Samsung Galaxy S :: Can't Connect To Kies

Oct 20, 2010

I have a problem connecting my galaxy s to my pc using samsung kies. when i press the "samsung kies" option on the phone, nothing happens on the pc. I've tried this on two computers but still it will not work! however i can connect my device using "mass storage"

Samsung Galaxy S :: Can't connect to Kies

Samsung Galaxy S :: Unable To Connect To PC Through Kies / Computer

Nov 23, 2010

When I try to connect my Galaxy to the computer either through Kies or by just plugging it in the computer does not recognize my device. The following message comes up on my phone regardless of which connection method I choose. "PC connection available only on idle screen. Close running applications". The only thing I have running that I know of is the "weather widget" which is part of beautiful widgets. Can I get a list of applications running on my phone somehow? Is there a way to turn the weather widget off? I am assumming that that is the problem. Anyone else out there have similar difficulties hooking up to Kiev or just your PC with the same kind of message?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies Upgrade Will No Longer Connect To My Captivate

Nov 8, 2010

Last night I saw that there was an upgrade for Kies so I went ahead and downloaded it.After the download completed, I tried to connect my Samsung Captivate to Kies via USB. Kies now just sits there saying Connecting to device, but will not connect.I have tried this several times and cannot get it to connect. Even tried restarting the phone and my computer.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: New Kies Computer Not Showing Phone In Kies Mode

Nov 26, 2010

Having waited for FROYO for a while now I was really pleased that Kies had an update which I think includes the Froyo update. I downloaded the update but my phone is not showing as connected in Kies mode. If I attach the phone in mass storage mode it is recognised!Having only just switched from iPhone to Android I cannot believe how shyte Samsung/T-Mobile have been with the software for such a great piece of hardware.I have tried rebooting laptop and phone as well as reinstalling Kies.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Possible Fix For Kies

Jul 26, 2010

I could not get it to connect at all today, but it had worked in the past, so I tried various things, including turning Kaspersky AV off - but it didn't seem to help.I tired a few other things and I think the solution may be to turn wifi off.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies JM1 Upgrade

Aug 23, 2010

Interesting development:Galaxy S firmware update invalidates Voda warranties ? The Register.Have many people come across the upgrade in Kies? I tried about a week ago with a T-Mobile branded one and there was no update available.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: New Kies And Firmware - 15-10-10

Oct 18, 2010

Checked this morning and there is a new Kies (dated 15/10) available for download from the Samsung mobile UK site. In addition there is also a firmware update. I've installed Kies but not the firmware update yet.

Does anybody know if the firmware is 2.2?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Language And Kies

Jul 16, 2010

I have just bought a Galaxy S on Ebay, and I was expecting to have the traditional chinese installed instead of the simplified... I am wondering if it's possible to install an additional language onto the current os? or if there's a way to do this?

and as well, I am having problem syncing KIES with the phone... W7 64 Bit Ultimate always tells me that it fails to install the drivers.. and nothing happns afterward.. I have read the previous emails that Samsung is currently having issues with KIES with Galaxy S.. is it true? I guess we will have to wait for samsung to come out with a new version of it? I want to upgarde the firmware but now the KIES is not working, I guess the only way is to wait...

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies Won't Recognize

Oct 9, 2010

Don't see quite this issue:
-Windows XP Pro fully patched to SP3 running on Toshiba Satellite P104.
-Loaded and installed Kies, direct DL from Samsung Website, supposed to be latest version as at 10/10/2010.
-When I connect the phone, I have it set to prompt for type of connection. I select Kies, and it immediately shows "MTP Application, screen flashes, shows "initializing" with 4 dots running. Screen then flashes, and it says the same thing over and over.
-Windows Device Manager shows MTP Application supposedly working and installed under "Portable Devices"
-Kies shows "connecting to device" forever, then quits and never connects to device.
-Immediately I unplug the USB from the phone (only way to quit the cycle, pressing the home screen key does not do anything) Windows immediately prompts and says "Windows has installed device drivers but they may not work until you reboot your computer.
-Naturally I reboot my computer (have done several times, and with the phone connected to various different USB ports, and checking to make sure a flawed driver is not lurking in device manager, it doesn't show one there).

The phone DOES connect in Storage and Internet mode, just fine. It only does this if trying to connect in Kies mode, or in Media Player mode.

ALSO, this phone DID connect to Kies at my ex workplace just fine, so it seems unlikely it's the phone. I never had tried to connect to this laptop, only since I lost the job and am at home for awhile. So.............. Can anyone assist me with how to get the computer to properly load the correct drivers so that it will recognize my Galaxy S?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: New Version Of Kies Available

Sep 26, 2010

There is a new version of kies available I couldn't get it from the update within kies, so quite by accident I clicked on samsung widgets and it said I needed the latest version of kies, click ok to download. Am downloading right now and it's taking ages so haven't had a chance to see if its any better but will post back when I have had a chance to see. It has just finished installing and as soon as kies started it came up with a fatal error and closed down, so I think that just about says it all. Will report back later when I have had sometime to try and sort it out.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Connecting Phone To PC Via USB And Kies

Sep 9, 2010

If we put aside the fact that Kies has many problems and that connecting the phone through usb is a real pain I found a solution that some of you might be interested in. I wasn't able to connect to KIES a few days ago no matter what I tried. I wanted to back up some contacts etc but couldn't. Also I wanted it to work in case froyo comes out.

Anyway I found out the reason why it didn't work. Instead of using touchwiz I was using the launcher pro interface. Turned out that if I wanted to connect to KIES I had to switch back to the touchwiz interface and then connect the USB. Don't ask me why this worked but it did.. So if you have problems with KIES and aren't using touchwiz my advice is to put it back on in case you need to connect to KIES.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Can't Get Kies To Recognise My Phone

Aug 22, 2010

My husband and I have just purchased Galaxy S- neither one is picked up by Kies when connecting via USB. I have tried changing the USB settings to Samsung Kies, as well as Ask on connection- no joy. Have tried another PC- no joy. Running Windows 7 v6.1.We are both on the Optus network in Australia which has insufficient knowledge of the products they are selling, as does Samsung itself.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Pro Isn't Recognized On Kies Software

Aug 18, 2010

I just bought my new galaxy s yesterday and I installed all the software correctly but everytime I connect my phone and computer up via usb the screen on my galaxy keeps changing between home, idle and the usb screen. The program also never regonises that the phone is plugged in. Not sure if this is a program problem or its something wrong with the phone?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies Does Not Upgrade My Phone

Nov 9, 2010

I recently installed the latest version of Kies (1.5.3 or something) in order to upgrade my Galaxy S, but when ever I click the upgrade button it shows me this screen which tells me to backup all data and what not, but after clicking "Upgrade" it simply does nothing. Nothing at all. No matter wether I check the box where it asks about backing up contacts.I have firmware version 2.1 at the moment and I believe the latest is 2.2

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Samsung Galaxy S :: 2.2 Upgrade Stuck Using Kies

Nov 16, 2010

I tried to upgrade my firmware on my Samsung Galaxy S using Kies.The Firmware upgrade appears to have gotten stuck.Upgradeing firmware Do not disconnect a mobile device from the PC during upgrade process Progress Bar has "Upgrade is in progress.." and is stack at about 1/3.The phone screen shows a green triangle with Downloading... below it and "Do not turn off Target at the bottom.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Need To Sync With Kies To Use Phone?

Jul 14, 2010

Do you need to sync with Kies to use the phone?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Cannot Update Firmware Via Kies

Aug 16, 2010

I have been waiting for kies to say that new firmware is available (when it works!) and finally it knows there is an update to my JF3 - presumably JM1.

However, is says that 'this device's version cannot be updated'

My SGS was bought from and is using an Orange SIM and as far as I can tell it is not locked or branded.

The current firmware is

Phone ...XXJF3

Is this an 'Orange' CSC?

How I can get it updated?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Installed New Firmware Through Kies

Sep 12, 2010

I finally managed to install new firmware through Kies.

I live in Indonesia, bought the phone from a gadgets store. The phone is unlocked/sim free/unbranded.

The original firmware code (dial *#1234#):
Phone: Unknown <-- what the ?

And this is what I've done:
Downloading and installing Kies from Australia instead of Indonesia. The version number is higher The important 64-bit drivers already included. Installed smoothly on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, but had driver problem in Windows Vista Home 32-bit. I don't bother to try to reinstall Kies in Vista again though, so I don't know if this version is really not working in Vista 32-bit.

Press/dial *#272*HhMm# (Hh and Mm is hour and minute in 24H format, 2 digits) then select the code from the list equal to "Sales Code" at the top, which is XSE (Indonesia), and press Install. Warning, this step will erase the internal SD card. Make backup first if you must. Android then began to installing "something".

After the installation from step two is completed, the phone will reboot itself. To make sure that everything is still working (no more downloaded Applications or Contacts though, everything was wiped out), I did reboot the phone once again. The phone works normally. But my phone type was still "Unknown" at this point.

Without changing any setting in the phone and Kies, I connect the USB to the phone, Kies fired up automatically, and voila! My phone was detected, and Kies also gave me a notification that a new firmware is available (I9000DXJG4). So, I downloaded and applied the firmware.

New firmware installed successfully. Works better and faster/smoother than DXJF4. GPS is much better now. Love it.

Dial *#1234# gives me this now:
Phone: I9000DXJG4 <-- yay!

In this firmware, Samsung also includes an application/widget called "Task Manager", which is pretty much like those "Task Killer" apps in the market.

And now, The Buts!
YouTube (APK) is not working. In JF4 it worked well.

Android Market now can't download every item I selected, but it can show the list normally. I did login successfully using my Google account.

Samsung Kies detected the phone but now giving me this warning "The SIM card is not inserted, can't continue communication". The SIM card is inside the phone!

Samsung Kies really gives me a headache, literally. Old problems fixed, new problems arise. Anyone knows how to solve that three problems? Please?

Or, should I redo the *#272*HhMm# procedure once again after installing the new firmware?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: New Update To Kies Version 1.51

Sep 4, 2010

Not sure if I'm a bit behind with this one, but my Kies just offered an update to version 1.51.10074_45. Took at least half an hour to download (on 50Mb broadband!).

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Unable To Download Kies

Aug 7, 2010

My wife recently got a SGS and we have just tried to download Kies so that she can put some music etc on it (she has a 16GB microsd card in it). However, when we try and install Kies it gets to the installation phase and then at the stage where it prompts you what to install, I selected "instal all" and then it thinks about it and comes back a minute later with a message "unable to connect to file server".Is this a common problem people have had? We are running Windows 7 64 bit, so I dont know if there is a compatability issue? If we cant get Kies to download (and I called their support line and of course no-one answers) is there another way to get data onto the phone and external card? Will I need to buy some kind of adaptor so that I can connect the microsd card and just treat it as any external hard drive?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Update To FROYO Without Kies?

Nov 18, 2010

Having just purchased my first smart phone last week (Galaxy S) I am having a complete nightmare updating to FROYO with Kies.I know this has been done to death on this and various other forums but is there any possible way to upgrade the firmware without Kies as ive been trying for 3 nights now but absolutely nothing works to get my phone to connect to Kies.I have tried every tip and suggestion from this and other forums and all result in my phone telling me its connected but Kies on my PC just spinning away saying trying to connect.I can connect to my PC in Mass storage mode and transfer files no problem but Kies is just a complete nightmare.Over the short period of time ive had the phone I think its a fantastic piece of kit and am still learning about all that it can do but am getting seriously frustrated by not being able to do what should be a simple task!

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Updated Samsung To Froyo Through KIES

Nov 15, 2010

And everything works perfectly! Ok i had to do a factory reset after the update (after backing up my contacts), but now it works faster, is more beautiful and of course Flash player is installed. A lot of little neat things were added as well. So i am happy and you should be too! Go update through KIES! Froyo should be there!

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Froyo Upgrade From 2.1 To 2.2 Through KIES Failure

Nov 11, 2010

so i tried to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 through KIES this resulted in a failed upgrade, so i then tried to use Odin. unfortunately the firmware i flashed to caused even more bugs and kept restarting, So I then tried to use KIES/Odin to flash to a different firmware i now get two different errors

1. along the lines of storage is not ready - copying of default media fails
2. cannot mount a certain file - stl11. or something ?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies Connection And Losing SD Card

Aug 26, 2010

Kies is complete crap. In fact, I wish I'd stuck with my iphone now because the Galaxy is not great. Heres the latest. If I set USB connection to Ask then when I connect to PC, it asks me. I select Samsung Kies. For some reason I then get a message in the status bar saying USB disabled. Run Kies connects OK. But heres the best bit, on my phone if I go into SD card and phone storage it says both internal and external SD card are not available. Disconnect no difference. Only way to get them back is to reboot the phone. Good news is that at least it works in mass storage mode.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Not Recognized By Kies Software On Windows 7 64 Bit PC

Jul 18, 2010

When I first got my Samsung Galaxy S 8GB I downloaded the Kies software and everything seemed to work O.K, I was even able to sync some of my music from my pc. I stored them on the phones internal memory and they worked fine, I haven't yet got around to buying a micro sd-card,besides why do I need to buy a card to increase the memory when the phones memory is practically empty. Now, a few days later when I connected to my pc, the Kies software launched but doesn't recognise the phone like it did before. It is not recognised in the Windows device manager list, I have uninstalled and re-installed Kies 3 times, all to no result. I noticed at the bottom of the download site it said it only supported Windows 7 32 bit, could that be the reason why it does not work properly?, if it is, why did it work O.K in the beginning?. Also when I try to use the music player it just tells me I do not have a sd-card installed, when it worked perfectly well last week.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Download Froyo Vodafone Through Kies?

Nov 16, 2010

can someone tell me exactly whati do to get froyo onto my phone.ive done the lag fix. does that change anything?got froyo up and running. do i simply click on firmware update on kies and it does it. or do i need to download from vodafone website?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Kies Upgrade Not Done - Recover Software

Oct 21, 2010

One more time the Samsung kies has fail to update my galaxy s. I have done the below mentioned procedure. Firstly, make sure to backup all the important data present on your device. Download Samsung Kies version or something that is not the latest, you will need to uninstall the latest then install this one.

1. Connect your phone and open Samsung Kies and let you phone be detected as usual.
2. Keep Kies open, minimize it and run regedit in windows.
3. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSamsungKiesDeviceDB
4. You should see some folders, named 1,2,3 etc in that folder, look for the one that mentions your current firmware, IMEI number, etc.
5. Once you find the correct folder (only one folder mentions this information), you need to modify 3 strings by simply double-clicking on them.
6. Locate the following 3 entries and change their value to the ones shown below. (You may first like to backup their value data to a notepad file).

SoftwareRevision = I9000XXJF3/I9000SWC/I9000XXJF3/I9000XXJF3
ProductCode = GT-I9000HKDXEE
Now close the Registry editor and do a Refresh. So, while Kies is minimized and still open and connected to your phone, you have changed these 3 strings.

7. Click on "Firmware Upgrade" button in Kies and you should now see Kies saying there is one upgrade for JP6. Now wait and let the upgrade process to complete.
Note: "The above procedure is said to be working perfectly but try it at your own risk. Also, flashing will result in loosing the root if you were rooted."

After doing all this thing my kies has given message that upgrade is not done please remove the cable from your phone and recover software.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Save Memos And Messages With KIES On PC?

Sep 25, 2010

I am unsing KIES to save my Calendar and Contacts data on my P C to backup this data. But this does not work with my Memos and my Messages (SMS). Does anybody know why? Probably my Memos and my messages are not saved on the mobile phone but on the sim card?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Warning - Kies To Install The Froyo Update

Oct 24, 2010

I tried getting Kies to install the Froyo update on my Galaxy S (i live in the UK) using the registry hack that has been widely published. It didn't work and I ended up witha slightly newer version of 2.1 than I already had. Phone seemed to work fine, until I put my SIM card back in. It immediately restarted itself as soon as I tried to use 3G.

I went through all the settings, everything seemed to be the same as it was before the flash, but still it restarted everytime I connected to the 3G network.

Sooo, I decided to try and restore it to the previous firmware version again by changing the KIES regisrty values. Everything seemed to go well, phone downloaded the correct version, installed it fine etc and then KIES notified me that the firmware upgrade was succesful and the phone will now reboot.

Only it didnt.

It turned off and hasn't turned back on since
It doesn't get recognised when plugged into USB, it doesn't even show a charging logo when plugged into the mains. It does get VERY warm when I leave the battery in for 10 minutes or so though.

I've tried all the three button combos posted around, I've taken the battery out and in and out and in etc etc... nothing. It's a shiny 9mm thick brick now

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Samsung Galaxy S :: I 9000 - Downloaded And Installed The Kies Software

Nov 15, 2010

I cannot get my phone to connect to the kies software with the usb cable. I want to upgrade my phone to froyo 2.2.

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