Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Take Battery Out Of Phone?
Nov 3, 2010How do i take the battery out of the x10 mini

How do i take the battery out of the x10 mini
Is it possible to use x10 mini's battery in x10 mini pro??
i know that x10 mini battery is not removable since it cannot be opened!!!
but wat if u need to replace the battery of mini... should we replace the phone or do we get a new battery??
I now have a problem with my battery. A few hours ago, my battery level was around 35%. A few hours later, it remained at 35% indication. Since this couldn't be correct, i restarted the phone. Now, my battery indication was 100%. False again. I turned the phone off. It wouldn't restart. I tried the 'flash device method' by holding back button and putting in computer USB. No help. I tried SEUS. After that, phone switched back on, with false battery indication back to 100%, which is impossible. I noticed that during all this 'fun stuff', my battery refuses to charge. The LED indicator remains green without flashing, the settings screen doesnt say 'charging'. I know that the phone won't charge below 95% battery. So, the phone thinks the battery is 100%, therefore won't charge, and I'm pretty screwed, especially since I fear that once my battery drops dead, the phone won't be able to charge ever since it will think its 100% full.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my x10 mini pro 2 days ago and am shocked at the battery life considering it got good reviews. mine only lasts a few hours. I fixed the brightness settings, i make sure i close apps, etc. The only app i constantly keep on is YM.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis sunday (10/10/10) my X10 mini said an update was ready and I went forward at updated my phone (Firmware = 1.6, Core = 2.6.29, Version = 1.2.A.1.174). After this update the battery consumption is more than horrific. Even at standby the phone doesn't last more than 24 hours, this was NOT the case prior to the update. The phone itself and its functions works fine.
View 15 Replies View RelatedGot my mini 2 months back, since then the xperience has been good, but off latethe battery is getting discharged pretty quickly. I'm on a 2G network, dont use phone for accesing the intrenet, dont even talk about 30 mins a day on the phone but the battery just discharges in 5-6 hours. Not sure what the issue is.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIts happy to see that there is a inbuilt battery status widget in android 2.1. But sometimes it hangs and % value isn't changing in widget. At the same time its working correctly in
Settings ----> About phone ----> status ----> battery level
If I restarts the phone widget is also working.
Please is it possible for me to browse the internet on my pc using my sonyericsson xperia x10 mini pro. Dont know how cause the phone doesnt support Pc suite, only Pc companion, and hence I dont know how else to do it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedsince I upgraded to android 2.1 ... when I connect the cable to charge the battery of my phone .. the phone software goes crazy .. it loops all the time .. does anybody have the same problem???
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe xperia x10 has a battery which is not user replaceable, now the problem is I have a SE k790i for past 3 and half years and 2 months back the battery was malfunctioning i.e. not giving perfomance and also it had become fat due to which the back cover was not fitting to its place. I m interested in x10 mini but if same thing happens with x10 mini in which the battery is fixed into the body of the phone if it goes fat then either the phone has to break or the battery(which will lead to leak) in both cases the phone will be damaged . . . considering I live in India where temperetues are upto 45 degrees in summer is it a wise option to go for the mini ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGot my SE Xperia Mini Pro last weekend. This week's been pretty interesting with some delightful discoveries, and a few rude shocks too.
I've a few queries about my Mini Pro.
Is the battery life for the mini pro generally this sad? Or is it just my piece that's rubbish? I've noticed that my battery charges pretty fast. Sadly, it drains just as quickly. I'm yet to do a proper test on how long it lasts, as I haven't been able to keep my hands off my phone I'd hazard a guess that the battery, by regular use, wouldn't last 12 hours! I'd charged my phone fully last night. I woke up 8 hours later to see the battery indicator show 80%. 20% discharge for doing nothing? Seriously? I downloaded the Bluetooth File Transfer app, and I'm now able to send files via Bluetooth. Still haven't figured out how to receive files though. How do I send a contact from my phone to another phone? Why would Sony Ericsson not have digital zoom on it's camera?
I received my new x10 mini phone a few days ago and am really impressed by it.
After the phone has been off, the camera works fine the first time I start it.
And if I close the camera application and start it again straight away it also works fine.
But if I wait for maybe half an hour or more and then open the camera application, the phone reboots itself.
This is very repeatable and it looks like there's something wrong in the software or so.
xperia mini can't send messages to multiple recipients what gives?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anyone pls tell me that if i want to view some office document which I need to store,then where to keep the document in the fone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a X10 mini. And when i try to update it I get the message "U phone already have the newest software"
I live in Denmark, and my friend with same phone and tele company have no problem updating. What I'm I missing??
I have an experia x10 mini pro and I am having problems with charging it. Sometimes it would charge then sometimes it wouldn't and it is already annoying the **** out of me. Another problem with it is that when I play music with it, it would just suddenly turn off by itself. I've tried to send it for fixing to sony ericson but they said that the problem is unfixable. And I only had my phone for 1 and a half month and im already having this problem. I tried to reason with the ericson people but they said there is nothing they could do.
If anyone has any idea on how to fix this.
How i can use my x10 mini as modem to connect the Internet from my pc?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use Skype on X10 Mini Pro?
View 6 Replies View RelatedNow i got another problem My phone suddenly feels hot and eat up all my bat power. Y is that so?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a X10 mini pro that I need to put a larger sd card into. I have a lot of stuff on the 2gb card that came with the phone here in Australia. Can any one explain to me how go about copying from the existing card to a new card please?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have updated my phone because I had gotten some new contacts through facebook, and I would not ..Therefore, I also update the phone again to reset it all ..Now I can not get the contacts in the phone book, though I had backed up everything. And last time I updated my phone, there were no problems getting the contacts out again!?When I send an sms I can easily find my contacts, search for a name!Can not figure out how to have them in my phone again ..So I have the latest update on my Sony Ericsson x10 mini and finally I got the latest on there was no problem with getting the contacts in the phonebook!
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhile in the middle of a call my phone randomly ends the call or presses buttons on the touch screen. I think this is because my face is against it. Any ideas how to stop it being sensitive?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone sharing my problem? Almost every morning when I check my phone it has turned of the "phone feature" by it self, and by phone feature I mean the way to be able to make or recieve a phone call.When I turn on the display, mini pro ask me for the PIN-number and when I give it that, then everything works fine again... until next morning.I don't know when during the night this happen...
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a PDF viewer that I can install on my X10 mini pro? I can only find 3rd party apps on the marketplace and know that friends with htc android phones get a PDF viewer with the phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedUntil now I have been recharging every night but now the battery charging indicator does not appear when pluuged into either mains power adapter or a USB port. It is 5% charged and falling.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got the notification on the new software update and it says connect to a PC to receive it. Then you get told to download this PC companion. So I have done. Then I notice it says no phone connected. So I click how to connect I then get to stage two and it says connect usb cable to your computer and then to your phone so I do that and nothing happens. I wait 30 seconds and nothing happens I disconnect my phone and connect it again and still nothing happens all its doing is charging my phone. I've done it over and over again and nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWas loving my X10 Mini Pro.
But now it has recently started 'disconnecting'. I pick it up wondering why no phone calls nor texts are coming through and it's because I need to put my SIM unlock code in. Once I do that the phone is fine - but only for a short while. I check and there it is again, "enter PIN code".
I've had about three weeks use out of it, and now this.
Is it an app [have started uninstalling one by one]
Is it the software repair I did [when I thought I was updating software to new OS]
Does it have to go back?
Well, that says it all. My X10 mini says the system update must be done with a computer via SE website. But on the website, it says there's no update :
By the way, there's an X10 system update. May my phone be confounding them ?
I bought the X10 mini and it did not have android market on it ! How can I download it ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got my xperia x10 mini pro and it doesn't come with an android market. Something SE says has to do with my phone being bought in a region/country without an android market coverage. Is there anyway I can get this android market on my Phone. Also is it possible to download these android application on my laptop and then transfer it to my phone. If it's possible were and how.
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