete The Stock App

Jun 30, 2010

I just recently got my HTC hero and I have a question about the messaging app. First of all, I am currently using Handcent mainly because if you use the stock app, texts always show up on the lock screen even if you are using the pattern lock. That is annoying, and I don't understand what the point of the pattern lock is if you can just see my texts without having to even unlock my phone...anyway, so I am using handcent and it's fine. I've made sure to remove notifications on the stock app so that I don't get double notifications, but my question is: is there a way to delete the stock app? I mean is the phone going to slow down since it is getting texts from 2 apps, does that make sense? Even though the notifications are disabled for the stock app, the texts still go there and they are also going to handcent...

So basically i would like to know if:

1. i can delete the stock app (i have rooted my phone so...)

2. does it matter that the phone is pulling texts to two different apps

3. is there a way to make my texts not go to my lock screen, if so i would just not use handcent

Finally, on handcent, i will oftentimes get a text twice from people. does anyone have this problem?

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