Samsung Moment :: Camera App Fails 100% Of Time

Dec 5, 2009

When I start the camera or camcorder app, they fail every time with this error message.The application Camera ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." and a Force Close button. I know they transferred everything from my Motorola phone.. could there be an incompatibility problem with data transferred from my Motorola or is the camera hardware just faulty? Are there any steps I can take to troubleshoot?

Samsung Moment :: camera app fails 100% of time

Samsung Moment :: Text Message Response Fails Due To No Area Code?

May 4, 2010

On my sister's phone (and I've checked the contact, and reentered the number) when she receives a message from a certain number, the other number on her account and replies to it, the message seems to be sent to the 7 digit number, without area code, and so it fails. She keeps having to resend messages, as a new message, to the number typed in in full. On receiving a reply, simply responding to it results in another failure.This is samsung moment to samsung moment, only happens with the one contact, and doesn't happen on mine.

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Samsung Moment :: Moment Awake Time Above 90%

Nov 9, 2009

I started posting my findings on the Battery Quirk thread but thought this needed its own thread as I saw more folks saying they have the same issue. This is not a Battery Life post. This is in reference to Spare Parts showing my Awake time to be above 90% and my phone dying in under 4 hours.I have applied the same fix that worked in the Hero (former hero owner here) to see if it made a difference. So far, here are my findings.

7:30PM - Cut phone on, looked at the home screen then put it to sleep.
7:50PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time under 10%.
Sent and recieved 1 sms message and put phone back to sleep.
8:10PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time above 50%.
Put phone to sleep.
8:30PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time at 65%.

Installed Handcent SMS app. Cut phone off.

8:40PM - Cut phone on, looked at home screen then put it to sleep.
9:00PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time under 10%.
Sent and recieved 1 SMS message using Handcent as the default
and put phone back to sleep.
9:20PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time at 12%.
Put phone to sleep.
9:40PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time 15%. Made a phone call.
10:30PM - Woke phone up and checked Spareparts. Awake time 25%. Put phone to sleep.

I am wondering if the stock SMS app can trigger the dialer to lock the phone in awake mode like it was doing on the Hero. My tests prior to making a call seem to confirm that but it is VERY early in my testing to make any determination. I just wanted to throw this out as a possible cause for some of us. I realize not everyone is seeing this but not everyone is looking at Awake time as it requires a third party app on the Moment.

I have background data off, gps off, wifi off, bluetooth off. I have 3 homescreens and the only additional apps I run are PandaHome and Advanced Task Manager (paid).My wife has a Moment with the exact same apps and does not have this issue. I almost think it is some sequence of events that I normally do that is triggering the issue or vice-versa.I will keep posting as I test different scenarios on my phone and welcome any input from those who are also searching for a fix for this issue. I also do not claim to be any kind of Android Ninja so if any of the more technical folks out there see some flaw in my logic, please point it out.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Camera Time And Date

Nov 14, 2010

I was just wondering if it was possible to show time/date on photos for Samsung galaxy s ?

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Samsung Moment :: Phone Is Running 100% Of Time

Mar 8, 2010

I have a rooted moment running joeys 1.9.1 custom rom, and maxx's recovery 2.0.I am running battery left, beautiful widgets, pure calendar, voice mail widgets running on my screens.The weather channel is reporting in the notification area.I did have setcpu running with profiles but just uninstalled it about 10 minutes ago.Though I'm not sure because after went to root my phone was working faster and the battery was lasting, so I went on an app binge.

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Samsung Moment :: Sms To Multiple Contacts At Same Time?

Jan 30, 2010

My question is how do I sms multiple contacts at same time?

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Samsung Moment :: Use Camera On Low Battery

May 17, 2010

Is there any way to get around how on the phone when you go to camera when the battery is red. That you can still use the camera and takes photos. This is a real pain considering the phone is almost always showing red battery and I can never take photos. How can I get around this.

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Samsung Moment :: Potential - Daylight Saving Time

Mar 13, 2010

I live in Arizona, and we don't observe DST. On my computer, all my Google calendar appointments from tomorrow on have the correct time and my calendar time zone is set to Arizona. On my device, everything tomorrow onward has been shifted ahead one hour, as if DST should be affecting my appointments.

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Samsung Moment :: Deleting Multiple Pictures At One Time

Jun 18, 2010

Can you delete multiple pictures from that gallery at one time. I'm trying not to have to hook it up to the computer to accomplish that. Can it be done?

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Samsung Moment :: How To Manually Lock Screen Without Time Out?

Jun 17, 2010

Sorry I couldn't find the answer in the forums. But the company I work for just got a slew of Moments. While trying to set it up for someone I noticed that hitting the power button doesn't lock the phone and you have to wait for the screen to timeout, and then it still is iffy when it locks. How do I manually lock the screen with out the time out? Hopefully someone can help me.

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Samsung Moment :: Phone Displays The Wrong Time?

Apr 5, 2010

The time on my phone is 15 minutes behind

Anyone else have this problem or know what I can do to fix it? (Besides manually setting the time...)

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HTC Incredible :: Digital Camera Fails

May 26, 2010

I take the grandkids to the Cleveland Zoo today. I'm taking photos with my $500 Canon G10 digital camera and all of a sudden... It's taking horrible white washed out images, then purple images. Finally, the images are all black. My processor, or CCD died in the camera...Bust out my Incredible and keep on keepin on...

Here's a few from the inc. I've resived them to 25% and saved them at 80%. I can't complain at all! Because my Incredible SAVED MY DAY!

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Android :: Camera Prepare Fails

Sep 10, 2009

I'm trying to build a simple video recorder for an Android device and I've had limited success and mixed results. It worked once, but now, without changing anything, I'm getting a "Camera is not available" error followed by "prepare failed -2147483648" error.

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Samsung Moment :: How To Replace Camera Application?

Jan 6, 2010

But I have a couple of questions:
1. Replacement camera app? one that might load fast enough to actually snag a cool picture? one that lets you set where to save the pictures to?
2. Media Player / gallery app that lets you choose which folders to look in? I mean, it's funny as hell that my MOMENT gallery includes all the icon graphics from sprint navigation. So those there things there. can make my moment ROCK.

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Samsung Moment :: Camera Flash Not Working

Jan 27, 2010

I noticed at some point after the upgrade to CL14 (done via sprint) that my flash on the camera isn't working. This could have been happening before the upgrade but i doubt it.

Anyways so the camera doesn't light up the flash. I saw it light up the flash once since I started troubleshooting but thats about it. I switched back and forth between flash on/off a dozen times or so.

Downloaded momentflash. Low and behold i started the app and it worked! Then i tried turning the flash on again and no luck. So i uninstalled, rebooted phone over and over again, no luck. I then did some reading and realized there was a widget. Put that on the desktop and again the FIRST time i ran the widget the flash worked. then it stopped again. I haven't been able to light it up since then.

I haven't been able to do much troubleshooting when it does work, but it doesn't seem hardware related. it stays on until i hit off, but i didn't get a chance to wiggle it around to see if contacts needed cleaing, etc...

Just wondering if anyone had any ideas? I don't think its any apps i have installed as i have pretty standard ones and had those on when it was working ( i believe at least).

i also tried killing all my running apps to see if any were causing conflict, then restarting momentflash and it still wouldn't light it up...

any help would be great, I don't really know what else to try. Looked at the android logs and nothing jumped out as having an issue.

I could probably try hard resetting but don't want to restore the phone again if i don't have to.

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Samsung Moment :: My Camera Button Is Buggered?

May 16, 2010

I noticed while trying to put my phone into download mode that my camera button appears to be remapped or buggered in some way. The phone would simply never go into download mode (vol down/camera/end) and would, instead, just boot up like normal. I thought that the battery was too low or something of that sort, so I let the phone boot up and just tried to use each button to see how they would go. Volume down and end worked fine, but when I push camera, instead of actually taking a picture, the camera button seems to:

1) Adjust the volume up and down

2) Go to my contacts list

3) Dial the contact at the top of the list

While I'm sure I could talk to my local Mazda dealer about _something_, I can actually call them on my own just fine without the help of my camera button. But, what's worse is that I'm sure the camera button's remapping (or whatever) is what's causing me difficulties getting this thing into download mode.

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Samsung Moment : Way To Get Rid Of Shutter Sound When Using Camera

Jun 13, 2010

is there a way to get rid of the shutter sound when using the camera but not making my phone silent?

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Samsung Moment :: Text Message Time Stamp Off By One Hour

Nov 9, 2009

Anyone else having this issue? My fiancee and I are on the same plan and when we text each other, many times, the time stamp is off by one hour. It puts the conversation all over the place and makes it very difficult to follow. I does not happen with my friends with Verizon when we text each other.

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Samsung Moment :: Automatically Call Someone On Specific Date And Set Time

May 25, 2010

Wondering if anyone knows of an application that can automatically dial a number at a set date and time. I have a meeting to attend, and I need to call my house at a certain time to make sure my kid gets up for school. They ignore the alarm clock, but always wake up when the phone rings. I can't use my phone during the meeting.

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Samsung Moment :: Augmented Reality / Camera Apps

Nov 1, 2009

I was wondering if anyone else has tried a 3rd party camera app (like CameraFX) or an augmented reality app yet. My Moment wont render the image from the camera correctly it's all green and staticy looking. sorry for the terrible description. Has anyone tried an AR or 3rd party camera app? Or can you and then tell me if your moment is working fine with it or not?

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Samsung Moment :: Silence Shutter Sound On Camera?

Nov 23, 2009

Can you silence the shutter sound on the camera?

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Samsung Moment :: Camera Button Now Opens Text?

Dec 19, 2009

I don't have ChompSMS, never have, I do however have Handcent SMS downloaded but this isn't the app that opens when I press the camera button. It's the default messaging application. There is no setting for "shortcuts" or whatever has been created with my camera button.

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Samsung Moment :: Camera Screen Just Stay Black

Dec 9, 2009

I've been playing with my camera today, and finally figure out how to take decent pix, but after scrolling through my album, I tried to go to the camera again, but now everytime I try the screen is black. And it stays black even after I remove my battery. A few times, I couldn't even get to home--the screen just stayed black.

Now it's still black when I go to the camera, but at least I can access home without having to remove my battery. I called Bestbuy and they said I can exchange, but I'm afraid I might get one with a messed up GPS. :-( Will Bestbuy fix it or make me exchange? Will Sprint fix it even though I'm still in my 30-day trial?

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Samsung Moment :: Pro Zoom Camera 5x - No Button Click

Nov 22, 2009

I was curious to download PRO Zoom camera 5x with my samsung moment but not work to click button for shot why I don't understand, you do experience or tell me how or this is not work to match with samsung moment? I like Pro Zoom camera 5x is very nice but won't click button nothing shot why?

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Samsung Moment :: Incoming Text Messages Time Incorrect (RAGE)

Jan 21, 2010

incoming text messages are all showing up sent 5-10 minutes BEFORE the time it was actually sent so it totally ruins convos on my moment.. Ive tried setting the time and using 'automatic' network time.. Someone please tell me how to fix this its driving me insane as I always have to scroll back up and it ruins conversation continuity.

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Samsung Moment :: Application That Uses Camera Flash As Flashlight - Bad Idea?

Jan 24, 2010

There is an app in the market which is written just for the Moment that uses the camera flash as a flashlight -- essentially it turns on the camera flash. The application says not to use the flash "too long" or damage may occur, but the "too long" time period is not defined. First, will having the flash on for an period of time damage it? Second, if so, any idea what maximum period of time would be "safe?"

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Samsung Moment :: Sending Camera Picture With Share Option

May 6, 2010

Picture taken with camera on phone wont send when using the share option. When I go the the gmail outbox there listed with sending in red letters.

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Samsung Moment :: Camera Button Opens Message Composition

Dec 11, 2009

I took a picture with my camera then when I went back to take another picture. I pressed the dedicated camera button and it takes me to a message compose screen. I deleted a lot of apps thatt I had on my phone.

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Android :: Camera Button Press Fails To Invoke BroadcastReceiver

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to capture the camera button press event and get the image in my app. I have a broadcast receiver in my manifest with intent filter having action but when the camera button is pressed in emulator, the CameraClickBroadcastReceiver.onReceiver() method is not invoked. In this method i am starting an activity which is the home activity of my app.

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Jelly Bean :: Verizon Galaxy Note 2 Model SCH-1605 Update 4.3 Fails Every Time?

Jan 4, 2014

my galaxy note 2 fails the installation of 4.3 it says the signature is not recognized and fails to install ....

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